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No Split Screen in Titanfall


I guess it sucks for the people who like it, but honestly, any time I end up with split screeners on my team in COD, I just roll my eyes because it's pretty much a guarantee that they're going to combine for 4 kills, 30 deaths and do everything they can to make it impossible for the team to win.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
I guess it sucks for the people who like it, but honestly, any time I end up with split screeners on my team in COD, I just roll my eyes because it's pretty much a guarantee that they're going to combine for 4 kills, 30 deaths and do everything they can to make it impossible for the team to win.

You know what they are probably doing rather than concentrating on winning and kill/death ratios?

Having fun together.


Until Activision decides they want a copy per person on separate consoles. I don't expect Destiny to support split screen or Call of Duty over 2 people.

Yeah not sure about Destiny, it would be cool if they did though, God knows they have a ton of people working on that game. Maybe they surprise us.

I expect COD to keep it around for a while. Those games arent really graphically taxing and Acti pretty much has the whole farm working on COD's now. I was bummed about GG removing it from KZSF, I wouldnt have minded 720p for split screen and 1080p when its full.

Also, if everybody else starts removing it from their games, by COD keeping it around, that actually makes it a selling point to the consumer. You know Acti loves teh moneyz.

Daffy Duck

My experience of split screen all the way from Sonic 2 up to ghosts has been a horrible one.

I find no enjoyment in it at all.

Props to those that enjoy it.


They REALLY want to force online with this game don't they.

online only doesn't exclude splitscreen support

i will say this though, if i was trying to prove my game as the next big evolution in FPS, id try to add these types of features, releasing a bare-bones prototype of an idea isn't going to do it any favors.


Plays with kids toys, in the adult gaming world
I'm one of those people who don't game online and will flat out not buy a game if it doesn't support split-screen.


You know what they are probably doing rather than concentrating on winning and kill/death ratios?

Having fun together.

Yea well when they're ruining my fun by letting the other team get Swarms and Dogs everywhere, it becomes a bit of a problem.


Who plays split screen these days?

I rarely played split screen with my friends so it's really a feature I dont give a shit about. The game looks cool but mp is also something I really don't play unless it's really good. Keeping shifty eyes on this game.


If a game is big and lots of my friends end up getting it I can usually look past no splitscreen online.

But it's still a shame that when your friend comes over and you can't play it.


Who plays split screen these days?

People with friends who visit in person.
People with family members who play games.
People who prefer to trash talk in person than over a microphone.
People who are actually liked enough to share a screen with another human being.
People with a console that can handle it.
People who aren't antisocial.
People who don't like to be alone.
People with a TV large enough that the split screen isn't a distraction or...
People who have a Sony 3D TV with independent views.
People who play games that ONLY have local split screen co-op.

Just to name a few...


Still have a hard time understanding how the game justifies its price tag. I guess people value things differently. To my brother, it may be worth the $60. For me, it's worth nothing - I would play it if it were F2P.


Given the rumor about 720p XboxOne next gen power it's hardly surprising.

This game is really starting to fall into $39.99 category for me real fast.
Was able to pick up a retail copy PC preorder for $40-44 delivered in Australia so think it would be the same in the States or Europe?
Try telling that to college campuses.
Oh god I miss those days. So many drunken nights of Goldeneye and Mario Kart. Even then for the one game PC anyone cared about some of the guys' floors had huge LAN Counterstrike games where they'd leave their doors open and scream at one another down the hall and have occasional Starcraft tourneys. Erm, right, but point being that even if I'd no longer use it much (if ever) I do appreciate any game that does remember that at least occasionally two people in the same place would like to play a game at the same time. That's absurd for a game that's multiplayer-ONLY to not even get a choice in the matter.

Not to be a jerk or anything, but what on earth are you doing in a Titanfall thread then?
I assume part-joke but there really hasn't been much widespread marketing or hype/discussion outside a few forums about that fact it's multiplayer-only. They do know it's by the CoD people and that's always had some kind of campaign mode. Heaps of people are going to load the thing up on day 1 and be seriously annoyed or not even be able to play it at all in some cases. But who knows? I'm not exactly hip with the youth these days, with their bath salts, Justin Beiber and cars with automatic transmissions and whatnot.
People are still surprised about no split screen?
I dont even expect Halo 5 too deliver it.
My wish is now that we can get lan support back its a must for a competitive game.


man just dropped off my buy list. Cod worked becuase you could play with friends. I know a lot will say its not a big deal, but I know a lot of poeple that play offline cod with their kids etc. Including me
The only enjoyable experience I have ever had with split-screen was Goldeneye on the N64. I really don't care for it, and would usually only do local multiplayer where you game on the same screen, mainly sports games.


This, every time a shooter comes out you see the "but does it have splitscreen!" i mean you guys do know you're the minority for a long time now right?

And yet, Goldeneye 007, one of the most fondly remembered and beloved shooters of all time, had dat splitscreen as one of its biggest draws. (And its spiritual successor Perfect Dark.)

There was a reason for that. The mode might not be relevant to you, but it's relevant to a lot of people.


Are we still believing that 720p Titanfall isn't pushing the hardware as far as Respawn can take it?

First no options for matches larger than 6v6, and now this. This is disappointing. I'd of hoped that Titanfall as we've seen it would allow for these features.
Ok theres two different arguments going on. One group is talking about split-screeners online.. Which is fucking terrible and glad that its not present here. The other side is talking about local multiplayer splitscreen....which really doesnt make sense because the game is an online multiplayer only.


you can't put a price on sparks
its okay guys, they're getting rid of all of the things people don't want, like microtransactions, single player, and split screen multiplayer. pretty soon they'll get rid of the game entirely when they shut the servers down in a few years.

they're really only making this game for one specific group of people. its sort of an anti-AAA game. you can call it an AAAA game

Special C

This is a non-issue for me, but I can understand those who are upset. I do find it hard to believe that people still do split screen though.


This game is a nice experiment to see if people are willing to commit to an online only experience. How did MAG and Warhawk do on the PS3, was it a success?


Rockefellers. Skull and Bones. Microsoft. Al Qaeda. A Cabal of Bankers. The melting point of steel. What do these things have in common? Wake up sheeple, the landfill wasn't even REAL!
No split screen in such a game is really a shame


I honestly didn't know split-screen games still existed until I read this thread, I thought that died back in the N64 days after Golden Eye and Mario Kart 64.

I can't remember the last time I saw a split screen game.


Playing with split-screeners on your team can be a pain tbh. I still think it would be good for the option to be there though.
But there are still plenty of people who play split-screen in online games, so why should we want to ruin their fun? And Senjitsu's comment made it sound like he was saying it would be a good thing to get rid of split-screen multiplayer in all games, which is ridiculous; why would it matter to him if a game had that function?
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