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NPD will no longer release monthly hardware/software unit sales


EviLore said:
Let's try this again: NeoGAF is a video game industry discussion forum.
Though we have been known to talk about other things in the past.

They talk about their genitals and sex a lot.

In fact I'm pretty sure I read something about a squirrel penis in this very thread. We are very open with one another.

I <3 GAF.


Thunder Monkey said:
Though we have been known to talk about other things in the past.

They talk about their genitals and sex a lot.

In fact I'm pretty sure I read something about a squirrel penis in this very thread. We are very open with one another.

I <3 GAF.


Oh, I'm sure you get that a lot, eh?


Sloane said:
I agree. NeoGAF should discuss video games -- instead of sales and business decisions 99% of the board's members know nothing about.
(Today, 09:50 AM)
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I told you guys, but noooo, of course nobody listens to the crazy German. tsk.

Cygnus X-1

EviLore said:
Let's try this again: NeoGAF is a video game industry discussion forum.

Exactly. I understand NPD decision. Indeed, they are not making expensive research for us. But still, sales remain one of the most prominent ways to understand better the tastes of the mass market to a certain product. I still think it was an important addition to the Forum.

But anyway, if Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony decide to publish their own numbers, NPD stated that they're not against it. Thus, I suspect that more or less we will get the numbers eventually.

Edit: by the way, how can we know now if Move bombed or not?


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Haunted said:
(Today, 09:50 AM)
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I told you guys, but noooo, of course nobody listens to the crazy German. tsk.

lol arent you just a regular Cassandra


:lol :lol :lol


:lol :lol :lol

its a shame cause the big release/november/christmas holidays npd's were fun


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Good thing I grew out of my sales-age phase a while ago. Otherwise this news would've been much more devastating.

Haunted said:
(Today, 09:50 AM)
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I told you guys, but noooo, of course nobody listens to the crazy German. tsk.

Well, I was saying Boo-urns, Haunted. :(


Segata Sanshiro said:
You're still going to have your stupid fanboy fights. The only difference now is that there won't be anyone intervening with the truth to clear things up. Enjoy.



NPDs were my favourite Saturday morning moments. Make a nice breakfast, big jug of coffee, lie down on the sofa with the laptop and 3 hours of slow reading.

What i don't understand is why people who aren't interested in sales age are applauding this.

Does it really hurt you that other people enjoy discussing sales numbers? You don't have to read it and it doesn't affect you in anyway. There are very few actual topics that discuss sales so it's not like sales age is cluttering the forum.

The only reason i can think of why people act that way is because they are selfish and/or they don't like what the data says.

Anyone who thinks this will end fanboy sales age discussion is also kidding themselves. Just compare the discussion in pal charts threads to that in media create threads to get all the evidence you need.


poppabk said:
"There are 5 games, one game sold twice as much as another game which sold 5,000 more copies than another game. The best selling game sold 3 times as much as the second lowest selling game which...."
Professor Layton and the missing NPD data?


provides useful feedback
AdventureRacing said:
What i don't understand is why people who aren't interested in sales age are applauding this.

Does it really hurt you that other people enjoy discussing sales numbers? You don't have to read it and it doesn't affect you in anyway. There are very few actual topics that discuss sales so it's not like sales age is cluttering the forum.

The only reason i can think of why people act that way is because they are selfish and/or they don't like what the data says.

Anyone who thinks this will end fanboy sales age discussion is also kidding themselves. Just compare the discussion in pal charts threads to that in media create threads to get all the evidence you need.

When it [rains], it [pours].
When it [sales figures], it [Sales Age GAF who never even play games anymore but would rather talk about sales all the time].

When something pisses you off you're likely to have an inflated view of it. Happens all the time, but I wish people would take a step back sometimes and see the board as a whole does not revolve around Sales Age and there are a hundred bloomin' topics about regular gaming to go to. Sure it got a little crazy during NPD day but that's just once a month, and now it's not even going to be that.

Dead Man

Segata Sanshiro said:
You're still going to have your stupid fanboy fights. The only difference now is that there won't be anyone intervening with the truth to clear things up. Enjoy.
Pretty much.
SovanJedi said:
When it [sales figures], it [Sales Age GAF who never even play games anymore but would rather talk about sales all the time].

This is one of the main complaints i see leveled at sales age posters but i don't think it is true in any way. Most of the regulars in sales age buy and play plenty of games.

Again though i don't see why that would matter anyway. If people prefer discussing sales of games rather than games themselves why does that matter? People don't have to read it and if they aren't interested it doesn't affect them in anyway.

I also think it would be quite difficult to post in sales age threads all the time. Media create and pal chart threads are only weekly and NPD threads were monthly occurences.

Take right now for instance. Not one of these threads is on the front page and i don't think there is a single thread even discussing sales (except this one and maybe the one about the PSP price drop if that counts).
AdventureRacing said:
What i don't understand is why people who aren't interested in sales age are applauding this.

Does it really hurt you that other people enjoy discussing sales numbers? You don't have to read it and it doesn't affect you in anyway. There are very few actual topics that discuss sales so it's not like sales age is cluttering the forum.

The only reason i can think of why people act that way is because they are selfish and/or they don't like what the data says.

Anyone who thinks this will end fanboy sales age discussion is also kidding themselves. Just compare the discussion in pal charts threads to that in media create threads to get all the evidence you need.

To be fair, some people take simple data points and set up these weird validation loops. This proletariat thing you like is super popular which means it sucks. This isoteric thing I like is doing alright which means it rocks. Can be obnoxious.
Gram Negative Cocci said:
To be fair, some people take simple data points and set up these weird validation loops. This proletariat thing you like is super popular which means it sucks. This isoteric thing I like is doing alright which means it rocks. Can be obnoxious.

All of which will still happen with or without actual data to discuss, in fact having less data can make it even more of a problem (as people can just make shit up).
The community vibe from GAF comes from the reactions that ensues the monthly figures. People looked forward to it. The forum wasn't based on the numbers (just look at the threads), but it was a unique monthly event which drew everyone's interest for at least a day. In that sense the site will lose a big part of its identity to members and lurkers alike. The sales themselves exposed the political and financial aspects to gaming and gave us an insight into the industry itself. What the figures in the public did, perhaps unlike any other domain of debate or interest, is give us the raw data in contrast to the vague comments, spin and PR dished out by executives in interviews and statements.

Dave Long

The biggest thing to come from this will be the misinformation that people will try to use daily to show that so and so's console is selling better and game X is a bigger hit than game Y.

I'd argue this single decision is going to clog up NeoGAF worse than ever with threads that have all sorts of erroneous conclusions and discussion because no one will have any solid data to work from. Or worse, numbers from a place like Chartz will be quickly accepted as "real" because what else is there to work from?

Again, this is probably what some of the publishers want. They're probably not happy being perceived as a "loser" month after month and in our glorious country I'm sure you can purchase the means to shut off the valve of information.

I guess the real question now is what will EviLore do if data is posted here and claimed to be legit?


Well, I hope people don't go crazy and start playing games or something.

AdventureRacing said:
What i don't understand is why people who aren't interested in sales age are applauding this.

Does it really hurt you that other people enjoy discussing sales numbers? You don't have to read it and it doesn't affect you in anyway. There are very few actual topics that discuss sales so it's not like sales age is cluttering the forum.

The only reason i can think of why people act that way is because they are selfish and/or they don't like what the data says.

Anyone who thinks this will end fanboy sales age discussion is also kidding themselves. Just compare the discussion in pal charts threads to that in media create threads to get all the evidence you need.

Some thing are right. Some things are not right.


So any one of the three major companies has all the numbers with them? If that's so they should all just release the top ten list and hardware numbers every month, they dont stand to lose anything.


EviLore said:
Let's try this again: NeoGAF is a video game industry discussion forum.

Did you seriously ban a 6 year member because he gave his opinion of Sales-Age and it wasn't all "Boo-hoo" that you're not going to get as many hits at NPD time? WOW. You really are a fucking cunt.


Kinect's release has been rendered completely uninteresting for me now. I was really looking forward to the gaf rage. :(


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
None of the games I like even make the NPD anyways, so this news doesn't matter to me.


Cahill said:
Did you seriously ban a 6 year member because he gave his opinion of Sales-Age and it wasn't all "Boo-hoo" that you're not going to get as many hits at NPD time? WOW. You really are a fucking cunt.

"Yay for no more information because I don't like posters using them!" barely counts as an opinion.

But aside from that...

popcorn.gif x 20


Damn didn't even get to eat a kernel.



Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Letters said:
Kinect's release has been rendered completely uninteresting for me now. I was really looking forward to the gaf rage. :(
If the results are rage inducing then they will be released by MS.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
If you guys want, I could go work for Best Buy again...those numbers proved to be pretty damn accurate as for extrapolation of the nation. :p
It will actually miss that, Sometimes if you like the industry not only as a fan form A o B company, the NPD threads are a really good source of info :S
I'll miss browsing through the numbers, but I can't say that I'll miss the rampant chest-thumping, back-slapping, ego-massaging, and spinning that went along with them.

Not that the latter is actually going anywhere, of course.
Holy shit at Cahill's meltdown. Account martyr.

On Topic: I've never been a sales-age kind of guy (though I've followed the threads from time to time), so my question is probably going to be a bit dumb and for that I apologize:

I'm guessing publishers provide shipped numbers to NPD, and NPD gets sales numbers from major retailers? If that's the case, how come NPD is the only company doing this tracking? Couldn't publishers request sold-through numbers from their retail channels?


FunkyPajamas said:
I'm guessing publishers provide shipped numbers to NPD, and NPD gets sales numbers from major retailers? If that's the case, how come NPD is the only company doing this tracking? Couldn't publishers request sold-through numbers from their retail channels?
Nintendo has their own retail tracking system, though I assume that only deals with hardware (unique barcodes and the like). I assume most publishers do some sort of internal tracking based on shipments, reorders, spot checks, and whatnot. But NPD has the benefit of being an independent tracker, and a single outlet for retailers to opt to disclose data to, rather than sending data piecemeal to every individual publisher. Not to mention the main idea is not just to know how your product is selling, but also how competing or other products are selling as well.

I'm open to being corrected by someone more informed, though.


thanks for the laugh
i refuse to believe any of the sales-age pacifists have taken into account the sheer force of the river of pr bullshit, that could drown our happy little village, should the dam made from freely available sales figures burst.


VGC released an article of this and ioi said the following ;

'Whether NPD releases their numbers to the public or not will have no effect on the figures that we publish'



confuziz said:
VGC released an article of this and ioi said the following ;

'Whether NPD releases their numbers to the public or not will have no effect on the figures that we publish'

On the one hand, he should be a bit worried that he can't correct his own numbers once NPD hits as easily now. On the other hand, since fewer people know the actual numbers now, his made up bs should be even safer to spread. Being called out on his false numbers regularly didn't stop him, now he doesn't even have to be that worried about it.

Cahill said:
Did you seriously ban a 6 year member because he gave his opinion of Sales-Age and it wasn't all "Boo-hoo" that you're not going to get as many hits at NPD time? WOW. You really are a fucking cunt.
Sloane had two accounts. :eek:
ghst said:
i refuse to believe any of the sales-age pacifists have taken into account the sheer force of the river of pr bullshit, that could drown our happy little village, should the dam made from freely available sales figures burst.
yeah. the facts may have upset some people, and may have been used as sledgehammers by others (but hey, facts are facts even if you don't like them) but they kept many people at bay.

plus, NPD threads may have been massive but you know what? Sales AGE didn't really spill over into other threads.
ghst said:
i refuse to believe any of the sales-age pacifists have taken into account the sheer force of the river of pr bullshit, that could drown our happy little village, should the dam made from freely available sales figures burst.
Yep, nearly all threads in gaming side are going to go through a decline in quality since no one can be proven wrong(easily) anymore. It'll be like the trolling that the Wii threads have undergone, but on a forum wide scale. :(

At least no one can tell me that my favorite games aren't best sellers anymore...


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
confuziz said:
VGC released an article of this and ioi said the following ;

'Whether NPD releases their numbers to the public or not will have no effect on the figures that we publish'

They've been revising their numbers based on a full NPD leak, and so they don't need the published figures?
SolarPowered said:
Yep, nearly all threads in gaming side are going to go through a decline in quality since no one can be proven wrong(easily) anymore. It'll be like the trolling that the Wii threads have undergone, but on a forum wide scale. :(

At least no one can tell me that my favorite games aren't best sellers anymore...
I'm guessing citing or referencing false or unfounded sales data will be made bannable (just as citing tehchartz numbers is also bannable).

So either we'll be "safe" or there will be a lot of bans coming.
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