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Oculus Rift - Dev Kit Discussion [Orders Arriving]


Aw man, I didn't realize the next Kinect still has such high latency. No way that will work for positional tracking with the Rift.


After about 2 weeks of varied use, my computer quit recognizing the sensor on the rift. Totes bummed because I noticed right after I got Doom3 working with it. Emailed Oculus and they responded super quick and are helping me find a solution.


I work very slowly. I have unboxed the Rift, but I have yet to hook it up.

I have downloaded the RiftCoaster demo and tested to see how well it ran on my older PC. It could be better, for sure. I assume once the Rift is connected it is auto-detected as well.

The tuscany demo seems like it will be fun to play in. Adjusting your height seems like it will give the impression of flight, also.

I was BARELY getting 60 FPS though, so I really worry about how this will look when I finally connect the Rift.

My kids want to try it so bad, but I am extremely anal with making sure everything is setup perfect, and the environment will be suitable(really dark, with a good pair of headphones).

Looking forward to hopefully giving it a shot tonight.

Years ago Palmer modded an old Liquid Image HMD for me(which is over 100 degrees FOV, but no 3D) to a 720p display, and he even added another device to enable force feedback. I had a pretty good experience with that HMD, and I can only imagine how much more improved this one will be.


Heh try as I might, I just can't make myself feel sick. I stand up and walk around in circles and no problem. It feels really weird, but not uncomfortable.
Heh try as I might, I just can't make myself feel sick. I stand up and walk around in circles and no problem. It feels really weird, but not uncomfortable.

I just had a few friends over. One of them who doesn't get seasick or car sick took REALLY badly to the rollercoaster demo. It was the second thing he tried and he had to lie down for about two hours. He went pale and yellow like something out of a cartoon. We'd ordered some pizza because he was really hungry, and he couldn't eat any of it.

No one else reacted like that at all. The two other people who tried it have more experience with stereoscopic 3D though, which I think helps.


I was able to try out the Rift today at a game developer meetup thing. They had about four of them set up with Razer Hydras and had different demos being rotated. I got to try Tuscany, MicroStar, Citadel Rollercoaster, and some driving game with a mounted wheel peripheral. It was fantastic. I went in knowing about the low resolution, and it was somewhat bothersome, but after you use the VR enough and start moving around you don't notice it that much. I didn't have any problems with motion sickness, though it was bad enough for some others that they couldn't even go up and down the stairs in the Tuscany demo.

As soon as the consumer version goes on sale (or hell, the rumored model 2 of the dev kit if it has 1080p) I'll be ordering one.
Try standing up and moving around with the Rift. Then try marching in place while you move in the Rift. Feels super weird.

my wife found marching in place made walking around in the Tuscany demo less disorienting. Not sure if I feel the same way. It's been fascinating already seeing how different people respond differently to it. I can't wait to put this thing on more peoples heads.

HeliHeli is the one that keeps pulling me back though. Translational tracking is a must for the final rift, because it makes VR even more awesome. I got the missile to hit me right in the face. Yeesh! I also got hit by a bunch of meteors exploring Planet 1 on foot.

So many cool experiences so far.


Well, god damn. This is what I wanted back in the 90's, holy shit.

I tried the Tuscany demo first, and was fucking blown away by everything. I have tried close to a dozen HMD's in the past, so I knew how shitty the technology has been, but this is on an entirely different level. I do not even give a shit about the resolution, as I know that will come soon enough.

Standing up during the demo is definitely a better experience, imo. I kept trying to brace myself on balcony rails. Very very immersive shit here.

I have downloaded quite a few other demos to play around with, including the Helicopter demo. What type of controller are you guys using for the Helicopter demo? I found the controls on a keyboard/mouse to be very strange and difficult to control.

My favorite demo might be First Law, though. I absolutely cannot wait to let my friends try all of these out this weekend.


Rift Coaster is ridiculously awesome.

The Tuscany demo is still probably the best though. In terms of scale and realism, I feel it beats out the rest. It feels highly tuned and "just right".


Rift Coaster is ridiculously awesome.

The Tuscany demo is still probably the best though. In terms of scale and realism, I feel it beats out the rest. It feels highly tuned and "just right".

I agree with that.

Is there a fly command, or is that another demo I am thinking of?


I agree with that.

Is there a fly command, or is that another demo I am thinking of?
Anything with UDK should have a fly command.

There is also a modified version of Tuscany that lets you jump up to floating spheres in the sky, I think, but I don't remember the name.


Are you setting the rift up as a second screen, or mirroring the first?nif the latter,mare you switching down to 1280x800? I saw Cymatic Bruce using windowed mode a lot but I don't know why


I tried the Tuscany demo first, and was fucking blown away by everything. I have tried close to a dozen HMD's in the past, so I knew how shitty the technology has been, but this is on an entirely different level. I do not even give a shit about the resolution, as I know that will come soon enough.
Wow, very impressive. I thought I was kind of crazy with the few displays I've owned. Excited to know that the promise of my VictorMaxx Stuntmaster is about to be realized!


Wow, very impressive. I thought I was kind of crazy with the few displays I've owned. Excited to know that the promise of my VictorMaxx Stuntmaster is about to be realized!

A VictorMaxx? Wow that brings me back. The ugly brother of the already ugly CyberMaxx lol.

You won't be disappointed at all, is my guess.
Well, god damn. This is what I wanted back in the 90's, holy shit.

I tried the Tuscany demo first, and was fucking blown away by everything. I have tried close to a dozen HMD's in the past, so I knew how shitty the technology has been, but this is on an entirely different level. I do not even give a shit about the resolution, as I know that will come soon enough.

Standing up during the demo is definitely a better experience, imo. I kept trying to brace myself on balcony rails. Very very immersive shit here.

I have downloaded quite a few other demos to play around with, including the Helicopter demo. What type of controller are you guys using for the Helicopter demo? I found the controls on a keyboard/mouse to be very strange and difficult to control.

My favorite demo might be First Law, though. I absolutely cannot wait to let my friends try all of these out this weekend.

I'm just using a 360 controller for the helicopter demo, well, that and a hydra stuck in my shirt pocket to provide translational movement. left trigger takes you up, right trigger down, and the left analogue stick flies you forwards and backwards and turns you left and right. there doesn't seem to be a strafe input, but it still gets the job done really well.

there's a way of shooting as well, you can blow up the missile launching installation reportedly. I haven't tried that yet.


Tried First Law some more. Had more fun with it now that I started flying by asteroids.

I'll try to give some constructive criticisms:

- One issue with it is that scale feels off. When I look down, I feel like a tiny person in a giant's chair.
- The controls feel a bit too arcadey and responsive...I feel it needs some form of momentum. Maybe not Newtonian physics, but at least a slight acceleration curve when you're aiming the ship around. This will give the ship a feeling of weight, I think.

How do you guys have the Rift setup? Duplicate or extend? My issue with extend is that if you make it the main display, it makes it impossible to use your PC since all your windows are popping up on the Rift. What's working best for me so far is duplicating the displays and running the Rift at 1080p.


Can we assume Durante is so quiet in this thread lately because he is cooking up some totally awesome content with his rift? :D

He went down the rabbit hole man. There's no coming back.

Tried First Law some more. Had more fun with it now that I started flying by asteroids.

I'll try to give some constructive criticisms:

- One issue with it is that scale feels off. When I look down, I feel like a tiny person in a giant's chair.
- The controls feel a bit too arcadey and responsive...I feel it needs some form of momentum. Maybe not Newtonian physics, but at least a slight acceleration curve when you're aiming the ship around. This will give the ship a feeling of weight, I think.

How do you guys have the Rift setup? Duplicate or extend? My issue with extend is that if you make it the main display, it makes it impossible to use your PC since all your windows are popping up on the Rift. What's working best for me so far is duplicating the displays and running the Rift at 1080p.

I don't have the problem with the scale you mention, First Law feels 1:1 to me, but I definitely agree about the controls. The ship needs some weight, and it needs to shake a bit when I turn so that I feel like thrusters are moving me around.

I have my main display duplicated onto the Rift, with the rift as the preferred display at 1920 x 1200. aside from when I'm playing team fortress 2 that doesn't like that at all.

I have a second monitor that remains connected that I've been putting reference materials onto (like when I need a list of console commands handy).

Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member


Yes they are. Make sure you pick Oculus Track from the second drop down.

Guess I need to download the beta. The one I downloaded only has Hillcrest Track.

Besides that tracking, I got Dear Esther set up really nice. Takes some fiddling for a while and a lot of eye strain to get it set up properly. The aspect ratio for Skyrim was all wrong though...not sure how to fix that.


I have my main display duplicated onto the Rift, with the rift as the preferred display at 1920 x 1200. aside from when I'm playing team fortress 2 that doesn't like that at all.

I have the Rift and monitor set at 1280x800. I haven't even thought to change the resolution on either.

Will setting the resolution higher actually change anything in the Rift, since it is native 1280x800?
Order # 046782. Anyone have a clue when I'll get mine? Ordered it in early March, but when I ordered it, the estimated shipping date was still in May. I know Palmer sent out an e-mail saying all of those dev kits should ship by May. Has anything changed?
Are the Vireio drivers supposed to have headtracking? I can't seem to get it to work with either HL2 or Skyrim.

I've had the worst luck with those drivers. Never seems like the hotkeys are adjusting anything (so 3d always looks split), and I haven't got head tracking to work on anything.


Order # 046782. Anyone have a clue when I'll get mine? Ordered it in early March, but when I ordered it, the estimated shipping date was still in May. I know Palmer sent out an e-mail saying all of those dev kits should ship by May. Has anything changed?

I wouldn't get your hopes up for May at this point. There's still a chance but after their update the other day it's looking less likely, unless they significantly ramp up manufacturing in the next couple weeks. I'm order 0438xx and at this point I'm expecting mine to arrive around the first week of June. To save yourself dissapointment I'd expect it to ship to you in mid-late June.


Order # 046782. Anyone have a clue when I'll get mine? Ordered it in early March, but when I ordered it, the estimated shipping date was still in May. I know Palmer sent out an e-mail saying all of those dev kits should ship by May. Has anything changed?

They seem to be pumping them out a little quicker now. From what I have read, once you hit processing it takes about a week or so. Is yours processing yet?

Either way, the wait is well worth it.

I have a video I am posting of my coworker trying mine out today and it is fucking hilarious.


Heli Island is so damned cool. I really need to get out my Saitek X52 for this one.

By the way...has anyone gotten TrackIR working for translation/positional movement? I don't have a Hydra, but if I could get the TrackIR working that would be cool.


Heli Island is so damned cool. I really need to get out my Saitek X52 for this one.

By the way...has anyone gotten TrackIR working for translation/positional movement? I don't have a Hydra, but if I could get the TrackIR working that would be cool.

Nope. If the rumors are true and the second revision of the dev kit includes 6 degrees of motion, I am all over that shit like a loose mule in a corn patch.


Nope. If the rumors are true and the second revision of the dev kit includes 6 degrees of motion, I am all over that shit like a loose mule in a corn patch.

Here's hoping they offer an option to expand the current dev kit. Hell, I might just buy the second kit anyways if it offers a screen improvement as well. As much as I would like to avoid spending the money, the experience is just too damned engrossing.

And man...despite the resolution, you really get lost in the world when it's done well.


Here's hoping they offer an option to expand the current dev kit. Hell, I might just buy the second kit anyways if it offers a screen improvement as well. As much as I would like to avoid spending the money, the experience is just too damned engrossing.

And man...despite the resolution, you really get lost in the world when it's done well.

You really, really do. I have a video I will be uploading to youtube as soon as I get home from work of my coworker. Large black guy who does not game, and has never really even heard of VR. I made him stand up to test out Tuscany, and he damn near fell over. It's a hilarious reaction video. Hope to be able to post it within an hour or so.

During the roller coaster demo he damn near knocked the picture off the wall of my house lol.


The roller coaster demo is so much fun to show off. It's such a perfect showcase for the Rift. I hope more people make roller coaster tracks.
The roller coaster demo is so much fun to show off. It's such a perfect showcase for the Rift. I hope more people make roller coaster tracks.

I've loaded it onto my Surface Pro and I'm taking it on the road this weekend to show a few people.

I have the Rift and monitor set at 1280x800. I haven't even thought to change the resolution on either.

Will setting the resolution higher actually change anything in the Rift, since it is native 1280x800?

The rift will downscale the image to 1280 x 800 which helps smooth out aliasing in things that don't have an anti aliasing option. Generally I just leave it that way because my monitor is native 1920 x 1200 though.


Junior Member
Order # 046782. Anyone have a clue when I'll get mine? Ordered it in early March, but when I ordered it, the estimated shipping date was still in May. I know Palmer sent out an e-mail saying all of those dev kits should ship by May. Has anything changed?

If they still on 1500 or 1000 a week, then you should get after either 5/31 or 6/28 batch.


Quick video of my friend trying out the Oculus Rift today for the first time... He literally had no concept of VR before trying this, and it was clearly some mind altering shit to him lol.

I have an even better roller coaster video I will post up later, but until then... enjoy:

Forgive the portrait video... my friend recorded this.



This is amazing!

Will the next gen consoles make you fall over? Guess not.

I want to see him ride the rollercoaster, seems like a great guy.


This is amazing!

Will the next gen consoles make you fall over? Guess not.

I want to see him ride the rollercoaster, seems like a great guy.

Once I upload the roller coaster one he did (where he had to cling to a wall the entire time) I am going to link them on MTBS3D as well lol.

He had the perfect reaction to VR lol

Edit: Here is the newest video:



New update for the amazing Flying

Man i bet i could have fun with this for hours xD
I was just thinking after seeing Iron Man today that something like that would be perfect for the Rift. Obviously you couldn't use actual Iron Man theme and overlay without getting shutdown due to copyright/trademark/whatever, but some sort of HUD and Superman/Iron Man flight could be fun especially with Hydra to feel like robotic arm controls.
The reactions elicited from using the rift are something to awe about. VR really is here (even if rudimentary in some aspects).

Also... big mike seems like a great dude.
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