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Official ArmA 2 Thread of DOGCHUTES RGR


Might be too early to ask, but can anyone comment on performance after this patch? I'd like to get into this game but it ran like crap for me most of the time.

mr stroke

anyone still playing this?

getting a new card(hopefully it will be playable maxed) and want to give it a shot, is there still a community playing this game?


I din't create a thread because I don't like this type of game that much but I thought you might love this and I think it deserves a good OP:

UK Ministry of Defence has released JCOVE Lite and what is that? you might ask.

JCOVE Lite is a freeware game derived from Bohemia Interactive's VBS2 software - itself a derivative of Armed Assault but focused on simulated training for military purposes. JCOVE Lite was funded by the UK MOD to give the general public, particularly potential recruits, an idea of how the British military trained for combat as well as providing a more realistic combat simulation than your standard shoot'em-up. Overall it gives serious gamers an immensely modifiable platform to create, share and play their own missions using a huge range of British military equipment - from the humble Sig 229 to the legendary Challenger 2 Main Battle Tank.

Yes, its a free version of VBS2!

The community of the game has created a website where you can download and learn everything about the game: http://www.jcove-lite.co.uk/

Here's the trailer of the game: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LgtG3B298Hs


Neo Member
I realize this is the ArmA II thread so I may receive some biased opinions, but for those of you who have played both: how does this game compare to Operation Flashpoint Dragon Rising? Have the recent patches corrected most/all of the known issues?


suddenly started running fine when i tried the demo again :S graphics look pretty good actually!

thinking about getting this but i tried the demo and holy shit :lol

on the default settings it ran at no exaggeration about 2 fps with hella motion blur. fucking around with the settings i had a really hard time persuading it to turn off the motion blur, and the only way i could get a playable fps out of it was to set everything to low and render at 50% of 1280x800. this seems wrong (i5 750 and radeon 5770, 4gb ram..). i got the impression that the video options weren't sticking but it still seemed ridiculously slow.

is the full version like this?

also how is the aircraft stuff? dcs:black shark looks interesting but a bit too hardcore for me...


dg32 said:
I realize this is the ArmA II thread so I may receive some biased opinions, but for those of you who have played both: how does this game compare to Operation Flashpoint Dragon Rising? Have the recent patches corrected most/all of the known issues?

I too had the same question as to what to get. Looks like it has been answered.

From what I read recently as of 2/16/2010 the company who does Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising are cutting their losses and not going to be adding any further Updates or Downloads to the game:


Meanwhile the ARMA II community seems to be going strong and Bohemia are working on ArmA II: Operation Arrowhead, a standalone expansion to ArmA II that takes place in the Middle East. So, this sounds positive that Arma 2 has 'won' that contest.

I've played both demos and Arma 2, while not having the better graphics (yet still only get 19fps with a Radeon HD 5770) , does seem to be more simulation based while OP:DR is leaning more to the action side of things.
I too had the same question as to what to get. Looks like it has been answered.

From what I read recently as of 2/16/2010 the company who does Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising are cutting their losses and not going to be adding any further Updates or Downloads to the game:


Meanwhile the ARMA II community seems to be going strong and Bohemia are working on ArmA II: Operation Arrowhead, a standalone expansion to ArmA II that takes place in the Middle East. So, this sounds positive that Arma 2 has 'won' that contest.

I've played both demos and Arma 2, while not having the better graphics (yet still only get 19fps with a Radeon HD 5770) , does seem to be more simulation based while OP:DR is leaning more to the action side of things.

Agree with everything here...except the wild statement that OFP:DR has better graphics than Arma2.

I haven't played Arma2 in some time--mainly because of time constraints and BF:BC2. But it's a great game and if you are interested, the latest patch added a new chopper with a free (albeit short) campaign designed for the chopper. Not only that, but the community is still VERY active (you MUST, MUST, MUST get the ACE 2 mod), there are large 50+ player meetups for long missions (hours).

Arma2 is brilliant but buggy. It's a little rough around the edges but as war simulations go, it's bar none.

This guy has the best vids showing Arma2 off: http://www.youtube.com/user/richiespeedisback

Check his vids out. His latest one really shows off the immersion of the game: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ho5lETtscYo

Some people don't like it, but I think it has the best motion blur of any game this gen, and while there are pros and cons to having the camera model-based, it really helps to make you feel like you are looking through their eyes.

Firefight at dusk: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aTzpVJAFb_I

The explosion/particle effects in this are from a community mod, I believe.

I think the perfect game would be Arma + Bad Company 2's destruction/physics.


I reinstalled this a week ago and I couldn't get into a server. It seemed to me that there were very few people playing, is there anyone on GAF who's still active and could enlighten me?
slamskank said:
I reinstalled this a week ago and I couldn't get into a server. It seemed to me that there were very few people playing, is there anyone on GAF who's still active and could enlighten me?

Do you have the latest patch?


I just played an amazing game on the demo of Arma II with a bunch of guys vs the AI. Definitely going to buy this now. The singleplayer gave me a headache and I almost gave it up. Working with a well oiled group taking out people in the dark on the other side of the map with nightvision was just incredible.

Actually, it reminds me of when I first played Ghost Recon years and years ago... with maps the size of TRIBES 2.


Just upgraded my PC and got this, blasted through some training and loving it so far.

Wanted to peak at the online but steam doesn't update it :( Thought that was one of the selling points for buying on steam.

Oh well off to the site.

Heard there are some great mods and custom setups for this, I'll have to re-read the thread to find them.

Add me guys, Gowans007
To all ArmA 2 newcomers, just a word of advice. Go find a community and play with them. This game is neither single-player oriented (way too buggy) nor random-server-joining oriented. Make yourself part of a community and I guarantee you will have countless hours of fun.

Pointers to communities:
TacticalGamer (US based, AFAIK)
6thSense (Europe based)

Have fun
bullshit. both random server joining and the single player are great. the random russian multi servers I've been playing on recently are the best
I've played this mostly single player, but have joined random servers a couple of times...I never know what the hell is going on. Is it usually clear from the map/diary what you're supposed to be doing? I remember running for like half a mile toward some map marker because all the vehicles were gone then I got bored. :lol

Gonna give it another go soon, I'm just not into planning matches ahead of time and chatting on Ventrilo etc.

Edit: Also, are most servers co-op or competitive? The manual barely says anything whatsoever about the multiplayer modes.
Joseph Merrick said:
bullshit. both random server joining and the single player are great. the random russian multi servers I've been playing on recently are the best

Random server is well, kind of random and if there is no communication going on it can be a huge mess for a game like ArmA. I guess it depends on what you are looking for though. If you enjoy chaos, it sure is a good way to find some :D

As far as single player is concerned, I loved the campaign but it really has some pretty huge bugs here and there, including a couple of game-breaking ones especially in the last mission. I was never able to finish the campaign due to the friendly AI hanging completely during the last mission. And I tried it more than once.

However, I cannot stress enough that ArmA 2 is by far my favorite game of 2009 and I still play it at least a couple of nights each week.


no, singleplayer sucks and is completely unfinished. it's only redeeming feature is that it's incredibly short.


I bought this game recently, although I considered Bad Company 2 also for my new shooter game (I know, two different genres, that's why it was a hard choice).

My thoughts so far:

- Amazing graphics, really, sometimes it looks almost real
- Huge improvements over last games (OFP and ArmA) in every department; movement, animations, AI, etc.
- Editor is still easy to use
- Capture the Island is better than ever
- Campaign is entertaining, although I fucking hate it when I'm in the middle of a firefight and this scripted radio chatter comes up which disables the option to command your soldiers, so sometimes they die.
- Saw a huge collection of mods already
- Haven't touched MP yet ^^
- Shitload of hilarious movies on Youtube

So yeah I'm really looking forward to the expansion pack.

If there comes a successor to this, I hope they fix the dead animations. When I shoot a soldier with a tank he just 'flies' away.


Steeven said:
I bought this game recently, although I considered Bad Company 2 also for my new shooter game (I know, two different genres, that's why it was a hard choice).

My thoughts so far:

- Amazing graphics, really, sometimes it looks almost real
- Huge improvements over last games (OFP and ArmA) in every department; movement, animations, AI, etc.
- Editor is still easy to use
- Capture the Island is better than ever
- Campaign is entertaining, although I fucking hate it when I'm in the middle of a firefight and this scripted radio chatter comes up which disables the option to command your soldiers, so sometimes they die.
- Saw a huge collection of mods already
- Haven't touched MP yet ^^
- Shitload of hilarious movies on Youtube

So yeah I'm really looking forward to the expansion pack.

If there comes a successor to this, I hope they fix the dead animations. When I shoot a soldier with a tank he just 'flies' away.
Yes ARMA 2 is a fantastic game - my personal 2009 GOTY.

Now imagine what Bohemia Interactive could do with ARMA 3 if they were a big rich studio :O

Oh and let me just pimp my own Operation Arrowhead thread:



Any gaffers still playing ARMA 2? Just bought it on the steam sale. I loved OFP but didn't touch ARMA 1 but anxious to finally try ARMA 2.
Constantly had performance issues, no matter what I changed in the settings. Until I switched off AA. Damn, it was destroying performance on my 5850.


This game is gud....

But question time:

I used AA x 8 I believed and ran bechmark test... got 18 or something, turned it to normal... got 15 :lol

Is there any mods that you should use to increase fps? And to decrease bugs...?

Is Operation Arrowhead needed when playing the vanilla in the sense that it fixes bugs in vanilla version (or wait, is it even a expansion?)
PjotrStroganov said:
Constantly had performance issues, no matter what I changed in the settings. Until I switched off AA. Damn, it was destroying performance on my 5850.

It runs fine for me, all but a few settings maxed with AA on a 5770. Maybe it's your processor?
lastplayed said:
It runs fine for me, all but a few settings maxed with AA on a 5770. Maybe it's your processor?

The AA and post processing made the difference, so I don't think so.

I don't know at what settings I played the game. I should try it out again.




Fucking starforce...
I started playing Arma2: Operation Arrowhead yesterday, bought during the Steam holiday sale, and it´s........exceptional. You really can´t find these things on console.

It a perfect example on how believable graphics should be made (although I wouldn´t mind some further optimization).

Still have to learn many of the controls though! :)


I found a crazy 'fix' for all my performance issues; running 1080p would make the game lag, skip and be extremely choppy. Switching out monitors and running it on my Dell 24" at 1200p ( i.e a higher resolution ... ) removed all that - Now the game is running a solid, smooth 60FPS ( vsync ) pretty much everywhere ... Odd optimization.


This is a bit of a bump, but this is downloading from Steam at the moment.

Pretty hyped.

Does anybody have any patch/mod/settings advice ?


Salazar said:
This is a bit of a bump, but this is downloading from Steam at the moment.

Pretty hyped.

Does anybody have any patch/mod/settings advice ?

Patch 1.09 if it's only ArmA II and 1.59 if you got Arrowhead / RE

Beta patches, latest on at the very top in the streamer;


Recommend them, as they usually contain some great fixes.


Base of it all: ACE2, is like a massive extension of the game, more focus on realism, authentic units, features, effects an AI - A MUST have imo.

Install it through the SIX Updater http://six.dev-heaven.net/wagn/Updater_2_4_Release_Candidate A fantastic piece of software the locates the ArmA 2 directory, downloads and installs everything you want and you can run it regularly to update. Even contains other 3rd party mods - It's slowly becoming a mod database. So some of the below mentioned might be found in the SIX Updater, then it has been tailored to be compatible with ACE2.

Sound mods: There's 3 major right now but I'd recommend "Sounds of Anders" ( ACE version ) as it's the most complete. Some of the others are filled with sound bugs and still have vanilla or even no sound for some weapons.


WarFX, for some great effects:


JTD Fire and Smoke:


Would usually recommend GL4 but it's so outdated and breaks WarFX, wait for TriCore.

ZeusAI for great improved AI: Download it through the SIX Updater, there's the customized ACE version.

Launcher to handle all the mods and whatnot, this is a must-have!


If you start looking for clans, you probably going to need A.C.R.E, which basically is a Teamspeak 3 extension into the game with a massive virtual radio system based on LOS, range, channels and the whole shebang.

Wrote this out a lil' fast as I'm on my way out the door but any questions, feel free to ask.

DISCLAIMER: The Steam version is very fidgety so how some of these things incorporate into the Steam version, I don't know.


If anybody has experience with the ACE 2 mod and a Steam version - and has any advice or reassurance to offer, that would be terrific.


Trying to get into this again.

Do you customize your controls?

When I play SP I get different commands when pressing § button while I get other when I press backspace, I also have some commands with WASD and some with arrows.

Which one to prefer?
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