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Official NeoGAF Madden Season 7 League Thread: I love's me some jump passing!


Matrix said:
Damn I wish FMT could just open up my last two games so I can get my miserable excuse for a season over with.

Lol, due to school getting hectic and whatnot, i'm play hito now. Im up 37-14. ad since i've typed this message he's drove to to 30...



Setec Astronomer
I quit because you refused to respond to a challenge of a play that, to me, looked like it broke league rules regarding sack cheese. Had you just said "Dude, I was in punt block*, what are you talking about?" you would have kept your blowout. Now we gotta replay it. :p

* What Birdbomb told me afterward on AIM.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Rorschach said:
Wanna go right now, Mr Matrix? :D

Tomorrow night if you're around,Ive played too many games today and am on my way to a bad headache.


i edited bc me and hito talked on AIM and it seemed like he was fine with the loss. but wtf am i supposed to be replaying for? i blocked ur punt when u were on the 3, which is a shortened snap distance, and got a safety. I didnt move anyone off the line, i came out in punt block. No foul there


I am still pissed about my game with Ando Jr. this afternoon. He got so lucky on some of those plays, it was sick. His first TD bounced off of Warfields hands and into Mungros. His third TD was a pass to Edge in the flats, I went in for a tackle and got truck sticked, then the guy who was like a yard away got his tackle broken because of Edge's BTK. Easy run for the TD. Let's not forget about the long TD pass to Wayne where apparently he had leprosy, so no one wanted to to get near him let alone tackle him.

But uh, yeah he used a different playbook, too. I usually have a better chance of winning the second time I play someone with a new playstyle.


Actually, i used the same PB i've always used. i just mixed the plays better this time. Next time we play (in the playoffs, bwahhahhaa) i'll just...well...lol prolly switch PBs.

And yeah, that TD was lucky...hehe. It was funny how i couldn't really runthe ball all game, then on my final drive Edge is unstopable.


Lol, looking at the standings...As confusing as it is now, if wellington loses out, and i beat bob my last game, i can take #1 in the division...bwahahahahahahahhahahahaha NEW GOAL!


Drunky McMurder
BirdBomb said:
Harrison goes for another 180 and 4 TDs...can there be co-league MVP's?

Marvin and Manning...they should just get married.

Hey, Rudi's got 500 total yards on Marvin and only one fewer touchdown. Plus, Rudi's got more broken tackles than Harrison has receptions. That's got to be worth something! Let's make a deal. If you get 100 receptions, you can have the offensive player of the year award. If I get 100 broken tackles, it's mine.


I dunno about me losing out, Ando Jr., but props to you on a mega-rebound and going from 3-6 to 9-6.

Something tells me you started that win-streak after you started that barely legal defensive shift scheme.

I am available all day, Wasabi!


Wellington said:
Something tells me you started that win-streak after you started that barely legal defensive shift scheme.

Yeah it is a big coincidence is it not. ;) I noticed that shift too when I played him last. You can't rush linebackers manually but using sprint burst to cheese around a offensive lineman is fine? That's ok we can finish the season like this, even though it is the same tactic that caused manually rushing the linebacker get banned.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Rorschach said:
You up for our game, champ? :p

After I play Bob in MLB show,I promised the douche.

I'll post here after its done.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Rors can u play now?


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.


Mrbob said:
Yeah it is a big coincidence is it not. ;) I noticed that shift too when I played him last. You can't rush linebackers manually but using sprint burst to cheese around a offensive lineman is fine? That's ok we can finish the season like this, even though it is the same tactic that caused manually rushing the linebacker get banned.

lmao, yall aren't serious, right? Using ONE play for rushing defense that is very effective is cheese, but "covering the flats" then bum rushing the QB isn't? hmm...

And BTW, i don't break any rules. I switch my D-line to one direction(not spread), move my LBs in 1 direction, and i controle a safety.

I understand if you're just trying to rag on me, that's fine, whatever. But don't accuse me of cheating...that's just childish.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Fuck this game.

Rors just so you know I went into goal line cause I didnt want to play anymore after the 2nd Manthis fumble,I'm not sure why you wanted the game to go into ot.


intangibles, motherfucker
FMT when do you wanna finish out our game? i think its just one of those things where our internet connections dont match well


Matrix said:
Fuck this game.

Rors just so you know I went into goal line cause I didnt want to play anymore after the 2nd Manthis fumble,I'm not sure why you wanted the game to go into ot.
...I'm fucking stupid...I thought I was up by 3 so I decided to just run out the clock and not take a FG (that would be running up the score)...I just totally blanked out...when I heard them say "we're going into overtime" I said "WHAT THE FUCK?!"

Yeah, the first Mathis fumble was understandable since it was a hs and almost no room to run, but the second one was...panic? I dunno, it was lame. I thought maybe you moved the stick, but I guess not. Lots of retarded things happened today.
freaking madden!

CB, we'll play 1 quarter, my ball, you're up 15 (unless you want to take the ball first and try to get 18 yards on one play, and if you don't then punt to me)
here is how the playoffs will go in the NFC:

Jets and Redskins have clinched spots. Here are the possible scenario:

Jets win out, Redskins lose in final week, Eagles win in final week: Redskins #1 seed, Jets #2 seed, Eagles #3 seed

Jets win out, Redskins lose in final week, Eagles lose in final week: Redskins #1 seed, Jets #2 seed, Chargers #3 seed

Jets lose to chargers, Redskins lose in final week, Eagles win in final week: Chargers #1 seed, Jets #2 seed, Redskins #3 seed.

Jets lose to chargers, Redskins defeat Chargers: Redskins #1 seed, Jets #2 seed, Eagles #3 seed

i imagine there are other possibilities but those are the most likely. The pressure is all on the chargers!

p.s. sucks for the eagles if the chargers end up winning the division since they would lose the wildcard tiebreaker to the skins :D


I was just talking to Cold about those scenarios. Crazy!

Wasabi and I just played about the closest defensive game ever. I ended up winning 12-7, but it was ridiculously close. I was up 9-7 and he missed a 53 yard FG (clanged off the crossbar), then I managed to get down to the 3, but insted of going for it on fourth, just kicked the FG.

I clinch the division, and now take sole possession of 1st place due to tiebreakers! Go bye!


intangibles, motherfucker
Wellington said:
I was just talking to Cold about those scenarios. Crazy!

Wasabi and I just played about the closest defensive game ever. I ended up winning 12-7, but it was ridiculously close. I was up 9-7 and he missed a 53 yard FG (clanged off the crossbar), then I managed to get down to the 3, but insted of going for it on fourth, just kicked the FG.

I clinch the division, and now take sole possession of 1st place due to tiebreakers! Go bye!

Psh! that aint a defensive game. A 6-3 game in OT is a defensive game!
wasabi i know you have a few games left, but please put priority on your game with miguel since it is crucial to playoff seeding, whereas your other games are not. thanks chum :D
FrenchMovieTheme said:
wasabi i know you have a few games left, but please put priority on your game with miguel since it is crucial to playoff seeding, whereas your other games are not. thanks chum :D

Yeah, just played a few. Sorry dude, but real life comes first.

I hate bitching about bad luck, really, I do... 4 losses in a row, christ.


Here are the playoff scenarios

-If Steelers lose either game
= Colts in playoffs

-If Steelers win both games
+ If Bucs lose to Giants
= Steelers in playoffs

-If Steelers win both games
+ If Bucs win against Giants
= Bucs in playoffs


For everyones knowledge, I blitzed two LBs, and left everyone in man coverage. Ward is one on one with certain, Bob lobs it down the field, takes control of Ward, stops, then runs back to the reticle for the catch setting up a TD. I believe that is illegal.


intangibles, motherfucker
Wellington said:
For everyones knowledge, I blitzed two LBs, and left everyone in man coverage. Ward is one on one with certain, Bob lobs it down the field, takes control of Ward, stops, then runs back to the reticle for the catch setting up a TD. I believe that is illegal.

Yeah you cant take control of a WR at all i dont think


ColdBlooded33 said:
Yeah you cant take control of a WR at all i dont think

He was saying it was to deflect the int. :lol

I could understand that if he was double or triple covered, but in single coverage, man to man? :lol

I don't even feel like playing anymore.


* No manually controlling WR's. This is a tough one to make a rule, but I have to. When you throw to a receiver, you can't switch to the receiver while the ball is in the air and make the catch. The reason is this is impossible to defense. The WR will ALWAYS do the jetpack animation, while the CB defending will do some shitty swat animation 95% of the time. This isn't fair. We tested this out in the old league and it is completely dirty. Now if you are trying to break up an interception, then that's fine, take control of the WR and do your business. Otherwise, you live with the throw you made!

Unless there were 2-3 defenders nearby waiting to make the INT, then yeah, illegal


If wellington loses, i DEMAND a replay. that manual catch is the deciding factor in the game right now.

The rule states you're allowed to break up an int. NOT catch the ball and score.

If bob was simply trying to break up the INT. he should have run out of bounds, or use the swat ball button instead of catch.


BirdBomb said:
If wellington loses, i DEMAND a replay. that manual catch is the deciding factor in the game right now.

The rule states you're allowed to break up an int. NOT catch the ball and score.

If bob was simply trying to break up the INT. he should have run out of bounds, or use the swat ball button instead of catch.

Well, he dealt with a lot of BS last game and I didn't offer a replay, so if I lose I shouldn't ask for one. The margin is now more than those 7 points anyway.

Then again, I didn't resort to cheating. :/


Wellington said:
Well, he dealt with a lot of BS last game and I didn't offer a replay, so if I lose I shouldn't ask for one. The margin is now more than those 7 points anyway.

Then again, I didn't resort to cheating. :/

Yeah, but 2 owner's playoffs ride on the game. Bob shouldn't get a chance at the playoffs because he had to resort to cheating.


mrbob2k1: im beating you 27-3
mrbob2k1: and i gave you those yards back
InsecureKillah: no you didn't
InsecureKillah: I got those yards back
InsecureKillah: you're pretending you gave them
mrbob2k1: i did
mrbob2k1: and i held you to a fg
mrbob2k1: i still had 12 yards to go
mrbob2k1: and i scored a td
mrbob2k1: you can blame that if you want
mrbob2k1: thats fine
mrbob2k1: but the fact is i recognized your blitzes this game
mrbob2k1: and pwned you


Has anyone that has played me a second, let alone third, time beaten me 34-3? I'm just not even caring, I got my spot locked up.



"Drama is, getting called out for BS in a Madden league thread."



Miguel said:
:lol, Mr Blitz Freeney outside then in, Mr. I didn't run up the score, is now worried about rules? :lol


Did we even play this year? i dont think we did. It's not very nice to make assumptions about things you don't know about. WTF does "blitz freeney outside, then in" mean? i don't control freeney. Im usually Simon, or Doss(safety).

The ONE instance i ran the score up was when DM was being a poor sport and threw away the game.

It's funny how the 2 owners i'm in the playoff race against have resorted to acusing me of cheesing, not following rules, and whatnot. It's both funny, and a bit childish.
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