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PC World Struggles To Build PC for $500 to match XOX

But ... I can just upgrade mid cycle like consoles have done to equal or surpass this new machine

Old GPU sold.
New GPU 1070

Net spend 200 ish

Total PC spend so far 700

No Xbox Live subs

And get a helluvah lot more functionality out of it

After this though it's a complete overhaul.


They're likely taking a loss on the hardware.

I honestly doubt it at the rate the Xbox is currently selling.

If i had to take an educated guess, I think its cheaper because companies like Microsoft have economies of scale. They can buy and put together their parts in bulk for cheap.


It's difficult to compare since you can technically underperform the Xbox One X/PS4 Pro GPU and still get better real world performance due to the weak CPU.

Definitely. But I think these sorts of articles are useful in that they are a refutation of the "but why spend the money? I can build the same computer for X" bullshit arguments that get thrown out.

It's like the recent iMac Pro that got spec'd out. There's no way to build an equivalent PC with the same high-quality 10bit P3 5K panel and come out ahead on price currently. That doesn't mean that everyone should want or need an AIO with up to 18 Xeon cores, but it is a refutation of the dumb "Macs are too expensive!" argument that's thrown out as well.

If people agree they aren't comparable, maybe PC gamers shouldn't be comparing them in the first place.

I would love to see actual case studies on the financial habits of console and PC players, though, because the whole "save money on the backend" / "save money on used games" stuff is all true but utterly immaterial unless there's hard data to back up general use cases. Maybe you can justify a $1000 gaming PC in less than a console generation through sales and no sub fee. Maybe that $500 difference isn't made up by most players. We'll never know unless someone has the wherewithal and methodology to try and back it up.


Which parts are you talking about?

The HDMI cable?

No you misunderstiod my post. I'm saying the parts used for the PC build are parts that exist today. The XBX doesnt exist yet at retail. Months down the line when it does these PC parts would also drop in price.

Even if I meant what you think what exaclty is 'exotic' in a XBX? There is nothing in it that isn't available today in the PC market.


I do love how many builds will exclude the UHD drive to hit their magic $500 number.

Will never understand the attitude PC players have about their beloved machines being better than consoles.


Gold Member
I'm not even a PC guy, but I'm gonna go ahead and say that the PC community will figure out a build that'll match, and even surpass the XBONEX by November.
Yeah but good luck getting every game that releases to run as well as it will on the one x. I can't believe people still tout PC and console as being like for like.

Buy a game, put it in, game plays just as the devs intended be it 30 / 60 fps or native 4K / checkerboard. It's never that way on PC so good luck fucking around with endless drivers, settings, poor ports, windows I mean the list goes on.


Yeah but good luck getting every game that releases to run as well as it will on the one x. I can't believe people still tout PC and console as being like for like.

Buy a game, put it in, game plays just as the devs intended be it 30 / 60 fps or native 4K / checkerboard. It's never that way on PC so good luck fucking around with endless drivers, settings, poor ports, windows I mean the list goes on.

it's like 2008 all over again, I love that posts like this still exist.


Yeah but good luck getting every game that releases to run as well as it will on the one x. I can't believe people still tout PC and console as being like for like.

Buy a game, put it in, game plays just as the devs intended be it 30 / 60 fps or native 4K / checkerboard. It's never that way on PC so good luck fucking around with endless drivers, settings, poor ports, windows I mean the list goes on.

Lol the irony here .... Good luck ever getting a 30 fps console game to run at 31 " just as the devs intended" that's gold Jerry .
it's like 2008 all over again, I love that posts like this still exist.

I came back to PC gaming for the first time in nearly a decade back in 2014.

All the software/driver/auto game tuning support.

It's unreal now and easier than ever.

And no Xbox/PSN subs!


it's like 2008 all over again, I love that posts like this still exist.

I actually live in this world too :(

Dealing with driver issues and buying the witcher 3 only to find it not running on my machine because of a cryptic error message.


I do love how many builds will exclude the UHD drive to hit their magic $500 number.

Will never understand the attitude PC players have about their beloved machines being better than consoles.

Well, because they are. And they also cost a lot more too right now. Probably not going to actually be able to get similar image quality and frame rates within the same price range for a while. But just like last gen, PC tech will go up and prices will go down while the consoles remain stagnant, barring any "mid-mid gen half step upgrade". Eventually you will be able to build a $500 gaming PC that will not only look as good as the XBOX, it will also have better performance. By then though the console will probably be $450. :(
+$50 XBL

Oh, and so what about the UHD drive? There's not a whole hell of a lot of quality software for UHD playback right now on PC anyway. If you wanted one for movies, then the console is the clear winner.


Well, maybe they should retry in fall. PC market and its prices is moving so quickly, a few months make hella difference.
I feel like a fair comparison wouldn't be building a gaming PC for only $500, as basically everyone already sunk money into owning a PC in the first place for non-gaming purposes.

The better comparison would be "how much extra do you have to spend over your average modern home computer to get something capable of high-end gaming".

But even then it generally isn't a great comparison, as while that cost difference may run you more on a PC the hardware is almost guaranteed to last longer than a Playstation or Xbox will, and upgrading in the future will be cheaper. You also get to stick to one device for generations, rather than keeping multiple boxes around just to play older games.

It's just an apples and oranges type of comparison, really.


Gold Member
I actually live in this world too :(

Dealing with driver issues and buying the witcher 3 only to find it not running on my machine because of a cryptic error message.
We must be alone then. Sounds like everyone else in here runs 4K games perfectly on their $500 gaming pc's with zero issues!


it's like 2008 all over again, I love that posts like this still exist.

At least it wasn't one about how they prefer playing games on their couch, and how cumbersome using a mouse and keyboard are while trying to do that.

We must be alone then. Sounds like everyone else in here runs 4K games perfectly on their $500 gaming pc's with zero issues!

I can't run 4K/60 on my 2013 PC, but then it would be disingenous to claim being able to see some vast difference between 4K/60 and 1440p/60 six feet away from a TV too. Not everyone has superhuman/bionic eyes, even if they claim to.


Shouldn't take too long, but still I never understood this, it's never going to be a 1:1 comparison, a PC is a multi function device that is capable of far more than a console

PC also has a performance overhead from release, plus it requires knowledge and dilligence to maintain that performance over time.

I think the excercise makes the point that X.B.O.X. is a great value for the price, and moreso than most consoles at release.
I feel like a fair comparison wouldn't be building a gaming PC for only $500, as basically everyone already sunk money into owning a PC in the first place for non-gaming purposes.

Look at the typical pre-built machine at say Target or Best Buy and you'll see that the majority of PCs bought for non-gaming purposes aren't made to be upgraded. Additionally desktop purchases are on a decline. It's mostly laptops or iPads these days. Then look at a Steam Hardware survey and see that the mid-tier to high system is a very small percentage of gamers on the platform. I know this is a gaming enthusiast forum, but people should be more aware of what's happening in the market. You aren't going to convince many people to upgrade their computers for gaming purposes.
Love all the posters in here saying that they can do it cheaper by upgrading their existing PC. Congrats but you've totally missed the point here. You are buying an Xbox One X new. Not upgrading your existing Xbox one. So your bs argument about how getting better performance for less than 500 clams holds about as much water as a sieve.
It's typically really hard to match Price/Performance with a console at launch with brand new parts. Which makes sense, if you could then MS could just take equivalents of those parts, assemble them, and sell them for a lower price point due to the benefits of mass production/transportation/selling at parity.

I'm sure in half a year or so somebody will figure something out though.


What an odd time to be doing this article.


It's gonna take long time before we are able to build a PC that is capable of what XB1X can do at $499. But, by then, it would have dropped in it's price to $399-350.


This approach is flawed by default. A PC is not just a console.
If you want a PC only for gaming (and really only for that) Pcs will cost more, because you pay for all the other stuff you could do with it.

If you use the PC for other stuff - you just need a GPU. Even a 5 year old I5 is pretty fine. And GPUs are less expensive than consoles.
Bought a 970 some years ago - my PS4 was more expensive.
Just switch the GPU and you are good to go.


Love all the posters in here saying that they can do it cheaper by upgrading their existing PC. Congrats but you've totally missed the point here. You are buying an Xbox One X new. Not upgrading your existing Xbox one. So your bs argument about how getting better performance for less than 500 clams holds about as much water as a sieve.

Yeah, seems desperate

This approach is flawed by default. A PC is not just a console.
If you want a PC only for gaming (and really only for that) Pcs will cost more, because you pay for all the other stuff you could do with it.

If you use the PC for other stuff - you just need a GPU. Even a 5 year old I5 is pretty fine. And GPUs are less expensive than consoles.
Bought a 970 some years ago - my PS4 was more expensive.
Just switch the GPU and you are good to go.

Agreed, this is ultimately a truth that makes comparisons like these invalid.
Look at the typical pre-built machine at say Target or Best Buy and you'll see that the majority of PCs bought for non-gaming purposes aren't made to be upgraded. Additionally desktop purchases are on a decline. It's mostly laptops or iPads these days. Then look at a Steam Hardware survey and see that the mid-tier to high system is a very small percentage of gamers on the platform. I know this is a gaming enthusiast forum, but people should be more aware of what's happening in the market. You aren't going to convince many people to upgrade their computers for gaming purposes.

My point wasn't that people should buy a prebuilt and throw a graphics card in it.

My point was that people already own PCs for other reasons, whether or not they are interested in gaming, so it is not always fair to make a direct comparison between the cost of a gaming console and the full cost of a computer.

And as I pointed out, the game console will probably still win out, but the PC has its own advantages that for some will outweigh that cost, as the cost/benefit comparison does not set up for a direct comparison well.
What is 'Xbox One X performance'? The thing is not out yet, we don't know how it performs and we don't have any actual data to evaluate its performance

True, it isn't out yet, but early indications are amazing. Just what was shown of Anthem alone already looks amazing, and appears to be legit. Alpha build, apparently checkerboarding to 4K, but when it looks like that, I'm honestly hard pressed to complain about how they're doing what they're doing.

Assassin's Creed Origins, the game I personally played the most at E3 on actual Xbox One X hardware, looks every bit as good and as convincing as any high end PC title I've seen. If the Xbox One X didn't exist, everybody would believe it was running on some expensive, tricked out PC.

And even though it was the dev kit and not the actual retail system, the dev present said it was totally representative of how it will run on retail kit, and that it's likely to end up better due to the fact that the game is still just in the alpha stage with much left to be done, on top of the fact that Microsoft are still making improvements to the development kit.

It's not just a resolution thing with the X, though. The overall visual impressiveness is something to behold. These streams aren't doing many of these games any justice. They look so much better in the flesh.


Love all the posters in here saying that they can do it cheaper by upgrading their existing PC. Congrats but you've totally missed the point here. You are buying an Xbox One X new. Not upgrading your existing Xbox one. So your bs argument about how getting better performance for less than 500 clams holds about as much water as a sieve.

With all the wishy-washy logic in this thread already, why not? I bought my PC during the PS3/360 era. I upgraded the GPU and it can do PS4/XB1 games at 4k. If you have a 360/XB1, you'd have to buy an XBX to do 4k.

All you'd need with an older tower is something like a core i3 (maybe i5) and a 300W PSU. Pop in a $200 GPU and bam- 4K/30/medium to ultra settings.
With all the wishy-washy logic in this thread already, why not? I bought my PC during the PS3/360 era. I upgraded the GPU and it can do PS4/XB1 games.

Think I explained the problems with this "argument" pretty well. But here goes. The initial cost of your PC doesnt magically disappear because you bought it a long time ago. You still spent that money bud.

Now if our can't do the math on that, then I can't help you.


Think I explained the problems with this "argument" pretty well. But here goes. The initial cost of your PC doesnt magically disappear because you bought it a long time ago. You still spent that money bud.

Now if our can't do the math on that, then I can't help you.

You're really tempting me to factor in cost savings from games + free online over time but then I'd be going against myself. Plus the numbers would vary greatly depending on the individual...

Even then, you have to wonder how many people who are considering an XB1 didn't at one point own a PS3/360 or XB1? I'd actually genuinely be interested to know. Same with the Pro, although the XBX does have 4K blu-ray for HT enthusiasts.


Think I explained the problems with this "argument" pretty well. But here goes. The initial cost of your PC doesnt magically disappear because you bought it a long time ago. You still spent that money bud.

Now if our can't do the math on that, then I can't help you.

The whole point is your long term investment is pretty good on PC gaming whereas you also don't magically get to subtract the cost of your 360 that you bought either then according to your argument, online sub either .... If you bought a PC tower 10 years ago and you just threw a 1070 in there that's pretty damn high power on your return.


The whole point is your long term investment is pretty good on PC gaming whereas you also don't magically get to subtract the cost of your 360 that you bought either then according to your argument, online sub either .... If you bought a PC tower 10 years ago and you just threw a 1070 in there that's pretty damn high power on your return.

I would even bet that when the PS5/XB2 release, anyone running an older i5 would be to run those games with a new GPU-drop in at similar res and framerates. And you'd still be able to play your PS3-PS4 era library of games.

Still no, he's right in that it's not 1-to-1. Even if you spent $400 on a tower with just integrated graphics years back, it's still $400 + the cost of the modern GPU.

But as 100s have mentioned- you can't do 1-to-1 with PC in console. Even in the gaming aspect, there are things you can do on PC that you just can't do on console (universally)- like prioritizing performance over graphical fidelity, modding in settings changes, etc.

And like 100s have mentioned- consoles are mass market devices benefited by economies of scale, manufacturer agreements, and a general aggressiveness to pricing with regards to the console hardware. With PC, it's the games that are generally aggressively priced, to the point where you're saving significantly to the console equivalents even at the game's release. PC will almost always have a higher initial investment, but there are many, many incentives to consider it as a platform.


I am sure it's not possible at retail prices, but MS will not make much on hardware as it's software and subscriptions where the dollars are I am also sure that if you could assemble parts at manufacturing costs then you could meet and exceed the specs pointless article


I do love how many builds will exclude the UHD drive to hit their magic $500 number.

Will never understand the attitude PC players have about their beloved machines being better than consoles.

A UHD drive has *~fuck all~* to do with gaming


I don't get the obsession over comparing console hardware to PC. It's apples to oranges. The gulf in functionality/flexibility and software library between the two is massive.
Why the hell are the PC folk setting the bar at 4k/30fps/medium?

Have you seen the Forza 7 demo and Turn 10 comments?

Forza Motorsport is already a series that ran at 1080/60 on Xbox One, it's no surprise it runs at 4k/60 on Xbox One X. Closed track racers are some of the easiest to run games, which is why they also tend to be the ones that push higher graphic fidelity and/or higher FPS than your average game. Remember that Forza Horizon only runs at 30 FPS because the CPU can't handle an open-world game like Horizon at 60 FPS.

4k (probably checkerboard for games that are 720p on Xbox One), with 30 FPS and medium details is what I expect for standard AAA game on Xbox One X.
This is usually pretty common with console launches right? PS1 was very capable and cheap compared to a 1994 PC, Xbox360 was well priced for what it was etc.

Im unsure when I'm going to upgrade my PC from 2012. The longer I can hold off the better!


A UHD drive has *~fuck all~* to do with gaming

I do believe this is often brought up is because dedicated console gamers simply aren't aware of the state of optical (both for video and gaming) on PC. It's just not really a thing. Digital has been, I believe, the primary delivery method for like the past decade.
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