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Penny Arcade's Gabe (Mike) apologizes for being a bully.

Sorta but with six paragraphs turning the issue to be about him and placing the blame on his shitty child hood instead of owning it completely.

He did own it.
But he also explained WHY he thinks he is the way he is. It's not an excuse, and he says as much. But you don't get to this point without introspection and his post basically lets the reader in on his conclusion.

I don't see how this post could possibly be a bad thing. But the internet is I think too critical/cynical for personalities to have any depth.


aka ThreeOneFour
I feel like no matter how sincere his attempt to fix his personal troubles, he's done so much damage already that it's going to be difficult to regain sympathy from those he has offended.
Is there a PA cycle now?

This. I used to read the comic a lot and bought the collected editions when they'd get released. I visited PAX East a couple years ago and had a great time. But this thing keeps happening where they antagonize people and then apologize over and over and I'm tired of it.


And in another post I acknowledged that. I just have very little patience for it. It doesn't help him that he has a huge audience reading his remarks and as David H Wong said, just continue the cycle by hurting others needlessly.

This is not part of that cycle, though. Unless I missed some new controversy, that cycle he listed is not actually repeating here. It's just a post about Mike's self-reflection and desire to do better this year, and how far he'll need to change in order to do so. He's talking specifically about breaking that cycle.


The irony of some posters on here not wanting to accept his apologies and forgive him because they think he is an unforgiving a-hole is so thick you'd need a chainsaw to cut it.
So this is definitely a positive development. Mike Krahulik is a huge fucking asshole, but it's always good to recognize your own problems and try to solve them. That said, the proof of the pudding is in the eating: if we see a notably different attitude from Gabe this year, it's one thing, but just apologizing in and of itself means nothing.

In an ideal world, those guys could find some way to salvage some of the good they did (by organizing PAX and starting Child's Play, among other things) previously, but I'm definitely not gonna hold my breath.

I understand the wall he put up as a kid, but people tend to grow up as they hit adulthood and do not need to lash out at people who disagree with their opinions.

Well, I wouldn't go that far. :p

The world is full of assholes, and a ton of them never learn approximately anything in their whole useless lives. Almost all of them, at least in some part, learned assholishness from people who were assholes to them, when they were too young to learn any other way to deal with it. I think if we lived in a world where people tended to get over that, most people's lives would be way happier.

The irony of some posters on here not wanting to accept his apologies and forgive him because they think he is an unforgiving a-hole is so thick you'd need a chainsaw to cut it.

Ridiculous. Abusive shitheads need to work hard to earn forgiveness. However much it might horrify him to realize, Mike's made it clear in the last few years that he's an abusive shithead.

If PAhad done one dumb thing, we wouldn't have been having this conversation; instead, it's a string of things, both hideously ignorant and offensive things in the workplace/business world (like their greedy Kickstarter or ludicrously demeaning IT job posting) and tone-deaf and exclusionary crap in the gaming world (like shitting on rape survivors and trans people.) The steps to be "forgiven" for that wall of mistakes are quite extensive.
Yeah, I always figured Gabe saw himself as retaliating against bullies rather than being a bully when he went Full Asshole in response to drama. And to be fair to him, some portions of the internet social justice community are bullies who are more interested in finding excuses to be hateful assholes than making the world a better place.


It takes a lot to admit something is your problem and try to correct it. I wish him luck, it's not easy to change how you reflexively react to situations.


I think it would be better for him to just be kinder, not speak up about things that will obviously incite anger from your target audience (I won't even act like one of those condescending dicks telling him not to say things he doesn't understand), and do everything in his power to make sure PAX is a safe place for everyone even if he doesn't get noticed for it. Every time he tries to appeal to the people who clearly don't like him, very few people ever respond with anything other than a scoff at worst and severe skepticism at best.

Be a good person and people will eventually notice. These apologies are just restarting an overblown discussion and making it worse.


I think it's a good apology and hopefully he makes good on the things he is saying, I think a whole lot of the hate for him has been Constantly overblown but he has said some stupid things.
It's not, it's definitely a positive thing. But nobody owes him anything more than "okay, that's a good first step on a looooooong road" for it.

Well, sure. But I was mostly responding to the "oh this is just a sob story" and "sounds like he's making excuses for his behavior and not really apologizing" or "why can't he just shut up and draw comics" types of posts. I'm not saying anybody needs to celebrate it but the harsh reactions to the post don't really make sense to me.
What rubs me the wrong way about this apology is that he starts off by immediately blaming other people for the way he acts. It's a quick turn off, but I think the last couple paragraphs show someone who has taken a deep look at them self, knows what their issues are and wants to change for the better. Good on this guy.


Ridiculous. Abusive shitheads need to work hard to earn forgiveness. However much it might horrify him to realize, Mike's made it clear in the last few years that he's an abusive shithead.

If PAhad done one dumb thing, we wouldn't have been having this conversation; instead, it's a string of things, both hideously ignorant and offensive things in the workplace/business world (like their greedy Kickstarter or ludicrously demeaning IT job posting) and tone-deaf and exclusionary crap in the gaming world (like shitting on rape survivors and trans people.) The steps to be "forgiven" for that wall of mistakes are quite extensive.

And he's apologized for those things and wants to change who he is. You can be leery of him, sure. You can wait and see if he's sincere. It sure seems that he is the way he wrote it. But holding onto past offenses after the offender has asked for true forgiveness from an open heart is now on you, not on them.

If I punch you in the face and then later apologize and say "I'm sorry, I realize now I shouldn't have done that. Please forgive me. I won't ever do it again, I want to change. Just watch me change, but give me that benefit of the doubt" And I said it in a deeply contemplative way that shows I'm sincere and I was foolishly ignorant that my actions caused true harm to you. And you said "screw you man, unforgivable!" Then... you're no better or less ignorant than that person used to be. Especially if my actions are counter to my past and then you say 3 years from now, "Nah you're a jerk you punched me in the face that one time!" I agree, it's too early to tell on his actions. I'm just saying benefit of the doubt should be given if sincerely asked.

Hence I find it ironic that some posters aren't saying "Well he was a serious jerk, but he seems sincere and sorry and has made steps recently. So I'll give him the benefit and see how it goes." but instead "Nah son, you're done. Unforgiven forever!" thus becoming the unsympathizing ahole they are rallying against.

I am fresh out of give a shits for Gabe related apologies.

Lol... Just like this poster below me. :)

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
What rubs me the wrong way about this apology is that he starts off by immediately blaming other people for the way he acts. It's a quick turn off, but I think the last couple paragraphs show someone who has taken a deep look at them self, knows what their issues are and wants to change for the better. Good on this guy.

I think the opening of his apology sounds sincere. It seems he's trying to set the stage for getting across he does understand why he is acting like an asshole. Rather than just saying "uh, sure, yeah, I'll not be an asshole again" without meaning it because he doesn't believe he is actually an asshole.

The thing is, his account is not a particularly contrived sob story. The internet is crammed full of people who are exactly like Mike: adult nerds who are resentful of their past, and have become "internet tough guys". Hateful bullies who imagine they're warriors of justice, delivering vicious barbs to fools who deserve to be reamed.

It's just this particular person happens to be a lot more famous than the rest. Maybe that made it worse. Mike got relatively rich off such behavior, and I'd expect that has really shielded him from the truth for years.

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
So what am I? As a young person I imagined myself a sort of vengeful spirit. A schoolyard Robin Hood who attacked the strong and popular on behalf of the social outcasts. I’m 36 years old now though and I realize what I am is a bully. I may have been the one who got beat up but I sent plenty of kids home in tears. I also realize that I carried those ridiculous insecurities into adulthood. I still see people who attack me as the enemy and I strike back with the same ferocity as that seventh grader I used to be. I’m ashamed of that and embarrassed. The crazy thing is I don’t even necessarily believe the stuff I say a lot of times. It would probably be more noble if I did. The truth is I just say them to be mean. I say them because I know they will hurt. It’s pretty fucked up.

This must have been hard to write.

It's a good first step, a humble one too. I hope that he continues this.
This is basically what I got from that.

"Sorry I've been an asshole but people were assholes to me as children so it's ok for me to be an asshole as a fully-grown adult."

It gets better as it goes on but I feel like he spends the first two paragraphs painting himself with the most sympathetic brush available.

TFA said:
I also realize that I’ve made it harder for the people I care about, my friends and my family. I can’t be this guy anymore.
There are invariably people who refuse to read or comprehend when a thread about PA gets made
But holding onto past offenses after the offender has asked for true forgiveness from an open heart is now on you, not on them.

This is ludicrous reasoning. You're equating unprompted malicious actions to a refusal to forgive someone for those things. This is the kind of logic you see in those cliche stories about the school principal who drags two kids into their office because one punched the other, and then punishes them both with detention until they make up. That kid who got punched doesn't owe anybody anything!

In the court system, we don't just forgive people when they're sorry; we force them to atone, by being punished or paying money to the people they've hurt. This would be a great time for Gabe to show he's serious by doing just that, and starting to use some of PA's economic muscle to make a change in the world.

Then... you're no better or less ignorant than that person used to be.


In my, like, actual real life, I keep careful tabs of how people behave towards me, my friends, my family, and my associates. If someone punched one of them for no goddamn reason, you're damn right I wouldn't forgive them for it; I would make sure to tell anyone I knew that they were a violent nutcase and you shouldn't ever deal with them. If they acted like they were in the right on it and didn't back down from further confrontation, I would call the goddamn police. I certainly wouldn't do something horrible like tell the person who got punched in the face that it's all in the past and now it's on them to forgive and forget.


The irony of some posters on here not wanting to accept his apologies and forgive him because they think he is an unforgiving a-hole is so thick you'd need a chainsaw to cut it.

this. from what i can see there is pretty much nothing he can do. it's pretty sad actually.


Un Rama
Can someone explain how exactly this guy is an asshole? I don't really follow PA and am genuinely interested.
Can someone explain how exactly this guy is an asshole? I don't really follow PA and am genuinely interested.

The very, very short version:

  • After they drew a comic with a joke that people said made light of rape survivors (arguable) he doubled down on the joke, printed up shirts with it, bragged about wearing one to the con, and then later told people he regretted pulling the shirts from the store.
  • Went on a giant twitter rant about how trans people aren't really of their preferred gender and can't ever be, because of their birth genitals.
  • PA as an organization listed a ludicrous job listing for an IT person that any serious professional would scoff at, with the hope that fanboyism would trick people into working for less than they were worth.

There's other stuff, but those are the three big hits.

this. from what i can see there is pretty much nothing he can do. it's pretty sad actually.

There's plenty he can do, just none of it causes magical instant forgiveness. When you fuck up, you work hard over a long period of time to be forgiven, that's how it works in the real world.


Sorta but with six paragraphs turning the issue to be about him and placing the blame on his shitty child hood instead of owning it completely.

You're reading what you want to read but you don't have the clarity or wherewithal necessary to recognize your own biases. As a result, any attempt to correct you will only further cement you in your flawed reading of his statement and reinforce the idea that your distaste for the man is in no way disproportionate to the actions of the man himself.


"I did this, this, that, this, and this, and that, and also did this. I am deeply sorry and take full responsibility for it. I was absolutely wrong. I realize that my behavior has had a terrible effect on my life and has negatively affected my co workers and my business, thus, I will be distancing myself from the activities of these companies and removing myself from the public sphere. I am sorry and am sincerely working on being a better person."

I absolutely agree. An apology isn't meant to be a platform to gain sympathy or publicise your "soul searching". If he wanted to say he was sorry, then that was all he needed to say. Everything else distracts from the supposed core intention of the article.

Nobody cares about his personal story, or the external circumstances throughout his past that accumulated into his resultant behaviour, or the colour of his favourite Sunday jeans. All of these are irrelevant and serve as emotional stuffing to somehow validate his apology; to make it seem more sincere and more "grounded" than a straightforward one. Unfortunately, it works on some people, as displayed in this thread.

I should note that I am apathetic towards the controversy surrounding PA.


later told people he regretted pulling the shirts from the store.
This is inaccurate. He stated he regretted reacting to the controversy they way they did but that they have no desire for the shirt to be back up on the store. You state this as if to say he regrets taking them from the store because he believes he was always in the right but that's simply not true and completely disengenuous.

[*]Went on a giant twitter rant about how trans people aren't really of their preferred gender and can't ever be, because of their birth genitals.
He went on a rant about biological sex, not gender, going so far as to even clarify that he viewed them as two different things. Your description isn't even close to accurate.


The Motorcycle That Wouldn't Slow Down
The irony of some posters on here not wanting to accept his apologies and forgive him because they think he is an unforgiving a-hole is so thick you'd need a chainsaw to cut it.
It's just comforting to know that while Mike Krahulik may want to stop acting like a child, you can still come back to the kindergarten that is GAF.

PK Gaming

For some reason i'm getting some deja vu.

I think i've seen the same sentiment in his other past apologies. Hopefully he can really stick to being a good guy.


This is ludicrous reasoning. You're equating unprompted malicious actions to a refusal to forgive someone for those things. This is the kind of logic you see in those cliche stories about the school principal who drags two kids into their office because one punched the other, and then punishes them both with detention until they make up. That kid who got punched doesn't owe anybody anything!

In the court system, we don't just forgive people when they're sorry; we force them to atone, by being punished or paying money to the people they've hurt. This would be a great time for Gabe to show he's serious by doing just that, and starting to use some of PA's economic muscle to make a change in the world.

Like the time he donated $20k to the Trevor Porject and has never made a new hateful transphobic remark since? It kinda shows how he was learning to change his behavior toward that issue. And now it seems he's seeing a much broader picture of who he is.

In my, like, actual real life, I keep careful tabs of how people behave towards me, my friends, my family, and my associates. If someone punched one of them for no goddamn reason, you're damn right I wouldn't forgive them for it; I would make sure to tell anyone I knew that they were a violent nutcase and you shouldn't ever deal with them. If they acted like they were in the right on it and didn't back down from further confrontation, I would call the goddamn police. I certainly wouldn't do something horrible like tell the person who got punched in the face that it's all in the past and now it's on them to forgive and forget.

So a person punches you in the face. Makes a heartfelt apology days later after realizing it was a horrible mistake, maybe they get an assault charge, whatever you want. Everything is atoned for from a societal viewpoint. You're never going to accept their apology? Just going to hold onto that grudge forever? Tell everyone you can they're a pyshco and omit the part where they changed their ways? People can't be ignorant? People can't be wrong? People can't change? People can't be sorry?

If your answer to this is "no you won't accept their apology, they're psycho" Then yes it's on you. They're done. And if you go "wtf are you talking about?" then you have no idea how forgiveness works and I highly doubt I'd be the one to explain it to you over the internet.
Actions > words, etc. I feel like I've seen it all before with this guy, but if he really wants to try and grow as a person then good for him.
I wonder if this soul searching will extend to paying their IT guy a competitive salary and not expecting him to do 3-4 jobs just to save money they can most certainly afford.

Because that job posting was a fucking nightmare.

Actions speak louder than words, right?

Background on this?

Also is this the artist or the writer ?
This is inaccurate.

To quote:

"You know that I don't hold grudges, like I can be incredibly mad and then fine the next minute, as long as I get it out. And I feel like we got this out, so I'm not mad about it anymore, but, I think that pulling the dickwolves merchandise was a mistake," Krahulik said. The lament was met with audible praise from some of the crowd.

So, sorry, he didn't say he regretted it, he said it was a "mistake," when the reason they pulled it in the first place was that it made people uncomfortable.

He went on a rant about biological sex, not gender

This is seriously what every obnoxious transphobic asshole does when someone points out to them that trans people exist.
No win situation is always no win when the other side isn't even willing to work with someone.

Even when your side wins, you lose if you don't accept it gracefully.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Why should we? Does knowing his personal story increase the likelihood of his apology being sincere?

The point of the personal story isn't just "this is what happened to me" though, its "this is what happened to me and this is how I perceived it and justified myself and now I look back and realize I was wrong"
Like the time he donated $20k to the Trevor Porject and has never made a new hateful transphobic remark since?

Also a good step and one I recognized at the time, but frankly, it's up to trans people to decide whether to forgive him on that particular score.

So a person punches you in the face. Makes a heartfelt apology days later after realizing it was a horrible mistake, maybe they get an assault charge, whatever you want. Everything is atoned for from a societal viewpoint. You're never going to accept their apology?

WTF, no, of course I'm not just going to automatically accept their apology. You can't possibly be serious with this.

Let's try to recontextualize this. Imagine you have a kid, and they do some bratty but normal kid thing, like not sharing a toy at recess. In response, this other kid's parent gets mad and socks them in the face, gives them a black eye, they have to go home, stay out of school for a few days, giant swelling, can't see right, the whole nine yards.

Are you telling me that in this scenario, you'd accept an apology for that? That you'd make your kid, who was defenseless and did nothing remotely proportional to deserve it, accept an apology? That you'd ever consider that person remotely safe to be around children again? Forgiveness is proportional to behavior.


To quote:

So, sorry, he didn't say he regretted it, he said it was a "mistake," when the reason they pulled it in the first place was that it made people uncomfortable.

This is seriously what every obnoxious transphobic asshole does when someone points out to them that trans people exist.

I think that's a little closed-minded and general too. While I agree you are whatever gender you decide you are, there's always grounds to discuss the differences between the genitalia you're given and someone who is transgendered. Discussing that as a core idea and even questioning what determines gender isn't assholish. The ignorant thing he did was in HOW he conveyed his opinion and how unreasonable he was when he said it.


Unconfirmed Member
It's a step. We shall see what comes from here. It's better than nothing but I still don't want any money going to him. And even if he's "out" the money will so...
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