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Persona 5 came out in the west six months ago. How do you feel about it now?


I want it to be long because it's full of interesting, engaging content, character growth, story revelations and all that good stuff. Not cause characters have to text me every other day to tell me to go to the palace or ask me if the villains heart will change (for the 50th time).

You could cut out like 50% of the dialogue, or more, in this game and tell the exact same story without losing anything.

Cutting out the things you mentioned would have saved maybe 10 hours in this game (and that's being extremely generous). To me it did stay interesting throughout, even though I do agree it could have cut a bit of fat around the edges but I also think it does do that where it can with stuff like "rush" for combat, etc.


It definitely could use a speed up in the inevitable re-release. I don't know how you would do that however.

Fix lines that feel forced, and more Haru scenes. Also, a track select for mementos.


The nicest person on this forum
Really don't understand the "game is too long" argument when it comes to JRPGs. I want these games to be long, that's part of the reason I like them. If I am enjoying a game and having fun with it, I want the length to be there...especially for games like Persona. I know people argue that "I don't have time for 100 hour games..." Ok, fine...maybe JRPGs aren't for you anymore then. I don't want a 10/20 hour JRPG, personally.

Base on some the thread like "Skip Boss" most people in GAF more interested get though the Story rather than actual playing the game.

Makes me wonder how many people here would able get through Nocturne. With random battles that enemies can one turn kill you and dungeon puzzles that teleports you to the pervious areas and with no check points.


Curious. How do you folks played 100 hours without beating it? It's that bloated?

P4G took me 70hrs to get true ending.


I think the argument that a game wastes your time is more apt that simply detracting it due to its length. There's some good posts in the thread that talk on that point specifically, and what P5 could have done better on that front.

I can understand that point, though I never really felt like the game was wasting my time, but maybe I just don't notice that stuff as much since JRPGs are my favorite genre so I am just used to it. Can definitely think of much worse time-wasting examples in games than P5 tbh.


It was my first Persona game and I had a blast with it, though the repetition definitely set in around the 5th palace. The ending also seemed tacked on and rushed.

Currently my #2 game of the year after Zelda.
Currently fighting with the possible Pubguh for 3rd. I have some...specific problems with it (those of you who read my GOTY screeds are going "duuuuuuuuuuh" at that) but the level of nuance and multiple interdependancies to characterization, plot, and world mechanics was a delight.

The "IDGAF WHAT you think BITCH" attitude of the developers towards their inspirations was a sweet cherry on top.

Some more detailed thoughts:

On Makoto #1 (Links to a bunch of other posts :p)

On Makoto #2

Ah, someone else gets Makoto!


Makes me wonder how many people here would able get through Nocturne. With random battles that enemies can one turn kill you and dungeon puzzles that teleports you to the pervious areas and with no check points.

Dungeons in Persona 5 are just like Nocturne, albeit easier. They're good, the only palace I thought was too long was the 5th one.


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
Still my goty. Wish it was longer T_T

I finally just got back around to finishing it because I thought it was too long. lol

I enjoyed it overall, but there was times where I was like "Fuuuuuck this is taking awhile."

That being said, Persona 5 had the best cast out of them all imo.


Base on some the thread like "Skip Boss" most people in GAF more interested get though the Story rather than actual playing the game.

Makes me wonder how many people here would able get through Nocturne. With random battles that enemies can one turn kill you and dungeon puzzles that teleports you to the pervious areas and with no check points.

Could be. But if that's the case Persona/SMT games are so not for them lol. And to your point I loved Nocturne, it's probably my favorite SMT game haha


The nicest person on this forum
Could be. But if that's the case Persona/SMT games are so not for them lol. And to your point I loved Nocturne, it's probably my favorite SMT game haha

Im right there with you. Nocturne is my all time favourite game. I really hoping New SMT for switch would similar to Nocturne.
I enjoyed it but had some problems with it.

They lose the plot about 60% of the way through. The last couple dungeons are a drag.

The characters had potential to be very endearing and memorable but it seemed like they were hesitant to have them interact with each other. This was probably my biggest problem. It felt like everyone was friends with you but not each other.
My feelings on Persona 5 are complicated.

On the one hand, its definitely still one of the best games I played this year, and is in my GotY top ten for sure. Yes, it does have its warts (large blocks of time where you have no player agency, some repetitive dialogue, over long) but even all-time classics usually have some flaws. I still did put 90+ hours of my life into it.

On the other hand, in my personal opinion it was also a crushing disappointment coming from Persona 4 in almost all aspects, from the OST to the characters, dialogue etc., with the only objectively improved aspect being the combat system. I Platinumed P4G in around 110 hours and was heartbroken that there wasnt more (this runtime was over 2 playthroughs). The last 20 or so hours of P5 were a struggle, as I was actively not having fun and wishing the game would end - I powered through because it was a Persona game, and I'm conditioned to love Persona games without reservation.

So all in all, it was still a pretty great game - but I'm excited to see them shift gears a bit for their next project (the fantasy game) as the bloat of the present formula has reached critical mass.


Amazing AMAZING game.

Like an almost perfect game.

But...BUT! ITS TOO DANG LONG of a game. Even on new game plus with all the stuff that carries over it overstay its welcome.
Wow, it's been 6 months already? Time flies. Anyways after playing it I decided that it was my favourite game of all time, and now that the new game shine and recency bias has worn off it's still probably my favourite game of all time.
Te game was SUPER addicting for SO long until.. palace 7..
It took me months to get through that monstrosity of boredom..

I still havent beaten despite hitting palace 7 in late july


Curious. How do you folks played 100 hours without beating it? It's that bloated?

P4G took me 70hrs to get true ending.

Took me 99 hrs 19 mins (or something like that) to finish it. P4 took me 53 hrs.

I dunno if I found it that bloated. I mean, it took a long time but outside of a few bits I never felt it was too much. Just some bits like Mementos and grinding can add up to a lot of time. But like, the plot and events going on and stuff felt like a good enough pace for me.
Nuke and Psi deal tech damage against enemies with ailments and status conditions, which is not super important on normal or hard mode, but can be useful against enemies who don't have weaknesses (Anubis) and I would imagine is probably more important on extreme difficulty where tech and weakness attacks get a huge boost. Though I can't say for sure since I haven't played it yet.

It also makes it a little more difficult to cover every type of weakness and makes considering which party members to bring along a little more interesting. I also like the other additions they made like baton pass.

I agree that it shouldn't have been so easy to gain an advantage, but at the same time after playing P4 I greatly prefer the cover attacks to Yu's horrible, awkward hitbox on his swings. They should have probably made attacking enemies from cover just trigger a normal fight and made you do something more risky/difficult to get an advantage.

I still pretty heavily prefer it over Tartarus and P4 dungeons. The more varied terrain alone makes it more interesting to look at at the very least, and the fact that you progress it alongside the regular, designed dungeons, rather than nothing but randomized stages, kept it from becoming tiring for me.

I really don't agree with this one, I think the palaces are definitely the most interesting in terms of both progression and aesthetics of the Hashino directed Persona games. And I really enjoyed most of the gimmicks they made you do in them. My biggest issue was constantly being interrupted by cutscenes or having the answers to already obvious puzzles spelled out to me. The
you mentioned was actually a nice change in that regard since I felt like I actually figured out the solutions to them on my own. I definitely hope they continue this trend of dungeon design in future games because the dungeons are the biggest reason I have no desire to replay P3 and P4 and my main reason for wanting to play P5 again.

I'm not trying to attack your opinion or say it's wrong, I just wanted to address some of the points in your post and give my own thoughts sine you obviously put a lot of effort into it. I didn't address your complaints about the story cause I generally agree with them, it was weak compared to the other games.

Yep, finale was my favorite part of the game as well.

Nuke and Psi are so pointless I never once even realized that they did what you said XD Yeah I'm sure it might be helpful on the harder difficulties but even still they just seem pointless as the poster below said when they already added Dark/Light attacks as well.

Eh I never really had a problem with Yu's hitbox in P4 and I played it right after finishing P5 (largely in part to see if I was just remembering things from P4 wrong with my complaints about how P5 just seems to repeat or copy the same things from it), its not perfect sure but I prefer that system over just giving you basically a cheat code for every single fight.

You are welcome to disagree, opinions are opinions. The problems I have with the palaces I've gone into deeper in other topics before this one but in general they are far to big and generally involve gameplay bloat to make them seem more challenging then they actually are. The first few don't really have this problem as the game is smart enough to forcibly limit how much you can cover in a single day by giving you additional story as you progress through certain parts but from the third on you pretty much barely enter the palace and then have to complete the whole thing and they just go on and on. The 7th palace was the worst because its not enough that the Maze takes a long time to complete (and its not hard to complete anyway its just lengthy to again, pad out the gameplay time for the palace) but its repeated over and over again without introducing any new mechanic just making each maze longer then the last, its never challenging or interesting. Every palace after the second one has this problem besides the 4th (since its broken up with story segments about Futaba), the third is one of the worst instances of this by having the large safe room at the end where you have to find like 5 different codes by going through 5 extra segments to get the codes to move on.

My problem isn't that these are included but the way they are implemented. They are never actually challenging or make you actually have to think. They aren't puzzles they are just more things you have to do in order to unlock and they are repeated over and over again. Palace 7 didn't need 4 or 5 mazes, Palace 3 didn't need 5 codes to unlock to finish the dungeon, ect. I didn't even bring up the 5th palace which is just all around garbage.

I like the idea of Persona 5 having unique dungeons that aren't randomized but these dungeons have a lot of style but they don't test the player or provide interesting and evolving gameplay they are solely bigger in each new palace just to make each dungeon last longer then the previous one when they just don't need to do that. There was an opportunity to actually make things like Palace 7's maze an evolving challenge by introducing new elements that give the player extra challenge but each of the mazes is the same thing over and over again without anything new added besides a different layout. Thats not interesting, its not fun.

Also in general I think a lot of people remember the P4 dungeons being a lot worse then they actually are. Almost every single one is at max 10 floors which takes in almost every instance less time to get through then even the shortest palace. They don't have interesting puzzles either but they don't take nearly as long to get through and I didn't have to wait 8 freaking years to get the game.

They mostly seem to exist so that each character can have their unique element without repeats. Which is kind of funny because, now that Dark and Holy have damaging spells, they could have used those instead.

I do like that elements have actual effects now, like Wind doing more damage to enemies that are on fire, and Psi attacks doing more damage to enemies (and characters) that have a mental debuff. I think that's new for a Persona game?
The comment about Dark/Holy is literally the same point I've made in previous topics where I go more in depth on these things. They basically added 5 new elements, Guns, Holy, Dark, Psi, Nuke and even then they STILL didn't really cover all of them nor do they generally provide any opportunities for unique effects they just are completely unnecessary and feel like other things in this game that should have been cut in pre-production that just somehow made it into the full game without much thought about adding more bloat to the combat system.

Overall I just think almost every element within Persona 5 feels undercooked, it feels like they wanted to add a lot, couldn't get it done and removed a lot of things but left in other things that likely should have been cut or trimmed down. We didn't need the palaces to try and be more graniouse and size and scale as the last, we didn't need 5 new types of damage, we didn't need the cover mechanic to be so powerful. They had a lot of great ideas but many of them were just executed really poorly.


Given how long I waited I'm sad I don't think of it more.

I did two back to back playthroughs, so I had to enjoy it, but I'd be lying if I said it didn't drag on at points.


Really don't understand the "game is too long" argument when it comes to JRPGs. I want these games to be long, that's part of the reason I like them. If I am enjoying a game and having fun with it, I want the length to be there...especially for games like Persona. I know people argue that "I don't have time for 100 hour games..." Ok, fine...maybe JRPGs aren't for you anymore then. I don't want a 10/20 hour JRPG, personally.

Meh, I don't know why people act like P5 isn't notably long, or that it doesn't have easily identifiable things that it could streamline, like those damn recap text conversations for example. Palaces didn't need to be so lengthy either. Padding is a thing after all. When you enjoy the game, you're right, it does make it easier to ignore, even enjoy. But if you don't, then it all just stands out even more.
Left me fairly cold in the end. The characters and writing just weren't up to snuff for the required time investment. I've played through P4 and 3 multiple times. Highly doubt I'll ever play P5 again.

A lot of mechanical things I liked, but ultimately, I've enjoyed other Atlus games far more.


Kinda a disappointment for me, got to palace 6 and still haven't beat it. It's fun but a step down from 4 in term of story, characters, music. Even the dungeon, I like the custom design but hate the sneaking mechanic. Also being a dungeon crawler fan, I actually enjoy the random aspect of previous games. Prob gonna come back and beat it at some point but yeah


The nicest person on this forum
Meh, I don't know why people act like P5 isn't notably long, or that it doesn't have easily identifiable things that it could streamline, like those damn recap text conversations for example. Palaces didn't need to be so lengthy either. Padding is a thing after all. When you enjoy the game, you're right, it does make it easier to ignore, even enjoy. But if you don't, then it all just stands out even more.

But if you don't enjoy the game in the first place then it gonna feel long no matter what.
I LOOOVE Nier Automata but to some people who didn't enjoy it that game also feels long even through its not really that long compare to other RPG.
Atlus created another amazing game but it still doesn't top Persona 4 Golden IMO. The cast, story, and the moments are just not as strong in Persona 5 compared to 4. I also prefer the soundtrack in 4 but the one in 5 is still great.

Makoto is the best waifu in Persona 5 though.


People called Romanes they go the house?
Great game, but the continual delays, large NA localization delay (including two delays in and of itself), and characters that (IMO) didn't quite stack up to the high of Persona 4's heights (the characters never really felt like they were actually growing as friends, and often not even as people given the backslides that occur to keep the plot moving) meant that I beat it, had a good time......and sold it.

Maybe re-pick it up for P5-crimson or what have you if there are any significant changes, but not anytime soon.

I liked the dungeons not being randomly generated, but at the same time often felt they overstayed their welcome.

Would have not ever anticipated the relative apathy after the greatness going from P3 (great in its own right) --> P4

I LOOOVE Nier Automata but to some people who didn't enjoy it that game also feels long even through its not really that long compare to other RPG.

Route B definitely takes way too long unless you're specifically a fan of the 'minigame' that makes up a large chunk of that specific route.

That, and Automata is pretty droll from a combat perspective, at least in terms of visceralness/presentation


But if you don't enjoy the game in the first place then it gonna feel long no matter what.
I LOOOVE Nier Automata but to some people who didn't enjoy it that game also feels long even through its not really that long compare to other RPG.

I did enjoy the game though.. until I didn't, after the 6th palace pretty much, though there were rumblings in the 5th palace. But even with the first one, I'm like "Wow this is long..."


Meh, I don't know why people act like P5 isn't notably long, or that it doesn't have easily identifiable things that it could streamline, like those damn recap text conversations for example. Palaces didn't need to be so lengthy either. Padding is a thing after all. When you enjoy the game, you're right, it does make it easier to ignore, even enjoy. But if you don't, then it all just stands out even more.

Text recap being cut would have saved a few hours at most, so not really that significant to a 100+ hour game. And the Palace's didn't feel too log to me, but I enjoyed the gameplay and the exploration, etc. so I wouldn't want them to be shorter. And I think they actually do quite a bit to streamline what they can (rush, shortcut commands for attacking weaknesses, fast travel to even specific shops, etc). Like it was already mentioned, if you don't enjoy it any length will feel too long but to me there are much much worse examples of padding and time wasting in games than this one, where I never really got that feeling aside from the standard JRPG design tropes that isn't everyone's cup of tea.
One of the best JRPGs for me (not only for 2017). IMHO better than P3/P4 (although some elements are debatable). Just like the OP, I clocked 140 hours for the JP version (100 first playthrough and 40 second playthrough) and then put another 60 hours into the EN release (still gearing up for the 2nd playthrough sometime in the future).


It's a pretty good game, although the pacing can be torturous at times. Overall I prefer SMT IV and SMT Apocalypse despite the obviously inferior graphics.

Nori Chan

It was my first persona game and definitely my goty. Probably one of my favorite games of all time. Put 95 hours into it and not even close to the Plat.

I’m interested in the whole persona series now. I hope they port or remake other ones. I don’t think I’m the only person who that says that this is their first persona game.
130 hours total and the most stylish game ever. The first 2/3rds is GotG quality. The last 1/3 is an uneven drag. Probably behind Horizon and probably Nier in GotY, but still one of my all time favorites.

My ringtone is Last Surprise.


Has no PEINS
Loved playing through it, then when I finished it I went into a bit of a "disappointed" phase and now I think I can simply say I enjoyed it in spite of its flaws. I preferred the murder mystery-style of story in P4 (haven't played enough P3 to make a comparison there), but the dungeons were interesting enough on their own to keep me pushing forward

As others have said, the characters and group dynamic weren't as strong as I would have liked (didn't have enough time with Haru at all; Makoto was my fave until we'd hang out and then she'd act like an alien or a robot or something; Yusuke's vibe just didn't gel with me at all; everyone else was cool though)

It was so dang joyous to actually play though, it just felt so good. And it looked so good, and it sounded so good. I think I'd like to go back and replay it at some point, which is something I very rarely do, so I guess that says something
I haven't played it yet but I read this game lacks ANY audio options?


But I also read that if you use spotify it will override the ingame music and you can even turn the spotify volume all the way down to mute any music at all.


Great highs, terrible lows. The 'school year' system has really run its course by this point, so I hope this is the end of it.
Great highs, terrible lows. The 'school year' system has really run its course by this point, so I hope this is the end of it.

I think school system is still great, but the really messed up part about P5 is that Mona kept telling you to go to bed and that slowed everything down considerably. Not sure why anyone thought it was a good idea to tune out for the night and waste so many days you could have been doing any number of other things.


I think P5 is more forgettable than P3/P4 as I think they had better cast, story and so on than P5. It only been half a year since I played P5, but it still feels like I remember more from P3 and P4 (which I've only played thru once too). It did improve on the biggest weakness of P3/P4 though, the dungeons. They are by no means perfect, but the dungeons in P5 are a lot more enjoyable than the dungeons in P3/P4.
OST: 3=4>5
Story, Links, ending: 4,3,5
Cast: 4,5,3
Battle gameplay: 5,4,3
Style: 5,4,3
Extra events like summer camps and stuff: 4,3,5

I liked it but I got burnt out on my second playthough. Should have gave it more time in between. That long tutorial is a killer and the last few dungeons just drag on for no reason that's killing me from finishing my second playthough.
The cast is weaker than 4 and Mona fights with Teddie for worst animal.
I still enjoyed it immensely. I'm still salty about missing a side quest early in the game which killed my platinum run though Hahaha


Still my GOTY. Loved practically everything about it though am now fatigued of the series formula after 3 games and am looking forward to a new direction from the series under new leadership in addition to Project Re:Fantasy.


I think school system is still great, but the really messed up part about P5 is that Mona kept telling you to go to bed and that slowed everything down considerably. Not sure why anyone thought it was a good idea to tune out for the night and waste so many days you could have been doing any number of other things.

They can and should branch out by now, the original concept of the protagonist being a globetrotter was brilliant.
Up until the end I loved the game, I had put in a huge effort to set myself up for the platinum trophy and had even gone to the extent of creating ridiculously complex fusions like Jack Frost with max magic/speed, Ice Age, Diamond Dust, Concentrate, Repel Fire, Ice Boost, Ice Amp, Spell Master and Magic Ability for the second playthrough.

And since then I've not even played it.

With P4 that final cutscene hit like a ton of bricks, having spent over 100 hours with those characters it hurt to let the game go. With P5 I just lost all interest almost immediately afterwards, not sure why, but I think it might be down to the final cutscene being so bland and Atlus' track record with the P4 spinoffs.


It had some issues, but overall I really enjoyed/am enjoying it and felt like adding mini goals to the calendar really helped me know when it was safe to pursue the social part of the game with was my biggest problem with persona 3 and why In ever even looked into p4.

I might have to try out persona 4 on ps now if they don't port it to ps4 soon, but does it have smaller goal smaller goals system?


Honeymoon died down for me, yeah... The game went from fantastic to "Ya know, I ain't replaying this, committing hours on one couch sitting is too much"


Like all Persona games I'm taking a while to play through it, stopped 50 hours in to prevent burnout and will probably pick it back up in December or next year or something. From what I played it was great, though the cast and pacing didn't really resonate with me like 4's. I don't really dig the minor stealth mechanics. Pretty much everything else about it was fantastic though. The dungeon design was great, the presentation is pretty much the best the medium's seen, fantastic battle system, I love the OST, there's not really much to complain about.
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