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Playtonic removes JonTron from Yooka-Laylee.

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Jesus Christ. What's up with so many of these racist white youtubers. Are there some examples of people who are vocal about their politics but in the right direction?

Well gamexplain stopped having him on because of how shitty he is. One of their staff members, Ash, even posts here and seems pretty cool


It's a pity they got caught up in his shittery, but it's nice to know they aren't going to let him have any negative impact on their game.


Oh yes, because obviously just having a guy do voices for your game means you endorse all of their views. Christ, the lengths companies think they need to go to make everybody "comfortable".
You can't be a bigot against racists holy shit lol. Their ideas are abhorrent and they actively harm the rights of minorities every day whether it's subtle things like the way they treat minority customers or the overt things such as kicking them out altogether.

But speaking out against racism makes you the Real Racist™.
Found these gems on twitter

That 1st amendment takes the cake though.

The idea that all "opinions" are equal is so fucking harmful and needs to die.


Jesus Christ. What's up with so many of these racist white youtubers. Are there some examples of people who are vocal about their politics but in the right direction?
Hbomberguy is very political and actually focuses more on takedowns of idiots than gaming content. That being said though he has made some incredible gaming opinion videos like Bloodborne being amazing and Fallout 3 being awful. Even if you disagree with his view he explains it really well.


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
Lol wow. The answer to all of those hilariously and poorly chosen hypotheticals is a resounding yes.

Those were the easiest questions in the history of humankind and you still got it wrong.

Even if they were, you can lose your government job for hate speech, easily.

Pff yeah right. Maybe in dictatorships like the European union but certainly not in the US and A
You're the ignorant one if you think Che was a monster. Che Guevara was a great revolutionary.

I'm speaking in generalities and responding to his points in context of what he's expressing. I don't know anything about Che (besides knowing that a lot of people who idolize him are inadequately familiar with him), and am merely replying to the user about his views on Che.
Oh yes, because obviously just having a guy do voices for your game means you endorse all of their views. Christ, the lengths companies think they need to go to make everybody "comfortable".

But, if "just having a guy do voices for you game" means that people won't buy it and it will affect your bottom line and ability to continue making great content then the answer to remove it is simple.


Good on them. When the JonTron stuff first started getting revealed on here, whether he would get taken out of Yooka-Laylee or not was one of the first things I wondered about. After the fact that he's an unapologetic racist.


Oh yes, because obviously just having a guy do voices for your game means you endorse all of their views. Christ, the lengths companies think they need to go to make everybody "comfortable".

They could just not want a racist sullying their game that they worked hard on.


weird. his inclusion wouldn't have affected my enjoyment of the game, and his exclusion won't either.

but I kind of enjoy seeing people flip flop between cancelling and renewing preorders XD
Oh yes, because obviously just having a guy do voices for your game means you endorse all of their views. Christ, the lengths companies think they need to go to make everybody "comfortable".
They probably also don't want to be associated with a racist dickhead.


They didn't have to, but they did. The shit Jon said is not OK under any circumstances, and then doubles down on it. I definitely wouldn't want my product associated with that kind of person.

hahahahaha, this one is good.


also stupid fuckers don't get that no one has to give you a platform for your garbage hate-speech or people who are associate with it. You're completely free to say it, but no one has to accommodate you in any way shape or form.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Who's the real bigots? The bigots who say hateful things or the bigots who won't meet them in the middle and talk them down or tolerate their hurtful views?

Real head scratcher that one.
The bolded. If you think otherwise, you're part of the problem.

L Thammy

Lol wow. The answer to all of those hilariously and poorly chosen hypotheticals is a resounding yes.

Can I just say that people like you are exactly why I hate how so many Americans seem to venerate the first amendment as part of a divine commandment. If your free speech is actively causing harm to other individuals and enabling the tyranny of the majority, fuck your free speech, and yours specifically. Barring hate speech does not create a police state, but enabling it empowers the people who want one.


Lol I just learned he was on and now he's off. The internet moves quick. Good on Playtronics however, My day 1 purchase continues to be assured.


Oh yes, because obviously just having a guy do voices for your game means you endorse all of their views. Christ, the lengths companies think they need to go to make everybody "comfortable".

Are you really this dense? Companies have reputations that are defined by the people they employ. I would have fired his ass from my project team in a heartbeat.


So does that mean the character and all of the content surrounding him are cut or are they just going to replace the voice?

I'm all good with not giving platforms and exposing children to Jontron.


Oh yes, because obviously just having a guy do voices for your game means you endorse all of their views. Christ, the lengths companies think they need to go to make everybody "comfortable".

Clearly that's what the creators wanted to avoid yes. Don't even know why you're upset, it's their content.

Having a racist do voices for their game certainly wouldn't help sell units.


So, let me summarize the defense force here.

Defense force: People should be able to do and say whatever they want without consequences.

Response: So a developer getting rid of someone for their racist views is fine?


This is always what it comes down to. It's textbook and tired.

The gamers who exalt the first amendment the hardest for the sake of being virtue-signaling champions to the oppressed artists suddenly back off that hill when they notice that freedom of expression also applies to everyone as everything they don't agree with, including the right to be fired for racist shit that they may or may not also subscribe to (although they sure like stanning hard for racists. 🤔)

Then they want to pussyfoot around the fact that this outrage- this gnashing protest against the first amendment right of companies to fire those they find shitty- means they're in actuality just as sensitive and touchy, if not moreso, as the SJWs they've been shitting on for the same reasons this entire time. It's pure cognitive dissonance.

I want someone to just come out and say that they don't believe people should have the right to disassociate from bigots even if that is a fundamental violation of the free speech they use as a bludgeon to defend upskirt shots of underage girls. More honesty would make the world a better place.
People honestly don't know what the first amendment is

You wonder how truly dumb they must be, I have to imagine at this point everyone who has gotten it wrong has at least seen someone else get corrected on it.

I actually can't fathom what I'm reading. How are people like this?

Whiners who don't understand or value personal responsibility. They just want to be safe in their cliques.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
The second bigots should have been in air quotes.
We got people saying "nazi jobs matter" so poe's law. Clear indications of sarcasm like /S or
are invaluable more than ever in threads such as these.


Oh yes, because obviously just having a guy do voices for your game means you endorse all of their views. Christ, the lengths companies think they need to go to make everybody "comfortable".

Christ, the lengths people think they need to go to carry water for racists.


John is not a nazi. Calling him one undermines the struggle that many jewish ppl had to deal with. Real nazis have killed and committed many atrocities.

The core tenet of Nazism is a deep seeded belief in racial theories.

Nazism subscribed to theories of racial hierarchy and Social Darwinism, identifying Germans as part of what Nazis regarded as an Aryan or Nordic master race.[2] It aimed to overcome social divisions and create a homogeneous society, unified on the basis of "racial purity" (Volksgemeinschaft). The Nazis aimed to unite all Germans living in historically German territory, as well as gain additional lands for German expansion under the doctrine of Lebensraum, while excluding those deemed either to be community aliens or belonging to an "inferior" race.

Now look at all the things Jon Tron said. He focused on portraying blacks as instinctively violent people. Cries about white countries not allowed to be "white". Even citing Japan (a country that went on a near genocidal crusade during WW2) as "why can't white countries be like that?". Immigrants are a ploy in destroying every country they enter.

He may not have killed anyone but everything he said lines up with what the Nazis were doing last century. In fact, name another group of people whose beliefs are all about "non whites are evil/violent, don't let them into your countries, focus on the white race above all others"?
You can't be a bigot against racists holy shit lol. Their ideas are abhorrent and they actively harm the rights of minorities every day whether it's subtle things like the way they treat minority customers or the overt things such as kicking them out altogether.

I agree with you that their ideas are abhorrent and that they should face consequences as JonTron did. I don't agree with you that stripping away their rights is an appropriate solution. I've seen applause and advocacy for violence against these people on these very forums, and it saddens me deeply. Any company has a right to hire who they'd like to hire and if they want to exclude a known racist I can't fault them, and the instant an employee even hints at doing something improper to a customer, coworker, anyone they should be axed. But barring people from the job market altogether? Advocating violence? That reeks of the sort of extremism that I hate from the other side. I really would like to see my own side held to a higher standard than that.


never left the stone age
Oh yes, because obviously just having a guy do voices for your game means you endorse all of their views. Christ, the lengths companies think they need to go to make everybody "comfortable".
You seem pretty uncomfortable by the removal of a racist asshole from a video game
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