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Polygon interview with Reggie Fils-Aime: Iwata did not apologize; We make great games

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Yikes, no Splatoon was very well received initially, I don't remember a negative word said about it. Reggie, not the smartest thing to say.


Watchu talkin' 'bout, Reggie? Splatoon was one of the highlights of E3 last year. It's reception (totally positive) doesn't compare to Federation Force reception. I saw a few videos from the treehouse showing gameplay of that game and indeed, it looks like it is going to be a fun lil' game to spend a few minutes here and there everyday, especially with blastball, but the problem is that this game has nothing to do with the Metroid franchise and it came on the worst moment possible because this is technically considered the first Metroid related game in 5 years after the mess that Other M was and everybody was expecting Samus big return but we got this instead.


People called Romanes they go the house?
Strange/nonsensical comparisons, evasive PR responses....Nothing new from Reggie.

Though the 'the appreciation and understanding of what we're doing increases over those three days and continues to build into the holidays.'

As a spin-off game, it's admittedly being judged somewhat unfairly (though the reveal did extremely little for it).

But tacking on the Metroid Prime name is just....so dumb.
This is baffling. Why does Iwata has to apologize? Why is the main PR guy of Nintendo explaining things? People nowadays are so self-entitled .

New flash: Nintendo doesn't owe you anything. If you got "disappointed" by the Digital Event, it is you own fault. Take some responsibility for once, people.

It's only video games.
You have it all backwards.
I think the reason people are disappointed (and don't blame consumers, the blame falls completely on Nintendo), is that the whole thing was a series of teases of franchises people want, but not the games they want.

Here's Animal Crosssing.... it's a board game built around Amiibos.
Here's Zelda.... it's a 3DS game with 3 Links. We used to have 4, but now it's 3. Zelda Wii U? That would just cause confusion.
Here's Metroid.... it's a team based shooter.
Unprecidented third party support... so we can sell more toys.

Mario had a decent showing, but it's also heavily reliant on the consumer putting in the work to make the levels.

It's more of the blatant disregard for their core franchises that annoys people.

Was it someone on here mentioned the difference between Square Enix and Nintendo? Square Enix were leading in with massive teases and then showing off mobile games, before showing off big console titles in the same segments? Nintendo was all about the tease and it was painful to watch.

Hell, the highlight of the digital event was watching the old original plans for Super Mario Bros. because that was interesting, but most of the event was filler, for no substance. Here's some puppets, here's some people talking for far too long, don't worry about games.

I have been out of the Nintendo ecosystem for a while, but I don't really feel any need to get back into it because they really don't seem to know what they are doing, ever.


Mentioning splatoon wasnt apt but the phenomenon he describes happens. 3d world looked bad but was amazing. Skyword swords controls malfunctioned onstage but were fine. People hated on tropical freeze but it was awesome. Nintendo just sucks at presenting itself sometimes. Other times it's great though (moreso treehouse or certain teams)


It's using the Metroid universe and this will give it a better chance of recognition and sales.

Next Level is worthy of it, they don't make bad games.
Yep. Slapping the Metroid name on it has surely done plenty of good for the game, as seen on its YouTube video likes/dislikes ratio.


People called Romanes they go the house?
It's using the Metroid universe and this will give it a better chance of recognition and sales.

Next Level is worthy of it, they don't make bad games.

Clearly no risk of the name association backfiring, and having people get pretty damn upset, and lose the game a fair shake, though.

edit: It's also featured in the same conference as a Animal Crossing Mario-party/board game amiibo spinoff thing, which doesn't help it either.


I don't really get the impression that they're trying to be arrogant. They're in a very awkward position right now. They're clearly moving games over to the NX, but they can't admit that right now because they've still got Wii U games to sell. So it puts them in a very bad PR position, as their interviews are showing.

Didn't the Metroid Prime producer straight up say the next Metroid is gonna be on NX? And Reggie even name dropped the thing during the Direct. It's not really a secret, anyone with any knowledge of the industry knows that's what's happening and it would be really cool of them to be open and up front about it with their fans.
So what he says is, that they don't even acknowledge that they have been messing up?


The Wii U was definitely my last Nintendo console.


It's using the Metroid universe and this will give it a better chance of recognition and sales.

Next Level is worthy of it, they don't make bad games.

Meh, what else was he going to say really? Not really much choice as far as I'm concerned.

The thing that just annoys me the most about this E3 was just the shoehorning of IPs into games where it was not needed. It just smells of pandering and desperation, and Nintendo just doesn't need to do that. I don't know who has been pushing for this inside of the company, but it just reeks of a lack of leadership - and that really hurts, because ultimately that is Mr. Iwata's responsibility, and I really want to like and respect him as a person and leader.

Nintendo has many, many creative people to draw from within their company, and obviously extremely talented designers/producers/programmers - let them make the games they want to make! This is what I truly want from Nintendo. If a game is fun to play, Nintendo has the creative and technical prowess to make sure that it will be polished.

I suppose it ultimately comes down to risk versus reward. The video game industry these days seems to be more cutthroat than ever - and a single poor piece of software seems to be enough to sink many companies. On one hand I understand the need to maximize the value proposition of a product by linking established IPs to games, however it just seems as though they are leaning on them far too much these days, and I think it is clear that we've hit a saturation point, judging from the reactions of the Digital Event this year.
There is no real good comparison here.

For Splatoon. There was a bit of confusion about what it was and disappointment for a few that it wasn't Sunshine HD but most liked it/were okay with it and quickly started really loving it after it was shown at treehouse live.

Metroid Prime: Federation Force is despised because a lot of people have been waiting for a new Metroid for years now. Showing the game off doesn't seem to have done much for it either.
If it was a new IP. It would probably be more comparable to Codename S.T.E.A.M's first reaction. Add the Metroid name and you have a nightmare reception.


I wonder how much of his hands are tied though. It seems like he's constantly having to make chicken salad out of shit because of how not empowered NOA is. It's not like these are his decisions.

I highly doubt even if Reggie was the one making the decisions that fans would like the direction any better. This is the guy who came up with Bigfoot for Pizza Hut after all.

I also don't completely buy that he is just a puppet for Iwata and a glorified PR guy. He definitely does something.
... Splatoon's reception was almost immediately the exact opposite of Federation Force's. No clue why that comparison was made.
I was going to say. People seemed pretty stoked about Splatoon from the get go. The worst people were saying was essentially "I don't even fully understand what the fuck is going on." which was understandable.


I feel that their E3 as a whole wasn't bad at all....but like I mentioned in other threads, they did a horrible job 'masking' the Wii U's reality of it being a failing console. E3 2014 till this Monday showed hope and mostly masked its reality through great games, strong DLC support and even some new IP.

But.....they barely masked anything this E3 and it was completely transparent; stating that more information on the NX will be coming in 2016 right from the start of the Digital Event, a big Metroid producer stating that its likely to see a new Prime game on NX, that rumor of Next Level Games having there project shifted to Wii U, HD assets for Animal Crossing being used for a simple board game over a full-on HD tittle, and Nintendo having a 'theme' of re-using content for numerous 3DS tittles (Zelda and Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam specifically, despite both looking to be great upcoming tittles).

Nintendo is clearly in a spot where they came to this point:
"We tried for the Wii U, but its not selling as well as we hoped after Smash and Mario Kart's release in 2014. So, lets finished out our existing games in development and announce a few remasters using that GameCube porting engine we used for Wind Waker HD to space out out our release line up. That way we can put our biggest teams on NX project to ensure a stronger release line up for the systems launch. Zelda should still come to Wii U, as we promised that to Wii U buyers, but everything else is moved to the new platform"

And.....that's pulling a Sega sadly :l. But Iwata and Reggie should have at the very least showed off Zelda and Retro's project. That way we can be excited about Nintendo's future instead of being so sour about there future.

Oh, and Reggie? While you guys didn't have to apologize about the Digital Event (as your company's E3 showing was overall very solid thanks to the Smash Direct, Treehouse Live and the Nintendo World Championship), but at least be aware why people are upset. People didn't get pissed about Federation Force because it looks like crap, they got pissed as they don't know about the series future after the trainwreak of Other M X(. At the very least, get Axiom Verge on Nintendo platforms, as that will be closer to Metroid then anything put out in the last few years by you guys.....


Yikes, no Splatoon was very well received initially, I don't remember a negative word said about it. Reggie, not the smartest thing to say.

Yeah can't understand where this is coming from. Splatoon was a huge plus for Nintendo's 2014 E3 keynote. Pretty sad they are trying to pass the buck rather than man up to the crap conference that they had.
Meh, what else was he going to say really? Not really much choice as far as I'm concerned.

The thing that just annoys me the most about this E3 was just the shoehorning of IPs into games where it was not needed. It just smells of pandering and desperation, and Nintendo just doesn't need to do that. I don't know who has been pushing for this inside of the company, but it just reeks of a lack of leadership - and that really hurts, because ultimately that is Mr. Iwata's responsibility, and I really want to like and respect him as a person and leader.

Nintendo has many, many creative people to draw from within their company, and obviously extremely talented designers/producers/programmers - let them make the games they want to make! This is what I truly want from Nintendo. If a game is fun to play, Nintendo has the creative and technical prowess to make sure that it will be polished.

I suppose it ultimately comes down to risk versus reward. The video game industry these days seems to be more cutthroat than ever - and a single poor piece of software seems to be enough to sink many companies. On one hand I understand the need to maximize the value proposition of a product by with linking established IPs to games, however it just seems as though they are leaning on them far too much these days, and I think it is clear that we've hit a saturation point, judging from the reactions of the Digital Event this year.

Nintendo did this during the last years of the Wii. They have a lot of creative people but total lack of foreshadowing (as their expansion was slow as hell and in the middle of changing to HD). Not even Sony and Microsoft have the man power to produce quality games monthly.

Jay RaR

Oh man, that was such a quick and desperate lie Reggie to damage control this game...

Reggie probably could of used Super Mario 3D World as a better comparison than Splatoon with the backlash it got when it was revealed (bland graphics, a step down of gameplay from Galaxy 2, unconvincing trailer).
Hmm he never said splatoon wasn't well received. He merely said that people didn't understand some of the concepts behind splatoon and other complaints which I assume are things like voice chat, content, single player, etc. still a poor comparison though. :p splatoon didn't get a petition asking for the game to be destroyed.


Yeah Reggie, that Splatoon reveal was really poorly received...

(Posts from the two minutes during reveal of Splatoon in last year's Digital Event Thread)


A shooter made by Nintendo?!

Holy crap that looks fun

A cool take on the domination style shooter.

This is so good guys.

Now what's this? Splatoon?

Online multiplayer shooter?

Fake Edit:WOW looks awesome!

New IP? holy shit!

This has been awesome!

Is this like a third person paintball game?
I like this idea if so

Very cool concept.

The squid idea is cool.

Spitoon is pretty awesome looking

Splatoon is a great idea!

A new IP?

Nintendo is really going all in.

This looks like it could be a ton of fun.

Splatoon looks tight

Yo Splatoon looks like a lot of fun

The transforming between people and squid are pretty amazing :O

Oh wow

Splatoon looks boss as fuck

Gameplay-wise, this is actually brilliant.

Holy Jesus, Nintendo delivering.

Nintendo has some amazing stuff coming.

This is how you innovate on a tired genre.

Splatoon game looks good.

splatoon looks interesting

I have no idea what I'm looking at, but it's awesome.

Now go and look at the posts for Metroid Federation Fucks or whatever it is. Might notice a difference.
Well I mean... he's kinda right. People hated 3D World and slowly they realized it was gonna be amazing. Happened with Tropical Freeze too. It will be the same for Star Fox. If we discount the whiny man-children, it will happen with Federation Force as well (unless the game actually does suck but the Treehouse stream made it look amazing. We'll see).


Splatoon was not negatively received when it was announced.

Yep. People thought it looked fun and awesome at the reveal. Treehouse Live demos helped sell it more. But people were already interested in it. Also, while Treehouse Live did show some good gameplay this year, it hardly made any titles look much better than their presentation in the Direct. Treehouse Live also didn't address the issues people had with the Direct.

Reggie is doing perfect PR and putting his head in the sand on this one.


Reggie applies so much spin to every situation; I'm growing pretty tired of it. I feel like he somewhat undermines things that Iwata and Miyamoto do to have genuine interactions with the fans.


People called Romanes they go the house?

That's a fair argument when it comes time to judge the game on its merits, but not the point of mine which you took issue with initially re: the Metroid branding.

Word of mouth is relatively easy to spread these days, and Federation Force has just been dragged through the mud and back.

Personally, I'm not a fan of the Treehouse demo at all, and I know that (barring some significant changes) it's not for me.

But for people who are wanting a Metroid i.e. the title, they'll look the game up on the web and go 'no thanks'.

Other people may come for the co-op, but I really don't think this has helped as you seem to be conveying.
The correct translation of his message was: 'Thank you for your feedback. We hear you and we are committed to continuing to meet your expectations,' was essentially his message.

How can a paraphrase be the correct translation?


Yeah Reggie, that Splatoon reveal was really poorly received...

(Posts from the two minutes during reveal of Splatoon in last year's Digital Event Thread)

Now go and look at the posts for Metroid Federation Fucks or whatever it is. Might notice a difference.

comin' in hot with those receipts

What an embarrassing interview lol. Reggie wtf are you even doing


I think Mario 3D World would of been a better example. At the time everyone wanted Galaxy 3 like how we have now where people wanted a new Wii U Prime. Then more info on 3D World came along and people were nuts for it.

Oops looks like I'm late to the party.
But guys, we get unprecedented Skylanders Amiiboos...

Man... That segment sounded less like "get hype" and more like "look investors, we are listening. Like with the mobile stuff and all that. Still don't ask about addressing amiiboos shortages". Even if it was directed to young Skylanders fans, that is a 2 minute E3 TV broadcasted conference trailer at best.
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