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RAGE-What we know, crumbs and morsels on id's hybrid racer/shooter(56k is RAGIN)

Rage runs faster on Xbox 360

The Xbox 360 and PC versions of id's Rage sport higher framerates than the PlayStation 3 version, the latest issue of Edge magazine reveals.

In a ten-page reveal in its latest issue, Edge writes that the Xbox 360 version of Rage - which uses id's new Tech 5 engine - matches the 60fps framerate of the PC version, while PS3 runs at just "20-30fps".

It's not mentioned whether the PS3 framerate will be addressed by the game's eventual release.

"The PS3 lags a little bit behind in terms of getting the performance out of it," John Carmack told Edge. "The rasteriser is just a little bit slower - no two ways about that.

"The RSX is slower than what we have in the 360. The CPU is about the same, but the 360 makes it easier to split things off, and that's what a lot of the work has been, splitting it all into jobs on the PS3," he said.

The PS3 edition was thought to be the most technically capable of the console pair, thanks to id being able to squeeze the gigantic shooter onto a single-player Blu-ray disc, compared to Xbox 360's four DVDs.

The developer also confirmed that a Mac version of Rage is still in development.


4 discs? I thought Carmack/someone from the dev team said they were aiming for 2 possibly 3 discs due to royalty costs.
*Ps3 only owner here*

Well that sucks. Yeah won't be buying it if it goes into the twenties. It can't be that hard to make it work right? Just make the resolution 600p.


GAF's Bob Woodward
I should hope for prospective buyers of the PS3 versions that that's the state of development now as an illustration of the longer time it takes them to bring PS3 up to speed, and not what's intended by release...
gofreak said:
I should hope for prospective buyers of the PS3 versions that that's the state of development now as an illustration of the longer time it takes them to bring PS3 up to speed, and not what's intended by release...

you know ppl ain't gonna listen:D


Ogs said:
*awaits replies for comparison to the MW2 600p thread*

id is the new Valve when it comes to PS3 development.
It's okay, as with most recent ID titles it'll prolly be subpar when compared to what is currently available. Looks like things are right on track.


Gold Member
:lol :lol :lol

lemon__fresh said:
It's okay, as with most recent ID titles it'll prolly be subpar when compared to what is currently available. Looks like things are right on track.

Uh oh, feelings are getting hurt.


That's very strange, the recent Gameinformer preview mentioned nothing like that, but that all three versions demoed (PC, PS3, 360) looked very comparable from a brief glimpse. And as they've pushed the tech as 60 FPS cross platforms up til now it would be a huge change of direction.

I'll wait for a confirmation from other sources.


stuburns said:
Carmack fanboys crumble.


Why? id is a PC dev and the PC version of this game will still be dominant. Carmack can only work so much magic when dealing with inferior technology.


funny that "a little bit behind" means 30fps less then on xbox... if the game is any good its time for a new pc :)
SuperEnemyCrab said:
Hahaha, ps3 owners can go back to hating on ID/Carmack now along with Valve. PC gaming wins again.

dont know if pc gamers won, since rage was made with consoles in mind... ps3 owners might lost but pc owners lost the day id said it will focus on consoles


Zeliard said:

Why? id is a PC dev and the PC version of this game will still be dominant. Carmack can only work so much magic when dealing with inferior technology.

Any time I've ever said anything bad about Carmack or Id it's been way too much effort to bother with, so I'm not going into it.


peakish said:
That's very strange, the recent Gameinformer preview mentioned nothing like that, but that all three versions demoed (PC, PS3, 360) looked very comparable from a brief glimpse. And as they've pushed the tech as 60 FPS cross platforms up til now it would be a huge change of direction.

I'll wait for a confirmation from other sources.
It also says the Xbox version is four DVDs, so maybe we shouldn't immediately start panicing at CVG.com's poached summary of an Edge article.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Twenty frames per seconds? Pretty much the same as the framerate I got with Doom 3 last time I played it (on release) :lol Fully playable.


I really want to believe that it's just a matter of development being some time behind on PS3, a 40 fps difference is way to important to be just mentioned as a "side note".


Oh ok so the 360 version runs a little faster... pfft. *reads post* WTF!! up to 40 frames faster than ps3 version! No Carmack, just no.


stuburns said:
Any time I've ever said anything bad about Carmack or Id it's been way too much effort to bother with, so I'm not going into it.

I'd imagine it's difficult to back that up with any strong arguments. There isn't really anything bad you can say about Carmack, unless you're seriously fishing. The guy and his company don't frequently make games, and when they do, they push the genre forward in one way or another (or several ways, back in the day). When Carmack feels he made a critical mistake in his games, like the flashlight in Doom 3 or Quake 2's single-player, he owns up to it.

What exactly is there to criticize? The man can't make a game run at 60 FPS that isn't going to due to the tech he's working with. Carmack and id are hardly the only devs that have struggled to get something meaningful out of the PS3. How much more evidence do we need that the PS3 architecture is simply unfriendly to most devs? The only ones that have really pushed it are exclusive PS3 devs and Criterion.


GAF's Bob Woodward
megateto said:
I really want to believe that it's just a matter of development being some time behind on PS3, a 40 fps difference is way to important to be just mentioned as a "side note".

A lot of games have not-so-good framerates until the latter parts of their development when they get to optimisation - it's not that unusual. I wouldn't be OVERLY concerned at this stage if it's still their intent to be 60fps on all platforms. Now if they were suddenly turning around and saying the PS3 version WILL BE 20-30fps, that's another matter, but I think they're talking about the current state of play rather than the final product.

They maybe should have kept that ND guy though...


I'd be in the dick
I wonder if the Edge interview was before the Game Informer one. Didn't Carmack say that the PS3 version had just made a big leap and caught up in Game Informer? Anyway I hope people don't start freaking out this early, the game is still a long way off. I'll wait until it's out before I start complaining.
Zeliard said:
I'd imagine it's difficult to back that up with any strong arguments. There isn't really anything bad you can say about Carmack, unless you're seriously fishing. The guy and his company don't frequently make games, and when they do, they push the genre forward in one way or another (or several ways, back in the day). When Carmack feels he made a critical mistake in his games, like the flashlight in Doom 3 or Quake 2's single-player, he owns up to it.

I'll bite. HL2 and Doom 3 came out in the same year, I wonder which one pushed the genre forward and is remembered fondly by all.


Zeliard said:
I'd imagine it's difficult to back that up with any strong arguments. There isn't really anything bad you can say about Carmack, unless you're seriously fishing. The guy and his company don't frequently make games, and when they do, they push the genre forward in one way or another (or several ways, back in the day). When Carmack feels he made a critical mistake in his games, like the flashlight in Doom 3 or Quake 2's single-player, he owns up to it.

What exactly is there to criticize? The man can't make a game run at 60 FPS that isn't going to due to the tech he's working with. Carmack and id are hardly the only devs that have struggled to get something meaningful out of the PS3. How much more evidence do we need that the PS3 architecture is simply unfriendly to most devs? The only ones that have really pushed it are exclusive PS3 devs and Criterion.
I hardly need 'evidence', games are a matter of taste, and all the Id games I've played have been utter trash.

Although, Carmack shouldn't really be the aim of my attacks, their tech is great, and he's not actually designing the games, he's just the front of the studio.


Why do we now care about what frame rate a game that's probably a year out is currently running at? Come on, this is pathetic console fanboy flame bait and nothing more. Performance improvements are almost always the very last phase of game development, and Rage is no where near release yet.


Draft said:
It also says the Xbox version is four DVDs, so maybe we shouldn't immediately start panicing at CVG.com's poached summary of an Edge article.

Yeah, that caught my eye as well, I don't think it's stated in the GI article that the 360 version comes on two DVDs, but that's what was hinted at very strongly, and it's also what has been said in the past about the release.

Anyway, Quakecon is coming up and will hopefully answer this detail among others, if no statement is made until then.


peakish said:
Yeah, that caught my eye as well, I don't think it's stated in the GI article that the 360 version comes on two DVDs, but that's what was hinted at very strongly, and it's also what has been said in the past about the release.

Anyway, Quakecon is coming up and will hopefully answer this detail among others, if no statement is made until then.

I wonder how they're going to split up the game into 4 parts if that were the case.
sankt-Antonio said:
dont know if pc gamers won, since rage was made with consoles in mind... ps3 owners might lost but pc owners lost the day id said it will focus on consoles

Eh, that's a dead horse not worth the continued beating. We still get no disc-swapping, higher resolutions, more aa/af and community mod support.


Zeliard said:
I'd imagine it's difficult to back that up with any strong arguments. There isn't really anything bad you can say about Carmack, unless you're seriously fishing. The guy and his company don't frequently make games, and when they do, they push the genre forward in one way or another (or several ways, back in the day). When Carmack feels he made a critical mistake in his games, like the flashlight in Doom 3 or Quake 2's single-player, he owns up to it.

What exactly is there to criticize? The man can't make a game run at 60 FPS that isn't going to due to the tech he's working with. Carmack and id are hardly the only devs that have struggled to get something meaningful out of the PS3. How much more evidence do we need that the PS3 architecture is simply unfriendly to most devs? The only ones that have really pushed it are exclusive PS3 devs and Criterion.

Basically this, Carmack backs up his reasons as well why the PS3 version is behind the 360/PC version, basically it has to do with technical weaknesses of the RSX rather than architectural difficulties of the CELL. Considering he's the greatest programmer in gaming history, you can't really get more authoritative opinion than this.

I'm sure they will get the PS3 version running better, but it will be due to visual sacrifices with the games which has become the norm due to the PS3's weaknesses as a console compared to the Xbox 360 and PC.

stuburns said:
I hardly need 'evidence', games are a matter of taste, and all the Id games I've played have been utter trash.

Although, Carmack shouldn't really be the aim of my attacks, their tech is great, and he's not actually designing the games, he's just the front of the studio.

That has to be the stupidest comment I have ever seen, Carmack's games are some of the best of all time and are the driving force for modern games, he is up there with Miyamoto and Yu Suzuki in terms of impact.
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