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Raise the flame shield: Your "controversial" gaming opinion.


Can't speak for him, but this thread suggests that certain stances on games or topics shouldn't be talked about in threads dedicated to said games or topics. Which is gross!

That makes those threads gross, not this.

What I don't like about this thread, from the fraction of it that I read, is that its very nature discourages arguments. It has a very "this thread is not a place for that" feel.


That 99% of Mario games are utterly boring despite how charming they may be

The 1% is Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door which is amazing and one the best games I've ever played


Paper Mario TTYD was the only Mario game I got so utterly bored with I could never even push myself to finish it.

Seriously, the backtracking, the glacial pacing, the endless samey combat, how can that be the one you find amazing compared with the relatively short action romps of the other Mario games.

Enniehoo. While I really liked my time with Far Cry 3, the people who put that number one on their GOTY are everything that's wrong with the industry. Almost as bad as Eurogamer putting FEZ on top, which I didn't even like my time with.


Something like Logitech's G13? ;)

Ohshi. I thought it just had WASD on the button section. Didn't know about the thumb nub.

The only problem with the thumb nub is games that you lose the advantage of analog movement in games that support KB/M or controller, but not both. I guess you could use X360CE and make your mouse emulate the 360's right stick and map its buttons to triggers or what have you, but that's a bit of a kludge...
- Graphics really, really don't matter
- I don't see any difference in quality or innovation between Japan and the West - they both have gold and crap
- Most games don't need to be made.
- People play way too many games.
- People that self-indentify as gamers get exactly what they deserve most of the time.
Truer words had never been spoken.

- Indies get away with way too much.

- Super Paper Mario is fantastic.
- Super Mario Sunshine and 3D Land are the best 3D Mario games.
Well... all of them are good, but they suffered an exagerated backlash because they tried to experiment with the game formula - expecially Super Paper Mario.

- The Metroid Prime games will be largely forgotten in a couple years.


Luigi is and always has been better than Mario.

but seriously:

Metal Gear Solid as a franchise blows AND
Capcom is the worst developer/publisher in existence. Still riding off "high" from SF2.


Neo Member
Bethesda games (Oblivion, Fallout 3) are lame. Bethesda excels at creating massive worlds with tons of things to do in them, all of them boring. I don't see why they are so beloved.
Haven't played Skyrim, but I don't see it changing my opinion

Probably not too controversial around these parts, but COD is also crappy.


Bethesda games (Oblivion, Fallout 3) are lame. Bethesda excels at creating massive worlds with tons of things to do in them, all of them boring. I don't see why they are so beloved.
Haven't played Skyrim, but I don't see it changing my opinion
You should, I find it a wholly different beast from their previous games in that the sidequests generally have story arcs (instead of simply background lore) to them, and therefore feel like they are almost as meaningful as the main story.

Also while on the subject and I guess controversial, Fallout 3 was much better than Fallout New Vegas, as that entire game lacked meaning. Whether one or the other faction won really did not make any difference in the long run because New Vegas would keep on being mildly okay anyway.


OK, here goes...

Piracy is not inherently bad, evil or wrong, and shouldn't be repressed through legal means.

It is merely a byproduct of technological advancements that made the common folk able to reproduce and share digital goods themselves.

As such it shouldn't be fought, but adapted to instead. Games as services is the perfect example of this. Draconian DRM and lawsuits are not. And really, history has proven that trying to fight and repress technology really isn't the way to go.


Also while on the subject and I guess controversial, Fallout 3 was much better than Fallout New Vegas, as that entire game lacked meaning. Whether one or the other faction won really did not make any difference in the long run because New Vegas would keep on being mildly okay anyway.
I dunno, 3's ending was really shitty. New Vegas has much better writing & gameplay than 3, in general (whether you like the ending or not) + NV has some seriously awesome DLC, whereas the DLC for 3 was mostly mediocre or even crappy.
OK, here goes...

Piracy is not inherently bad, evil or wrong, and shouldn't be repressed through legal means.

It is merely a byproduct of technological advancements that made the common folk able to reproduce and share digital goods themselves.

As such it shouldn't be fought, but adapted to instead. Games as services is the perfect example of this. Draconian DRM and lawsuits are not. And really, history has proven that trying to fight and repress technology really isn't the way to go.

Not paying for your games is still immoral.


Boss fights are so typically terrible they should be eradicated from game design.

EA isn't that bad. They put out good games.


First-party Sony games are almost invariably all style and no substance. Exception: Team Ico, but they are probably not going to be a thing after TLG is out the door.
I've played a few shooters the past few months which range from critical/commercial bombs to a smash hit. They would be:

Medal of Honor: Warfighter
Halo 4
Ghost Recon: Future Soldier
Syndicate (playing right now)

Keep in mind, I'm not a online multiplayer gamer, but for my money, Halo 4 was the least enjoyable of the bunch and easily had the worst story (which is pretty incomprehensible to someone who doesn't read the novels or at least study up on Wikipedia).

It's not that I thought it was 'bad'... I actually thought the other three were reasonably fun. I also played them on PC so they had some significant advantages over Halo 4 in terms of visuals even though from what I've read, Halo 4 almost certainly smoked them all in a fair (console vs. console) graphical comparison.


y'all should be ashamed
-$60 games are inherently obsolete. PS4/720 games need to start at $30, and shift to an in-game purchase model (not necessarily DLC, but consumable DLC like most iOS games).

-Handhelds are dead, and there won't be a 3DS or Vita successor. Though that's pretty obvious.

-Nintendo will be in serious trouble come the end of this year.

-Consoles of this next gen will be harder to enjoy, with longer dev times, less companies working on next gen games, the expense of them, and therefore leading to a sparser landscape of releases. Microsoft will feel the pain especially, with their reliance on 3rd party devs.

Well, now I'm depressed. :p


I think MGS4 is a better game than MGS3.

Yes, MGS3 has a lot of great moments, but MGS4 is such a great title to me because it brings back everything into one game, and it made up for Whiny ass Raiden in MGS2 by a long shot.


Most games that are highly rated and/or wildly successful aren't actually that great. Good, but not great. This is not very controversial, however. More like common knowledge I guess.


First-party Sony games are almost invariably all style and no substance. Exception: Team Ico, but they are probably not going to be a thing after TLG is out the door.
Just some franchises from their history:

God of War
Gran Turismo
Twisted Metal
Hot Shots Golf
Ratchet & Clank
Super Stardust
Jak & Daxter
Crash Bandicoot
Ape Escape
Spyro the Dragon

How about no? Of course not all of them are at the top of their genre (though, most are), but style over substance is just silly to say from their games. Uncharted is perhaps the only thing on that list that you could almost argue that it applies to, yet even that is stupid.


A Good Citizen
Just some franchises from their history:

God of War
Gran Turismo
Twisted Metal
Hot Shots Golf
Ratchet & Clank
Super Stardust
Jak & Daxter
Crash Bandicoot
Ape Escape
Spyro the Dragon

How about no? Of course not all of them are at the top of their genre (though, most are), but style over substance is just silly to say from their games. Uncharted is perhaps the only thing on that list that you could almost argue that it applies to, yet even that is stupid.
Was your point that they have neither? (which is true)

Not that Team Ico is particularly good either though.


First-party Sony games are almost invariably all style and no substance. Exception: Team Ico, but they are probably not going to be a thing after TLG is out the door.

"Sony games are all style and no substance, except for the studio that does nothing but produce super artsy shallow games."


* Path of Exile is the best looter of all time. Better than even Diablo 2.
* Fallout 3 was the best game of this generation.
* 95% of video game soundtracks aren't worth listening to, though 2012 had some of the best of recent times. Does that mean things are changing? Maybe. Wait, I just heard some dubstep in Far Cry. Nvm.
* Nintendo is still here, still being ignored by me, still making games and consoles I'm not interested in. Though, I did borrow a friends Wii to play Xenoblade, which was superb. Still, Miyamoto is about as relevant to me as 80's pop group 'The Jets'.
* Handheld gaming. I just don't see the attraction. If you're thinking "this is an opportunity for me to show him he's wrong" by showing me screenshots of Disperia Marmaset 4: Fantazia Shoe, trust me, you won't succeed.
* Sony and Microsofts new consoles will feature a new method of control: a device fits inside your mouth and you exert control using your teeth, leaving your hands free to scratch your balls, or peek through the curtains at that postman. He's been in to no. 58 three times today. You know somethings going on over there.
* If you've got this far, you already know I was spent 2 minutes ago. We can share a cigarette at this point, I'll roll over and go to sleep and you'll look at my trousers thrown on the floor and see it as disrespectful. I'm sorry darling.
I'm playing it now and there's no way this is true. Even if the first half wasn't TOO terrible, the 2nd half more than makes up for it. It has been dreadful every step of the way after mission 10 or 11.

I say probably because it's neck and neck with Contracts, which mainly suffers in that more improvements could have definitely been made to the remade C47 levels, as it feels like most of the attention went on the new ones. Once you take the rose-tinted goggles off, Hitman 2 is pretty broken and filled with some god-awful levels, worse than anything in Absolution, which, despite it's flaws, at least has accidents and multiple ways to kill most targets.


This'll be fun. I know I can't be the only guy who thinks like this:

- The Wii had the most unique and intriguing IPs of the generation.

- The Wii also had the generation's best platformer, fighter, and RPG.

- Bioware in general is insanely overrated. KOTOR is their only proven great game. They've always had seeds of mediocracy, look at Jade Empire for proof.

- Final Fantasy sucked after 9.

- Final Fantasy 7 is a horrendously ugly game where the majority of the characters are useless and the main villain (like the hero) is boring and one dimensional. Cid is its only saving grace.

- The vasty majority XBox 360's exclusives really suck.

- GTA stopped being fun after Vice City.

- N64 was better than PS1. Dreamcast was better than PS2.

- Sony in general is inanely overrated.

- Despite this, PS3 has had their best exclusive games.

- The God of War series is a button mashing simulator with "press the right button during the movie" sequences. It has ruined the beat em up genre.

- The Uncharted series and MGS4 are interactive movies, generic games at best.

- Mortal Kombat hasn't been good since 2.

- Mortal Kombat 9 is an abomination against mankind.

- iOS and Android gaming, as they exist today, will never replace traditional handheld gaming.

- Nintendo's handhelds will never fail. Once one slips a bit, they release Pokemon (now Monster Hunter) and everything recovers.

- Nintendo will outlast Sony and Microsoft in the console game.

- Apple products will eventually fall out of favor. iOS is not a sustainable gaming platform.

- EA and Activision are the banes of the gaming industry.

- The majority of western AAA developers are more idea starved than eastern developers. Indies are where the real creativity flourishes.

- Modern military FPS games are devoid of anything really challenging or enjoyable.

- League of Legends is all muscle memory mechanics. There's no real tactical skill or intelligence involved. The game holds so many players hands that it pretty much comes down to who can click the best. It even makes skillshots easier for players with smartcasting.

- Smash Brothers and PSAS are not fighting games. They are party games that a certain sect of players modify the rules to try to make it competitive.

- Valve and Blizzard resurrected PC gaming from near death.

- Arcade gaming will always be superior to console gaming. There's no better experience than facing random opponents in person.

- Graphics, intricate storylines, celebrity voice acting, etc are all completely unnecessary as long as the gameplay is good. The majority of the time, these items are used to hide incredibly weak games.


Was your point that they have neither? (which is true)
Ah, so we're into trolling category now. It's unarguable that most of the games on that list are at least good (i.e. Medievil), mostly even great and even some of the best games in the genre (Wipeout, God of War, Gran Turismo, inFamous)

Square is the single most creatively bankrupt major developer making games today.
I'd like you to give any kind of good argument supporting such ridiculous claim.


Shinji Mikami didn't create Resident Evil or have that much creative input.

Oh yeah? You seem to find details that complete fly over me. Which name would you put behind the creation of the series?

EDIT: The "best videogame of all time" or even a videogame that won't be completely blown away by future games hasn't been made yet. It probably won't be made in any of our lifetimes.
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