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Raise the flame shield: Your "controversial" gaming opinion.


Valve should use their cash and continue to create new franchises instead of moving into the hardware business. The industry needs a developer with cash to take risks on new IP. Valve is in a fantastic place to continue bringing new titles to market. That being said, I find the Half Life franchise incredibly slow and boring.

Gears of War still has the best multiplayer of the franchise.

Vehicles in multiplayer FPS suck and ruined Unreal 2003.

Party chat has wrecked the atmosphere on xbox live.

I liked the non-dedicated servers and matchmaking for MW2 on PC.

Dialogue trees suck. They only give the illusion of choice and allow poor writers to litter games with excessive dialogue to get a relatively minor story point across.

An RPG doesn't need to be 40+ hours. There is often too much bloat.

RTS games are dead.

Vanilla WoW is the best WoW. MMORPGs cater to much to the casual market now.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
edit: Also that pokemon picture is surprisingly true from what I've seen. It's kind of weird.

It may be because overdone, gritty, bad boys with guns are what every 11 year old dreams of being when they grow up.

And Pokemon, for all its apparently childish trappings, has a rather complex meta game and a lot of stuff to do (regardless of how the series repeats itself), that adult players often find themselves surprisingly attracted to.

What is actually "mature" and what 20-something dudes think is mature are sometimes too different things. CoD, for all its attempts at drama, is rather silly even in the campaign and storyline department. I was amused to find the story consultant for BLOPS2 is supposedly some kind of high tech future military expert and analyst. Meanwhile in the final game the plot is as dumb as ever, and characters spout tripe about nanomachines and quantum entanglement and unobtainium-like substances with relatively poor dialog and cardboard characters.

(Note that just because it's dumb, doesn't mean it's unfun. I actually found BLOPS2 to have the most fun campaign of any COD game.)


Thinks mods influence posters politics. Promoted to QAnon Editor.
Fallout 3 >>> Skyrim

Far Cry 3 > Crysis 1/2

LBP > Mario

Infamous is the best franchise this gen.
Dialogue trees suck. They only give the illusion of choice and allow poor writers to litter games with excessive dialogue to get a relatively minor story point across.

An RPG doesn't need to be 40+ hours. There is often too much bloat.

I can't help but feel you would actually enjoy Alpha Protocol.
Majora's Mask is one of the most brilliantly presented games of all time.

Silent Hill: Shattered Memories is the best Silent Hill.

MMOs are better when casualized. The genre should be more about the adventure than the numbers. Pretty much all content should at least be do-able by casual players (throw in some difficulty levels for hardcore players).

Games can be a successful art form, but most series aren't there yet because they try and emulate big cinematic set pieces rather than use the interactivity inherent to the medium to bolster storytelling and thematic presentation. This opinion is directly related to the first two I listed.

Final Fantasy V is, by far, the best Final Fantasy and tells one of the better stories in the series by virtue of not being so damn angsty all the time.


Sidhe / PikPok
I'll throw into the mix for the 2013 thread bump the following which I suspect I am at odds with the majority of GAF on (unsure about the last one), stacked in possible order of controversy

- on disc "DLC" is not inherently bad

- charging for DLC created before the GM of a game is not inherently bad

- dedicated consoles are dying

- gaming is not always better with buttons

- Japanese games are not on average better than "Western" games

- Angry Birds is not a rip off any more than most other games in existence

- EA are not "evil"

- age ratings for games should be enforced/policed

Come at me GAF!


- Sony's first and second-party development is not very good. Their expensive first-party efforts, aside from Uncharted, LittleBigPlanet and hopefully The Last of Us, will be forgotten by the middle of next-gen. Most everything else is overrated by single-console owners or those that give Sony's investment in indies too much credit -- that investment has produced some novel and interesting experiences, but very little worth remembering.

- The iPhone has a considerably better library than the DS, 3DS, Vita and PSP combined.

- Nintendo is a very "bad" company. They still make some of my favorite games, but those are too few and far between to excuse the way they treat their customers. Nintendo skates by on a grand success every several years combined with the army of sad, often weird, fans that've convinced themselves Nintendo cares about them. Companies like EA, Activision and Ubisoft venture into much seedier territory, but are much more up front about that, and yet none are quite as out of touch with the wants and needs of the consumer as Nintendo.

- Most games don't need to be made.

- Final Fantasy is a pretty bad series of video games largely embraced by those that don't read books. Final Fantasy VI, VII, XII and Tactics are the only good entries in the series. The others could just not exist and the world would be better for it.

- Street Fighter IV is so ugly that I can't play it for more than a round at a time. A missed opportunity to make a beautiful fighting game.

- Sonic games are bad.

- Diablo III actually isn't that bad. Probably as good as Diablo II was at this same stage. The post-WoW theorycrafting culture stripped it bare, and was much more harmful to the game than anything Blizzard actually did wrong.

- The only NES games worth playing are Tetris and Super Mario Bros 3.

- People play way too many games.

- Dishonored is as good as Thief II: The Metal Age.

- Skyrim is the best Elder Scrolls game.

- Half-Life, probably my favorite game of all-time when released, is nearly-unplayable now, and not as good as most any Valve-developed Source game.

- GoldenEye 007, however, is much worse. A game lost to technology.

- People who trade video games in to GameStop are pitiable, unless somehow gaming the system.

- People that self-indentify as gamers get exactly what they deserve most of the time.

- The Mass Effect 3 ending uproar was shameful. "My trash sci-fi novella ended incorrectly!" Vom.

- The best Advance Wars game is Advance Wars.

- The best Pokemon game was Yellow.

- Pac-Man: Championship Edition DX is not that good a game. The original CE is one of the only perfect games ever made.

- PSOne has about three games still worth playing.

- There are a couple of yearly sports games that are among the best games released (every year). It's always interesting to see those that fear sport extolling the virtues of a video game with overly complex mechanics, or the mechanics of a game that skates by largely on its narrative.

- The best games released this generation are largely indie.

- Likewise, indies get away with way too much.

- The Metroid Prime games will be largely forgotten in a couple years.

- The Donkey Kong Country series may be the most overrated platforming games of all-time. Ugly and unintuitive, Returns is no exception.

- Super Smash Bros Brawl is the best Smash Bros game. It's a party game.

- Mirror's Edge is very pretty but not a very good game.

- For all their bravery, games like The Walking Dead and Journey cannot match the emotional highs of high-level competitive play.

- LittleBigPlanet is a better platformer than any New Super Mario Bros game.


I hate it when people use term western anyway. It's so idiotic and reeks of weaboo. Let's go ahead and compare a country with an entire hemisphere and imply everything in it is the same.
Nobody's made an FPS that I've been 85-90% satisfied since 2005. Everything since then has been generally disappointing to various degrees. It's getting to a point where I would write off the entire genre unless a game has particularly good buzz three months later.

What happened in 2005?


I hate it when people use term western anyway. It's so idiotic and reeks of weaboo. Let's go ahead and compare a country with an entire hemisphere and imply everything in it is the same.

If it makes you feel better, in my case, when I say "western" I almost always mean "west of the eastern bloc".

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
I hate it when people use term western anyway. It's so idiotic and reeks of weaboo. Let's go ahead and compare a country with an entire hemisphere and imply everything in it is the same.

And yet "western games" is used by people who despise everything they see as stereotypically asian or Japanese - I think you couldn't call them "weaboo".

Whether we like it or not, the effect of Japan on the foundation of the game industry is absolutely huge, and probably one reason why people place Nintendo on a pedestal or crucify them by holding them to at times, ridiculous and absurd standards. (Or by feeling the need to "slay the giant" by going about insisting they're horrible and bad and everything they've ever made is objectively bad.)

The foundation of Japan vs "The West" is pretty much foundational in gaming. Probably why people even say Japan, versus the west, instead of "pan asia" versus the west. Regardless of Japan's software development difficulties this past generation, their shadow looms long across the land. In terms of people's mindshare.
I hate it when people use term western anyway. It's so idiotic and reeks of weaboo. Let's go ahead and compare a country with an entire hemisphere and imply everything in it is the same.

Though I'm likely taking the bait: I'm intrigued as to how you would classify games hailing from certain cultures if not by landmass. Who else makes games in a similar way to developers in Japan that you could group them with. I personally find games from other eastern cutures quite a bit different, yet we can play Deus Ex and Assassin's Creed from Canada, The Witcher from Poland, and games made in the states and get a fairly distinct 'western' vibe from all of them.


Unconfirmed Member
Bingo. It's the last FPS I've been basically entirely satisfied by. There have been a few since then that I've enjoyed if not been let down by in some fashion.
The problem for me is that this game raised the bar so high, not even its own sequels could live up to that. And I say this as a big fan of the expansions and F.E.A.R. 2 (I also enjoyed the DLC).

I wish someone releases a new FPS that captures the magic of that gunplay. I've heard Rage is really good in this regard, so I should play it someday (already have it on Steam).

Card Boy

I honestly wouldn't give a shit if Sony put in the towel and bowed out of the console market and went 3rd party. The company lost their marbels since 2006 and has never recovered. Being exclusive doesn't benefit anyone including themselves at this point.


Actually, I kind of find this thread unpleasant because some posters choose to use it to make posts that would be considered disruptive and insulting elsewhere. It is kind of like "Hey NeoGAF, come be an asshole here!" I recall people calling each other pedophiles and such over their choice in videogames (and no, it wasn't about moe eroges). It is a lot of thoughtless, lazy proclamations, the kind that would normally be called thread shitting. I guess true to its name, it still provokes me to look inside.

That is really especific.

I agree that it simplify things too much to just say "western" and "eastern", but at the same time design trends can be observed in a geographic manner. I didn't exactly define this for myself, but it is just how games are grouped and understood. What splits games made in the US and the ones made in Poland or Russia might be fact have a perception that the latter has a lack of polish ("jank") though within that lack of polish you might find something that is rare elsewhere. I have written a larger theory elsewhere on how large group of devs deal with complexity in games mainly pertaining to the frustration they can bring. "Eastern bloc" devs accept frustration with open arms.


Sucker Punch are a far better game developer then Naughty Dog.

TWD isn't a game. One that's been said I know.

The game industry will always be terrible at telling stories, they should just give up. The gameplay is where the emotion comes from.

Ico is Sonys best ever first party game.


He has a point and I agree with him. Analog movement is not possible on mouse/keyboard. It's been possible on consoles since N64 (or I'm sure someone will bring up some obscure other console). You're either moving forward or you aren't. Or you have a run key. Two character speeds tops.

Granted something would need to be invented that would give you access to about 20 buttons that you could hit while also using the analog stick for it to be a complete replacement. That's the biggest issue :
Something like Logitech's G13? ;)


-Sony dropped the ball when they kept making crap like Uncharted, LBP, infamous, etc instead of moar Folklore. Because fuck sales. They should just funnel all their best guys into one studio instead of having 10+ studios that can't make any decent games.
-PS2/GC/Xbox era is the best era.
-2D platformers for the most part suck


Amnesia: The Dark Descent is an awful game. One of the few games I consciously quit playing in disgust rather than ambivalence. The mechanics of the game are terrible and completely undermine the atmosphere, and the lack of risk involved in encounters with the monsters sucks all the scariness out of them.

Wind Waker is a very good game, but easily the worst 3D Zelda. The art style is the only thing it has going for it above the other 3D Zeldas, everything else (combat, overworld, dungeons, pacing) is worse than the others.

I like both DOTA2 and League of Legends.
I like Metroid Prime 3 better than Prime.

I REALLY enjoyed Metal Arms: Glitch in the System...

I played God of War 2... it was ok, 3 was terrible...

Skies of Arcadia and Xenoblade are tied as the best RPGs ever made...

Skyrim was pathetic... so boring... and it didn't have a story... per se... An RPG needs something better than a story that could've been resolved in a 30 minute saturday morning cartoon... and no, pointless filler doesn't count.

Wii mote controls in an FPS are far, FAR better than dual analog... and marginally better than mouse and keyboard...

Half-Life 2 was ok, but that style of FPS's time has passed... HL3 needs a be an entirely different game control-wise or it will seem as dated as Duke Nukem..

I can't get excited over 2D sidescrollers anymore... I got bored with both NSMB Wii and DKC Returns... Never pushed through the second worlds in either... And probably won't buy NSMBWU... unless my wife REALLY wants it...

I don't like the original Zelda... I understand that it was revolutionary when it came out, but even the kid version of me didn't like it back then...


@Zia's long post

I do not fully agree with:

- Nintendo is a very "bad" company. They still make some of my favorite games, but those are too few and far between to excuse the way they treat their customers. Nintendo skates by on a grand success every several years combined with the army of sad, often weird, fans that've convinced themselves Nintendo cares about them. Companies like EA, Activision and Ubisoft venture into much seedier territory, but are much more up front about that, and yet none are quite as out of touch with the wants and needs of the consumer as Nintendo.
Because Nintendo being out of touch with reality is what makes them interesting. Always has.
- GoldenEye 007, however, is much worse. A game lost to technology.
Because I do not want this to be true, even though it likely is.
- People who trade video games in to GameStop are pitiable, unless somehow gaming the system.
I've never done it but thinking about it, just because I don't have shelf space left and I really can't be arsed to package and sell everything secondhand for the pennies it returns, but also have something against throwing those memories into the trash.
- The Metroid Prime games will be largely forgotten in a couple years.
Nope, 1 will always remain amazing. 2 and 3 had to go a bit too far out there to be able to copy the model though.
- The Donkey Kong Country series may be the most overrated platforming games of all-time. Ugly and unintuitive, Returns is no exception.
Played 1 a short while ago again. I can see what you mean, but I'd describe the gameplay as chunky in a good way.
- For all their bravery, games like The Walking Dead and Journey cannot match the emotional highs of high-level competitive play.
I think Journey and TWD evoke more complex and definitely more meaningful emotions.

Other than that, sooo much truth.


Final Fantasy V and VII are both better than VI. VI is overrated. VII is not.

I played these games all in a row within the past year. I have no nostalgia-goggles for any of them (the only one I'd played before was Golden Saucer FFVII). V had superb gameplay. VII has great gameplay, characters, storyline, and overworld. The concepts, controversies, and issues explored with the city of Midgar, corrupt armies, and giant evil corporations is great.

VI is just a pretty SNES game. The graphics were a humongous leap over FFV and I'm sure this was a big deal back then, but the gameplay was painfully easy, and there were too many characters for me to REALLY care about any of them. They all had attempts at deep storylines but they were given the equivalent of a 15 minute TV short's worth of content so it didn't matter. FFVII explores its characters far more. Even the optional characters have more story to them than anyone in FFVI (all right maybe not Cait Sith). That and I just loved the setting. FFVII did "modern" fantasy far better than XIII or anything else, with its industrial take on the modern age instead of including more sci-fi elements.


- Graphics really, really don't matter
- I don't see any difference in quality or innovation between Japan and the West - they both have gold and crap
- Handhelds > PC > consoles
- SNES was not as awesome as NES or N64
- I enjoyed my Wii just as much if not more than my PS3
- Super Paper Mario is fantastic
- Super Mario Sunshine and 3D Land are the best 3D Mario games.
- I wish games would have less story (currently Mega Man ZX Advent, just let me play already!)
- I don't see any decline in Pokémon designs, all generations have good and bad desings
- I wish consoles still used cartridges or at least cards like DS/3DS/Vita, optical media means you'll have to repair your console at some point
- I wish game companies would be somehow forced to reduce their budgets
- Zelda is one of the less fun Nintendo series (but it has good music)
- With VERY few exceptions, and as a really open-minded gaming fan who loves handhelds, there's truly nothing for me on iOS/Android/WP/whatever
- 2D platformers are the best genre
- 2D fighters come close, though
- I mostly don't enjoy online gaming, I love being part of offline communities, it's a great way to meet people with similar interests
- Sequels are good and I look forward to them more than original games, this is not Hollywood FFS
- The Street Fighter EX games were great and had amazing music
- SotC was boring and unpolished
- Final Fantasy is good only when it's Tactics
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