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Rayman Legends coming to Xbox 360/PS3, all versions releasing in September


asshole said:
“When we saw all the comments when we announced the game would be focused on Wii U, all of the peeople that have both the PlayStation 3 and 360 were really disappointed,” Poix told IGN. “So we thought it was making more sense to also bring the game to where it was originally from. That means Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. So we decided to go for a multiplatform launch simultaneously.”

“It’s a different kind of experience if you have the Wii U,” Poix said. “Obviously there will be cooperation on the PS3 and 360, but on the Wii U there is still this magic of having one player that can play on one system with a new experience and the other on the usual game pad. That stays a Wii U exclusive for sure, by definition.”

“If they loved the Origins experience, it’s close to the same kind of feeling but with a level of immersion and brand new settings that haven’t been seen before. We have other features that I can’t disclose right now, but it’s really a brand new game. Even in terms of visuals, we built our own engine in terms of lighting, in terms of having 3D elements so you can have dragons that fly from far to go in your face and back. It’s a unique kind of 2D platforming experience.”

"[the reason for the delay is] really about the fans. It’s really about having a very interesting universe, a mix of craziness and poetry mixed all together. We are very happy that we can bring that to many, many Rayman fans and the more we can, the better.”

-Xavier Poix, managing director of Ubisoft’s French studios


Why did I buy a Wii U again? Good job on securing those exclusives, Nintendo. Now I can play the games I bought the console for on my PS3 as well. I wonder when the Zombi U multiplat announcement will come.

I mean, it's Rayman, Rayman gets ported to everything that can run it, so it's not that surprising, but it still sucks.

Ubisoft also said it's coming in two weeks, now it's delayed to fucking September? Pre-order/purchase cancelled, there'll be other games to play this fall.
I think we're all entitled to a little bit of rage.
It's pretty clear that what went down is some disagreement over the exclusivity deal between Nintendo/Ubisoft (maybe Nintendo didn't want to pay enough for the limited exclusivity?) and now they're pushing back the Wii U version so that it won't hurt the sales of the 360/PS3 versions as releasing a platform port months after the OG launch has shown to be a bad idea (see: Me3 Wii U).

There is no other reason to delay the Wii U version when it has by now most likely gone gold.


Oh yeah, Killzone Vita is September as well. If Legends is released on the 17thIn fact, it's the same day as GTA V. I'm breaking someone's fucking leg.


PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 Xbone PS4 PS4
So I wonder if Nintendo/Ubi will raise/eliminate the retarded 30 try limit on the WiiU demo.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
I'd imagine the Wii U version is getting delayed because they think they will lose out on more 360/PS3 sales if the game is considered a 7 month old inferior port to the Wii U version then the number they would gain from the 7 months the Wii U version is out there on the shelf.

Honestly its hard to believe though that the game is already finished and ready to go and they're just sitting on it if something like that isn't the reason.



I'm not buying the game day 1 anymore. Fuck off ubisoft

There's really no reason to buy it day one anymore. I mean think about it. We're going to see a lot of games out in September, including GTA V, which are more likely to be bought over this. In two months time the price for Legends will drop and we'll see Black Friday deals for around $20. I was going to buy it day one since there was nothing else on the Wii U, but now I'll just wait for it to hit a low price.


Super Member
You know what blows my mind?


Not even Mario, LEGO City, or Sonic Racing!! How many excuses does Ubi-soft need?


On the one hand, I'm happy this is getting a multi-platform release because I loved Origins and will definitely get this one. But on the other hand, they're sending it to die by releasing it on the same month that GTA V comes out which is going to dominate the entire month of September. I want this game sell decently, but September is a terrible month to release it on.
So for the second straight month their will be zero retail games released in the USA.

Anyways, since this game doesn't have a online component i'll still get the Wii U version.


I'm confused. Is this delayed on the Wii u till Sept? I'm assuming so because it says all versions of the game? If that's true it's bullshit extreme.


On the one hand, I'm happy this is getting a multi-platform release because I loved Origins and will definitely get this one. But on the other hand, they're sending it to die by releasing it on the same month that GTA V comes out which is going to dominate the entire month of September. I want this game sell decently, but September is a terrible month to release it on.

They are completely different games. If Rayman Legends is going to sell poorly, it'll sell poorly in every month.
Is this the result of Wii U's performance? At any rate considering Origins struggled to sell I never saw the logic in making Legends exclusive to one console with the smallest userbase.

Wonder how the Murphy stuff is being handled now.

Though there I a lot of irony in bringing this to more platforms to increase sales potential in the same month as GTA 5. Different audiences for sure, but it will be buried in the coverage for GTA 5.
If the game is not done, Ubisoft had to have known in December when they delayed it that it would not be done by the time it needed to go gold.

It seems like the absolute best case scenario here is that they've been lying through their teeth instead of just deciding to fuck everyone on a whim.

or it was 'done' but they ultimately decided it needed more work. it's not a given that the Wii U version isn't going to see a lot of changes from the game that would have come out in December.

maybe Murfy will be completely optional now in the Wii U version for those that didn't want to play as him, with the 360/PS3 levels switching in and replacing the sections that required Murfy.

*that* hypothetical version of the game wasn't 'done'. yeah?


Eh, maybe it's just because I'm a happy-go-lucky upbeat guy in general, but the way I see it, the vision for the game changed (motivated by sales, sure, but regardless), so now they're just executing on a different vision, which presumably holds up the WiiU version for parity's sake. Reasonable enough.

I'm a WiiU owner who was anticipating this, but if it means more people get to play it, fine by me. Plenty to play between now and then.

Normally, I'd agree but I loved the original version. The fact that it is all but entirely removed pisses me off. I couldn't care less about the delay or being multiplatform.


Well the good news is that when it bombs because of other competition, ill be more likely to purchase it! Ubisoft always thinking of the consumer


RE4 Gamecube exclusive! Lol nope.
RE Revelations 3DS exclusive! Trolol.
Rayman Legends Wii U exclusive! ....

Ok, Nintendo and 3rd party relationship will never be better.
Screw U bisoft. I was all hyped to pick this up for my WiiU and now it'll be moved back to a time when it has to (likely) compete with a bunch of other big titles. I guess I'll get Monster Hunter 3HD...

Hell, they even just released a demo for it. Clearly something went down between Nintendo and Ubisoft to mess this up.


Wow.I expected Rayman wouldn't remain an exclusive, but to announce the news to delay the game in the same month of its original release is a shitty move, Ubisoft. So much for Wii U's launch window, which is now reduced to March at this point. Why the fuck are they holding the Wii U version hostage? Besides, releasing it during the Fall will be a bad move when there's bigger games coming, and we know Nintendo's going to be offering stronger software support during that time.


Delayed for Wii U!!? Dammit Ubisoft, killing my hype for this hame. I had it prordered and everything. Fuuuuuuck


Well I guess I'll wait until I can get it used & cheap, unless they're cutting the Wii U version's price in half from the get go like other companies do when they delay a game for half a year for no reason.
The silver lining in this delay for me is that I could pick up MH3U and Lego City at the same time instead of waiting. I'll probably wait for bomba price on Rayman. The original didn't even sell that well, this is going to get ignored in GTA5's wake.


Brotherhood of Shipley's
Didn't think Nintendo could fuck up a release as bad as 3DS. I thought completely wrong. Huge disappointment for me as this was the only game I'm looking forward to on Wii U other than the Nintendo mainstays.


listen to the mad man
Epic Mickey 2 really worked out well for Disney

Epic Mickey didn't work out poorly for Disney because the PS3/360 ports caused people not to buy the Wii version; it worked out poorly for Disney because it was a sequel to a game with middling critical reception that few people finished, it demoed poorly, promotion was massively less than the first game (which was already a sales disappointment to Disney), it reviewed poorly--by all accounts it was a worse game than the first Epic Mickey, and the industry as a whole is down significantly right now.

It's highly unlikely that the PS360/U ports didn't make their marginal costs up, if you look at the development budget as being spent on the Wii version and the porting costs as separate.


The fuck? They delay the Wii U version to September so it can release alongside the other version?

I sincerely wish this game sell poorly. I was going to get it, now I won't. Good job Ubi.
There's really no reason to buy it day one anymore. I mean think about it. We're going to see a lot of games out in September, including GTA V, which are more likely to be bought over this. In two months time the price for Legends will drop and we'll see Black Friday deals for around $20. I was going to buy it day one since there was nothing else on the Wii U, but now I'll just wait for it to hit a low price.

Yep bargain bin or used. Should be able to find a mint copy a few weeks after release.

Since they don't mind letting a finished game rot for 7 months, I won't mind letting the game rot at retail for a few weeks or months. Maybe next year.
So I wonder if Nintendo/Ubi will raise/eliminate the retarded 30 try limit on the WiiU demo.

Maybe I am alone in this, but do people really play a demo that many times? I agree there probably shouldn't be a limit, but I haven't played a demo more than a few times since the ps1 demo disc days.


We don't have "get out of jail free" cards, but if we did, she'd have one.
I expected it wouldn't be Wii U exclusive forever (even though I had no idea what was going to happen with the Murfy levels) but definitely didn't see this coming! Wow.

Sucks for Wii U owners, but now I'll probably pick it up for 360 once it hits $20...unless they put Steam achievements in the PC version this time.


I'm honestly happy that more people will now be able to experience this game. I enjoyed the hell out of Origins and the demo is stunning.

I'm just conflicted because this title was a huge swing for me buying the Wii U at launch. I'm a platforming nut. I knew (apparently) that it was going to be a Q1 fixture in their (albeit it massive) launch window, and it was quite honestly one of the few games I wanted to play, but I took the plunge anyway. Yes, I'll still be able to play it, yes, I'll just be patient. But would I have got a Wii U at launch with this knowledge? I doubt it.

If LEGO City gets delayed too, I'll start flipping tables.
That's a pretty big blow to Ubisoft's apparent confidence in Wii U. Ninty better get their asses on track or find themselves more marginalized than Wii ever was. Clock is ticking.
fuck off, Ubi. it will take a lot to redeem yourselves in many eyes.

nothing wrong with porting, but killing the timed exclusivity?




Pretty shitty of Ubisoft. Porting it to other platforms is completely understandable since third party sales on the Wii U have been pretty bad, but to delay the finished version by eight months is really disrespectful to the fans and I don't see how it's going to help their business one way or another - they can make money now from all the people who want the game on Wii U or are willing to shell out to play early, or they can delay that version and almost certainly lose a decent percentage of their Wii U sales. Weird, but then third parties (other than Activision occasionally) have never been rational when it comes to Nintendo.


-Ports to all main consoles
-Should result in bad sales

It will be releasing amidst the following:

Nintendo's fall releases (Wind Waker HD for sure, 3D Mario and Mario Kart U possible)

Legends will get eaten alive at retail by all that.
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