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Rayman Legends coming to Xbox 360/PS3, all versions releasing in September


at last, for christ's sake
all versions?!? ALL VERSIONS?



Nice for me. Sucks balls for Wii U dudes though. I would be pissed considering it was supposed to come out this month right?


Why????? I understand going multiplatform, but whyyyyyyy delay the WiiU version?

/Ubisoft just shot themselves in the foot. etc etc.


have Ubisoft confirmed the WiiU delay, or are we just assuming?

On the positive side, the higher visibility of the title might mean it sells more on WiiU than it would on its own..maybe?


Great that it's going to other platforms, but I don't understand why it's delayed that long for Wii U? Actually, it says that it's coming to PS3 and 360 in September, where does it say the Wii U one isn't coming out until September?

Unified marketing. Don't want to compete with price bombas already sitting on shelves when you re-release for other platforms. It definitely sucks for those waiting, but I understand why it would happen. Don't know why Ubi just didn't plan for an agnostic spring release to begin with.
At least it isn't coming for Wii, maybe some Wii owners will upgrade. Rayman Origins seemed to do very well on Wii, or was I mistaken?
Not happening. Both are co-developed and published by Nintendo.
Stranger things have happened, hard to imagine Warner and Lego is going to turn down millions at the chance to release it on 360 and PS3.


Was this the "big news" IGN WiiU was hyping yesterday?

John Harker from GAF said something like "One hand takes, the other gives" - RL seems to be the "taken" game and now I think that another Wii U related bit of news will emerge today. Don't know if Rich meant RL going multi though..
Nintendo seriously screwed up big time. It goes from an Exclusive to not even getting a timed Exclusive. Most people thought it would get ported, but to think it got delayed and is now launching along side HD Twins is a horrible blow to Nintendo as it proves Ubisoft doesn't even have confidence in Nintendo any longer.


John Harker from GAF said something like "One hand takes, the other gives" - RL seems to be the "taken" game and now I think that another Wii U related bit of news will emerge today. Don't know if Rich meant RL going multi though..

He may have been saying: Taken from one system and given to another....


So, err, there's literally like no game with a set date before June that I will buy on my Wii U.

What a clusterfuck.

Nintendo...it's really sad. I expected a lot of games to come out after June but I didn't expect to lose Rayman. I'm with you on the same boat. I haven't turned on my Wii U after completing Little Inferno.
Why are they delaying the wii u version?! :(

Nintendo's macro sucked. You can't micro for too long if your production isn't that good, know you?

Jokes aside, Ubisoft wants to make them investors happy by showing "Rayman sells 1 million on all platforms" without being specific. Guess they know WiiU version won't sell that well.

P.S. Thread title needs to mention "All" ;)


Super Member
Oh Ubi-soft.

Nintendo needs to ban 3rd parties from their E3 conferences. Their time is obviously being wasted on non-exclusives.

Good for 360/PS3 fans I guess.


I never expected it to be more than a timed exclusive (as much as some were in denial about that), but delaying the Wii U version over six months? Wow.


formerly cjelly
have Ubisoft confirmed the WiiU delay, or are we just assuming?

On the positive side, the higher visibility of the title might mean it sells more on WiiU than it would on its own..maybe?

Press release says all versions are now set for September release.


The Delay seems really strange- this game is going to get slaughtered at retail in the fall. The WiiU version is probably done or close to done at this point- why not put it out in the Summer if you need to delay it at all?

That said, while I didn't like Origins, I fully intend to try this out
at the $20 it will be after 6 weeks :(


I always thought it was absurd that they would put Origins on every platform under the sun and then make the direct follow-up a new console exclusive. Seemed like suicide for the Rayman franchise they just spent a lot of time successfully rebuilding. I'm really glad they've changed their mind. Third party platform exclusivity is a terrible idea nowadays, it makes zero sense for the publisher. Fingers crossed for a PC release too!
Ubi wants a bigger market on the Wii U. They know Nintendo's got some huge releases coming for Q4. That would be the best time to release it. More potential buyers.
Holy shit.

This has to be the IGN tease; it's not good news, but it is definitely interesting. Legends being Wii U exclusive was a big deal... Now not only is it delayed, it's confirmed multiplat? (likely with 3DS/Vita/PC coming too if Origins was any indication?)

I figured it was a timed exclusive... But that must be fell through. Ubisoft seems more than content to drill Nintendo here. What a mess!

That being said, it's totally awesome that now everyone will be able to play Legends.


Bad news for WiiU, I guess, but I don't care much for system wars, so good news for gamers! Although I do wonder how they'll handle the (surprisingly awesome) Murfy sections on the other systems. Maybe Vita-PS3 connection and that Glass accessory or whatever for 360?


I'll keep my preorder on the WiiU for the touchscreen stuff (and because it was $39.99 with a coupon at Newegg a while back), but this really fucking blows. My wife and I were so excited for this game and it was so close!!!


Junior Member
This makes no sense. Why not release it on WiiU while it has the drought? It will get attention now. Release the other versions in September.

The WiiU will be the superior version but it may get lost in the shuffle in September.
I am find with PS360 getting to play it I was a bit iffy about this exclusivity thing but seriously Ubisoft just gave Nintendo a kick in the balls.

Wii U is seriously in trouble without games like this staying on


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
I had a shimmer of hope until that PR crushed it, Wii U really is delayed till then. I wanted to be playing this in 3 weeks. :\
Already have it pre-ordered for Wii U from Newegg with that coupon code. It does suck to see it delayed, quite a bit.

It also does suck to see what was supposed to be some big exclusive for the Wii U now going multi-platform,b ut I figure this will be a smart business decision from them. At the very least I'll still have it on Wii U, and I would figure a good number of people would go with the Wii U version if they have the console.
The Wii U version is probably done and sitting on a shelf somewhere.

How frustrating.

I knew it was going to be a game I'd buy in March but it depends on how much other stuff is coming out in September. If it has significant competition, might just wait for the inevitable bomba price.
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