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Resident Evil 5 New trailer - IT IS HERE




shidoshi said:
Dammit Capcom, don't you EVEN tease me by freakin' dropping a Jill reference if you're not going to put her in the game!

She could be. I didnt know Chris was in Veronica until that part of the game.


Teknoman said:
They pretty much had to, to the non-gamers who went blog crazy over the first trailer.

No, they didn't have to. They should have stuck to their guns. But I think when there's controversy over a Japanese game in the west, there's a tendency on the developers part to overreact, so I'm disappointed but not surprised.

I wasn't aware that Africa was known for multiracial shanty towns. If the whites were international peacekeepers or something it wouldn't bother me, but all the white civilians running around is really immersion breaking.



Does the box say "I Ronics"? As in ironic? As in it's ironic that nobody complained when they mowed down legions of Spaniards, but this shit is OFF LIMITS?


Just watched this on my DVR, looks fantastic. They're really pushing the zombie count. It's going to be claustrophobic when they're all closing in on you on top of a roof or what not. Great stuff. Hoping for a Spring '09 release.

Forgot to add, the color saturation was totally borked in those recent screenshots. Color depth was pretty much as expected in the trailer, looked spot on.


As a white guy I feel slightly offended. Contextual racism was rampant.

jk - I agreed with both NGai & Shawn
This is one of the most impressive looking games I've ever seen.

Prior to seeing MGS4, I thought it would look something like this from a visual standpoint.

Still, that's just the graphics whore in me speaking because MGS4 still looks mighty damn impressive anyway.

I still can't believe Capcom are pulling off something that looks this amazing.
I know that there are new folds to the gameplay of RE5, but that vid looked kinda like RE4 on steroids. Wish they'd cover more of the new mechanics on video soon. And that new female character is pretty cool.


saelz8 said:
This will be the first RE I play on PC.
Me too, hopefully it shouldn't be too hard to graft Wii controls onto it using Bluetooth.

rakka said:
:O there's a PC version announced?
Every Capcom game since Lost Planet uses Capcom's magic multiplatform engine.
And I believe one capcom rep mentioned it in an interview long ago.


Azrael said:
No, they didn't have to. They should have stuck to their guns. But I think when there's controversy over a Japanese game in the west, there's a tendency on the developers part to overreact, so I'm disappointed but not surprised.

I wasn't aware that Africa was known for multiracial shanty towns. If the whites were international peacekeepers or something it wouldn't bother me, but all the white civilians running around is really immersion breaking.

Have you been to one :)? I've only been to one (South Africa) and while it is predominantly and traditionally Black, there are White and Indian people present. It is a home for the poorest of the poor after all. Although I do admit anything more then a handful would be unrealistic... but then again Resident Evil is not exactly known for it's accuracy.


ezekial45 said:
Wasn't that just the Chainsaw guy?

Maybe, awfully strange perspective.

EDIT: I think it is, but they make it look like he's some sort of gargantuan beast.

My bad, I guess.
This would be a perfect time for text to splash on the screen saying "A New Contender Has Entered" and Snake pops out from under the box. Then him and Chris have at it.

Pojo said:

Does the box say "I Ronics"? As in ironic? As in it's ironic that nobody complained when they mowed down legions of Spaniards, but this shit is OFF LIMITS?


Pojo said:
Does the box say "I Ronics"? As in ironic? As in it's ironic that nobody complained when they mowed down legions of Spaniards, but this shit is OFF LIMITS?

Spaniards are Caucasian, though, so it was Caucasian on Caucasian violence.


Holy shit at the chainsaw dude!

the extreme savagery and primitiveness makes RE5 x100 more visceral than all previous resident evils or any game for that matter.
Capgod indeed .


Speevy said:
Maybe, awfully strange perspective.
Yeah, it's the chainsaw guy. I thought you were talking about the seemingly huge guy in the red shirt, but that's perspective as well.
Illuminati said:
This would be a perfect time for text to splash on the screen saying "A New Contender Has Entered" and Snake pops out from under the box. Then him and Chris have at it.
It would be the most epic knife fight ever


Illuminati said:
This would be a perfect time for text to splash on the screen saying "A New Contender Has Entered" and Snake pops out from under the box. Then him and Chris have at it.
:lol How about Chris blows his head off and casually moves on?

This senseless violence is making me mindlessly violent.

Spaniards are Caucasian, though, so it was Caucasian on Caucasian violence.
How quickly we forget the headless corpse of a woman hanging by a pitchfork in the first shack in RE4.

I guess race is worse than gender or something? I think it is, anyway. Men can fight all they want.
jet1911 said:

Where is that second guy who is falling off the roof in the distance coming from? It looks like he is appearing out of thin air and this isn't an episode of Lost.

DevilWillcry said:
It would be the most epic knife fight ever
Shit then what about Krauser, he might get jealous.


Bitches love smiley faces
So it's like higher-def RE4?

...I'll take ten copies plz.

Probably end up going with PC unless I get a PS3 in the meanwhile.
Goreomedy said:
Another chainsaw guy with sack mask? An approaching truck taken out? Sniping explosive barrels?

This looks so... trite.

This. My hype has massively dropped after this trailer. Even an RE4 rehash will be fun, but it doesn't even look like evolution let alone revolution. Guess I'll have to rely on MGS4 for that.
There is no way that's Los Plagas. Out in the light, instantaneous possession. It's probably some variant of the progenitor virus or the Nemesis parasite, because that thing is NOT Los Plagas. Unless they retcon it to say, yeah, Los Plagas was just the spanish version of whatever the FUCK that thing is.


Why are people so confident its not coming until 09? I see no reason to think it wont make 08. Could go either way.
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