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Retail Perspective on Iterative Hardware (PS4K, Xbox1.5 etc)

It's just bad as a long term strategy. You are poisoning the well with your userbase, which is a terrible idea for a product line that essentially has a complete reset every 5-7 years.

Why should I buy a Playstation 5 if I suspect that Sony will just release a better model a couple years down the line? These incremental upgrades will prevent early adopters from signing on, and thus prevent/slow the userbase from reaching the critical mass necessary to support AAA development.

The general idea would be that there are no more "resets". You should be able to play your xbox one and PS4 discs on XBOX Merovingian and Playstation Oracle. Ok my naming is silly, but you get the point.

Parents are going to be confused as fuck.

It's like buying a car. You want the S or SE model? Same car but one comes with a V4 the other with a V6.


The phone market is a totally different ballgame. Right now we're seeing this weird unpredictable place in smartphones. Apps still target the lowest common denominator. Mobile games might be capable of prettier graphics but they hold back to run on everything. The amount of apps targeting the newest devices only - or even enhanced functionality - is miniscule.

And when the PS4K launches, games will still need to target the PS4. It's not like we are getting an entire new generation. It's 8th gen and 1/2.


I've also been in retail - customers either come in already knowing what they want or browse for things that interest them. Either they come in already knowing about the Neo/XB1.5 or they find out about it - and their reactions thusly will tell whether or not they're interested. That's common sense, is it not? I'm not seeing how OP having been in retail justifies his stance that the mass market will eat this up.


People compare this to apple and android releasing new models. I guess it's similar but now people are not buying the new models and are happy to stay on old tech.

I bet it will be similar but you'll piss off the early adopters who don't want to upgrade and won't buy the ps5 day one.

Dumb strategy unless the don't want to release a ps5 but just want to release new upgrades every 2 years or so...


Honestly just see Sony winning from doing this. They'll have a lot of people buy the PS4K as an upgrade to their PS4 (not all, but I think most first adopters would because that's what they do, get the latest stuff). Even if these go to the pre-owned market, you end up lowering the point of entry onto the platform. More PS4s means more potential to sell games means more money for Sony.

Worst case scenario, not a lot of people get the PS4K because of the price I guess? This is literally like a 'slim' coming out, except they've just added reasons for you to get the 'slim' other than it being 'slim'!


The general idea would be that there are no more "resets". You should be able to play your xbox one and PS4 discs on XBOX Merovingian and Playstation Oracle. Ok my naming is silly, but you get the point.

The general idea would be that "resets" become much more difficult to conduct when your potential customers have begun to doubt the long-term value of your new console, and are content to hold out for the 2.0 version of your new console. I suppose the incremental upgrades could sort of diffuse the harshness of every reset, as older models simply get phased out of developer's baseline targets.
Also, most people don't actually change their PC components every 2-3 years, except the enthusiast market, or if a component actually fails. People need to stop comparing consoles to other iterative technologies, they are not the same thing.

People arguing that consumers feel no obligation to upgrade regularly everywhere else in the same breath as why this is a problem on console is really fascinating to me.


I work in retail gaming and many of my customers have heard of the new PS4K aka NEO and most of them have really felt meh about the whole thing. If they can play all PS4 games on the system as has been reported they truly don't care for the most part.

Some with 4K TVs have made rumblings of upgrading to the new system but it's not a priority. I feel that this NEO system will be very much like the NEW 3DS or an iphone upgrade for many. Nice to have but not a MUST have for many. The reality most casual gamers don't care all that much about fps or resolution as long as it's decent enough.
The general idea would be that "resets" become much more difficult to conduct when your potential customers have begun to doubt the long-term value of your new console, and are content to hold out for the 2.0 version of your new console.

Sony won't care as long as you're buying the software on one of their platforms. You'll be getting 2.0 eventually.
To be fair, the difference here is that people generally choose consoles over PC because they feel that they will last longer and off more value for the money. That's why a lot of people were talking about moving to PC over his move.

The Neo doesn't change that. The base model still will play every game to come out. The main problem I am seeing is that people feel the Neo makes the base PS4 obsolete, which couldn't be farther from the truth. So you bought a PS4 in the last 6 months to play Division, UC4, Horizon, FFXV, the next rockstar game etc? You still can!


It's gonna all depend on your customer base and area. Someone who bought a PS4 for this past Christmas might be more upset than someone who got one at launch.

Even then, I don't see it being an issue, because people that bought at Christmas time largely took advantage of Christmas deals. Christmas time buyers are usually price-conscious as well, if not the most so of the year, and seeing a new higher priced item on the market almost a year later are not going to see this as a sudden slap in the face for most of those customers. Especially not parents purchasing for their kids.

Would the X1 elite controller be a good analogy for your view on this?

Not a bad comparison, actually. A higher end option for people that want to invest in something that is above and beyond... But the difference here is that it it actually *is* the core hardware as well as the actual enhancement. So unlike having it be an accessory that is that expensive, this would include the core system, and all the enhancements just bundled into the same system itself, so to speak. But an excellent connection to make. And people ate that up. It did extremely well according to Microsoft.

Parents are going to be confused as fuck.

Hardly. This is like, the easiest thing to differentiate. There's no special characteristics you have to be really careful about. Honestly, the 12 different SKUs I have to explain to customers right now for the XB1 with virtually no differences but a bunch of differences on pricing are way more fucking frustrating than this specific SKU difference with an actual hardware difference as a premium model that will be given a model difference.

This is childs play (heh). And even if in the case of mild confusion, it doesn't even matter, because it plays the same damn games, just better. There's no exclusives one way or the other. There's no loss.

Because for consoles I could reasonably assume getting the best possible performance for 5+ years? People don't mind product cycles, but it's dangerous to accelerate them beyond what the market will bear.

The product cycle for the actual hardware of this generation will be determined by other factors, and a refresh of the core SKU with improvements isn't going to fundamentally alter what games are being released, and who is able to play them. It's a Premium option, with enhancements.

And the market will make the final decision, but from what I can see, the market is likely to accept this as just another option, and allow it to exist while primarily focusing on the core model.

Solid post OP.

I never quite understood why some people were so enraged about this.

If this PS4K releases and the games that release are both playable on both systems and the only difference is an increase in graphical fidelity -and ONLY- that then I don't see why folks would be upset.

Want the better graphics? Get a PS4K.

I could see an argument being made if there's exclusive content or features to PS4K is one thing, but so far all indications is that Sony is working against that.

It seems like people are taking this personally, for some reason, so I wanted to add a more objective, direct perspective on the market realities.


Well said, OP. I'm in lock-step with your opinion. I think some people here confuse the premium market with the enthusiast market. There is a lot of overlap, but not all enthusiasts are willing or able to pay the first adopter premium. Also, I think a ton of people are going to change their tune in 6-12 months when this releases because they'll either have accepted this new reality or they'll be in a different financial situation.


Which is why it sounds like Sony wants to do everything they can to make sure people understand that keeping your original PS4 isn't going to affect you. This is sounding more and more like 3DS/N3DS. The only reason why people are getting upset is because they just spent $350-400 and feel like they are getting swindled.

If the PS4K comes out in the next year at $399, they are getting swindled. It's unprecedented that for $50 or so more, if they had just waited 6 months to a year, they could have had more than twice the performance from their console of choice. It's utterly ridiculous.

The issue here is that because the PS4 is still selling so well, Sony has been reluctant to properly price drop the hardware. Really the PS4 should be no more than $299 at this point, just like it was during the holidays. Hell the PS2 launched at $299, and was $199 a year and a half later. By the time the PS4K is out, the PS4 really ought to be less than $299, especially if the PS4K is to be $399.

Mikey Jr.

I see very little difference between consoles and PCs nowadays. They really both do the same thing, although PC's have a wider variety of games and are more easily upgradeable.

I've bounced between PC gaming and console game. Went PS1, PC gaming, PS2, PC gaming, PS3, then PS4.

I am done with the PC. I hate buying a game and there is some bullshit that doesn't work.

I remember buying Dark Souls 1 on Steam. There was some error that kept coming up. Found out there was some GFWL live shit I had work around or something. I hated the whole process scouring forums on how to fix it.

Nahh, fuck that. I'll take lower resolution or framerate for ease of use.

So this 4.5 is right up my alley. Trade my PS4, and maybe get 50% off PS 4.5? Sounds good to me.


Worships the porcelain goddess
They'll surely eat this up. If there's one thing I know it's that "graphics" is one of the first words kids these days learn. Graphics is something adults who don't play games usually go to. You say "yeah it'll have better graphics" it'll be an easy purchase for them. Casuals all love graphics.

Graphics are not a selling point any more for the mass market. Minecraft says "Hello!"

Gamestop Employee: It's like iPhone 6 vs 6s.

Parent: Oh! That makes sense.

In reality...

Parent: "That doesn't explain much since I don't know the difference between those either."

As a retail worker and manager for almost a decade, my thoughts are simply "This is going to be fun. Either fun fun or shitty fun." It is baffling to me though that this isn't being used as a way to get 4K Blu Ray players into more people's hands.
I work in retail gaming and many of my customers have heard of the new PS4K aka NEO and most of them have really felt meh about the whole thing. If they can play all PS4 games on the system as has been reported they truly don't care for the most part.

Some with 4K TVs have made rumblings of upgrading to the new system but it's not a priority. I feel that this NEO system will be very much like the NEW 3DS or an iphone upgrade for many. Nice to have but not a MUST have for many. The reality most casual gamers don't care all that much about fps or resolution as long as it's decent enough.

Just wait until marketing gets a hold of them. LOL. Not even announced yet and no commercials to whet the appetite. Let's plays. Twitch. Etc.


Honestly I think the gamers that are made about this, think Sony's going to "fail" and/or think it's a bad idea are all gamers who don't want this to happen to consoles in the first place. Don't see any other reason why anyone would be against it given everything from phones to ipods to cars even hell to movies to just damn near everything is upgradable these days. Consoles aren't going to be the only thing left out.

Besides that people have been harping on pcs surpassing consoles already and this is a way for consoles to close that mark and it makes sense. Don't tell me people weren't mad about it.

If you don't want it then don't get it, it's not like you're going to miss any games from this lol.

Graphics are not a selling point any more for the mass market. Minecraft says "Hello!"


I didn't mean it's a main selling point, I'm saying it's something that kids and adults can agree on when it comes to gaming. Graphics are something adults who don't play can see and be ok with and kids they love graphics. Like Dan might not get what a game's about or how it plays but he knows it looks great, same for his son Danny. I'm not saying they love graphics more than gameplay but out of everything in regards to gaming graphics is one area where they can connect to some level on.


To be fair, the difference here is that people generally choose consoles over PC because they feel that they will last longer and off more value for the money. That's why a lot of people were talking about moving to PC over his move.

People buy consoles every year because they are freaking plug and play devices that can play CoD right after an install.

PC's are nowhere near the mainstream's mind when it comes to games.


The general idea would be that there are no more "resets". You should be able to play your xbox one and PS4 discs on XBOX Merovingian and Playstation Oracle. Ok my naming is silly, but you get the point.

While there may not be another PS4 or XB1, people will 100% be wary of a PS5.5, XB2.5, etc. This can cause slow ass starts to console generations in a time where it's not a great idea to have something like that happen.
And when the PS4K launches, games will still need to target the PS4. It's not like we are getting an entire new generation. It's 8th gen and 1/2.

Sure, just like the industry was still pumping out Xbox 360 ports well into 2014. Guess how many of those ports were worth playing.

It's a poor comparison with smartphones because it's a different market with different developer expectations. Smartphones need to be able to browse the internet and show static content, for the most part. Do it fast. Consoles are a much more complicated beast.
I work in retail gaming and many of my customers have heard of the new PS4K aka NEO and most of them have really felt meh about the whole thing. If they can play all PS4 games on the system as has been reported they truly don't care for the most part.

Some with 4K TVs have made rumblings of upgrading to the new system but it's not a priority. I feel that this NEO system will be very much like the NEW 3DS or an iphone upgrade for many. Nice to have but not a MUST have for many. The reality most casual gamers don't care all that much about fps or resolution as long as it's decent enough.

It's most likely targeted towards hardcore gamers/spec enthusiasts & those like myself who doesn't own a PS4 as of yet.


The product cycle for the actual hardware of this generation will be determined by other factors, and a refresh of the core SKU with improvements isn't going to fundamentally alter what games are being released, and who is able to play them. It's a Premium option, with enhancements.

The problem is ultimately the execution. Even with 1 PS4 SKU, a ton of games still slip through QA with embarrassing performance issues. I can only see this accelerating when there's an excuse for developers to aim for the better PS4K platform, and an impetus for Sony to push the PS4K platform. If people start to feel like they're getting second class products as a result of the incremental upgrade, I think that constitutes a significant issue......particularly if more than half your userbase ends up feeling burned by their previous purchase when Sony/MS are trying to push an entirely new platform.


I've also been in retail - customers either come in already knowing what they want or browse for things that interest them. Either they come in already knowing about the Neo/XB1.5 or they find out about it - and their reactions thusly will tell whether or not they're interested. That's common sense, is it not? I'm not seeing how OP having been in retail justifies his stance that the mass market will eat this up.

I actually said that I expected the release of this to lead to the core units, the base models, to increase in sales volumes, and these to primarily sell to the higher end Premium customers, not necessarily to be bought en-masse. I stated that those saying the mass market would reject this are talking to empty air without having any idea, since it doesn't really make sense.

Not that what you said there is necessarily wrong, just think you mis-read or misunderstood my post on the matter.


Graphics are not a selling point any more for the mass market. Minecraft says "Hello!"

In reality...

Parent: "That doesn't explain much since I don't know the difference between those either."

As a retail worker and manager for almost a decade, my thoughts are simply "This is going to be fun. Either fun fun or shitty fun."

GTA5 says hello. The realistic way that game looks is a huge part of its appeal. How many millions of people double dipped just to get a better looking version?
Sure, just like the industry was still pumping out Xbox 360 ports well into 2014. Guess how many of those ports were worth playing.

It's a poor comparison with smartphones because it's a different market with different developer expectations. Smartphones need to be able to browse the internet and show static content, for the most part. Do it fast. Consoles are a much more complicated beast.

Talk about poor comparisons and then you use a 9 yr old system as an example


Thanks for share your thoughts.

I mostly agree here... it is a good market chance to increase the PA4 value and give option to more enthusiastic gamers.

It is a win win because it can make the generation last longer.


Something like this was bound to happen eventually once the console makers adopted x84 architecture. Scalability is now easy, backwards compatibility is almost guaranteed.

Mass market doesn't care. They're already used to having refreshes and won't notice the difference.

The problem arises in early adopters feeling burned. Which means sony really needs to be careful how they approach this if they want PS5 to be successful from the get-go. Trade in options, ambassador programmes. something to make it feel worthwile to buy the base model from the start.


It's most likely targeted towards hardcore gamers/spec enthusiasts & those like myself who doesn't own a PS4 as of yet.

Totally. In many ways it's kind of picking up some golden gooses for Sony. Even if this new SKU doesn't sell like gangbusters it allows them to hit a slightly different market and still reap the rewards of a SKU that sits at around $250.
While there may not be another PS4 or XB1, people will 100% be wary of a PS5.5, XB2.5, etc. This can cause slow ass starts to console generations in a time where it's not a great idea to have something like that happen.

Like with any product it's all about the value proposition. Give people incentive to switch. Personally I don't need incentive as I'm a lover of gaming and tech and can absorb it financially.


Thanks for share your thoughts.

I mostly agree here... it is a good market chance to increase the PA4 value and give option to more enthusiastic gamers.

It is a win win because it can make the generation last longer.

And again I ask that if people are against this then how do people expect the "pcs are fast surpassing consoles lolz" and "lolz, consoles are terrible lets switch to pc because they're under-performing" talk to stop?

Did people really expect to hear that until the end of gaming? I mean seriously now, what other options do you do to help console gaming?


To be fair, the difference here is that people generally choose consoles over PC because they feel that they will last longer and off more value for the money. That's why a lot of people were talking about moving to PC over his move.

This is a relevant point. Sony is trying to change this perception and it's going to take time to reset with consumers. But people can reset expectations fairly quickly if they hear about it enough (marketing) and I expect by the end of the year a lot of people will have forgotten about all this "controversy" and will be buying the new version.
Talk about poor comparisons and then you use a 9 yr old system as an example

A 9 year old system's port performance from the last few years. The age of the Xbox 360 doesn't make a difference when the console's user base was still relevant up until last year.

It's the closest thing we have to an example of what we can expect and the outlook isn't good. It's never been good. New hardware means your old hardware might get "supported" but you'll just wish they hadn't bothered.


The existing, core system, will continue to be receiving the exact same games it always was going to, at the exact same performance it always was going to. Nothing has changed for you, as the consumer type you are.

I think this is an extremely naive assumption. I very much doubt vanilla PS4 owners will get the exact same performance they would have, were the PS4K to never exist. At the end of the day studios have a limited number of developers, development time, budgets etc, and when they're already getting spread thin just working on the PS4, Xbox One and PC, you really think adding in the PS4K (and potentially the NX too) isn't going to spread things out even more? They'll have even less time on the PS4 version, and will have to allocate more time, money and devs to the new hardware.


A new product is always good for retail. I don't see the 4K / 1.5 as resets but rather revisions that inevitably happens with every console generation, except this time the companies will be justifying their existence (and the higher? price tag) with better value proposition.

The God

And again I ask that if people are against this then how do people expect the "pcs are fast surpassing consoles lolz" and "lolz, consoles are terrible lets switch to pc because they're under-performing" talk to stop?

Did people really expect to hear that until the end of gaming? I mean seriously now, what other options do you do to help console gaming?

Man what are you talking about? Consoles just aren't able to keep up with PCs in power and this isn't changing that at all.
I think this is an extremely naive assumption. I very much doubt vanilla PS4 owners will get the exact same performance they would have, were the PS4K to never exist. At the end of the day, developers have limited team sizes, development time, budgets etc, and when they're already getting strung out thin just working on the PS4, Xbox One and PC, you really think adding in the PS4K isn't going to spread things out even more? They'll have even less time on the PS4 version, and will have to allocate more time to the new hardware.

This one negative I agree with. Do you think MS would have sent engineers to Bungie to work on the resolution of Destiny if there were an Xbox 1.5?

I'm an early adopter so selfishly this won't affect me.


Worships the porcelain goddess
GTA5 says hello. The realistic way that game looks is a huge part of its appeal. How many millions of people double dipped just to get a better looking version?

GTA being GTA is its appeal. It sold like gangbusters on previous gen when it was pretty rough. Did people double dip because it looked pretty? Or simply because they wanted to carry GTA with them on their new system? Has new gen sales surpassed old gen? Doesn't look like it...

Wiki says...

On 7 October 2013, the game became the best-selling digital release on PlayStation Store for PlayStation 3, breaking the previous record set by The Last of Us, though numerical sales figures were not disclosed.[114][115] It broke seven Guinness World Records on 8 October: best-selling video game in 24 hours, best-selling action-adventure video game in 24 hours, highest grossing video game in 24 hours, fastest entertainment property to gross $1 billion, fastest video game to gross $1 billion, highest revenue generated by an entertainment product in 24 hours, and most viewed trailer for an action-adventure video game.[2] A digital version was released on 18 October for the Xbox 360,[116] which went on to become the highest grossing day-one and week-one release on Xbox Live.[117] As of May 2014, the game has generated over $1.98 billion in revenue.[118] As of August, the game has sold-in over 34 million units to retailers for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.[119] As of 31 December, the game has shipped 45 million copies to retailers, including 10 million copies of the re-released version for eighth-generation consoles.[120] As of 3 February 2016, the game has shipped over 60 million copies across all platforms.[121]

GTA sells by being GTA.

"Just buy the cheaper one"

There, problem solved.

Do you work retail? This...doesn't work.
Abdiel great perspective as usual. I don't care who does the trade in trade up promo ( Sony directly or the retailers) that's my only issue. Just kick off the release for people who have the previous version with a good deal. They do that I am all in.



Because the overlap of PC gaming and console gaming is really not that relevant in terms of what you might imagine. We see those discussions a lot here, on GAF, because we're a highly niche enthusiast forum, but that never comes up in conversations with customers in the marketplace. PC gamers are already going to be much more educated on the gaming market as it is, because they don't even really have much option for retail in the first place as it is, other than purchasing components, etc.

Are you available to be a guest on the next Giant Beastcast? They have a lot of trouble reconciling their personal gaming preferences of playing on PC as much as possible with the reality of the mass market.

Haha. Maybe? If they want to PM me about it, I could look into offering some insights and commentary, though GAF is where I do most of my expansive commentary, obviously.

Right. I'm just giving my perspective. PC gaming is still thought of as a niche in itself, that's why the PC section in your store is probably smaller than your console side (if it even exists at all). Considering the lines between both platforms have became duller over the past decade, I think someone who can navigate a console can go through some of the basics of installing and playing a PC game.

But anyway, I'm getting far off the topic. Someone in this thread already mentioned something about iterative upgrades like iPhones (which are more expensive than consoles). I don't think it will be quite the same since we are comparing a mobile device to a home console, but as long as these new consoles don't segment their userbase when it comes to actually playing games together, it should be fine.

PC gaming is a huge market, though, and that's the thing, it's it's own market unto itself. It tends to feed itself with the various marketplaces, within its own existence. Steam, Origin, etc. are all gaming marketplaces that exist purely digitally, so they don't rely on any outward places, and a lot of PC gamers just focus on their rigs and then buy their games without ever using a shop.

While Console gamers have various aspects to how they acquire their games and information regarding them, through whatever hubs that might be, be it the actual gaming store, etc.

Informing people about games is something I pride myself on, since I do educate myself on the various systems, even stuff I don't own, so I can be genuine with the information I provide and not just dick around about things.
"Just buy the cheaper one"

There, problem solved.

Lol. Again "so they both play the same games but this one is a $100 cheaper and may not look as nice? I think I will get the cheaper one. "

We are talking about the same people that still buy DVDs despite owning bluray capable decide because they are cheaper and the difference isn't enough to justify the cost.


Man what are you talking about? Consoles just aren't able to keep up with PCs in power and this isn't changing that at all.


Did you misunderstand my post? People have constantly talked about pcs being better than consoles relating to power, frame-rate, graphics and etc for the longest time. This way however that at least changes the gap that way the console side isn't near as disadvantaged as before which is the entire point. That's what I'm talking about. That's why I said "help" and "fast surpassing". I'm not talking about the "lolz pcs just got more power bro PC MASTER RAZZEE1111" stuff, I'm talking about adding everything together as a whole which helps the console side rather than being trounced across the board. This makes consoles appear better in the long run and this also gives more to their side in regards to people staying on consoles rather than switching to the pc side which a great amount do consider they feel consoles are just too far behind. The key is "too far" here.

It's common sense.
Parents are going to be confused as fuck.

This is what jumped out at me with this whole thing. In my experience (so, obviously subjective) parents often have no idea what they're doing and explaining it to them you may as well be speaking a dead tongue. If little Jimmy asks for a PS4 for Xmas and mom or dad or grandma come in and see 2+ SKUs with a big price difference they're going to get confused. People don't understand that the Wii U is the successor to the Wii, or for that matter that the Xbox One is the successor to the 360. Many don't understand what that even means. Saying 'The more expensive one is better but if they just want to play Minecraft you're fine with the less expensive one' won't work on everyone, it'll just confuse them more.

I highly doubt that would actually lead to a loss in sales or a failure of the system though. If their kid asks for a PS4 or an Xbox One they're going to get one regardless. It's just going to be a headache for retail employees to explain.


I mean seriously now, what other options do you do to help console gaming?

In the longterm I believe consoles will phase out and all three manufacturers have seen this and have begun preparations to move away from dedicated hardware. Either they'll join PC as platform services or will be on whatever convergence of smartphones and PCs have come out by that point when battery tech finally has a new breakthrough. Until then the console market will continue to shrink year over year. The new generations (15 and younger) are largely not growing up with consoles.


New gen GTA5 sales don't have to surpass old gen for its graphical fidelity to be important. What an absurd standard.

And Minecraft being big does not mean graphics don't matter. It's one game.
A 9 year old system's port performance from the last few years. The age of the Xbox 360 doesn't make a difference when the console's user base was still relevant up until last year.

It's the closest thing we have to an example of what we can expect and the outlook isn't good. It's never been good. New hardware means your old hardware might get "supported" but you'll just wish they hadn't bothered.

There was a 9 yr gap in tech. No one expected 360 ports to run well compared to current gen counterparts. There isn't going to be such a disparity between hardware specs for PS4 and PS4k.
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