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Revolution Controller Revealed

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It looks interesting in a I'd like to try it out once sort of way. Defintely not something I'm looking forward to buying though. Nintendo really are a toy maker now - that much is sure.


teiresias said:
This thing isn't exactly friendly to handicapped people though. I mean, you hear about people playing videogames with their feet all the time - but they didn't have to pick the thing up and wave it around before either.

You hear about it rarely in an "Oh wow, isn't that cute" section of Nintendo Power, but people don't really do that in any number. I can't see how people could really use a Wavebird/Dual Shock/S-Type with their feet at all. We've already passed the point of handicapped people playing modern console video games.


Mashing said:
Typical. The reaction here is so predictable.

At first I was also like: WTF IS THAT THING??

But after reading IGN's, 1-Up's and Gamespot's impressions I'm really exicted to play games. The possiblities really are astounding.

Of course everone likes to jump to conclusions without even playing games on it.

Any of you remember the Orb controller for pc games like Forsaken? IGN and GamSpot loved it too. But that didnt mean crap to joe gamer.

Cant believe they give it koodos because it can be turned sideways to mimic a 20 yr old controller.


Red Scarlet said:
The lack of buttons kinda sucks for SNES games..and the lack of buttons on the basic controller overall really seems like a step back.

More buttons not = better

Besides, the controller can be expanded into 10000000 million buttons if you want it to.


Man, this has so many possibilities, and when applied correctly, can make a game so much more immersive! Imagine playing Zelda. By tilting the controller forwards, you walk up to a treasure chest. Then by flipping the controller upwards, you open the chest. Then all of a sudden a monster flies out of the chest, it scares the shit out out of you, so you automatically make a backward movement with the controller, then because of that, you also see Link falling backwards! Yes, this could be good! :D


After five minutes of careful consideration, I can now say: WTF?

Seriously, it just limits the entire system to being a gimmick. Ag.

Some games will be great with it - music sims, etc - but that just looks too abstract for me.
Hey, remember when you kooky Nintendo kids were "imagineering" uses for the DS touch screen, and how very few of them were actually plausible --much less FUN -- in reality?

Admit it: you hate gaming. You're desperately trying to rationalize novelty as innovation, when the reality is that you're gonna get mini-games and half-assed implementations up the yin-yang, just like with the DS.

Look at the DS. What are the most anticipated games? Advance Wars. Mario and Luigi 2. Castlevania. Mario Kart. New Super Mario Bros. Games that could easily be just as good (and in the case of Castlevania and Mario Kart, BETTER) without a touchscreen. The same thing is gonna happen with the Revolution. Once you weary of the Feel The Magics and the Meteoses and the Wario Wares, you'll be back to getting hyped for traditional, substantial content free of unproven and unpolished novelty tricks.

Your tired industry ennui isn't gonna disappear because you wave a wand instead of pushing a stick. You won't get over it until you


Red Scarlet

mutsu said:
More buttons not = better

Besides, the controller can be expanded into 10000000 million buttons if you want it to.

For BC it doesn't = better though. You can expand, but at a price..

der guy: I also said I'd give it a shot. But right now it doesn't look so hot, and I really don't care what 1up or IGN or whoever has to say about it. Positive OR negative. Reviews have never decided a purchase for me since the SNES.



I was reading this thread backwards and there was all this positive feedback and stuff... then I clicked on the 1st page and it was all attacks, laughing, and border-line trolling...

It's interesting that a few Nintendo haters went right for the kill, but overall those that thought about it for a few minutes and read impressions actually responded cautiously optimistic...

I for one and proud and happy about this new step in gaming, and think that Nintendo IS going to competely revolutionize gaming like never before... all of a sudden, more GTA, Madden, and Halo is looking pretty redundant (and I mean that as a general feeling towards most games of yesterday and today, even Nintendo's like Mario and Zelda)... sure the past was great, but now I'm ready to move into the future...

I truly hope Nintendo goes hi-def though, I don't see a reason not to make it an option for developers... I also hope there is a traditional add-on so games like RE5 can be played on it...

If Nintendo can have it's cake and eat it too, then why not... original library + regular 3rd party would really make them unstoppable next gen, and not only would they bring in open-minded gamers and a new audience, but could capture the traditional gaming audience with the lure of having the best of everything...

I'm very happy for Nintendo... that said, it would be absolute heaven to have the future (new revolutionary gameplay) and the past (NES->GCN), and the present (Madden, GTA, RE5, etc...)... though I have a feeling with this new design and determination, the present (including 360 & PS3) will very quickly fade into the past.

Good job Nintendo, almost brings a tear to my eye... I'm probably going to sit down and think about this slowly... just the potentional of what's to come is hard to explain with simple words...

O Nintendo, Xbox 360 delenda est et PS3 delenda est... ;)


Norse said:
Any of you remember the Orb controller for pc games like Forsaken? IGN and GamSpot loved it too. But that didnt mean crap to joe gamer.

Cant believe they give it koodos because it can be turned sideways to mimic a 20 yr old controller.

If you knew how to spell "kudos" maybe people would give a shit about your opinion.

Ben Sones

PkunkFury said:
Good call, obviously a sword fighting game comes to mind. or if you hold a remote in each hand, you'd have a kickass Punch-Out!! :D

OTOH, I think even that underestmates what you can do. Just because you could do games where you pantomime motions such as swinging a sword, that doesn't mean you have to. In fact, I doubt that sort of thing would work well in any game that wasn't first-person. The video also showed people making very small motions with the controller, and I suspect that is the sort of motions a lot of games will employ. So if you have a fighter, then maybe the motion sensor controls where your character's hands are, and you can move it around--little wrist motions, not the big "wave your arms around" motions that people are apparently assuming that every game will require. Maybe buttons determine whether you are punching or kicking, and then you attack and block by moving your character's arms and legs accordingly. Or something like that.

And yeah, Drinky, it's just like an analog stick. If an analog stick were more precise and less twitchy (that's a guess, but a controller with a wider range of motion than a thumbstick will probably be both of those things, unless it's really unresponsive), and had three degrees of motion instead of two. And was sensitive to tilting.


teiresias said:
This thing isn't exactly friendly to handicapped people though. I mean, you hear about people playing videogames with their feet all the time - but they didn't have to pick the thing up and wave it around before either.

imagine a person with parkinsons disease trying to play this thing


Norse said:
Any of you remember the Orb controller for pc games like Forsaken? IGN and GamSpot loved it too. But that didnt mean crap to joe gamer.

Cant believe they give it koodos because it can be turned sideways to mimic a 20 yr old controller.

Hell yeah, I've got one of those. The ONLY way to play Clusterball.



That was the first thing I said to myself when I saw the picture.

Then I started thinking and I love this idea.

As plenty of people here mentioned, possibilities are endless.

Anybody remember Minority Report, and how Tom Cruise controlled the monitors and stuff with his hands and moving and twisting them? This is the precursor to that.

The revolution will be televised!


You guys that are so optimistic about this thing are being a bit crazy. Sure, the possibilities are endless for what you can do, but who is gonna do them? Enjoy the 5-8 games a year Nintendo put out for this thing.


(more a nerd than a geek)
I just got home from my night class... load up the thread.

1st Reaction: "Weird, why are they showing the remote control?"

2nd Reaction: "OH NO! NINTENDO IS DOOMED!"

3rd Reaction: "Wait... works in full 3D space? Also as a light gun? It can work with FPS???"

4th Reaction: "That joystick add on looks like a pain..."



Yes, I'll admit, I was worried for a moment... but after reading the details and having Iwata say that it could be used in a "standard controller shell", all my fears are relieved. Now I'm just curious as to what new kinds of decent gameplay might emerge.

Useful thoughts....

NES is released in America. Hardcore gaming base goes "WHAT? NO JOYSTICK! DOOMED!"



I am getting this vague feeling that every time Nintendo refines an idea and releases it as a change from the status quoe, it is attacked and belittled by the "hardcore gaming crowd" ... but this change then goes on to become a standard fixture in gaming. Could you guys imagine playing games these days without an analog thumbstick or a + joypad?


lacks enthusiasm.
Nintendo has embraced it's niche.

Like you guys, the first pictures came in and I was wondering to myself what Nintendo was on with such a simple controller. I mean, come on, it looks like a remote. Then I read the stories on how you use it in games and was intrigued. Nintendo might have something on it's hands here. Now, after watching that video, I get it. Nintendo wants to make gaming fun again. I don't mean to say PS3 and Xbox 360 wont have fun games, but Nintendo comes out of left field with such a brilliant idea that it is going to revolutionize the way we play games.

Personally, I feel we have been in a sort of gaming "rut". The vast majority of games I, and others, were getting excited for were sequels. MGS4, GT4, and RE5 are arguably some of the most anticipated games around. But I wasn't seeing as many new franchises coming out of publishers and developers. Sure, you had the Katamari's or the Ico's or the Super Monkey Ball's, but by and large I think the games most people were getting excited about were the sequels. Remember that these power-house franchises got started on PS1 and N64, and here we are today still drooling over playing sequels.

I think we're going to see a ton of great, fun, games come from the introduction of this controller. I don't think Nintendo is in it for first place anymore. They want to provide people with new experiences for gaming, like they've done with the DS. All you have to do is watch the video to see that. You certainly aren't going to be getting the kind of stuff we see on Revolution for the PS3 or Xbox 360. Frankly, I don't care if I miss out on third party games because of this. I will have my PS3 or my Xbox 360 for those.

I don't think Nintendo, as a game developer, hit their mark with Gamecube. I was a huge Nintendo fan during the N64 era and before that, but I wasn't seeing it from Gamecube. I lost a lot of faith in where they were headed, but they've now rekindled that spark of fun I got from past Nintendo generations. I think this controller will allow them the freedom to start coming up with some truly outside the box ideas that are going to translate into great games. I can only imagine what Nintendo's development teams are now working on with this new controller to give us new gaming experiences that we didn't get from the Gamecube.

You really have to hand it to Nintendo for having the balls to step up and innovate. Will the mainstream eat this up? I think there's a very good chance it could happen if Nintendo plays their cards right, but that isn't going to stop me from enjoying the new types of gaming experiences that Nintendo and other developers already have up their sleeve.

While there are those who say Nintendo is doomed or dead, I for one believe that this is the true Nintendo that we have been waiting for all these years. They've stepped up and dared to deliver something different to the gaming masses and I can't wait to see what they will do with it.

Wow, indeed.


All I can say is wow. Thank God I am late to the party and had guests for dinner and had to tuck my kid into bed. The initial reactions to this on GAF were priceless. I checked out the 1up and IGN stories before I hit the thread and I am glad I did. Let me preface this by saying in the current gen I have had no preference and although I love Nintendo I am no fanboy. With that said:



Even with all the hype leading up to Iwata'a speech, and that feeling that it couldn't possibly live up to it, this is better than anyone envisioned.

Go get some sleep, and dream of controlling thousands of pikmin with the wave of your hand, swinging the master sword when YOU ARE LINK, BECOMING SAMUS, not just controlling her. If you don't get this yet. You will soon.

Everyone will wan't this, just wait and see.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
wow.. i have absolutely no idea what to think.


i guess its another choice.. something else.. im just not sure if im going to get the rev now. :/ i really have to try this out for myself.. im just kinda sad for zelda.. it was/is my favorite gaming series ever.. :(


Unconfirmed Member
siege said:
You guys that are so optimistic about this thing are being a bit crazy. Sure, the possibilities are endless for what you can do, but who is gonna do them? Enjoy the 5-8 games a year Nintendo put out for this thing.
A lack of software is hardly the controller's fault. That has always been Nintendo's problem.


My first thought: Nintendo has gone BATSHIT INSANE!

2nd thought: lets have a look at how it works.

3rd thought: WOW, this might actually be pretty cool.


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
GhaleonEB said:
After five minutes of careful consideration, I can now say: WTF?

Seriously, it just limits the entire system to being a gimmick. Ag.

Some games will be great with it - music sims, etc - but that just looks too abstract for me.

Seriously if you haven't seen the video, you should check it out. I don't know how far from abstract swinging a sword, holding a flashlight, or yanking on a fishing line can get. This is as tactile and easy to grasp as anything I have ever seen.


Drinky Crow said:
Hey, remember when you kooky Nintendo kids were "imagineering" uses for the DS touch screen, and how very few of them were actually plausible --much less FUN -- in reality?

Admit it: you hate gaming. You're desperately trying to rationalize novelty as innovation, when the reality is that you're gonna get mini-games and half-assed implementations up the yin-yang, just like with the DS.

Look at the DS. What are the most anticipated games? Advance Wars. Mario and Luigi 2. Castlevania. Mario Kart. New Super Mario Bros. Games that could easily be just as good (and in the case of Castlevania and Mario Kart, BETTER) without a touchscreen. The same thing is gonna happen with the Revolution. Once you weary of the Feel The Magics and the Meteoses and the Wario Wares, you'll be back to getting hyped for traditional, substantial content free of unproven and unpolished novelty tricks.

Your tired industry ennui isn't gonna disappear because you wave a wand instead of pushing a stick. You won't get over it until you


This smacks of irony so much that I'm having trouble believing you wrote it.

If you don't see how jaded you become then you are the one that needs to take your own advice. I'm open to BOTH types. I'm looking foward to the awesome HD games on X360 and PS3, but I'm also equally excited for the possibilties this controller brings to the market.


Oh and watch for the lazyer third party developers to stick to using the standard Gamecube controller for their games.


Drinky Crow said:
Hey, remember when you kooky Nintendo kids were "imagineering" uses for the DS touch screen, and how very few of them were actually plausible --much less FUN -- in reality?

Admit it: you hate gaming. You're desperately trying to rationalize novelty as innovation, when the reality is that you're gonna get mini-games and half-assed implementations up the yin-yang, just like with the DS.

Look at the DS. What are the most anticipated games? Advance Wars. Mario and Luigi 2. Castlevania. Mario Kart. New Super Mario Bros. Games that could easily be just as good (and in the case of Castlevania and Mario Kart, BETTER) without a touchscreen. The same thing is gonna happen with the Revolution. Once you weary of the Feel The Magics and the Meteoses and the Wario Wares, you'll be back to getting hyped for traditional, substantial content free of unproven and unpolished novelty tricks.

Your tired industry ennui isn't gonna disappear because you wave a wand instead of pushing a stick. You won't get over it until you


PS2 is for losers, though.

Plus, name a game and come over my house: I will kick your ass at it and then we can talk about who's into real games and who's not.


Everyone seems to have skipped the most important aspect of this controller.



Honestly, if you think about it within the constructs of what we know as a "videogame", this is truly revolutionary. Niche product or not, this is going to be very fun.

By making it look sleek and sexy, I don't think people will have a problem giving it a try. And when they do, I don't think they'll be able to NOT buy one. I cannot wait to see more; this is the first time I haven't been disappointed by Nintendo in years. I'm very optimistic about this system.


koam said:
Everyone seems to have skipped the most important aspect of this controller.




shibbs said:
My first thought: Nintendo has gone BATSHIT INSANE!

2nd thought: lets have a look at how it works.

3rd thought: WOW, this might actually be pretty cool.

That was what happened to me too. :)


Gamespot says the left anolog/trigger add on comes standard with Revolution, is this true? Can anyone attending the TGS or from any other online game site confirm this to be fact? I want this dual controller setup for FPS goodness and it should come standard with every Nintendo Revolution console.

Finally, the base of the controller features a unique plug that lets you make use of a wide variety of peripherals. One such peripheral is an analog stick attachment with two shoulder buttons labeled Z1 and Z2. Though it gives the combined items an odd, nunchaku-like appearance (which is actually Nintendo's tongue-in-cheek nickname for it), the add-on demonstrates the controller's versatility. The analog stick peripheral will come included with the Revolution hardware, with other attachments to follow in the future. While Miyamoto didn't say much else about what other attachments were in the works, he did note that it's theoretically possible to have entirely different configurations plug into the port--which got us thinking about SNES and N64 controller attachments.

Source: Gamespot


koam said:
Everyone seems to have skipped the most important aspect of this controller.

Like you can with both the 360's remote and it's controller?

The "wow"s were sufficient enough. :p


Revolutionary indeed.

Hats of to Nintendo. I was a bit pissed when I saw the pic at first, but once I heard that it operates in full 3D I became overjoyed. After reading IGN's impressions, I was nearly pushed into full-blown ecstasy. The possibilities to expand control, interactivity, preciseness, and genres is pretty limitless with this idea. I'm going to own all three consoles no matter what, but my lukewarm excitement for the Revolution has turned to a full boil tonight.

Viva la Revolucion!
Drinky Crow said:
Hey, remember when you kooky Nintendo kids were "imagineering" uses for the DS touch screen, and how very few of them were actually plausible --much less FUN -- in reality?

Admit it: you hate gaming. You're desperately trying to rationalize novelty as innovation, when the reality is that you're gonna get mini-games and half-assed implementations up the yin-yang, just like with the DS.

Look at the DS. What are the most anticipated games? Advance Wars. Mario and Luigi 2. Castlevania. Mario Kart. New Super Mario Bros. Games that could easily be just as good (and in the case of Castlevania and Mario Kart, BETTER) without a touchscreen. The same thing is gonna happen with the Revolution. Once you weary of the Feel The Magics and the Meteoses and the Wario Wares, you'll be back to getting hyped for traditional, substantial content free of unproven and unpolished novelty tricks.

Your tired industry ennui isn't gonna disappear because you wave a wand instead of pushing a stick. You won't get over it until you


Again with the holy crusades. Let us form our own opinions, Drinky. Not everything is as it seems to you.

That being said, I agree with you to a certain extent. My want of traditional game experiences has not disappeared. And yes, the most anticipated games on DS for me are the more traditional ones. (Mario Kart etc.) But, I am also, if not MORE interested in new experiences.
I just think we take for granted that there's really only one way to control a 3D game.

Also, It's fairly clear to me that this controller isn't for us. GAF I mean. The hardcore. Our type wants the next Zelda, FF, Halo. We want the next big epic console experience. Who knows? maybe Revolution will deliver that, but at this point, its impossible to tell.

As it is, Its new. Thats far more than Sony or Microsoft can say. Novelty, or innovation? We'll see. But you can't deny our curiosity.
Drinky Cow's reaction to Nintendo 64 unveiling:

"Anybody who wants to play games in 3D obviously hates video games. Oh and I like to say ennui instead of boredom because it makes me look smart."


The best thing that will come of the Revolution is the inevitable videos of people jumping around in their living room playing these games. I look forward to having a laugh.


And for the love of god please please tell me that the Revolution version of Metroid Prime will have a solid online multiplayer mode. With this controller, MP could have the most freaking accurate and natural control method ever in a FPS, and I would like to use said control to frag the hell out of my fellow GAF Nintendorks :)

Viva la Revolution!


Unconfirmed Member
the video shows the bottom most buttons as x and y instead of a and b :confused.

I wish it was like this so I could at least get my SNES on =/

XMonkey said:
Nintendo has embraced it's niche...

I think we're going to see a ton of great, fun, games come from the introduction of this controller. I don't think Nintendo is in it for first place anymore. They want to provide people with new experiences for gaming, like they've done with the DS. All you have to do is watch the video to see that. You certainly aren't going to be getting the kind of stuff we see on Revolution for the PS3 or Xbox 360. Frankly, I don't care if I miss out on third party games because of this. I will have my PS3 or my Xbox 360 for those...

You really have to hand it to Nintendo for having the balls to step up and innovate. Will the mainstream eat this up? I think there's a very good chance it could happen if Nintendo plays their cards right, but that isn't going to stop me from enjoying the new types of gaming experiences that Nintendo and other developers already have up their sleeve.

While there are those who say Nintendo is doomed or dead, I for one believe that this is the true Nintendo that we have been waiting for all these years. They've stepped up and dared to deliver something different to the gaming masses and I can't wait to see what they will do with it.

Wow, indeed.

Thumbs up for your good post.


My first thought: Nintendo has gone BATSHIT INSANE!
2nd thought: lets have a look at how it works.
3rd thought: WOW, this might actually be pretty cool.

Me: Nintendo is fucking nuts!?
Me: (reads impresions) this could be cool
Me: (watches video) Badass. It's like the video goes from WTF to OMG.


The more I think about it, the more I like this thing. I never shelled out for a GC, and I wasn't going to get a Rev, but if they have at least 1 good sword-fighting game for it I'm going to have to.

About that comment that it wouldn't be good for RTS. . . I dunno. A/B are left click/right click, and you just point where you want to click. With a cursor on-screen, it would be impossible for a viewer to tell the difference between the imput from this and a mouse, except you could actually be faster with this I imagine. You would lose out on all the hotkeys from having a keyboard though, which would suck. But it definately covers the mouse input.

Also, I'm no longer a junior member! weeeee! (For whatever difference it even makes) :lol

EDIT: Me spell gud.
Ya kinda sucks for fighting games (as we know em. new ones could be hot). It would be nice with some more buttons on the underside and a Dpad on the analog attachment. I have a problem if we have to get a new attachment for traditional gaming, though.

But do you fools realize what this'll do for Jet Grind?!

Too bad Sega would never do something that made so much sense. :(
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