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Robin Williams dead at 63

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What Dreams May Come is easily one of my all-time favourite movies of his. I bawl my eyes out every time I watch it.

We're going to set a night aside in the next few days to just sit on the couch and watch as many of his movies as we can before we pass out.

I think we'll start with Mrs Doubtfire :)

But yes... it was heartbreaking to find out that he'd died and especially so to discover that he'd committed suicide.

There are just so few personalities like his. He's just such an incredible icon.

Definitely going to miss his charisma :(


Aside from his movies, he was a great comic!

I have been watching some of his recent interviews, and he has me in stiches. I personally wish he had done more stand up.


In the last week ive watched:

Mrs. Doubtfire
Good Will Hunting
Dead Poets Society (first time seeing)

and on Hook now.

gonna watch Worlds Greatest Dad, Birdcage (never seen), death to smoochy (never seen), insomnia, and what dreams may come

Death to Smoochy is great! It's super weird but awesome.


Saw an article the other day that stated the reason he was depressed was not due to the learning of the PD since there are good treatments that could have him going years without really showing anything serious but because of the failure of The Crazy Ones. That makes a bit more sense to me considering the man takes what he does very important and he was the image of the show, his face plastered anywhere, he basically felt as if he failed. That it was all on him why it ended after one measly season. It doesn’t help that at his age you know getting work is going to be harder, no matter how great you are when you age the number of projects coming your way fall drastically. And due to his age he likely felt that. For a man like him I can easily see it causing him to get depressed and the timing rather fits.


With all this rewatching of his works it has come that disturbing moment when you realize his filmography is pretty dark and hugely revolves around death and suicide..

What dreams may come: duh

Dead poets Society;

Bicentennial man:
He kills himself at the end, is out of love, but still.

It is told his father died desperately trying to find him when he disappeared, the two kids are orphans and their parents recently died.

Patch Addams:
The love of his life is kill by a mad man who afterwards kills himself.

Freaking Toys:
I vaguely remind a funeral, I have to see this again.

A little unknown movie, The Final Cut: It's not very good imo but worth checking out for its odd premise. In the future people can have implants that record their entire lives, some people known as "cutters" take these memories and make nice little videos as mementos, but of course they also get to see a lot of terrible stuff, because these devices record absolutely everything. The thing is hugely controversial of course, and SPOILER
he not only gets to see dads molesting their small daughters and stuff of that kind while cutting, he is also murdered at the end

Awakenings: Even if there are no deaths (that I remember) is a pretty dark movie in a way.

One Hour photo: duh again

etc, etc, etc I have not seen Good Will Haunting or Insomnia, but even if they were labeled as "comedy" at this point I would come to expect some sad or dark angle. Hell even Mrs Doubtfire is adorable but then you realize is about dealing with the hardships of divorce and the toll it has on a family.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
I love his performances in One Hour Photo and Insomnia the best.

Kind of weird that the performances I celebrate the most from a renowned comedian and comic are actually the ones where he depicted someone's totally different than his usual stuff.

...well, goes to show how talented the guy really is, I guess.
I love his performances in One Hour Photo and Insomnia the best.

Kind of weird that the performances I celebrate the most from a renowned comedian and comic are actually the ones where he depicted someone's totally different than his usual stuff.

...well, goes to show how talented the guy really is, I guess.

Yeah, I prefer his more serious roles than his comedy.
I always wanted to watch Worlds Greatest Dad, but I never had the time. I finally watched it today and just wow, what a great movie.

Going to watch Dead poets Society next or Toys.
I watched Hook for the first time as an adult yesterday. I had watched it before at a very early age. The only thing I remembered was not liking it, but it's actually really good!

It wasn't what I was expecting at all. Very well written. Everyone was good, but Dustin Hoffman's performance really stood out.

I really liked this shot, but that might be just because I desperately want to smooch a mermaid:



One of my co-workers seems convinced this is a coverup by his family and the police for death by auto-erotic asphyxiation. Says there is no way you can kill yourself with a belt.


One of my co-workers seems convinced this is a coverup by his family and the police for death by auto-erotic asphyxiation. Says there is no way you can kill yourself with a belt.

A short search via Google would help your co-worker to see that it is possible.


I've been rewatching some of Williams' classics, but one movie of his I saw once and haven't been able to find anywhere (It's not on Netflix here in Chile) is Cadillac Man. I remember catching this on cable one time and said to myself "Sure, why not?" and watched it, and man, Robin's performance, which is so terrific and over-the-top, really steals the whole movie.

Among his Oscar-nominated/winning performances, this movie is not discussed much among Williams' best works, but I say if you have a chance, give this one a go.
A short search via Google would help your co-worker to see that it is possible.
Yeah, there's a really unpleasant liveleak video of some kid killing himself with his webcam running. He used a belt or a short piece of rope, tied it to a door handle, and hung himself just a couple of inches off the floor.
Watched World's Greatest Dad last night. Shocking, hilarious, charming, and disarming movie. I went into the movie blind only knowing it was a dark comedy. It kind of freaked me out by the end of the movie especially that scene
of the suicide prevention gif posted all over the internet.

Right now, I was just watching some of his other interviews with Craig Fergusson and after it was over and quiet, I got a little choked up. Damn.

David Letterman pays tribute, pretty funny (and great small stories):



I just watched Good Will Hunting for the first time. What a great fucking movie.

Seriously though, every time Robin says anything, I just wanted to cry. In fact, I did. A couple of times. He was such a beautiful man. His face just oozes compassion.
Well the people at the WBC is not going to do anything now I think
Robin Williams' body was cremated the day after he died ... and his ashes were scattered in San Francisco Bay ... this according to the official death certificate.

The document -- issued in Marin County where he died -- does not list an immediate cause of death ... instead it merely says, "pending investigation."

Williams committed suicide August 11th ... after hanging himself with a belt at his home in Tiburon, CA. As we reported, he had been severely depressed.


Just saw that he was laid to rest. Goodnight my good sir. So many memories with your movies. You were the reason I was so stoked to buy a damn 3ds LOL. Well, that and your daughter. Jesus fuck memories.

Edit - That last sentence came out wrong. My bad. I'm not changing it he would understand it.
It's a tad narrow to say something like that; It doesn't make 'total sense' for someone to kill themselves because they have Parkinson's.

Don't mean to single you out or jump on you for this. I mean, I understand why you would say that - and clearly the sentiment is shared - but I just thought I'd say something because my dad has had Parkinson's since his early forties (mid fifties now).

Whilst it is a terrible disease, the range of long-term treatments and symptom management can greatly improve the quality of life of sufferers, certainly above "I wish I was dead" levels. My dad just had brain surgery last month and is now as mobile as he ever was.

It probably didn't help Williams' state of mind, but I doubt it was as clear cut as him saying "welp, I've got Parkinson's, guess I might as well die".

For someone like Robin Williams, whose entire body was commonly used as a comedic effect during his acting and standup, being diagnosed with Parkinsons would be akin to being trapped in a straight jacket. Couple that with severe depression and it starts to paint a clearer picture of what someone like him was experiencing. I'm not condoning what he did is the best solution, but it definitely helps make sense of the situation.


I'd like to have a checklist for every tv show, film, standup performance and talk show/late night appearance he made. There's so much I haven't seen.

I can't believe how hard this hit me, honestly.
I'd like to have a checklist for every tv show, film, standup performance and talk show/late night appearance he made. There's so much I haven't seen.

I can't believe how hard this hit me, honestly.

It's hit a lot of us hard, myself included.

I can recall even years ago, looking at Robin and thinking to myself, "Okay, he's only 50. He's still good to go for another 25 years or so." He was one of the few celebrities that I truly dreaded losing one day. It's depressing that that day came long before I imagined, and so tragically as well.

There was just something about Robin that brought comfort. Even if you didn't like or even watch everything he was in, it felt good knowing he was still out there, making people happy, making the world a better place.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Henry Rollins chimes in about Robin Williams. Warning: You aren't going to like what he has to say.

The punk-rock singer and raconteur Henry Rollins has lambasted Robin Williams for taking his own life. In an editorial for LA Weekly entitled Fuck Suicide, Rollins wrote:

I simply cannot understand how any parent could kill themselves. How in the hell could you possibly do that to your children? I don’t care how well adjusted your kid might be — choosing to kill yourself, rather than to be there for that child, is every shade of awful, traumatic and confusing. I think as soon as you have children, you waive your right to take your own life. No matter what mistakes you make in life, it should be your utmost goal not to traumatize your kids. So, you don’t kill yourself.

Rollins’s piece also acknowledges Williams’s acting talent, and “that his personal struggles were quite real,” describing depression as being “more isolating than anything else you have ever experienced”. He also praised his performances for US troops: “On more than one of my USO tours, Robin Williams had been on the same stage a few days before me. That’s all I needed to know about him. As far as I was concerned, he was a good man.”

However, he continues to elaborate on suicide, and goes on to say that “when someone negates their existence, they cancel themselves out in my mind... I no longer take this person seriously.

“Almost 40,000 people a year kill themselves in America... In my opinion, that is 40,000 people who blew it. Fuck suicide. Life isn’t anything but what you make it. For all the people who walked from the grocery store back to their house, only to be met by a robber who shot them in the head for nothing — you gotta hang in there.”

There have been a smattering of other critics of Williams, including TalkSport’s Alan Brazil and Fox News’s Shep Smith – TalkSport apologised while Brazil was unrepentant, though Smith expressed regret for his words. Other controversial voices were Barry Norman, who wondered if Williams’s battles with mental health led him to take on sentimental film projects, and the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, whose tweet reading “Genie, you’re free” was seen as glorifying suicide.
Now, I'm aware of Rollins and his music and a little bit of his go as a talk host, so I'm not sure what or even if he has some kind of political leanings.
Fuck off Rollins. It's called empathy.

I was shocked and saddened by the suicide but after hearing about the Parkinson's I wouldn't ever say that Robin took the easy way out or was being selfish. With all the pain he was already in I can't imagine how hard it was for him to learn about having the disease and definitely would not have been able to deal with it.
I do feel angry over what happened, but it isn't right to direct blame towards the man himself. We have no idea what his state of mind was when he did what he did.


The kids part would be understandable if he had actual kids but the youngest is 25 years old. Not saying is not horrible having to deal with a parent taking his or her own life, but he didn't left people depending on him behind.
The kids part would be understandable if he had actual kids but the youngest is 25 years old. Not saying is not horrible having to deal with a parent taking his or her own life, but he didn't left people depending on him behind.

The kids' age is irrelevant. The issue with what Rollins is saying is that he presents it like people who kill themselves have a brain that works the same way that his does, so it's just a matter of fact choice, like opting for Coke or Pepsi.


Robin Williams death was officially ruled a sucide.
No illegal drugs or alcohol were found in Robin Williams’ system upon his death, according to an autopsy report released by the Marin County sheriff’s office Friday. The coroner ruled his death a suicide, due to asphyxia by hanging.

No matter how you feel, please talk to someone. There are hotlines, there are people who are willing to hear your troubles. Especially here on gaf. I'm one. Send me a PM if you need an ear. Send another gaffer you feel comfortable dialoguing with. Talk to someone.

A lot of us have love Robin Williams over the years, and it's just another example of things on the surface aren't always what they seem underneath. As famous as he was, maybe he didnt have the right people along his side.


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