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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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Fuck consoles. I'm going straight handheld and PC this gen. I learned my lesson.

Arnie said:
If Nintendo can liase with DICE to have an advanced version of Battlefield 3 running at 60fps, a game that will have been out for a whole year at the consoles launch. Then I'll be there day 1.

I predict Battlefield 3 visuals for the console in terms of visuals. So yeah I'm leaning toward the 560Ti in terms of performance.

So yeah Battlefield 3, Project Offset, and Crysis 2 graphics.
So I'm trying to compile my wishes:

- pointer controls standard
- more buttons on the remote, possible second analog on the remote as well
- unified profile names, improved online notifications, requests, etc.
- free online multiplayer
- no more than $299
- BC with Wii and GC, although I'm doubtful on the latter. Damn controller ports.
- lunchbox handle


My god, this sounds glorious. But when MS and Sony release their console after Nintendo's it will be miles more powerful in like 2013... just like Xbox 360, PS3 compared to Wii.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
ZombieFred said:
Ok guys, it's time to saving money. No way Microsoft and Sony are going to launch their next consoles later after this console is launched. The next generation is coming, and it's only over the sunrise.
Microsoft could do it if their gaming division manages to convince the rest of the company "oh hey gaiz, we need more money", which they probably could with the success of Kinect. I don't know about Sony though. The PS3 has been profitable for what, just over a year now?


For Nintendo's sake and a tiny chance of having decent 3rd party support it has to be in the range of the next XboxWhatever/PS4.
That's something that can be done.

I just hope they come up with a correct Online system that doesn't replicate the bullshit of PS3/360, meaning playing stays free !
Our sources have said the the console is significantly more powerful than the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, and that Nintendo's intent is to recapture the hardcore market.

Steve Youngblood said:
Well, depending on what we mean by vague terms like "significantly," I really don't understand the surprise some people are exhibiting. Are some not aware that the 360/PS3 tech isn't impressive anymore? Technology advances quickly.

Well, It's unlikely to have better floating point performance than the PS3's cell, but having a better GPU is pretty likely, yes.
Also: Could it have a May announcement to coincide with Wii price drop? Can't help think it's coming out in under a year if that's the case.
I'm very excited to see what Nintendo studios in particular do with this. I mean, surely Retro won't just stick brown and bloom on the next Metriod, will they? Very excited indeed..


Of course it will be more powerful, it would be very difficult for new hardware to not be powerful, it will probably be even more expensive to try to get wii graphics at this point. That is non-news, technology just won't allow them to not get graphics beyond what the wii does.

What troubles me is the sources saying it has no "gimmicks", which is a dumb thing to say about the wii, and really makes me less excited, for that I would just stick with PC as I do know. I somehow doubt it anyway, Nintendo always bring something new to the table.


i'm pretty excited as the wii is stagnating in terms of releases, i've had one for a long time so it doesn't feel soon and it'll be nice to see a bump in visuals. my hopes are that it's reasonably affordable, the online store is good, they make good on iwata's steady stream of software promise, and that nintendo first party don't try and cater to the call of duty crowd as part of the attempt to 'reclaim the hardcore' direction the ign article talks about. very curious to see how they try and differentiate their system from the competition.


GAF's Bob Woodward
I like IGN's take on it more than the others.

If true, if it is more worthy of the next generation than this one, then it'll be interesting to see if Nintendo can get devs to jump up to next-gen development for their 2012 launch rather than waiting on Sony/MS's systems.

E.g. given the stated goals in IGN's article, will they get a 'next-gen' version of the 2012 Modern Warfare while PS3/360 get a notably inferior/'last-gen' version? If they can pull things like that then people might itch to upgrade and not wait for PS4/720...if not, their target may simply wait.


Licorice-flavoured booze?
Flying_Phoenix said:
I predict:

5770HD > 560Ti video card in terms of performance (comparing to how computers that use this hardware perform).

720p (the baseline) to 1080p

Improved Motion Controls

$250 - $300

Holiday 2012 launch

This is going to be so awesome.

ummm, not so sure about that.
Guerrillas in the Mist said:
I want RAM bursting out of the console this time, none of this 512Mb shared nonsense.

I remember reading somewhere that the 360 was originally going to have 256Mb of RAM, but Epic Games convinced them otherwise by showing MS a tech demo of the then in development Unreal Engine 3 with and without the extra RAM.
The 3DS had a bit more RAM than people expected, though likely not as much as people wanted. So there's hope, albeit small glimmers.

The 360 Epic story, AFAIK, is true. I hadn't heard the part of the tech demo, though.


i hope it can make regular wii games look as good as the emulator and a good pc can make the games look


Shalashaska161 said:
What Nintendo needs to do in terms of power is have a system that can not only beat the current console's for the next couple years, but also be able to receive ports from whatever Sony and Microsoft release next gen. If it's coming out this year then the Wii 2 is going to have to be fairly powerful, since there is going to be at least a 2 year gap between them and the other 2 consoles.

The "10 year cycles" and 2014+ hopes and dreams are done for after this. Wii 2 will force Sony/MS's hand, they will both release new consoles within a year of this. This is why people are questioning and concerned over this PS360 parity (or slightly better) talk, because there is no 2 year stop gap here, next gen will officially start when this thing's announced/released.


So they are going to annouce the full specs at E3 and then wait 16 month to release it, some how i dont see it.
PushTheButtonMax said:
I've been maintaining to my friends that there's no way Nintendo would announce a new console at E3, mainly for the sake of not taking the spotlight off of the 3DS. If I'm wrong however, I will gladly eat crow.

Same here.

Melville said:

According to the same source that gave us the NGP specs a few days before it was unveiled, the next Nintendo system will be on par with a 360 and will feature a completely new controller (not a Wiimote, not a Kinect-like thing).

That would be horrible. 360 power in 2012?
One thing guys, a source just told me that the new console will not be named Wii 2 and that it will be BC with Wii games but not upscaling them, they will have the same graphics as they were in Wii.
Solid_Rain said:
Really? Both Sony and MS will likely launch later and at higher price points, imo they won't have to try very hard to go beyond it. I think it's very likely though that the Wii2 will get decent ports from those newer consoles.

Yes but i mean it has to speed up there time table , MS and Sony have no choice but to bring out the new console early 2013 .
They don't want to give Nintendo a year plus lead and them have the best version of multi games.
Since we're all throwing out ideas, I say:

-controller will be a more symmetrical Remote Plus + nunchuk with extra buttons (+ vitality sensor?) and d-pad on nunchuk; can snap together to form a more traditional controller

-Skyward Sword (maybe Kirby and others as well?) will still launch late this year, but will be forwards-compatible with Super Wii -- HD textures will be on disc (dual-layer DVD)

-Wii BC includes 1080p rendering (not simple upscaling) and 4xAA minimum

-will launch in black (as part of the new "Western" branding) and also more "Nintendo-y" color, like Aqua Blue (yes please!)
JB1981 said:
Megaton. Would DEFINITELY be interested if more powerful than PS3/360.

Same. Haven't owned a Nintendo console since the N64 but this has me thinking it could be time again. Yes I'm a graphics whore.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
badcrumble said:
Well, mostly, yes (same with RE4), because the Gamecube controller is so fucking awesome, but the lack of progressive scan makes me sad.

Every single GCN game released by Nintendo has Progressive Scan.

You were thinking widescreen.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
At this point... a Nintendo console with nothing but a graphical upgrade would make me as giddy as a schoolgirl.. zero gimmicks required.

I just loved Nintendo during the SNES and Gamecube eras, when they were on top of the graphical hill (I suppose N64 as well in some ways.. but without the CD format they fell short in multimedia capability).


Guess this means people will finally have to stop making excuses for Nintendo's terrible hardware?

That is, until their competitors release superior consoles.


Graphics Horse said:
Well, It's unlikely to have better floating point performance than the PS3's cell, but having a better GPU is pretty likely, yes.
Also: Could it have a May announcement to coincide with Wii price drop? Can't help think it's coming out in under a year if that's the case.
If they stick with IBM its probably a safe bet the Wii 2 will have a Cell processor inside of it. IBM teased as far back as the Wii launch they were beginning talks with Nintendo and Microsoft over the idea of using it.
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