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Rumor: Xbox 3 = 6-core CPU, 2GB of DDR3 Main RAM, 2 AMD GPUs w/ Unknown VRAM, At CES

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tagged by Blackace
At the very least I just want a codename for the project. It's annoying everyone saying different names; Xbox 3, Xbox Infinite, Xbox 720, Xbox 1080, Xbox Loop. Let's get a proper name at least...

Infinite is the software side and Loop is the hardware side IIRC. Not officially of course but it's the best we got.
If the rumors are true, I think kinect + a more ergonomic WiiU-esque tablet controller would be the perfect solution. Casual games could just use the touch screen, whereas hardcore games could make the most of the features of kinect without sacrificing complex gameplay.

I would be ok with that.
The latter is because they finally got the hardware down to manageable costs. Now imagine manageable hardware costs through most of the generation.

I'm not talking about this generation specifically. In general, it's always in platform holders' best interest to keep the same hardware as long as possible, whether it's profitable out of the gate or only in a later part of its life cycle. Of course, someone will always make the move first, to set its product apart, and others will follow, but ideally longer generations mean making money longer, without the need for large investments in generational transitions.

I think you're take that from the perspective of what we saw this gen.

No, it's the same with every transition, games become more expensive to produce. It was the same going from PS1 to PS2, it will be the same going from PS3 to PS4. Content creation is the biggest problem, not programming - the tools and artists that use them just can't keep up with the demands set before them by better engines asking for more and more detail, better animations, more content and so on.

As a side note, the last transition saw the target resolution go up from 640x480 to (ideally) 1280x720. That's a factor of 3. This one will see the target go up to 1920x1080, a factor of 2,3. Not a huge difference.

If the rumors are true, I think kinect + a more ergonomic WiiU-esque tablet controller would be the perfect solution. Casual games could just use the touch screen, whereas hardcore games could make the most of the features of kinect without sacrificing complex gameplay.

No tablet controllers, please. If I want to use a tablet, I'll use a tablet.
At the very least I just want a codename for the project. It's annoying everyone saying different names; Xbox 3, Xbox Infinite, Xbox 720, Xbox 1080, Xbox Loop. Let's get a proper name at least...

Here is a screenshot from the cinematically superb Real Steel.


Pretty sure they will go with Xbox 720.


Here is a screenshot from the cinematically superb Real Steel.


Pretty sure they will go with Xbox 720.
That was just to fit in with the movie. Think about it for a second.

Windows 8, Windows Phone 8 and Xbox Infinity.

So it fits in with the whole 8 thing Microsoft has going on and its a MUCH smarter name to go with than 720. Considering the codename is Loop, Infinity seems like good name.
At the very least I just want a codename for the project. It's annoying everyone saying different names; Xbox 3, Xbox Infinite, Xbox 720, Xbox 1080, Xbox Loop. Let's get a proper name at least...

I'm sick of referring to it as the obviously wrong "720" lol

Yeah. The infinity symbol seems to perfect. That'll be the symbol.

Whether they call it infinite, loop, or infinity loop. The infinity symbol will be the one. It's very metro and just works.


I think you're take that from the perspective of what we saw this gen. This gen saw the SD to HD transition. I would believe going to higher resolutions from here on won't be the same kind a transition if for no other reason than having better understandings. And my fault for not being clearer, but the increased (or at least more noticeable to us) usage of engines and middleware combined with uncomplicated hardware is what I meant by efficiency.

Games become more visually complex as technology increases. More visually complex games cost more to make. Therefore, increases in the power of consoles cause game development costs to rise. For evidence, take every generation of consoles ever. The fact that this isn't an SD to HD transition isn't relevant, so long as there's a discernible increase in graphical complexity (i.e. until we reach a photorealistic plateau) the law will hold.

Middleware does have an effect of mitigating these price increases, but it's not much, and middleware developers have an incentive to increase their prices each gen to reflect their increased benefit. This is why the only developers we're hearing screaming "MOAR POWER!!1!!" are Epic and Crytek; they make most of their money from game engine sales, so the bigger the graphical leap the bigger their profits. The rest of the games industry is most likely quietly lobbying Nintendo, MS and Sony for a more modest graphical boost, because they don't want to see their budgets run out of control, which is why an awful lot of techies are going to be pretty disappointed when they find out the real specs of the next-gen consoles.


Games become more visually complex as technology increases. More visually complex games cost more to make. Therefore, increases in the power of consoles cause game development costs to rise. For evidence, take every generation of consoles ever. The fact that this isn't an SD to HD transition isn't relevant, so long as there's a discernible increase in graphical complexity (i.e. until we reach a photorealistic plateau) the law will hold.

Middleware does have an effect of mitigating these price increases, but it's not much, and middleware developers have an incentive to increase their prices each gen to reflect their increased benefit. This is why the only developers we're hearing screaming "MOAR POWER!!1!!" are Epic and Crytek; they make most of their money from game engine sales, so the bigger the graphical leap the bigger their profits. The rest of the games industry is most likely quietly lobbying Nintendo, MS and Sony for a more modest graphical boost, because they don't want to see their budgets run out of control, which is why an awful lot of techies are going to be pretty disappointed when they find out the real specs of the next-gen consoles.

Are you in the industry?
I'm sick of referring to it as the obviously wrong "720" lol

Yeah. The infinity symbol seems to perfect. That'll be the symbol.

Whether they call it infinite, loop, or infinity loop. The infinity symbol will be the one. It's very metro and just works.
Yea, the 720 thing is weird. I want an official code word! Can't they give us that? It doesnt even have to come out for a few years, I just want to know what to call it. I like Infinity, but seems too lengthy and complex.
What does it mean for a codename? You could call it a pretzel, it wouldn't make a difference. Unless you believe they'd give us the actual final name already.

Oh, I must have jumped in the middle of a codename/real name thing here.

Xbox. 3 for a code name would be fine. Boring as all hell. But plausible. Doesn't spark any interest. If its Xbox 3 why even tell anyone. Nobody would care.


It wont be called the Xbox 720.

That would imply it's only capable of 720p. ;)

I'm starting to warm up to the idea of it being called the Xbox Infinity.


I'm getting that feel now son. And feeling good about that name combo.

Shit will sell an ass ton if it happens. Biggest media hype in history when it launches with that name.

It just sounds right. 720 sounds stupid, Loop is just lol worthy but Xbox Infinity is just great also the marketing potential on the name alone is fucking massive.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Proelite said:
Are you in the industry?

Doesn't matter because he's right.

Most devs would be happy with the exact same architectures we have now just with some more ram (headroom to work in) and more rasterization throughput (texel fillrate).

Stuff the PC has had for years and very few people make the most of because its expensive as hell to actualize the benefits of all that power.

The more knobs you have to twiddle, the more work is required to make sure they are all set just right.


Well yeah, that's exactly what's going to happen at a Microsoft conference where a speaker details the specifics of Windows 8 support for the system and on screen the 8 transitions over into the infinity symbol for Xbox Loop.

yeah pretty much the Xbox Infinity fits perfectly with their whole 8 theme they have going on with Windows 8 and WP8.
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