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Save A Life: Naughty Dog fan leather smith fighting cancer (Last stretch ~1.1k left!)


Well he has enough for surgery that's the main thing at least. When about is he having the surgery its gotta be soon I would imagine. I'll probably donate a little more when I get paid this Thursday.


New update

We're still in this fight until our goal is reached!

I'm working on a plan to reach a bigger audience but it's taking longer than expected. I'll give you more details as soon as I can but for now please do what you can to get the word out to those that can help.

If you have any ideas on how to help, please don't hesitate to contact me directly at JacksonJTay@gmail.com

Let's help David win this fight!

Also going to start working on a list of contacts for the social media thingy day, if you have anyone in mind PM me. I have a list of people who already shared it here.


I was on a ban when I saw this thread and donated, so I couldn't reply. I'm back now though and just wanted to say that I'm happy to help in what ever way I can.
Now let's see the rest of that goal reached!

Funds are important but so is morale. We're routing for you big time over here David! You might be a stranger but you are my brother. Fight good, fight well. See you soon!


How goes the plan kubus?
Sorry I've been inactive :(. Work and school are absolutely brutal this time of the year.

The plan is coming along, but I can't say when it'll be ready. Either way it's going to be awesome and I feel confident that we will reach our goal! I hope I have more news soon.



I know this is a bit late but for those of you that celebrated Thanksgiving - I hope you had a wonderful day with your families and those close to you.

I myself am incredibly thankful for all of your help towards David's cause.

As a small thank you from one of our friends, we were given a few sponsored gifts to give out!

Starting tomorrow I will be tweeting out these gifts that will be given out the same day.

For starters we have a few 1 year subscription cards to Playstation Plus as well as a few bigger gifts to send out.

We're still in this till we reach our goal and again we are grateful to have you on our side in this fight!

Thank you,

Hope Kubus gets a mention in all of that.

I know it wasn't their intention with starting this and keeping this thread up, but still, recognition is always great.


ThatVigilante.com is back online! Our site crashed a few days ago and we've been non stop working on fixing the problem.

We might have missed out on some donations through the website so please help get the word out that we're back online and hopefully we can get the rest of the help we need!

Thank you!


Go buy their stuff everyone


Hope Kubus gets a mention in all of that.

I know it wasn't their intention with starting this and keeping this thread up, but still, recognition is always great.
Yup, that'd be real neat.
If I would get a mention, then everyone in this thread should. Or just NeoGAF in general. The support that David got from this site alone is tremendous :). But I'd rather get David fixed up, that would be the greatest reward ever.

Still no new news unfortunately. Hope to have something to share soon.

Really cool that they're handing out PS+ codes on twitter and facebook, I'm afraid a lot of lurkers are grabbing them though :(.


Real quick, I just wanted to give a huge thanks to everyone from the NeoGAF community that have been doing everything possible to help David and our cause!

We also want to thank and mention someone who has gone above and beyond to help David during his fight!

Alicia Tai,
You have been such an incredible help and we wouldn't have gotten this far without you!

There are a few others we'd like to thank but we've been asked to keep them anonymous.

Thanks again to everyone for your help! I will be posting another update very soon covering all the details of David's journey!

Please continue to let everyone know how close we are to our goal and how they can help!




Sorry for the triple post but someone just donated 1.2k, we're at 39.9k now

You've helped me so much in the past. You got me off the streets and I wouldn't be where I am today if it wasn't for you. God Bless you brotha and I hope and pray you get through this. Kick Cancers Ass!!


Hi everyone!

Sorry for not posting any updates in a while. Everything has been pretty hectic lately with trying to get David the help he needs....

We're waiting on more info from his doctors on when they will be able to get him into surgery. The bad thing is the longer we wait the worse he gets...

We'll be updating everyone as soon as we hear any good news and also we want to let everyone know to keep doing everything possibly to get the word out about our cause.

It's incredible how much we've been able to raise in such a small amount of time and it wouldn't have been possible without all of your help!

For those of us that celebrate Christmas it's just around the corner and what's a better gift to give then the gift of life. We're hopeful that we can reach the rest of our goal so that we can make sure David beats this once and for all and has the help he needs while recovering.

Anything can help right now..

Thank you,

Got a couple of donations in. Need to start pushing again.
Update: David's surgery has been scheduled!! We're going to be ending the fundraiser on Christmas Day! More news to come!

Please continue to share this page with anyone that can help us reach our goal!

Thank you,
Great news about getting the surgery scheduled, but there's enough Naughty Dog fanboys on this forum alone to be able to raise the remainder. C'mon people, DO IT!


Pretty sure pancreatic cancer is non-curable, or is very rarely cured. Or am I wrong?

Not to derail this thread or anything.


A new update from a couple of hours ago.
Our fundraiser is ending tomorrow!

Let everyone know!

For those still wanting to help out, you still have time!

We can do this!

Help give the best gift of all!

Merry Christmas Eve and Happy Holidays!
It's currently at $40,482.00 of $47,000.00 as of writing this.


I guess the fundraiser could end anytime now, so I just thought I'd give this thread a bit of a bump. Sorry for having been so inactive about this for so long. :<

Edit: By the way. I have tried to reply to my threads on reddit, to write some updates. However, when I log out and enter the thread my new reply is nowhere to be found. But it still says that there is a comment to the thread. Does anyone have any clue as to what is happening?

Here is an example: http://www.reddit.com/r/thelastofus/comments/1r6evz/naughty_dog_replica_creator_is_suffering_from/
Says that there are 2 comments, but only one by another user is visible (but I can read it when I am logged in).


Seems like we'll get an update this week. This was tweeted the 7th January.

New Year Updates Coming This Week! Lots of news and surprises! #DavidV #Facebook #Twitter #Website #YouTube #Instagram #tumblr #Pinterest
Update! David had his Surgery and it was a success! We want to thank each and every one of you that helped out because without you, none of this would have been possible!

He is going to be starting his treatments (Chemo-Radiation) soon which we pray will help beat this once and for all.

With this type of cancer most of you know it doesn't have a great survival rate but we believe that as strong as David is he can beat the odds!

Seems the donations are still open for after care and support so if you can do so, even a few dollars would be great.



YAY! Best news ever. David, keep it up, I'm sure you can kick cancer's ass!

I will totally try to toss a few extra dollars in if I can. Apologies for not bumping the thread more often as of late.


I'm preparing to revamp the OP and kick back some life into this thread!

To request a thread title change one has to PM a mod, correct?

Really good news, let's get those last 7k!

edit: OP has been changed to reflect the new update. Requested a thread title change. Now let's hope we can get this ball rolling again. 7k should DEFINITELY be do-able, especially since we already raised 40k!


Great news, it could be excellent if that 7,000$ goal is achieved.
I bought a product from his website in November and I would really love to buy more replicas of Naughty Dog's games in the future!

You can do it, David!
I'm preparing to revamp the OP and kick back some life into this thread!

To request a thread title change one has to PM a mod, correct?

Really good news, let's get those last 7k!

edit: OP has been changed to reflect the new update. Requested a thread title change. Now let's hope we can get this ball rolling again. 7k should DEFINITELY be do-able, especially since we already raised 40k!

Great update to the OP, will check funds at the end of month to see if I can donate again.


Great update to the OP, will check funds at the end of month to see if I can donate again.

And same for me. I'm kind of broke at the moment but that will change at the end of the month. Thanks for joining this thread again btw :). Good to see some of the old "gang" again :p
I wish him all the best, and will donate in the morning. And urge anyone else, even if its just a pound or whatever currency, to do the same. As you cant put a price on helping to buy a man some more time...well seems like you can in the usa but you know what i mean.


Words cannot express how happy I was to hear things were successful. We'll find a way to get him the recovery funding. So glad the campaign went so well. Im going to go update the other places I posted this.


Words cannot express how happy I was to hear things were successful. We'll find a way to get him the recovery funding. So glad the campaign went so well. Im going to go update the other places I posted this.
Awesome, thanks for your support :)

And thanks mod for changing the thread title!

Edit: wow, donation of $410!! :D amazing!

Only ~6k left now!
A day late but just done mine, it was only $5 as im poor right now but will try and do more.

Wow to whoever done that donation over $400, you're a good person.

I still cant get over the fact that you have to pay for this in the usa. i mean ive seen the good and bad of cancer in the uk through experiences in the nhs, and just cant imagine how people cope having to struggle to pay for treatment on top of going through having cancer. Its just not right!
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