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"Security Expert" takes on 4chan, check out his twitter

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antonz said:
The hacker in question communicates from http://twitter.com/#!/th3j35t3r

Its been going on since he took down Wikileaks site after the cables leak started. The most recent thing was a few script kiddies getting arrested because of their data sent when DDOS attacking the credit card companies
Wow. It's like a shadowy flight into the dangerous world of a man who does not exist. A young loner on a crusade to champion the cause of the innocent, the helpless, the powerless, in a world of criminals who operate above the law.


Osietra said:
Wow. It's like a shadowy flight into the dangerous world of a man who does not exist. A young loner on a crusade to champion the cause of the innocent, the helpless, the powerless, in a world of criminals who operate above the law.

haha. From what I understand he is former Military Intelligence. Guy doesnt fuck around skill wise but people were too stupid and didnt bother to read up on the guy before they declared war on him.

The guy uses a single machine to bring down webservers instead of getting hundreds or thousands to DDOS.


user-friendly man-cashews
Wii said:
The only memes to come from GAF are gaming related, and they're likely to get you punched in the kidney if you said them in real life
IIRC according to duckroll, rickrolling *might* have somewhat from here. Someone posted a picture of a toy duck with wheels as a reply to him. Somehow it ended up on another board (maybe 4chan actually) as a "Duck Roll". You can guess the rest.

But even then, duckroll seemed to have doubts about really being at the source of the thing. Someone page him!


Mistouze said:
IIRC according to duckroll, rickrolling *might* have somewhat from here. Someone posted a picture of a toy duck with wheels as a reply to him. Somehow it ended up on another board (maybe 4chan actually) as a "Duck Roll". You can guess the rest.

But even then, duckroll seemed to have doubts about really being at the source of the thing. Someone page him!

No it didn't, stop pretending it did.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
bengraven said:
True, this and Megaton and Wall Guy are really our only ones.
I didn't realize megaton was one. I remember "Thursdayton" and "bomb zal droppen", but swore I was seeing megaton elsewhere before GAF. I could be wrong, though. What about tard pack?


What? Shoe on head is not a GAF meme? It felt so spontaneous when it happened. I guess 4chan was screwing around in livejasmin chat rooms before that thread.


Darklord said:
They only attack people who piss them off like tween girls acting tough and this idiot. They do good too. They've help catch several animal abusers/killers and they even threw that lonely old man a birthday and reunited him with family.

Only once I'd say they went way too far but that was years ago when they were more brutal and heartless.
Sending gory pictures of a dead girl to her parents.

You mean like leaking all the personal information of a girl and leaving death threats when she wasn't the right person?
kman3000 said:
Don't hate 4chan because of /b/.
Even completely ignoring /b/, 4chan is still mostly scum of the earth -- both the old guard and the new generation. Not that they deserve to be locked up or demonized, but that most of them need an intervention and psychological counseling.


Anonymous isn't really a group at all. It's essentially just crowdsourcing. Trying to fight individuals within a specific crowdsourcing project might make sense, but trying to fight 'Anonymous' as a group is just silly.

Mistouze said:
IIRC according to duckroll, rickrolling *might* have somewhat from here. Someone posted a picture of a toy duck with wheels as a reply to him. Somehow it ended up on another board (maybe 4chan actually) as a "Duck Roll". You can guess the rest.

But even then, duckroll seemed to have doubts about really being at the source of the thing. Someone page him!
Duckrolling was [obviously] around long before Rickrolling. Rickrolling started on 4chan. When the GTAIV trailer was first released Rockstar's servers were getting hammer so someone posted a link to Rick Astley's song saying it was the trailer. If you look back far enough in the comments [assuming the original video is still up) you can see where it starts. Just tons and tons of comments that essentially say "fuck you, 4chan," when everything before then was actually about the video.
KO Traveling Hobo said:
Even completely ignoring /b/, 4chan is still mostly scum of the earth -- both the old guard and the new generation. Not that they deserve to be locked up or demonized, but that most of them need an intervention and psychological counseling.

Nah. Most 4channers are normal ass folks outside of 4chan.


How are there 'higher ups' on 4chan. I mean everyone there is anonymous because they literally post from the name anonymous if they leave the name empty while posting right. someone give me a crash course 4chan :/
Bad idea for this guy. I have to admit I do like the anything goes attitude on the 4chan forums. Of course I don't get offended by anything so I can peruse there with a light heart.


BloodySinner said:
Normal ass folks don't keep child pornography on their computers. That /b/ channel is fond of it.

You're equating /b/ with the rest of 4chan. Even 4chan agrees /b/ is shit, but moot wouldn't DARE get rid of it.

MNC said:
How are there 'higher ups' on 4chan. I mean everyone there is anonymous because they literally post from the name anonymous if they leave the name empty while posting right. someone give me a crash course 4chan :/

There are admins and the like on 4chan, moot being the founder and creator, so he has say over everything. But when people speak of "Anonymous" they speak of a group that was creator on 4chan, but has since become its own entity. Within this group I would guess are a few people pulling the strings. I think, though, that there are a few groups that call themselves Anonymous. The ones doing this twitter thing may be different from the ones who attacked websites during the Wikileads Cablegate.


Ferrio said:
Pretty much. There's not a single GAF meme that I know that has broken away, and very few of our own that's original (colored line guys, wolverine)
Meme discussion is always funny. Some people think everything comes from here (GAF is the center of the universe!), some think everything comes from somewhere else (GAF doesn't really exist!). Truth is, there've been tons of GAF memes, just very few of them left the confines of the forums.

"Honor and shame (I'm an expert)" and megaton are about it, I think.
Well, technically Rickroll is a mutation of duckroll


This image was created for the GAF mod duckroll, so you could say that rickrolling started because of duckroll


StormyTheRabbit said:
Uh, if you read the story, AT ALL, you would see this went past a simple DDOS. You couldn't even read the bolded parts, yeesh.

This is hilarious though.

I was making fun of the general misuse of the word hacker, "yeesh".


I am Wayne Brady.
Posting this dude's SSN is cold...real cold....as ice to be precise.

Don't think that was necessary for completing the mission of obliterating evidence and humiliating him...although i guess posting the SSN is usually the first step to humiliating a security expert.

BARBARIAN ok Mr. Aaron Barr is "pre-qualified" for orchard bank
21:00 BARBARIAN signing him up right now
21:00 IBMGuy L
21:00 giantcocks573 haha
21:00 *** giantcocks573 is now known as techk1d
21:01 *** Skyrish quit (Quit: Page closed)
21:01 Topiary you want his address or something?
21:01 BARBARIAN he's approved!
21:01 BARBARIAN no i know everything already


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
anonymous = some dude creates a thread on /b/ planning an attack or someshit, then other hacker dudes read the thread and act on it or just flame the op, or the thread doesn't get seen by the hacker dudes and sinks to page 15.

thats all there is to it
ChocolateCupcakes said:
Why do people mess with Anon? If you leave them alone they wont have anything to retaliate with.
Yeah I think you're an idiot if you think you can beat them.

They have the time, the motivation and the ability to make your life miserable if you get them riled up.
The Abominable Snowman said:

BARBARIAN ok Mr. Aaron Barr is "pre-qualified" for orchard bank
21:00 BARBARIAN signing him up right now
21:00 IBMGuy L
21:00 giantcocks573 haha
21:00 *** giantcocks573 is now known as techk1d
21:01 *** Skyrish quit (Quit: Page closed)
21:01 Topiary you want his address or something?
21:01 BARBARIAN he's approved!
21:01 BARBARIAN no i know everything already
idling in the chan, and they've (so far) signed him up for some credit cards, ordered him pizza, chinese, and flower delivery, and are working on cancelling his internet, cell phone, utility, etc.

And he was supposed to present a security product on feb 15th.

Yeah. Ouch. This guy is ruined.

And additionally they've got the same info for many of the higher ups for that security group.


"Security expert" got his twitter and website hacked. Got his SSN posted online. LOL
Idiot bit off more than he can chew. I don't understand why people still try to mess with anon. More likely than not, you end up worse off than them in the end. And its not like anon got anything to lose to begin with.
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