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Sega PC ports campaign continues with petition (Vanquish, Bayonetta, VF5)


My original source was mistaken, Valkyria Chronicles port's development actually began before before the #SEGAPCPorts campaign. While they were correct about Valkyria, they assumed that it was in response to the campaign. They never thought to ask if there were any other possible reasons and operated under the rather sensible notion that it would seem odd for SEGA to bring Valkyria to PC after all this time, unless to meet fan demand for such a port -- demand represented by #SEGAPCPorts.

I've since verified with multiple sources closer to the project that development did indeed begin before our campaign. Meaning we had little to no role in the decision to port Valkyria to PC. I was conflicted about discussing this publicly, mostly because I felt it may hurt morale and as such negatively impact the campaign.

So why am I discussing it publicly if it might hurt the campaign? I felt it best to be transparent. So then, why did I take so long? After deciding it best to be transparent, I had to reconcile that with how I could discuss this matter and still honor those of whom had entrusted me with private information. So I wrote this and then seeked their approval for the final message you are now reading.

The other reason I'm discussing it publicly is every single person I talked to about the campaign within SEGA had nothing but positive things to say, using words like "Valuable", "Huge", "Impactful", "Great", "Positive", etc. when referring to the campaign. So I really don't feel just because the timing was slightly off on the start date of our campaign vs. that of Valkyria Chronicles' port that morale should be harmed.

Certainly it'd be awesome if we could take credit for Valkyria Chronicles. It would objectively demonstrate they were receptive to the campaign for one but here's the deal, we already know they are listening and are receptive to the campaign based on what I'm telling you they said. Now think of it this way, if SEGA was receptive to bringing the 6 year old PS3 exclusive Valkyria Chronicles to PC before all of us demonstrated fan demand? It's easy to imagine they'd be pretty receptive to some of these other titles after we've made ourselves so clear and bought copies of Valkyria (making it number one on Steam in fact).

So fear not, the campaign is doing good work but as the long development time of Valkyria's port suggests, it may be a while before all of us see the fruits of our labor. :)


Valkyria making SEGA money will mean more than any campaign ever would.

When folks put money where their mouth is, reasonable companies respond.


Wow I wonder what made Sega decide to port VC all of a sudden to Steam. It almost seemed certain the campaign was the reason. I dont recall there being any big fan request to port VC onto the PC before that.

Perhaps Sega's current reputation on the PC as a Strategy game publisher?


I'll find it totally understandable if folks are disappointed that the campaign didn't play the believed role. That said, based on the response internally we've received I really believe we've made an impact.

I could have kept my mouth shut for morale but after talking with individuals working at both Sega of America and Sega of Europe; I didn't feel it necessary. Also once I found the truth I felt obligated to inform you all, after clearing everything with sources and such.
Yeah the petition still definitely helped bring it publicity regardless.

Also, it's important to note that the petition wasn't just about Valkyria Chronicles. It's also about other Sega games. So even if we had had VC without the petition, the petition coupled with the seemingly good sales of the game really might work wonders towards the other games.

If there had been no petition, it's very possible that the game wouldn't have sold as well, and even if it had, it still wouldn't have driven the point clearly forward that we want more games from Sega.


TaroYamada, the petition and the overall conversation that the campaign is producing are in itself a positive thing, regardless of any observable and confirmed effects on the probability of Sega's PC ports.
Hmm. The campaign was still a huge success in my eyes. The port may have started beforehand but the amount of love, hype, and interest put forth by the community actually interested in the title(s) has done more than Sega ever could have by themselves. We are absolutely instrumental in this game's success on Steam, myself and many others have been pushing hard for this on every place possible.

Stick together, have faith, and let your voices be heard. They're confirmed to be listening more than ever because OF VC's success and the amazing community support.


Just out of curiosity, Taro: when you say "development of the port started before our campaign" do you mean before you re-launched it tied with the petition or even before the first attempt to push it as a hashtag on twitter from Grief.exe?


Development began before the twitter push.
I find it a bit hard to believe.
Just to be clear: not because I'm so emotionally invested in the campaign I want it to necessarily take credit for the port... It's just that it seems quite unlikely that they had to work on this port for longer than a year.


I find it a bit hard to believe.
Just to be clear: not because I'm so emotionally invested in the campaign I want it to necessarily take credit for the port... It's just that it seems quite unlikely that they had to work on this port for longer than a year.

I was told the campaign played basically no role, development had already begun before the #SEGAPCPorts campaign. I found it similarly hard to believe as did one of my original sources, who is outside SEGA.

That said maybe one day SEGA will be more open with the general public about the development process behind this specific port.


I mean, they could just be saying it so they don't get swamped with port requests. Who knows for sure though.

Anyway, believe.

It's really not that important in my opinion. As you indicate. The response was overwhelmingly positive every time I discussed it with anybody working at SEGA. I spoke publicly about what I was told by multiple sources for these aforementioned reasons:

1. I felt obligated towards transparency to all of you, given all the hard work and time you've invested. This isn't my campaign, it's ours.
2. Given my initial, slightly, misinformed statements I felt I needed to set the record straight. I actually begin trying to last week in some posts but without approval from sources was very limited on what I allowed myself to disclose.
3. I wanted to share the positive response from within SEGA despite the details of Valkyria Chronicles' port.

Hope this helps the tl;dr crowd.

edit: also, this isn't entirely out of character for SEGA. Remember Typing of the Dead: Overkill (which included the original game) and Viking. Both coming long after their console releases.


Also Tuco, you are never on Steam. It's so lame. Very lame of you.... I always miss you. edit: not miss you like my heart hurts, miss you like I come on and you aren't there. You've left the building.


Is it possible that the campaign still helped with the Valkyria port, but not in the game getting released but the care with which it was done? It feels like we wouldn't have gotten such options like custom resolutions and 120Hz+ support if it weren't for people like Durante and of course everyone in this thread.

Hell, I'd be surprised if the Sega PC campaign didn't also help with fixing the existing quality with the existing Dreamcast ports like Crazy Taxi et al.


Is it possible that the campaign still helped with the Valkyria port, but not in the game getting released but the care with which it was done? It feels like we wouldn't have gotten such options like custom resolutions and 120Hz+ support if it weren't for people like Durante and of course everyone in this thread.

Hell, I'd be surprised if the Sega PC campaign didn't also help with fixing the existing quality with the existing Dreamcast ports like Crazy Taxi et al.

There are people at SEGA very sympathetic to our cause, I'll say that much. I don't think we played a role in the Dreamcast ports being updated, that was likely a conscious business decision regarding SEGA's representation on PC and continued support of the PC platform. I didn't directly ask though. The campaign has its role at SEGA, I can't discuss much more than I already have on that matter, I didn't ask if we increased the budget for Valkyria's port. Little Stone Software is ex-Devil's Details folk and has a history of solid PC ports. Binary Domain was also a rather efficient and optimized PC port despite minor glitches at launch, not unlike Valkyria really.


I appreciate the honesty Taro.
As others mentioned, the campaign did good, if nothing else to bring awareness as well as showing interest in other titles. Plus it shows that there is a demand for the games in the petition.

Really surprised that Sega was already working in the port for over a year though, I hope that is a sign of things to come.


There are people at SEGA very sympathetic to our cause, I'll say that much. I don't think we played a role in the Dreamcast ports being updated, that was likely a conscious business decision regarding SEGA's representation on PC and continued support of the PC platform. I didn't directly ask though. The campaign has its role at SEGA, I can't discuss much more than I already have on that matter, I didn't ask if we increased the budget for Valkyria's port. Little Stone Software is ex-Devil's Details folk and has a history of solid PC ports. Binary Domain was also a rather efficient and optimized PC port despite minor glitches at launch, not unlike Valkyria really.
Appreciate your response, and I'm glad to hear that our voices have been heard, even if they hadn't directly influenced anything (yet). If only said voice could get to Mizuguchi to get us a port of Rez.


Appreciate your response, and I'm glad to hear that our voices have been heard, even if they hadn't directly influenced anything (yet). If only said voice could get to Mizuguchi to get us a port of Rez.

I actually really appreciate everybodies' response to this campaign, you guys have been so supportive. Even now the response is great despite my concerns to the contrary.

#SEGAPCPorts has hands down been the highpoint of my involvement with the gaming community at large. So thanks for that, all of you.

edit: also I'll try to answer what I can but some I either don't know the answer to, or cannot discuss without approval. I pretty much discussed everything I had approval for though :p


I appreciate the honesty Taro.
As others mentioned, the campaign did good, if nothing else to bring awareness as well as showing interest in other titles. Plus it shows that there is a demand for the games in the petition.

Really surprised that Sega was already working in the port for over a year though, I hope that is a sign of things to come.

My thoughts exactly, every word.
Little Stone Software is ex-Devil's Details folk and has a history of solid PC ports. Binary Domain was also a rather efficient and optimized PC port despite minor glitches at launch, not unlike Valkyria really.

Oh, that's neat that those guys are still around in some capacity. I was really taken with their ports of Sonic Generations and BD. Always thought they would be the most likely people to port stuff like Valkyria and Vanquish if Sega was eventually convinced that it was a good idea.

Hopefully we get to see another port like this from them this time next year, or sooner.
Please be Vanquish.
Or Bayonetta.


Everybody is Mikkelsexual
There are people at SEGA very sympathetic to our cause, I'll say that much. I don't think we played a role in the Dreamcast ports being updated, that was likely a conscious business decision regarding SEGA's representation on PC and continued support of the PC platform. I didn't directly ask though. The campaign has its role at SEGA, I can't discuss much more than I already have on that matter, I didn't ask if we increased the budget for Valkyria's port. Little Stone Software is ex-Devil's Details folk and has a history of solid PC ports. Binary Domain was also a rather efficient and optimized PC port despite minor glitches at launch, not unlike Valkyria really.

Speaking about that... I still hope that Sega will port evey Yakuza to PC too. The engine is already there (because of Binary Domain), they have a team with the know-how that can make a great port.
I think the PC community already proved that there is no cultural barrier, if the game is good it will sell well. Valkyria Chronicles isn't a tentpole franchise and it sold really well. I think Yakuza would too.

Really, just port Kenzan, Ishin and 5, you don't even have to translate them, just leave the text files open and we'll take care of that.



My original source was mistaken, Valkyria Chronicles port's development actually began before before the #SEGAPCPorts campaign. While they were correct about Valkyria, they assumed that it was in response to the campaign. They never thought to ask if there were any other possible reasons and operated under the rather sensible notion that it would seem odd for SEGA to bring Valkyria to PC after all this time, unless to meet fan demand for such a port -- demand represented by #SEGAPCPorts.

I've since verified with multiple sources closer to the project that development did indeed begin before our campaign. Meaning we had little to no role in the decision to port Valkyria to PC. I was conflicted about discussing this publicly, mostly because I felt it may hurt morale and as such negatively impact the campaign.

So why am I discussing it publicly if it might hurt the campaign? I felt it best to be transparent. So then, why did I take so long? After deciding it best to be transparent, I had to reconcile that with how I could discuss this matter and still honor those of whom had entrusted me with private information. So I wrote this and then seeked their approval for the final message you are now reading.

The other reason I'm discussing it publicly is every single person I talked to about the campaign within SEGA had nothing but positive things to say, using words like "Valuable", "Huge", "Impactful", "Great", "Positive", etc. when referring to the campaign. So I really don't feel just because the timing was slightly off on the start date of our campaign vs. that of Valkyria Chronicles' port that morale should be harmed.

Certainly it'd be awesome if we could take credit for Valkyria Chronicles. It would objectively demonstrate they were receptive to the campaign for one but here's the deal, we already know they are listening and are receptive to the campaign based on what I'm telling you they said. Now think of it this way, if SEGA was receptive to bringing the 6 year old PS3 exclusive Valkyria Chronicles to PC before all of us demonstrated fan demand? It's easy to imagine they'd be pretty receptive to some of these other titles after we've made ourselves so clear and bought copies of Valkyria (making it number one on Steam in fact).

So fear not, the campaign is doing good work but as the long development time of Valkyria's port suggests, it may be a while before all of us see the fruits of our labor. :)

Going to play Devil's Advocate here and post a couple of counter-arguments as I find the timing here circumspect.

Starting before the #SegaPCPorts campaign would mean that they have been working on this port for well over a year. From prior ports of this nature we have seen that they take relatively few employees a limited amount of time. A year seems far too long, especially when Sega is assuming lowered profit margins for this port.

The Steam database entry only began seeing work a few months ago. Why would they only begin work on the entry in April if they have been working on the game for well over a year? There might be some lead time required before adding to the database, but we see vigorous work being done to VC as soon as it went up.

Just saying I'm skeptical here, I wonder if these responses are a result of a policy shift at Sega. Merely circumstantial evidence, but always interesting to go over.
If they are making the effort to port they should go all the way and porting to Linux so their games work standalone without relying on third party closed technology. And of course they will be steamos ready.


Official statement released on Valkyria sales figures:

Sega’s PC version of PS3 RPG Valkyria Chronicles has ‘blown all predictions out of the water’, the publisher has claimed.

The game release on Steam yesterday and was at one stage apparently the most downloaded game on the platform. Currently it sits in third place behind fellow Sega title Football Manager 2015 and Activision’s Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare.

“During its first 24 hours on sale, blew all forecasts and predictions out of the water. The award-winning Strategy RPG, originally released in 2008 for PlayStation 3, forced its way to the top of the Steam download charts, beating a host of brand new games to reach number one,” Sega said.

Sega Europe’s senior VP of commercial publishing John Clark added: “We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the fans for their support in the phenomenal success of this launch. We’re also delighted at the response from the Steam community which indicates that newcomers to the series are finding it as enchanting and engaging as those who have played it before.”

Valkyria Chronicles was first released on PS3 in 2008. Two sequels were released on PSP in 2010 and 2011 respectively.

This is a very good thing.
I'm glad that Sega has released an official press statement.

Myself from the announcement thread.
The thing is, there are quite a lot of factors involved.

1. People buying VC because they played it before and wish to get the definitive version.
2. People buying VC because they didn't have a Ps3 and are curious what all the fuss is about.
3. People buying VC because it's damn good value with all the included DLC.
4. People buying VC because they wish to encourage Sega to port more games to PC.
5. People buying VC because they wish to encourage Sega to continue making VC games.

I'd love to get a quote from Sega PR about how well VC done, and what the future may hold for other titles.

It really feels that Sega got all their ducks in a row for this "Experiment", and now that faith has been vindicated I really hope Sega can follow it up.
To me it seems even if your campaign didn't get the game made, its still did a good job of bringing the port to peoples attention and serving as a marketing tool for the game.


To me it seems even if your campaign didn't get the game made, its still did a good job of bringing the port to peoples attention and serving as a marketing tool for the game.

That's the general feeling and I'd agree with it, regardless we've had influence in other ways at SEGA :)

Also it doesn't really matter how Valk ended up on PC, all that matters is that it's successful, we pushed for some of that success and SEGA's talking to us.


I'm glad that Sega has released an official press statement.

Myself from the announcement thread.

It really feels that Sega got all their ducks in a row for this "Experiment", and now that faith has been vindicated I really hope Sega can follow it up.
I'd also add:
6. The Steam thirst for good anime games is huge these days.

I'm so glad its selling so well but I have a deep down fear this will fall down with the next port. Where was everyone when Jet Set Radio and Nights sold poorly. I think the Sega fanbase is very fractured all backing different horses as evidenced by this thread and a less PC friendly genre might do badly. Hope I'm wrong.


Low Poly Gynecologist
I think that without the PC port campaign, the game wouldn't have sold nearly the same amount is has. It still would have been made, but I don't think it would have been as successful.

Also, I saw Sega's official comment on the sales performance and got a big beamy smile. So awesome.

I'm in the camp of "Bought the game way earlier than I intended just to show some launch support" and I'm glad I did.

I can run it on my 970 at 120fps while downsampling from 3200x1800 and it looks gorgeous.

Next step: Get that sucker running in 3D vision without playing talking head cutscenes at 1/2 speed!


I can run it on my 970 at 120fps while downsampling from 3200x1800 and it looks gorgeous.

Speaking about that... I still hope that Sega will port evey Yakuza to PC too. The engine is already there (because of Binary Domain), they have a team with the know-how that can make a great port.
I think the PC community already proved that there is no cultural barrier, if the game is good it will sell well. Valkyria Chronicles isn't a tentpole franchise and it sold really well. I think Yakuza would too.

Really, just port Kenzan, Ishin and 5, you don't even have to translate them, just leave the text files open and we'll take care of that.


I'd be happy with just Yakuza 4. Or that HD Collection of 1+2. To test the waters.

Maybe this is just ignorance, but tons of people loved Sleeping Dogs on PC and though that's a totally different game I don't think it'd be a tough sell to that crowd. You're beating people up in an authentic Tokyo-ish setting instead of beating people up in an authentic Hong Kong-ish setting.


If ever Yakuza is confirmed for a PC release, this image should be photoshopped so it'll have a thought bubble with Saoirse Ronan and a heart in it


Hey guys, earlier today I was given three Valkyria codes to distribute as I saw fit by SEGA. The first I gave out was to a campaign supporter I knew, he had recently been laid off from his position. After that I decided to do something a bit different and I hope it's ok with everybody here, I'm going to give out the other two codes on here but I want them to go to people who are unemployed/underemployed. Maybe a superfluous (in the grand scheme of things) game purchase isn't in their budget? Especially if they are trying to shoehorn holiday purchases into their budget for the season.

This will be done on the honor system and I request that you not screw your fellow gamers out of this as the system will be easy to cheat, unfortunately. To get the code I want to know two things, 1. You signed the petition (if you haven't you can still do so), 2. You lost your job or are underemployed or something along those lines.

If you aren't comfortable discussing the matter publicly feel free to PM me. I hope nobody takes issue with this method of distribution.
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