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Shahid Kamal: "Two words you're going to hear a lot of on PS4- 1080p/60fps"

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Who is this guy again?

He's part of SCEE's Business Development team. They sign games for Sony's systems (both indies and AAA), they just get more credit for their work with indies because indies don't try to cloud everything in secrecy like major third parties do.


I just can't see this being true. You know that its just going to go back to 720p 30fps near the middle of the gen so they can push graphics as far as ps4 can go. Unless dare I say
powa of da cloud?
Why can't it be true? First of all, I believe all the indie titles he is in charge of are 1080p 60fps. If we look at more graphically intensive games, all the launch titles on the PS4 are 1080p resolution except for one (BF4), also; the majority of the launch titles are at 1080p 60fps. So tell me how is he wrong in suggesting that they're looking to improve or keep up with such stats in the future.

What you said about titles being 720p 30fps towards the middle and end part of this coming gen is also wrong. The majority of titles on the PS3 (this gen) was not sub-hd, there were more 720p 30fps titles towards the middle and end of this generation than there was in the beginning and 720p was certainly the standard this gen. Almost all the big games towards the end of this generation are 720p 30fps. GTa5, GOW-A, TLOU, AC4, Bioshock Infinite, Tomb Raider etc..with many others hitting higher resolutions and framerates like GT6 and Rayman legends.

If you think that Dice couldn't get BF4 to run at 1080p 60fps on the PS4 (with a little more time) then you're only deluding yourself, most of these launch multiplats will look like absolute ass in a year or two against triple AAA titles at 1080p 60fps, you will certainly see the difference when devs start to use more of GPU Compute or when more ram is rolled back from the OS.


Two more words I want to hear a lot, 'No tearing'.
It's cool having 60fps, but if that means tearing, that's a big no no.


I think as this system gets pushed more and more you will see a lot more 60fps games, even the highly detailed ones.

There is one thing for certain. You will be hard pressed to find a truly " ugly " game this generation.


Perhaps the media, fan and marketing buzz is so big from 1080p 60fps, Sony have doubled down to ensure that's the standard for future first party titles.

You can spend a shit load of money on ads, but it's been shown a positive social media message, will be many more times effective.


Remember, launch title.

So we can expect 24fps in later releases. Seriously.. Earlier titles in the PS3's life were running at 60fps and the later it got, theworst the framerate in games got because of the push for graphical fidelity. I can see them going to to 900p and 764p to do 60fps later on when games start pushing the graphical capabilities of the AMD card. I mean seriously. What the hell do people expect from a last generation, mid tier enthusiast graphics card?

Edit: Now for mulitplayer, I'm pretty sure they'll sacrifice graphical fidelity for performance.


Junior Member
I think what Shahid means is that PS4 games will be one or the other, sometimes both. I'm not expecting 1080p/60FPS to ever become standard. Developers will always push the visuals envelope, even if it means running at sub-60FPS.
Hence my buying the PS4 exclusively this holiday.

I still hope they offer a 720p framebuffer option (just default to it if the dash is set to 720p) for every game that isn't locked at 60fps due to maxing out the GPU.
He shouldn't say things like that. The gaming media says it doesn't matter and we shouldn't discuss it on message boards cuz we are immature fanboys.

I'm glad one of them spoke up and fired a shot. Attention should be called to one of their selling points and they have been letting their competitor confuse consumers about it.

Personally, I just like watching a good fight. Anything resembling a knife fight in a closet between these two makes happy regardless of the winner.


Why are you reading my tag instead of the title of my post?
This wont come back and bite them in the ass........
(will be posted every time a PS4 game is 30fps)

And every time they do, someone will be there to remind them that Shahid was talking about indie games.


It still amazes me at the number of people who can't notice either of them.

1080 I struggle to tell the difference. But 30 to 60 is night and day for me.


It's like you guys somehow forget that Shahid is ALWAYS talking about indie games.


Always assume he's talking about indie games.

For everything.

Every hype.

Every tweet.

And then, you'll be happy about his awesome dedication to his job.


It's ironic that most of the less expensive Indie games will be 1080p/60fps whilst many tent pole major retail games will opt for 1080p/30fps instead.
Maybe through 2014, can't see 1080p and 60fps being the norm from 2015 owards as developers look to prioritise eye candy over smooth gameplay.


Maybe for old ports like Flow and indie games. It certainly doesn't seem like 1080p/60fps will be the norm for full-fledged "AAA" games, even from Sony themselves.

DriveClub - 30fps / delayed and trying for 60
Infamous - 30fps
Killzone - 30fps SP / 60fps MP
Knack - variable framerate

The few games that run at 60fps so far do it with compromises - CoD Ghosts has unstable framerate according to reviewers, BF4 runs at 900p, etc...

If this is anything to go by why not? 100% more polygone budget/efficiency, GPGPU further implemented with more efficient engines this is not far fetched...



I wish we would hear a lot more of "60 fps" on the Vita. Did you know that there isn't a single racing game on the Vita that runs at 60 fps? That's just sad.


now for every game that doesn't hit 1080p/60fps in the future, people will shit on shahid for saying this

good job


I dont buy the notion that as the generation goes on resolutions will decrease. GTA5 increased its resolution on PS3 over GTA4. Halo 4 resolution was increased over what Halo 3 did. Most iterative series maintained the same or similar resolution. Just because a few shitty devs take shortcuts on resolution doesn't mean everyone does. Frame rates usually took a hit but it isn't like they were targeting 60 and went to 30. They targeted 30 and failed more and more miserably as time went on. After looking at http://beyond3d.com/showthread.php?p=1113344 this whole notion seems like an urban myth.


Even if just 20% (1/5) of full priced games were 60 FPS + native 1080p I would be thrilled.

That would be a huge improvement over the PS360 gen.


Is there an official GAF list of resolution/frames at which each known PS4 game is supposed to run?

I'm trying to get the info on Lego Marvel but can't find it anywhere.
"Give me 60fps or give me death" doesn't seem like a sensible thing to say.

I'm instantly reminded of Mikami and his claims of beheading if RE4 ever appeared on the PS2....

Wasn't he absolutely furious that Capcom made him do it though? I remember hearing something about the PS2 Viewtiful Joe demo wiping memory cards as his vengeance or some shit.

EDIT: Yes pages and pages behind. That's how I roll.
Hopefully it isn't half baked trash like their 3D offerings last gen. I have serious doubts about PS4/XB1 doing any major AAA single player games at 1080p60 fps, let alone decent VR. Wouldn't that require the system to render two 1080p images at 60 fps?

I wish this were true for all games though, PC has shown me the light...I'd much rather play 1080p with a variable 50-60 with the graphics turned down over 1080p30 maxed.

Maybe that's another use for their remote play tech. I read today that you could play multiplayer coop in NFS with Vita and either player would have their own view. I don't know if it's true, but something like that could be used to feed the VR device the 2 images it needs.


OK, Shahid gets a little overexcited sometimes, but since when does "you'll hear 1080p60 a lot" mean "every single game for PS4 will be 1080p60. All of them, bitches".
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