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SHOCKING NEWS: Final Fantasy X for PS3/Vita is an HD Remaster, according to Square


They're going to switch out low-poly models for the high-quality cutscene versions (or downsampled versions of the cutscene-quality models), add some new effects, rerender the 2D backgrounds, and maybe redo some of the textures in places that are particularly egregiously low-res.
That's pretty much what I'm expecting too. If it is just that, and 60fps, I'd be very pleased.


I consider this good news as I dont want a remake I just want the FFX that I know and love but with HD graphics, 60fps and redone cutscene's with 7.1 audio.

Im sure they will do more than just bump up the resolution but as long as my little list of requests are met I shal be a happy man.


So did they, or did they not utilize FFXIII's White Engine to make this?

And if so, they're building it from scratch right? Wouldn't that make it a remake, not a remaster (just making fixing up old assets for HD)?

I'm confused, someone hold me.


Neo Member
This is one of the first things I've seen that really interests me in a PS3/Vita. I loved FFX, despite never having finished the game and having the end spoiled.
So did they, or did they not utilize FFXIII's White Engine to make this?

And if so, they're building it from scratch right? Wouldn't that make it a remake, not a remaster (just making fixing up old assets for HD)?

I'm confused, someone hold me.

It's an HD port of a PS2 game.


I was hoping they'd fix blitzball.

I was hoping they would fix more than that. The narrative and characters are the most of my concern.

Yeah. FFX is my least favourite Final Fantasy, but I'd get it for the battle system alone.



Blitzball took up so so many hours from me because of the addiction to it. Its awkward SRPG gameplay was actually part of the charm. I'd spend hours upon hours playing through seasons, even if I had all the important items from competitions for my characters (like Overdrives for Wakka).

Man when this remaster comes out, I will not be playing another game for quite some time, I'm sure.
That's pretty much what I'm expecting too. If it is just that, and 60fps, I'd be very pleased.

At breakfast today I asked my wife if it made me a terrible person that I kind of wanted to buy an HD remaster of FFX if it included the International Sphere Grid and she was all "...don't be stupid. Of COURSE we would buy that."

Late on this, but can anyone enlighten me as to why the international version of XII is the overwhelmingly better one?

The International version replaces the sameness-inducing, somewhat underdeveloped License Board with a class-based one that ensures your characters will all be distinct, plus it includes a few new gambits and abilities and a wide range of balance fixes and general tune-ups by the always-amazing Itou.


I consider this good news as I dont want a remake I just want the FFX that I know and love but with HD graphics, 60fps and redone cutscene's with 7.1 audio.

Im sure they will do more than just bump up the resolution but as long as my little list of requests are met I shal be a happy man.

This is exactly what I'd want for FFVII. I loaded it up today on my ps3 for the first time to see how it looked and I was thinking, man, I'd love for them to keep the proportions, just with HD graphics. Maybe touch up stuff here and there and make the polygons a little more detailed, but not a full-blown remake or anything.

That said, I'm really interested to see how FFX is going to be. I'll probably pick it up. I also wonder why they chose X specifically. I find that to be an odd choice. It's not that I dislike the game, but I like VII and XII more. I also think both of those games would be more desired for a remake as well.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
The art in single player FF's is a lot more detailed than the MMO games. Just look at FFXII. Rabanastre and Archades have so much more going on than that video you posted, which just looks like a bunch of huge empty spaces with repeated textures.

That's why I mentioned they had a horrible internet connection. Didn't you notice all the invisible stuff they were bumping into? (that hadn't loaded in yet because of lag)


The International version replaces the sameness-inducing, somewhat underdeveloped License Board with a class-based one that ensures your characters will all be distinct, plus it includes a few new gambits and abilities and a wide range of balance fixes and general tune-ups by the always-amazing Itou.

If they ever port XII, I hope they add the ability to change jobs. I played a bit of XII: International a few days ago and the License Boards for the jobs seem pretty small. It looks like it wouldn't take too long to max out the jobs. Being able to change jobs would fix that.


I'll translate what is actually said in the interview for clarification.

Q: I would like to ask Mr.Hashimoto regarding the Final Fantasy X announced for the PS Vita at last year's Tokyo Game Show. Is the game being devleoped like a HD Remaster or like a remake?

A: The game is being developed like a HD Remaster, but the visuals will be much more improved compared to the original game, please look forward to it!

You mean they can make a HD Remaster without getting improved graphic compared to the original Low Res version?


Best story in a final fantasy game and one of the best battle systems / character progression systems (also easily the best implementation of "summons" in the franchise). Day one.

Best story? No way. One of the weaker stories in FFdom.

Battle system was good. Character progression was very good.

FF VIII had the best summons. FF X's were ok.

I'm not looking to buy it.
Best story? No way. One of the weaker stories in FFdom.

Battle system was good. Character progression was very good.

FF VIII had the best summons. FF X's were ok.

I'm not looking to buy it.
Nah, VIII's summons take too much time to use. It's much easier and less time consuming to just abuse the junction system and make them obsolete. X's summon system is legit. Anima FTMFW
Best story? No way. One of the weaker stories in FFdom.

Battle system was good. Character progression was very good.

FF VIII had the best summons. FF X's were ok.

I'm not looking to buy it.

I think it really has the best FF story. Excellently paced as well and well done the whole way through. Only 6 comes close, but I enjoy the main cast more then the main cast of VI, so that tips the balance. That and I think X's world is far more visually interesting. VI is a lot of caves, it's kind of boring.
The International version replaces the sameness-inducing, somewhat underdeveloped License Board with a class-based one that ensures your characters will all be distinct, plus it includes a few new gambits and abilities and a wide range of balance fixes and general tune-ups by the always-amazing Itou.
I actually liked the license board. Sounds more like an improvement to the system than a change though. Thanks for the info.


I actually liked the license board. Sounds more like an improvement to the system than a change though. Thanks for the info.

I like the license board concept as well, but it's incredibly easy to max out every character on it once you get a bit into the game. If they had made the points harder to come by it would have been a bit better. From what I heard though, I like the changes they made in the Int. version and would love to try it out.


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
The International version replaces the sameness-inducing, somewhat underdeveloped License Board with a class-based one that ensures your characters will all be distinct, plus it includes a few new gambits and abilities and a wide range of balance fixes and general tune-ups by the always-amazing Itou.

Wait, what, the IZ version forces shitty classes on the player? Fuck that, gimme vanilla FF XII, SE. Unless the IZ version lets you use the regular boards instead.
Best story? No way. One of the weaker stories in FFdom.

FFX has in common with FF6 and FF7 (but very much not FF8, FF9, or FF13) a storyline actually written with some basic command of narrative vocabulary: it has characters who each serve a purpose within the story (and whose interactions with one another are grounded in a plausible shared history); it has a story built on actual rhythmic beats, with a natural three-act structure and a traditional climax, without any shaggy-dog meandering nonsense; its plot is built around a coherent set of narrative themes, which are established upfront and then continuously explored throughout the story. I honestly think all of that is much more relevant than the sort of "LOL tidus is whiny!!!" critique people sometimes toss at it.

It's certainly true that the game is full of incomprehensible hippy-dippy nonsense, but, like, that's Final Fantasy, dog.


Wait, what, the IZ version forces shitty classes on the player? Fuck that, gimme vanilla FF XII, SE.

You have to use the jobs in the International version, but they aren't set for each character. The first time you try to use the License Board for each character, the game lets you choose a job for them. There are 12 jobs you can choose from and after you select a job for a character, you can't change it.


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
You have to use the jobs in the International version, but they aren't set for each character. The first time you try to use the License Board for each character, the game lets you choose a job for them. There are 12 jobs you can choose from and after you select a job for a character, you can't change it.

No thanks. I want to be able to switch them around like in the regular version, I don't want the game to lock them to specific jobs.


FFX has in common with FF6 and FF7 (but very much not FF8, FF9, or FF13) a storyline actually written with some basic command of narrative vocabulary: it has characters who each serve a purpose within the story (and whose interactions with one another are grounded in a plausible shared history); it has a story built on actual rhythmic beats, with a natural three-act structure and a traditional climax, without any shaggy-dog meandering nonsense; its plot is built around a coherent set of narrative themes, which are established upfront and then continuously explored throughout the story. I honestly think all of that is much more relevant than the sort of "LOL tidus is whiny!!!" critique people sometimes toss at it.

It's certainly true that the game is full of incomprehensible hippy-dippy nonsense, but, like, that's Final Fantasy, dog.

They lost me at
"My dad is a flying whale?"
though. Story flow in general wasn't all that bad.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
I have a feeling X will be hard as as hell to platinum.
They lost me at
"My dad is a flying whale?"

Well, like I said, insane fantasy nonsense is a trademark of the series. The concept isn't really that weird; the idea of
a monster that you can only defeat by becoming its successor
is pretty straightforward. The thing where
Tidus and Jecht are dream-people summoned from a memory of a long-lost civilization
is way, way weirder.

What are the chances of a FFXII remaster? :D

I hope very, very much that both X-2 and XII will follow X's lead if it sells well enough.
You have to use the jobs in the International version, but they aren't set for each character. The first time you try to use the License Board for each character, the game lets you choose a job for them. There are 12 jobs you can choose from and after you select a job for a character, you can't change it.
I wasn't aware of that. That kind of sucks, since you could potentially screw yourself over by not picking the right jobs, if the game isn't balanced right.


I wasn't aware of that. That kind of sucks, since you could potentially screw yourself over by not picking the right jobs, if the game isn't balanced right.

That's part of the reason I hope any port of XII: International has a feature that lets you change jobs.


I imagine it's mainly better textures and effects with some degree of a polygon count update. Either across the board or gameplay models become the same as cutscene models.
That would certainly be an upgrade. The battle models out of fights were jarringly low detail. Low res textures, low poly counts, no lip syncing etc.


So since it's a HD remaster instead of a remake, does that mean there's a possibility we'll be getting to play it by the end of the year?


I think it really has the best FF story. Excellently paced as well and well done the whole way through. Only 6 comes close, but I enjoy the main cast more then the main cast of VI, so that tips the balance. That and I think X's world is far more visually interesting. VI is a lot of caves, it's kind of boring.
I agree that 10 has a great story and I would put it into the top 2 but I would put FFVI in front of it, I just think FFVI has a more memorable story but both are top notch.

The Jason

I hope they remaster FFX-2 as well and sell both in a two game collection. FFX-2 was pretty fun, and looked better than FFX.


FFX has in common with FF6 and FF7 (but very much not FF8, FF9, or FF13) a storyline actually written with some basic command of narrative vocabulary: it has characters who each serve a purpose within the story (and whose interactions with one another are grounded in a plausible shared history); it has a story built on actual rhythmic beats, with a natural three-act structure and a traditional climax, without any shaggy-dog meandering nonsense; its plot is built around a coherent set of narrative themes, which are established upfront and then continuously explored throughout the story. I honestly think all of that is much more relevant than the sort of "LOL tidus is whiny!!!" critique people sometimes toss at it.

It's certainly true that the game is full of incomprehensible hippy-dippy nonsense, but, like, that's Final Fantasy, dog.

Yep. Of course it has its issues but they dont even come close to approaching some of the narrative flaws in other FF games, forgotten orphanage past in FF8 and "disrupt the souls" garbage in FF9 in particular. As well as being competently told, the storyline in FFX even incorporates allegorical aspects into the story that aren't completely patronizing. This truly is a feat for a final fantasy game.I really enjoyed Spira as a setting and seem to be alone in quite liking the "recurring natural disaster" aspect that Sin brought to the table. Towards the beginning of the game you really do buy into Spira as a pretty hopeless place and can understand how a religion like Yevon could exploit that and become so powerful.


high-poly models everywhere and not just in select cutscenes, re-done prerendered backgrounds and UI elements, high-res CGI movies (anyone who played god of war 1/2 HD knows what i mean here), and new textures of course.

i think after all those changes we'll be good.
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