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Shooter kills 9 people in Munich before killing himself

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Polizei München ✔ @PolizeiMuenchen
+++ACHTUNG+++ Meiden Sie die Umgebung um das #OEZ - Bleiben Sie in Ihren Wohnungen. Verlassen Sie die Straße!+++
19:05 - 22 juli 2016

Munchen police saying people who live around the shopping centre to stay inside. Doesn't sound like it's under control just yet.
Munch Police tweet from 3 minutes ago advising advising people in that area to stay in their homes / leave the streets.


+++ACHTUNG+++ Meiden Sie die Umgebung um das #OEZ - Bleiben Sie in Ihren Wohnungen. Verlassen Sie die Straße!+++


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
The typical leftist response of blaming ourselves and wondering how much more accommodating we could be so that the Muslims living within our borders don't turn to radicalism isn't any more helpful.

I'm hoping this was a German nationalist, though. Don't want to give Trump and his supporters any more ammo.
Oh, I'm in complete agreement on that too. Far too many people are all the way to the right and all the way to the left.


If u wanna follow the news in twitter without bullshits or fakes, use Conflict News, AFP, AP and Reuters.

Normally they are very accurate.


There's too much conflicting information coming out right now to even wrap my head around. This is just sickening.
Yep, pretty much everyone shouting to get the most attention, confusing the people etc. It's annoying and counter-productive.

Best is probably to just do something else and come back later to get to know what is actually the case.
Europol released their 2015 report on terrorism just this week and 150 out of 151 terror deaths in Europe last year were by islamic terrorists. Odds are pretty good, 99,33% to be exact this attack came from a radical muslim.

Well that's pretty self fulfilling when people will just call it terrorism if it's a Muslim or Arab (Nice) and a mass shooter if it's not. I think the question would be what defines terrorism.
Just came home from the citycenter. Lots of ambulances and helicopter near Maxvorstadt und Olympia.

Fuck today was the Reinheitsgebot festival, there were lots of people in Odeonplatz. It could've been a massacre.


Yup, Stachus, too, just heard from a friend who was nearby. Might be a false alarm though, sorry, didn't mean to incite more fear.


GAF needs clearer rules/stricter moderation for these sorts of threads (not sure if this is already the case). If people are posting new info they should always have to precede it with where they heard it. Ideally always linking to the source but that obviously isn't possible if you heard it on the TV.
Well that's pretty self fulfilling when people will just call it terrorism if it's a Muslim or Arab (Nice) and a mass shooter if it's not. I think the question would be what defines terrorism.

For Europol, this:

This Framework Decision specifies that terrorist offences
are intentional acts which, given their nature or context, may
seriously damage a country or an international organisation
when committed with the aim of:

- seriously intimidating a population, or
- unduly compelling a government or international
organisation to perform or abstain from performing an act,
- seriously destabilising or destroying the fundamental
political, constitutional, economic or social structures of a
country or an international organisation.


RTL news (TV)

Report of another incident in stachus. Police on scene according to them
The shooter still seems to be on the run.

Weird how conflicting these reports from police spokesmen are.

Der Täter, der am frühen Abend im Bereich des Olympia-Einkaufszentrums in München um sich geschossen hat, ist offenbar noch unterwegs. Die Polizei hat die Anwohner aufgerufen, ihre Wohnungen nicht zu verlassen und auch die Straße nicht zu betreten

vor 5 Minuten
Neue Informationen von BR-Reporter Oliver Bendixen: Die Lage am am Olympia-Einkaufszentrum im Münchner Nordwesten ist weiter unklar. Nach Angaben eines Polizeisprechers hatten offensichtlich mehrere Täter in der Nähe eines McDonalds-Schnellrestaurants außerhalb des OEZ Schüsse abgegeben. Dabei seien mehrere Personen verletzt worden. Meldungen, dass es bereits Todesopfer gegeben habe, konnte der Polizeisprecher nicht bestätigen. allerdings sei die Lage derzeit völlig unklar. Nach der Abgabe der Schüsse flüchteten die Täter offensichtlich in das OEZ, das inzwischen von einem Großaufgebot der Polizei abgeriegelt wurde.


RTL news (TV)

Report of another incident in stachus. Police on scene according to them

if this is correct, it might link to the police stating "this is something bigger".
Or an extreme case of synchronicity. Although in this day and age, coincidence isn't very credible.
if this is correct, it might link to the police stating "this is something bigger".
Or an extreme case of synchronicity. Although in this day and age, coincidence isn't very credible.

Let's just remember how tense these moments are, there's a lot of reports multiple people, multiple incidents like there was in France. Things are very foggy right now.
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