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Should Pokémon evolve or morph?


When a Pokémon levels up and changes form I don't think it should be termed "evolution". As we all know, evolution is a very slow and gradual process that also involves natural selection. Shouldn't the correct term be metamorphosizing? Why, if Nintendo used the term "morph" perhaps crazy fundies would be less inclined to attack the franchise too.


Gold Member
DonMigs85 said:
When a Pokémon levels up and changes form I don't think it should be termed "evolution". As we all know, evolution is a very slow and gradual process that also involves natural selection. Shouldn't the correct term be metamorphosizing? Why, if Nintendo used the term "morph" perhaps crazy fundies would be less inclined to attack the franchise too.

Prove it.
It should stay as evolution, but the Pokémon should evolve slightly every level through multitudes of creepy changes. Like, sometimes your Squirtle will evolve to have three arms but it'll turn out to be shit so it'll die and you'll have to find a new Squirtle with two arms so that you can try and evolve it better next time.


Yoboman said:
Prove it.


Why on earth would you invoke the biological definition of evolution when concerned with Pokemon? Evolution can also mean changes from one form to another, without concern for time-frames (though you are right to point out in the case of biological evolution via natural selection, the process is slow).

Btw, this is prime material for the "stupid questions that don't deserve their own thread" thread.
we are talking about a world in which mouses shoot lightning bolts and every situation you face involves battling others with said creatures including villains who let you trespass and ruin their plans based on said battles.

your worried about the semantics of the word evolve in said world? really now


Mako_Drug said:
I thought digimon 'digivolved'?

oh god

DoomXploder7 said:
we are talking about a world in which mouses shoot lightning bolts and every situation you face involves battling others with said creatures including villains who let you trespass and ruin their plans based on said battles.

your worried about the semantics of the word evolve in said world? really now

We're havin fun. Going by those standards there would be no discussions over science fiction ever.

OMG Aero

DonMigs85 said:
When a Pokémon levels up and changes form I don't think it should be termed "evolution". As we all know, evolution is a very slow and gradual process that also involves natural selection. Shouldn't the correct term be metamorphosizing? Why, if Nintendo used the term "morph" perhaps crazy fundies would be less inclined to attack the franchise too.
I haven't heard of anyone attacking the franchise other the use of evolution for years.

Also Pokemon teaches intelligent design anyway.
If Pokémon as a game manages to reinvent itself on the 3DS through the use of AR and StreetPass, even someone like me who's eschewed the series would jump in.


TL4E said:
Why on earth would you invoke the biological definition of evolution when concerned with Pokemon? Evolution can also mean changes from one form to another, without concern for time-frames (though you are right to point out in the case of biological evolution via natural selection, the process is slow).
But if a single creature changes form (like caterpillar to butterfly) it's definitely morphing (or in some cases mutating). It should be the same for a Charmeleon turning into Charizard. Plus a Charizard lays eggs that hatch into a plain old Charmander, rather than a miniature Charizard.

Wait, this reminds me... Weren't there episodes of the Pokemon cartoon that showed small baby versions of certain Pokemon, before their pre-evolutions came out?


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
Should a Pokemon die rather than faint after being set on fire/crushed by rocks/electrocuted?
DonMigs85 said:
Are you referencing the birds and beasts of Galapagos? Even their changes took many generations.

Genetic change isn't always slow.

Yet more amazing was the discovery that these genetic differences were not static, but could change over remarkably short time scales. In the struggle for existence, natural selection favoured different chromosome types at different times of the year. These results were epoch-making for evolutionary biology. Because Darwinian natural selection had traditionally been considered a slow paced affair that was difficult - if not impossible - to test experimentally, critics had often dismissed the subject as unscientific. But here was a perfect demonstration of evolution in action. This was no million-year wait for a two millimetre increase in the length of a leg bone. This was evolutionary change in front of your very eyes.



DonMigs85 said:
By the way, remember this episode? I assume this small baby Pikachu was born as a Pikachu, not a Pichu?

http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l0b65ufX6O1qamqgc.png[/ IMG][/QUOTE]


true canon

Angry Fork

Evolve will get children interested in the word and look it up, then potentially learn about evolution and so on.

Morph will just keep them in the same sci-fi kind of mentality, not learning anything pertaining to the real world. Keep evolve even though it isn't scientifically accurate, it does more good than bad imo.


From The Dust said:
Sexy bitches in that video

Also, I automatically label anyone who cares as a weirdo. OP, you are a weirdo :|
It's all in good fun. In the past we also had a spirited debate on the mechanics of Toy life in the Toy Story movies.
I vote we call it mutation. Anything that involves a tiny little fucker becoming a pig-big fucker in 20 seconds with increased destructive capabilities is some G-virus level shit.


PataHikari said:
Shinka. Which means, well "evolve." Or at least it's commonly translated that way.
dont tell me that the theory of evolution is called shinkaron over there

cuz that sounds like a digimon right there


provides useful feedback
Pokemon as a series has a tremendous number of illogical errors - before, the Pokemon coincided with "real" animals, hence all those MINDBLOWING screencaps of normal fish swimming in the sea alongside Magikarp and Gyarados, and some of the cards explaining how Pokemon like Victreebel capture and eat small bugs that aren't already described as Pokemon. Now we have Pokemon filling in the gaps where normal creatures would reside, like that evolution chain of terriers. All that alone should warn you not to single out any individual aspect as being scientifically correct.

Or, to be short and blunt, lighten up.
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