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Show off your GF/Fiance/Wife/Lover. (Be Nice)

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Lard said:
Women like nothing but money and/or assholes. Fact.
It's money. It's all about the money. Some women clearly are golddiggers.

I know a girl. She's beautiful. A 10/10 girl. She got married recently and if you saw her husband, you would be fucking shocked. But he's wealthy.

Her father even said to her face that she only married him because of the money.

I could post a picture but then that would simply be rude. So I don't think that would be a wise idea.


-viper- said:
It's money. It's all about the money. Some women clearly are golddiggers.

I know a girl. She's beautiful. A 10/10 girl. She got married recently and if you saw her husband, you would be fucking shocked. But he's wealthy.

Her father even said to her face that she only married him because of the money.

I could post a picture but then that would simply be rude. So I don't think that would be a wise idea.

Christ, not this again.

Not all women are like this. Not at all. And if they were, why the fuck would you want to be with them? "All women are gold digging whores. I wish I had money so I could be used and exploited by them."

The only explanation I have for this line of thinking is that you hang around with materialistic jerks, but that can't be right because they wouldn't want to hang around with you either.

If all you meet are gold diggers, change your scene. There are a myriad of places where you can meet women, all of which cater to a different crowd. I recently met one girl in a country pub who worked on a children's petting farm who earned a pittance and did it because she loved animals. Similarly, student bars are always fun.

The other option isn't that they are gold digging, but that they already have a financial comfort zone they aren't willing to step down from or have one that they aspire to. And why should they give up on that? We all have standards in everything. What's the difference between refusing to date someone because they have a low income and refusing to date someone because they're fat?
Between deaths (sorry for your loss, Ulairi) and gold diggers this thread took a nosedive. I'll post some more pics to lighten the mood. As I said, we just started dating but so far it's looking pretty good.




But don't things always look good in the beginning?


Ulairi said:
October of last year.

Is she Taiwanese? My GF is too, they're great gals.

Whereabouts in Taiwan was she from? If you don't wanna talk about it then no worries bro.

Once again, terribly sorry for your loss.
I am truly sorry Ulairi. I can't imagine what you are going through.

I always thought losing a wife/gf like that is truly unfair. It's like they were stolen from you. When a breakup happens, it almost always someones fault. With a death, it's usually not anyones fault. But she is still gone and there is nothing you can do about it.


J. M. Romeo said:
Between deaths (sorry for your loss, Ulairi) and gold diggers this thread took a nosedive. I'll post some more pics to lighten the mood. As I said, we just started dating but so far it's looking pretty good.




But don't things always look good in the beginning?

good luck, Romeo! Like you say, it always looks good in the beginning. I was going to post a pick of my ex last year back when we were together because she is so beautiful, but i refrained from posting. And the hurt from the break up is still fucking with me. I thought about posting now we're broken up but that's probably even worse.
CFMOORE! said:
good luck, Romeo! Like you say, it always looks good in the beginning. I was going to post a pick of my ex last year back when we were together because she is so beautiful, but i refrained from posting. And the hurt from the break up is still fucking with me. I thought about posting now we're broken up but that's probably even worse.

Come on, man! Cheer up. There's plenty of fish in the sea, blablablah generic advice.

But seriously now, even though break ups are painful process, I like to think of them as two people moving on with their lives after sharing some great time and experiences together. Nothing is lost, really, and you should feel lucky for having been able to be there. Letting go is a very important thing in life.

Now you go get'em, tiger. You better come back to this thread in less than two months with good news for me.



J. M. Romeo said:
Come on, man! Cheer up. There's plenty of fish in the sea, blablablah generic advice.

But seriously now, even though break ups are painful process, I like to think of them as two people moving on with their lives after sharing some great time and experiences together. Nothing is lost, really, and you should feel lucky for having been able to be there. Letting go is a very important thing in life.

Now you go get'em, tiger. You better come back to this thread in less than two months with good news for me.


You're very right. I do cherish the moments she and I shared together as we had some amazing times. I miss her terribly and had a hard phone call with her yesterday to tell her about our cat's mortal heart condition. we spoke a little about us and it still concluded the way that conversation always does, with her saying "i can't say i won't want to to get back with you somewhere down the road" so I told her to call me in 20 years when she finally makes up her mind.

in other news and rather ironic, you saying the phrase "plenty of fish", i finally joined at the urge of several friends. i joined yesterday, messaged like 5 girls and within two hours already had one's phone number and we're texting like crazy now. and this is after being on match for the past three months, 100+ messages and ZERO responses.

Hopefully in two months I have your good news. I don't want to suffer your wrath!
Lard said:
It's not confidence I lack, it's money.

My sister met her bf of 5 years and makes about 2x as much money as he does. She loves him all the same.

Money IS an attractive trait, but it's not as necessary as you think unless you enjoy comparing yourself to millionaires (which about 99% of GAF isn't, and yet still land sexy ladies as you see in this thread). Hell, how many people out there are in there not-so-dream-job at the moment (including women) such as Walmart or Mcdonalds but are going out with someone?

If that were the case, *only* the world's richest men would get have a great relationship or get married. So 2% of the world's population. Yeah that makes sense - unless your parents are millionaires, that's not true at all.
CFMOORE! said:
You're very right. I do cherish the moments she and I shared together as we had some amazing times. I miss her terribly and had a hard phone call with her yesterday to tell her about our cat's mortal heart condition. we spoke a little about us and it still concluded the way that conversation always does, with her saying "i can't say i won't want to to get back with you somewhere down the road" so I told her to call me in 20 years when she finally makes up her mind.

in other news and rather ironic, you saying the phrase "plenty of fish", i finally joined at the urge of several friends. i joined yesterday, messaged like 5 girls and within two hours already had one's phone number and we're texting like crazy now. and this is after being on match for the past three months, 100+ messages and ZERO responses.

Hopefully in two months I have your good news. I don't want to suffer your wrath!
Didn't she cheat on you? Why would you want her back? After trust is broken it can't be reestablished, you will always have doubts in the back of your mind. I say you move on.

Genuinely curious was it a one time thing or ongoing? Also post them up!


BamYouHaveAids said:
Didn't she cheat on you? Why would you want her back? After trust is broken it can't be reestablished, you will always have doubts in the back of your mind. I say you move on.

Genuinely curious was it a one time thing or ongoing? Also post them up!

the cheating was never confirmed and i actually don't believe she did cheat. but she did play a fuck ton of games and lies through her teeth. so yes, trust is definitely broken and in order to be reestablished she'd have to do some amazing miracles to make me trust her full on. As to your question, are you asking about the supposed cheating? Since it wasn't confirmed I cannot say. She was quick to get with another guy who was the one she left my house when she packed her shit and split. Though at that time he was just a friend whom she BARELY knew and met online. Then over a couple weeks they were in a relationship.

So yes, she is absolutely poison and I know it. but i still miss the horrible human that she is for retarded reasons. I was in the process of letting go and the past three weeks were great in that regard. but i felt obligated to tell her about our cat and then all that shit came back to the surface.

As for pics, I'll need to think a little bit more about that one.
CFMOORE! said:
the cheating was never confirmed and i actually don't believe she did cheat. but she did play a fuck ton of games and lies through her teeth. so yes, trust is definitely broken and in order to be reestablished she'd have to do some amazing miracles to make me trust her full on. As to your question, are you asking about the supposed cheating? Since it wasn't confirmed I cannot say. She was quick to get with another guy who was the one she left my house when she packed her shit and split. Though at that time he was just a friend whom she BARELY knew and met online. Then over a couple weeks they were in a relationship.

As for pics, I'll need to think a little bit more about that one.

It looks like you were had from this side of the road. So good riddance, fuck that and move on as you seemingly are doing.

Also, and this is more of a personal view, I'm not a fan of online dating at all. And I can't fathom how two people manage to connect romantically at all without seeing each other! And there are few things as cool and exciting as having conversations with strangers, finding stuff in common, reading body language and whatnot.

Back to the main subject, forget about that girl, don't forget the experience. You know, fool me once, etc etc. But no "getting back together down the line". Let her go, cut her loose, she's no good.


J. M. Romeo said:
It looks like you were had from this side of the road. So good riddance, fuck that and move on as you seemingly are doing.

Also, and this is more of a personal view, I'm not a fan of online dating at all. And I can't fathom how two people manage to connect romantically at all without seeing each other! And there are few things as cool and exciting as having conversations with strangers, finding stuff in common, reading body language and whatnot.

Back to the main subject, forget about that girl, don't forget the experience. You know, fool me once, etc etc. But no "getting back together down the line". Let her go, cut her loose, she's no good.

thanks for all the backup on forgetting her. it's tough but possible. i know i am capable of it, she just knows how to suck me back in and i just need to keep the guard up all the time. she and i even met online which i wouldn't say was bad, i've tried to meet girls at friend's parties and out at bars but nothing ever seems to happen. so i'm trying the online thing again.

we'll see how t goes.
CFMOORE! said:
thanks for all the backup on forgetting her. it's tough but possible. i know i am capable of it, she just knows how to suck me back in and i just need to keep the guard up all the time. she and i even met online which i wouldn't say was bad, i've tried to meet girls at friend's parties and out at bars but nothing ever seems to happen. so i'm trying the online thing again.

we'll see how t goes.

Parties (like house parties) might work since you have time and atmosphere for a good talk. Bars may rarely yield anything better than a one night stand/buckfuddy. Coffee shops and bookshops are the shit, man. Try those!


Meadows said:
Is she Taiwanese? My GF is too, they're great gals.

Whereabouts in Taiwan was she from? If you don't wanna talk about it then no worries bro.

Once again, terribly sorry for your loss.

She was Taiwanese. She was from Taipei near Shi Da night market.
pitt_norton said:
Cheers dude! We are absolutely crazy for each other! haha

I used to have that viewpoint...

I'd been previously traversing online dating for 2 years and it's an uncharted alien territory. You'd meet the russian mafia scammers posing as girls... trying to hook desperate lonely guys, the girls who turn out to be fishing for customers for their nude webcams, hot girls just looking for an ego boost, psycho chicks who misinterpret everything you say and shout incessantly, girls from the Phillipines wanting a husband to look after them... and their family, and those boring girls that have no chance since the desperate lonely guys are busy being scammed... The online dating tool option is almost an exclusive meat market of disposable, meaningless relationships or a quick band-aid solution for people's own perceived happiness.

But in that cesspool online environment, meeting my wife was discovering that pure drop of water in the ocean. Which still amazes me. We began as friends and over time we fell in love. I had dated girls previously in the offline world, yet the time I spent with my now wife felt more authentic. And that's actually quite easy to fathom. It all came down to our attitudes, which was we were both real people on both sides of the screen. At that point, across the world! With that, came real world respect, trust and simple dating etiquette of remaining exclusive (e.g. shutting down our profiles to prevent other suitors to make contact). Skype had opened up so many avenues for expression and communication. When we got to see each other, there was no awkward real world transition at all. I'll never forget the natural, matter of fact feeling of us saying "Well... I'll see you tomorrow then!"

Awesome story. I can definitely relate to many parts of that.

I take it from your use of Skype that is a long distance relationship as well?
Wellington said:
Thanks mate.

Well mine is a decent story. I can't wait for her mom to ask me this question tbh, somewhat long story.

She's actually a friend of my cousin from college. I had lost touch with my cousin for years and she, out of the blue, invited me to her 23rd birthday party in 2009. I showed up but I didn't want to hit on any of her friends because it would be rude to do so, and at the time I was just enjoying being single. I had noticed her, looked up other pics of her on FB cause she was fine as hell and then never really followed up.

This past labor day weekend I went to a club here for a friend's birthday with two of my guy friends and I saw her walking up the street as I was outside getting frisked by the bouncer. I couldn't stop staring, she was the goddamned prettiest girl I'd ever seen. As the bouncer pushed me in I prayed under my breath "Please come inside, please come inside, please come inside". Dudes, she came inside and I nearly pissed myself. She walked in with another hot friend and I told my boys that in about 15 minutes I was going to go over there and I needed a wingman. They shuffled around for a little and both declined (as ya'll know from Girl-Age, it's tough to get the courage to talk to a cute chick, I get it). I offered to cover their drinks for the rest of the night if just one of them would come up with me, they STILL declined. 15 minutes passed and I said fuck it, I can't let this opportunity slip passed. It took the hugest pair of brass balls I have ever been able to muster but I talked to her. I just went up and said that she was easily the prettiest girl in the place and that I'd love to dance with her. I didn't recognize her as my cousin's friend but she did recognize me, so after she said she recognized me I was a little put off. I danced with her, thanked her, and went back to my boys disappointed.

As she was leaving I stopped her and asked her for her number and got it. Been dating since then and are now a little more serious. A month ago I saw her friend she was with that night and asked her what she thought when I went up, she told me I was so nervous, but that I was in from the word go. :lol For those that have seen Good Will Hunting, I refer to it as my "I gotta go see about a girl" moment. :lol

Here's something she did for me for Halloween. Some of you may know I am the biggest damned Giants fan around, so this was like a dream. :lol


i pop my collar to you good sir, trill shit
pitt_norton said:
I detailed the real awesome part of the story right here :)

It was long distance indeed. In international time we were only 1-2 hours difference apart. We are so lucky to have things like Skype in this era. I really do tend to think there is no such thing as a tough long distance relationship, only weak people in a relationship.

Cheers dude :)
I saw your other posts alright, I just never connected them as being the same poster :lol I have a 6 hour difference from my gf but like, I shudder to think of how I could cope in such a relationship with the technology from the late 90's or before :p
I'm no 10/10 girl or anything (though I am awesome enough to post on GAF, which has to count for something), but I actually just went from a rich man to a poor man, and I'm a hell of a lot happier here, even with the stress of bills we struggle to pay. And he left a chance at a lucrative job to be with me, too, so I guess it can work both ways.

Anecdotal, just as everyone's stories are, but let's not take one or two stories, or even a dozen stereotypes, and make them about everyone. People are people. Sometimes we do dumb things. Sometimes we don't. There are girls who are more interested in money than anything else. That probably means they aren't really 10/10 overall, you know? There are guys who don't care about anything but status and wealth, either. So what? Can't do anything about that, really.

Here's my sweet poor man growing a shaggy beard for me and wearing one of those nose-strip things so as not to snore me out of oblivion on the way back from a road trip. They don't really work so well, but he does some serious snoring, so it's sweet of him to try. :lol

hey_monkey said:
Here's my sweet poor man growing a shaggy beard for me and wearing one of those nose-strip things so as not to snore me out of oblivion on the way back from a road trip. They don't really work so well, but he does some serious snoring, so it's sweet of him to try. :lol
The look in his eyes pretty much says that :p If I was a girl I totally would be jealous of you. Fuck it, I'm a bit jealous.
He is A++++ #1 to the power of infinity. I have to look for extreme description solutions. Good for him, too; means I am totally his bitch. Everyone wins.


Petrie said:
Buncha whiners. Perhaps your personality isn't as great as you all think, or even better, perhaps the women can see through the fake niceness you put on thinking that's what they want.

Chances are pretty good you aren't all as wonderful as you think, who wants just an "ok" guy?

I can't help but read this in the Miz's voice :lol

Should have finished it with "who wants an ok guy when you can have an AWESOME!! guy"


Absolutely pathetic part deux
Sweedishrodeo said:
uh i love russian women, your special lady is blowing my mind with hotness

Thank you sir. She is quite beautiful. I am making her a mixtape for her birthday that just has "She is Beautiful" by Andrew WK on it. I hope she likes it.



Her and I on our first date.


Out on the town with her friends.


Displaying her handiwork at the Pahiyas festival in her hometown.

Sorry Gaborn! My heart belongs to another <3
hey_monkey said:
I'm no 10/10 girl or anything (though I am awesome enough to post on GAF, which has to count for something), but I actually just went from a rich man to a poor man, and I'm a hell of a lot happier here, even with the stress of bills we struggle to pay. And he left a chance at a lucrative job to be with me, too, so I guess it can work both ways.

Anecdotal, just as everyone's stories are, but let's not take one or two stories, or even a dozen stereotypes, and make them about everyone. People are people. Sometimes we do dumb things. Sometimes we don't. There are girls who are more interested in money than anything else. That probably means they aren't really 10/10 overall, you know? There are guys who don't care about anything but status and wealth, either. So what? Can't do anything about that, really.

Here's my sweet poor man growing a shaggy beard for me and wearing one of those nose-strip things so as not to snore me out of oblivion on the way back from a road trip. They don't really work so well, but he does some serious snoring, so it's sweet of him to try. :lol

Wish there were more girls like you but the simple fact is that money is a deciding factor for some (most?) women. My ex left me because she didn't want to struggle (financially) when I lost my job.


Junior Member
The Shadow said:
Wish there were more girls like you but the simple fact is that money is a deciding factor for some (most?) women. My ex left me because she didn't want to struggle (financially) when I lost my job.
Your baseless generalization is stupid. Stop making excuses. Good women are out there in abundance. You just have to make an effort to seek them out.


Update! The long-distance thing, while hard, has still been going strong. But man, I just couldn't take it anymore. So the Sunday before NYE, I found a decent deal for a flight outta KC (200 miles away) to Charleston and jumped on it. A few days later:


:D :D :D
AVclub said:
Your baseless generalization is stupid. Stop making excuses. Good women are out there in abundance. You just have to make an effort to seek them out.

Yeah, but we have a secret club and we've blacklisted him until he mends his generalizing ways.
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