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So, is Dragon Ball Super any good?

Super better than GT in the fights department? You're not even trying anymore.


And this is against a relatively minor character.

I can't believe Super is actually making me miss fights in GT now.

The weight of the punches alone crush Super, where it feels like actually making contact with hits doesn't matter.
I get that Super fans compare it to GT, but now they're actually comparing it to Z? And the fight choreography nonetheless? Oh boy. Z shits on Super from the stratosphere in the fights department. Almost every Super fight is basically one person blocking, the other person (mostly Goku) going DADADADADADADADA and punching into the defense all during Shaky-cam.

So true, can't believe people even praise the Vegeta vs Cabba fight, it's pure shit. It's this in a nutshell and it looks terrible.


I didn't mention fights, just meant overall lol

Not to mention that incredibly iconic fight we all remember from those gifs looks like shit.

Thankfully the bad part of Super has been finished in the dub, now that more and more people in America will be expposed to the best of the show this "GT was the best evah!" Shit will die again.

It wasn't. It killed the franchise. Super revived it to great success.

You can whine about power levels all you want, that fact will not change.


You will enjoy DBZ more as a memory than trying to mine that nostalgia with Super. Empty storytelling, poor animation, lifeless music... forget the power level nonsense, Super is just an unnecessary and pale imitation of something better.


I get that Super fans compare it to GT, but now they're actually comparing it to Z? And the fight choreography nonetheless? Oh boy. Z shits on Super from the stratosphere in the fights department. Almost every Super fight is basically one person blocking, the other person (mostly Goku) going DADADADADADADADA and punching into the defense all during Shaky-cam.

Y u lying tho?


How are you gonna do a "best of Super" post and not have the Goku vs Gohan fight.

Thats easily better than anything shown in the tournament thus far.

Vegeta and Goku fighting U9 had a lot of good parts to it.
Last episode wasn't great fighting wise as all Krillin and 18 did were spam energy blasts.


How are you gonna do a "best of Super" post and not have the Goku vs Gohan fight.

Thats easily better than anything shown in the tournament thus far.



Inb4 "That punch has zero weight lmao GT rocks! Remember the fight against Toad Guy? Man Toad Guy was the best"

You really don't get it. That part was Trunks slicing up Frieza really quick, it doesn't need to be very well drawn as it's a fast animation. Did you also post a gif on the shot before he started slicing Frieza up and the shot after? Those are well drawn because there the camera focuses on the character and the moment.


Literally all the "bad animation" shots of Super are exactly what you describe. A couple second shot that looks bad.

The problem super had was the overabundance early on which made entire fights look awful

Character Focused Scenes look like the one above, or like this


Now does it look as good as the Goku vs Vegeta fight? no. That had one had an insane budget and it showed...But that was not my point at all.


Represent(ative) of bad opinions
Vegeta and Goku fighting U9 had a lot of good parts to it.
Last episode wasn't great fighting wise as all Krillin and 18 did were spam energy blasts.

True. But the Goku vs Gohan fight was legit good.

Loved how it started out Gohan/Piccolo vs Goku/Tien.

Super has plenty of good team battles.


This is better than anything in Super and if you disagree you're just wrong.

True. But the Goku vs Gohan fight was legit good.

Loved how it started out Gohan/Piccolo vs Goku/Tien.

Super has plenty of good team battles.
Why I love the Future Trunks arc. Before Merged Zamasu had to ruin everything, there were some good team fights in that arc.




Inb4 "That punch has zero weight lmao GT rocks! Remember the fight against Toad Guy? Man Toad Guy was the best"

Is that mystic Gohan punching SSJ Gohan?

I've seen it, that's Goku, You get the point

And I like how you're posting exceptions. Every single fight in GT has weight to it. The weight of punches/kicks landing in GT is above anything in Super, apart form that one Freeza vs. Goku punch scene.


This knee to the side is done better than almost every hit feedback in a major fight in Super.


Not even the best gut punch from that episode.

I'm determined to rewatch DBZ for the sole purpose of finding reasons Gohan would have this type of aggression towards Tien. There has to be something from the Saiyan fight in DBZ. Something that fucked up his childhood, and is now coming out now during their fight.

Or maybe it's due to the Buutenks fight.



Literally all the "bad animation" shots of Super are exactly what you describe. A couple second shot that looks bad.

The problem super had was the overabundance early on which made entire fights look awful

Character Focused Scenes look like the one above, or like this


Now does it look as good as the Goku vs Vegeta fight? no. That had one had an insane budget and it showed...But that was not my point at all.

Calm yourself, I already edited the post cause I got what you meant. And those character focused moments like the one you posted are the exception, not the rule in Super. In GT there is a decent mix of character focus/ choreography and rapid jabs. Besides, the rare moment where the fight choreography is decent to good in Super, they completely ruin in by shakycam. Seriously, the shakycam in Super is horrible. But it's quite clear why its used so often: 'because there is no weight to the fights without it. Oooohh the camera is shaking that jab must have been hard, believe us! I'm not saying that Z and GT are clear of Shakycam, but they don't rely on it.

Y u lying tho?

In those videos, where the fight choreography is decent, it's ruined by shakycam, which is part of my critisism. So you're partially proving my point.
Gohan is actually one of the few characters who manages to land huge, hard-hitting physical attacks in DB Super. A lot of times the physical attacks are just dodged or blocked without the defendant showing any pain.

In DBZ the impacts were so hard hitting the characters were spitting saliva and blood left and right.


Gohan is actually one of the few characters who manages to land huge, hard-hitting physical attacks in DB Super. A lot of times the physical attacks are just dodged or blocked without the defendant showing any pain.

Agree, that scene is the only scene in Super where I was like "damn, that must hurt. Gohan is going at it hard".


Super better than GT in the fights department? You're not even trying anymore.


And this is against a relatively minor character.

In spite being against a minor one shot character, that's actually among the best, if not the best animated sequence throughout all of GT.

GT's ratings cratered coming from Z, and it's pretty obvious later when the actual fighting arcs start they had to be very conservative with movement due to decreased budget.


This knee to the side is done better than almost every hit feedback in a major fight in Super.

GT's hits have "weight" because each one generally pushed the other character away or stunned them in order to stop combat for a few shots. That's not proper weight, it's just GT trying to compensate for the limited movement in all of its battles.
Refused to watch it until my brother shared his crunchyroll account with me.

It's dope. I like it, and I'm supposedly not even at any of the better arcs yet.
I'm determined to rewatch DBZ for the sole purpose of finding reasons Gohan would have this type of aggression towards Tien. There has to be something from the Saiyan fight in DBZ. Something that fucked up his childhood, and is now coming out now during their fight.

Or maybe it's due to the Buutenks fight.

Launch must have told him how much of a dick Tien was to her

GT's hits have "weight" because each one generally pushed the other character away or stunned them in order to stop combat for a few shots. That's not proper weight, it's just GT trying to compensate for the limited movement in all of its battles.
I don't know if that's true or not, but I also don't see how it matters if the resulting animation is still better fight sequences.


Is that mystic Gohan punching SSJ Gohan?

I've seen it, that's Goku, You get the point

And I like how you're posting exceptions. Every single fight in GT has weight to it. The weight of punches/kicks landing in GT is above anything in Super, apart form that one Freeza vs. Goku punch scene.


This knee to the side is done better than almost every hit feedback in a major fight in Super.

Hey look more exceptions




In those videos, where the fight choreography is decent, it's ruined by shakycam, which is part of my critisism. So you're partially proving my point.

I don't think you know what shakycam means. Having the scene move about or be dynamic =/= "shaky cam".

A shaky cam effect means something that was filmed/thought in a "handheld" camera. Meaning, it tries to mimic the natural motions of a handheld camera (though many films go ham with it) and produces purposefully broken shots/scenes to add to that effect.

The images in any of those gifs is consistently stable, it's just not static like it used to be in Z (and many other peers of its time and/or before it). They are not shakycam.

Here, this video explains it well enough: https://youtu.be/ywAk2NSKv8Y


DBGT and DB Super had about equal action scenes too me.

DBS does character building, and SOL episodes 100000X better then DBGT.

I can say that DBZ is probably my favorite anime in my life, but it's mostly out of nostalgia tbh. It's not a very good show post Frieza Saga, the only thing that stays pretty good is the animation.

The art style of GT is better then Super though, not in the actual designs or characters, but just in the animation styles. Nothing beats the late 90's animation look.
Super starts out rough, and the RoF arc is pretty bad, but Super generally improves into a pretty good to a sometimes great show.


In spite being against a minor one shot character, that's actually among the best, if not the best animated sequence throughout all of GT.

GT's ratings cratered coming from Z, and it's pretty obvious later when the actual fighting arcs start they had to be very conservative with movement due to decreased budget.

The budget decreased but GT still managed to anime te series well overall. Yes, the movements decreased but for the movement that was there, it was still good. Some snippets - being the rule not the exception:

The Goku vs. Baby fight was well animated:



This same consistency goes through to Super 17 arc and Shadown Dragons. It's leagues above Super.

GT's hits have "weight" because each one generally pushed the other character away or stunned them in order to stop combat for a few shots. That's not proper weight, it's just GT trying to compensate for the limited movement in all of its battles.

I understand why the hits have weight to them, but it doesn't change the fact that they do. It it's a cheap, effective method, why not apply it to Super? Super would sure as hell benefir from it.


My memory of GT is the Super 17 fights being boring as fuck. Super 17 wasn't interesting, I didn't care about him.

And the Shadow Dragons being a missed opportunity for the rest of the cast to be relevant. Rewatched some of the Omega Shenron fight. It looks bad at times and is boring until Gogeta comes into play.

The Baby stuff had good elements, I need to rewatch it, but I enjoyed a lot of the fights. The best fights were in the first 16 or so episodes.


Hey look more exceptions


Is this form RoF or Super? Because if the former, then, yes, it is an exception as movies *generally* are animated better. If it's the latter, then it's still an expection because RoF arc is concidered to be shit tier animation even according to die hard Super fans.


Is this form RoF or Super? Because if the former, then, yes, it is an exception as movies *generally* are animated better.

That's the show. Shocking, right? :v

The budget decreased but GT still managed to anime te series well overall. Yes, the movements decreased but for the movement that was there, it was still good. Some snippets - being the rule not the exception:

The Goku vs. Baby fight was well animated:



This same consistency goes through to Super 17 arc and Shadown Dragons. It's leagues above Super.

I understand why the hits have weight to them, but it doesn't change the fact that they do. It it's a cheap, effective method, why not apply it to Super? Super would sure as hell benefir from it.

Sure. And that fight, Baby, ends like this.


Quality animation and art. RoF arc would be jealous :3


Damn GT had such great colors

Arguably, that's exactly what made it uglier than it needed to be 90% of the time. The colours worked *sometimes*.

I didn't say every frame of GT is well animated. I'm saying poor animation in Super is the exception, not the rule. In super, it's the other way around. So you can post snippets of below par animations but it won't change that fact.

I can post entire episodes if need be. GT is not the consistent show you seem to think it ever was.


I don't know. GT often looks like shit. The art is more consistently on model, but the fights are incredibly rigid and poorly choreographed. Later on it gets embarrassing with reused animation.

The Super 17 fight with SSJ4 Goku was insulting to watch.


Arguably, that's exactly what made it uglier than it needed to be 90% of the time. The colours worked *sometimes*.

Out of curiousity, what do you think of DBS art-style?

I can post entire episodes if need be. GT is not the consistent show you seem to think it ever was.

Dude, the DBS OT is scouring for snippets of good animations where people mention an episode having decent animation as if it's an exception (and it is). You know this. One of the first things that is mentioned after the airing of the episode is the animation quality, was it good? was it bad? Only recently it started to get just o.k.
Also, with all of GT's inconsistensies, it's still more consistents and better quality animation wise that the vast majority of DBS.

But we were talking about the fights and the weight of the punches. Super doesn't hold a candle to GT in that regard, no matter in which best case scenario for Super.

Later on it gets embarrassing with reused animation.

Sure you have seen Super? Or at least the parts that are concidered good? Also, visually, Super 17 arc was above any Super arc. That fight took place in more locations than every major DBS fight combined...


Out of curiousity, what do you think of DBS art-style?

Dude, the DBS OT is scouring for snippets of good animations where people mention an episode having decent animation as if it's an exception (and it is). You know this. One of the first things that is mentioned after the airing of the episode is the animation quality, was it good? was it bad? Only recently it started to get just o.k.
Also, with all of GT's inconsistensies, it's still more consistents and better quality animation wise that the vast majority of DBS.

But we were talking about the fights and the weight of the punches. Super doesn't hold a candle to GT in that regard, no matter in which best case scenario for Super.

Now I get your tag, you're a master at spinning

I mean, every example we post doesn't count because reasons and now you're even implying that people discussing the episode after it airs is bad and shows desperation or something. The only one taking snippets of the episodes is Arched.

People discussed GT just like we do Super back in the day, it's what killed it.


I enjoy Dragon Ball Super quite a lot. It definitely had a rough start, in-regards to animation quality and fighting choreography, but even at it's worst I found it to be a more natural continuation of Dragon Ball than GT. Now I think the show is really hitting it's stride, and I look forward to watching it each Saturday!


I understand why the hits have weight to them, but it doesn't change the fact that they do. It it's a cheap, effective method, why not apply it to Super? Super would sure as hell benefir from it.

It's not an effective method though. It might make for good short gifs, but it made the actual battles incredibly static, and that was a constant throughout GT once it got into battle series mode.


Out of curiousity, what do you think of DBS art-style?

Dude, the DBS OT is scouring for snippets of good animations where people mention an episode having decent animation as if it's an exception (and it is). You know this. One of the first things that is mentioned after the airing of the episode is the animation quality, was it good? was it bad? Only recently it started to get just o.k.
Also, with all of GT's inconsistensies, it's still more consistents and better quality animation wise that the vast majority of DBS.

But we were talking about the fights and the weight of the punches. Super doesn't hold a candle to GT in that regard, no matter in which best case scenario for Super.

Not a fan of the modern style tbh. It's serviceable, but the colours lack some balance. Even with the new filter, everything seems supper "vibrant". I'd rather the more understated balance of the older series.

Granted, I understand that said look of the older series (not just DB) was due to the tech available at the time, but I feel it works better. Perhaps it's just my nostalgia speaking louder about this.

As for the fights, honestly, all Super needs to add (though not sure if they actually can because of the current circunstances) is battle damage and some blood. That alone would make the current fights (and past fights) feel heavier/deadlier/better. As it stands, it's been consistently trying new things in regards to choreography which I value a lot. That's actually a big plus over post-Frieza Z and GT. Makes it feel more akin to OG DB in that sense.


This still hurts to watch. Goddamn Gohan, what did Tien ever do to you!

I bet he didn't come to the wedding.


What the fuck happened? He forced Trunks to powerup at least before getting bodied. Is it because the movies aren't canon, or some shit?
Combination of it being a movie trying to hype us, so seeing Trunks powerup against Tien was cool, and Gohan's base it most likely stronger than Trunks base was back then.
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