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So uhm

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Amir0x said:
I have a similar true story from high school. When I was in Monroe County Vocational Technical School, I was in the Computer Programming class. Our teacher was an asshat, and so he was oblivious to what we did. So we mostly played Quake all day long over LAN. One day after I was beating the opponents pretty badly, one of them began making insults toward my mom (how ironic now, huh!).

I walked across the room and threatened him to say it again. He did. I punched him in his face. Then his brother and his brothers best friend jumped into the fight, and we got into a big braul. I was taken to the office. Do you know what happened then? I had people routinely stopping by the office and giving me props for holding myself against three people. I didn't win the fight, but I stood my ground and the entire school give me props for it. It was near the end of the year, so I got suspended until next year. But I returned, and I returned with that respect. Nobody said shit about my mother again, save perhaps behind my back, but what can you do about that?

It works both ways. You cannot always let people walk all over you. You have to know when it is time to show someone you cannot cross a line. This wasn't about TV: that was an annoyance. It was about a lie, and a use of violence to try to get her point across. And that is where I said it was time to show that there are boundaries.

And I guarantee you, it won't happen again. Because the boundaries are now set and clear.

People are trying to make this about South Park, because it's an easy out for pussies. But it has nothing to do with that at all

people respected you because you held your own in a fight against three people. NOT because you flipped out at a yo momma joke and decided to fight with someone. imagine if you wouldve threatened him and then he got up and royally kicked your ass? who wouldve gotten the "respect" then? it wasnt about you standing up for yourself by using violence, it was the fact that you did well in the fight.

not to mention the fact that this wasnt your senior year, and your peers were probably still at the age where they think beating someone up is cool (i know there are a lot of seniors that think that too, but hey, people i knew didnt.)

face it duder, reacting with violence to words is a sign of immaturity.

you could have easily told that kid "only children insult peoples moms because they suck at videogames, dont talk to me" and then proceeded to ignore him without getting your ass suspended.

there are ALWAYS better solutions than violence.
I just restrained my mom! And she says it hurt her! What a drama queen! AND SHE HIT ME WITH HER PURSE AND IT FELT LIKE AN ANVIL GOD IT HURT I EVEN GOT A MARK, REALLY


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Rorschach said:
Dude, you know what really would have embarassed your mother? After you she hit you, you should have looked at her, then just started laughing your ass off like a madman and said "was that supposed to hurt, you old ****?" then rotf towards the exit muttering "what a stupid bitch..." on the way out. I did that to my mom minus the "****" and "bitch" and she absolutely lost it and cried with rage. The housecats totally gave me props after that. Can't by my mom's house without getting paw DAP.


Rorschach said:
Dude, you know what really would have embarassed your mother? After you she hit you, you should have looked at her, then just started laughing your ass off like a madman and said "was that supposed to hurt, you old ****?" then rotf towards the exit muttering "what a stupid bitch..." on the way out. I did that to my mom minus the "****" and "bitch" and she absolutely lost it and cried with rage. The housecats totally gave me props after that. Can't by my mom's house without getting paw DAP.



Francois the Great said:
not to mention the fact that this wasnt your senior year, and your peers were probably still at the age where they think beating someone up is cool (i know there are a lot of seniors that think that too, but hey, people i knew didnt.)

i'm not quite sure the difference between the end of 11th grade and the start of 12th grade signifies a massive shift in maturity toward fights, but I suppose I went to a different school.

Francois The Great said:
face it duder, reacting with violence to words is a sign of immaturity.

uhm, it was my mom who reacted with violence toward words.

Hitokage said:
Keep telling yourself that.

There's no 'telling myself that.' That's what it FACTUALLY was. When she called the police, IN THE PROCESS OF CALLING THE POLICE, she was saying "this is it. This is the final straw. I never want to see you again. I am going to get the process started immediately so you're no longer allowed near me." She repeated this over and over.

And it was because I restrained her. It's because I didn't allow her to cause further violence to me. There is literally no other interpretation. My position toward the police was relevant only to the lies my mom was telling, because either way she was going to try to put that order forward. It was only until today I talked her down to this 'semi-restraining' thing.
so is the official moral of this sad, sad story is that if you're in a lan game and one of your regular "yo mama" gags makes amirox flip his bolt, be sure you have a purse handy? 'cuz after that, it apparently takes care of itself


In the end, we all lost a lot of respect towards Amir0x because he grappled with his sick mother.

Also, he yelled at the cops (who were innocent of the terrible crime of not letting you watch South Park). They probably don't reserve respect, or haven't set up clear limits towards what you can and you cannot do.

It's not like we respected him before this, though.
Amirox says...



Has problems recognising girls
Why didn't you just dodge the 2nd purse hitting? This entire escapade just sounds so off-the-wall and immature.. both regarding the actions of you and your mother. And as other people have already said, "all this over 10 mins of South Park?"


Boogie said:
like mother, like son.

I never hit her once in my entire life.

Speedpop said:
And as other people have already said, "all this over 10 mins of South Park?"

The people trying to make it into that simply have no other recourse, because it's the funniest part of the situation. But it has nothing to do with South Park. It has to do with a lie, and then the violence that resulted from said lie.


Dude...I'm not trying to be condescending or anything, but you really need to work out your temper and take a second to think before you do stuff. From what you're saying, you blowing up over what is for the most part trivial shit is nothing new. By now I'm probably just adding to the dog pile, but really. Your morals are skewed.

This is more in response to your pissy outbursts at the cops and your aren't-I-cool tale that resulted in you getting jumped. Believe me when I say that the average high schooler is an idiot. But really, I have no clue what your past is, so I can't judge. Still, you need to fix your temper if nothing else, lest it come back to bite you in the ass harder than it already has.

Again, don't take this the wrong way, and don't be offended. That's just the general vibe you're putting out.


Am I a bad person because I can't stop laughing at this?

This has to be a goof. Amirox just goofed you all, and has been doing so for 6 pages. There's no way someone goes all DAMN IT RESPECT ME ARRRR and fights their own poor sick mother over an episode of south park.


nah, it wasn't his sick mother and the grappling -- i'm gonna take that at face value and assume that he didn't cause her any real harm. it was, in order:

1. the behavior with the cops and the crazy "**** the pigs" frothing
2. the jesus complex that drove him to consider repeatedly violating a restraining order
3. the most important: the reflexive denial that his half-cocked "don't lie to me; it's all about the respect" excuse represents
epilogue. the silly teenaged lan party story and the macho posturing therein

that's what kills respect. it's a bret easton ellis short minus the coke-fueled benders, the money, and the dumpster full of prostitute limbs.


I don't know if your mother is crazy enough to send you to jail just for this, or if you have pulled this kind of shit enough times that she has no other way out.


Mute said:
Still, you need to fix your temper if nothing else, lest it come back to bite you in the ass harder than it already has.

This is what I am trying to figure out. What bit me in the ass? I had to take a bus ride back to my home. That is, in so many words, the worst of what happened to me besides that walk along the interstate. Even the state rejected my moms bullshit story and reasons for wanting me forceably held at the hospital.

All i got was some free cop rides, a lot of laughs, and the knowledge that my mom won't be hitting me again in the future.
Enron said:
Am I a bad person because I can't stop laughing at this?

This has to be a goof. Amirox just goofed you all, and has been doing so for 6 pages. There's no way someone goes all DAMN IT RESPECT ME ARRRR and fights their own poor sick mother over an episode of south park.



Another social experiment?


Once my little sister slapped me across the face, so I beat her to death with a tire iron.

You have to draw the line someplace, right? I mean you can't just let people walk all over you. Now all my other family members are scared of being murdered, so I get tons of respect!


Enron said:
Am I a bad person because I can't stop laughing at this?

This has to be a goof. Amirox just goofed you all, and has been doing so for 6 pages. There's no way someone goes all DAMN IT RESPECT ME ARRRR and fights their own poor sick mother over an episode of south park.



No, not in the least, this is damn funny stuff.
Amir0x said:
i'm not quite sure the difference between the end of 11th grade and the start of 12th grade signifies a massive shift in maturity toward fights, but I suppose I went to a different school.

sorry, i assumed it was earlier in HS, like freshman year, from the way you and your peers acted.

amir0x said:
uhm, it was my mom who reacted with violence toward words.

i was referring to your high school incident, and in general to situations with people and friends. this has gone beyond your mother, you have an anger issue that i am trying to help.

as far as your mother is concerned, shes your ****ing mother. whos mother hasnt beat their kids? that doesnt mean you grab her weakened-by-disease wrists and throw her down. shes your sick old mother!


Even after all this he still won't admit he's wrong, it's no wonder he's creating these problems for himself. His self-righteous attitude just makes him dig the hole deeper.

From the looks of it reasoning with Ami is impossible, his issues are deep-seeded. He seems to have a poor upbringing which is reflected in his character. Unfortunately, I don't think there is much that can be done for him. Psychiatric help might be in order, or at least some sort of counseling but those are decisions he will have to make and if he doesn't detect that anything is wrong then nothing will be fixed.
Run away amirox! I want to see a feature on you on America's Most wanted.

aeolist said:
Once my little sister slapped me across the face, so I beat her to death with a tire iron.

You have to draw the line someplace, right? I mean you can't just let people walk all over you. Now all my other family members are scared of being murdered, so I get tons of respect!

Dude that's totally horrible. I swore at my sister once because she bought her thief ass boyfriend over to my house. That guy was teaching her bad shit, like stealing gold from house and selling it at pawn shop for $$$. Tossed em both of the house, I got tons of respect from her after that.


Amir0x said:
The people trying to make it into that simply have no other recourse, because it's the funniest part of the situation. But it has nothing to do with South Park. It has to do with a lie, and then the violence that resulted from said lie.

And what came before the lie?

"wah, wah I'm watching south park"



JayDubya said:
Um. Perhaps you missed the part where his mother hit him?

Let's say Ami was being a total dick. Does that then give his mother the right to hit him? Absolutely not.

Sounds to me like amirox was being a total crybaby twit. And his mom knocked the shit out of him for it. Like she should have. Bravo, momma


Amir0x said:
This is what I am trying to figure out. What bit me in the ass? I had to take a bus ride back to my home. That is, in so many words, the worst of what happened to me. Even the state rejected my moms bullshit story and reasons for wanting me forceably held at the hospital.

All i got was some free cop rides, a lot of laughs, and the knowledge that my mom won't be hitting me again in the future.
You got arrested. You almost lost the right to see your sisters, which you were previously pretty upset over. Now that you got this back, there's still the factor of whatever order your mom has on you that can basically land you in jail the next time you piss her off. I'm assuming all this bothered you, otherwise you wouldn't have made a thread.


Boogie said:
you missed my point. She hit you because of words.

You hit LAN dude because of words.

Like mother....like son.

Dude, it was high school. I, like most others, can differentiate between TRUE immature dick waving and setting simple boundaries like "you don't slam a purse against my face after you just lied to me."

glimstemm said:
And what came before the lie?

"wah, wah I'm watching south park"


No, I walked upstairs annoyed. I went to my mother's room to continue watching it. She said I couldn't, my sister had the tv. That was not about South Park, it was about a lie. And then it was about the violence that she caused because of said lie. It's that simple. It has been said time and time again that this South Park shit was trivial bullshit - a dumb argument that many families get into all the time over whatever. It went past that with the lie and the violence. And the recourse is not to allow it to keep happening.


Amir0x do us a favor and don't blame videogames when this reaches the court and you want to bail out of the jail.


The best part is that it was her house, her TVs, and she was ****ing fixing him dinner. You make such a big deal about being an adult and not living with her anymore, then show her respect as a guest in her abode if not merely for being your mother.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Amir0x said:
I have a similar true story from high school. When I was in Monroe County Vocational Technical School, I was in the Computer Programming class. Our teacher was an asshat, and so he was oblivious to what we did. So we mostly played Quake all day long over LAN. One day after I was beating the opponents pretty badly, one of them began making insults toward my mom (how ironic now, huh!).

I walked across the room and threatened him to say it again. He did. I punched him in his face. Then his brother and his brothers best friend jumped into the fight, and we got into a big braul. I was taken to the office. Do you know what happened then? I had people routinely stopping by the office and giving me props for holding myself against three people. I didn't win the fight, but I stood my ground and the entire school give me props for it. It was near the end of the year, so I got suspended until next year. But I returned, and I returned with that respect. Nobody said shit about my mother again, save perhaps behind my back, but what can you do about that?

It works both ways. You cannot always let people walk all over you. You have to know when it is time to show someone you cannot cross a line. This wasn't about TV: that was an annoyance. It was about a lie, and a use of violence to try to get her point across. And that is where I said it was time to show that there are boundaries.

And I guarantee you, it won't happen again. Because the boundaries are now set and clear.

People are trying to make this about South Park, because it's an easy out for pussies. But it has nothing to do with that at all

One way to gain respect in the eyes of others is to show them that petty disputes don't faze you. A confident, level-headed guy using wit and misdirection to diffuse confrontations wins versus the emotionally unstable violent outburst guy who insists on verbal or physical escalation and hammurabi justice. You do have a choice in the matter, especially since this seems like a lifestyle choice (given your posture in this thread).


I dunno guys, maybe Amir0x has a point here.

I certainly don't see any way to defend myself from an old woman's purse without physically retraining her. Chuck Norris himself wouldn't know how to deal with that. That's just the ONLY OPTION.

Shame tactics? Blocking the pruse? Leaving? Not only does that make you a pussy (who would get his or her ass kicked by Ghandi, who was also a pussy, and was bullied and powerless for his entire life), but there would be NO WAY to avoid to insufferable pain of another blow from the anvil-purse!


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Drinky Crow said:
it's a bret easton ellis short minus the coke-fueled benders, the money, and the dumpster full of prostitute limbs.
:lol good show.


Like I said, even though I believe you aren't at fault, you should check into Anger Management just to prevent anything further.


Gruco said:
I dunno guys, maybe Amir0x has a point here.

I certainly don't see any way to defend myself from an old woman's purse without physically retraining her. Chuck Norris himself wouldn't know how to deal with that. That's just the ONLY OPTION.

Shame tactics? Blocking the pruse? Leaving? Not only does that make you a pussy (who would get his or her ass kicked by Ghandi, who was also a pussy, and was bullied and powerless for his entire life), but there would be NO WAY to avoid to insufferable pain of another blow from the anvil-purse!
I would have reacted the same way if my mom hit me. I've got a lot of issues with my mom as well. I think more people have a problem with how he handled the whole situation than anything.


Only assholes would attack an old lady for any reason.

It takes a certain brand of Asshole-son-of-a-bitch to attack their own MOTHER.


Doom_Bringer said:
Dude that's totally horrible. I swore at my sister once because she bought her thief ass boyfriend over to my house. That guy was teaching her bad shit, like stealing gold from house and selling it at pawn shop for $$$. Tossed em both of the house, I got tons of respect from her after that.

the other white meat

You have an interesting definition of "respect."


Mute said:
I would have reacted the same way if my mom hit me. I've got a lot of issues with my mom as well. I think more people have a problem with how he handled the whole situation than anything.

Indeed, his mom basically won the struggle by having the ability to send his ass to jail for 3 months and denying visitation privileges to his sisters.


EviLore said:
One way to gain respect in the eyes of others is to show them that petty disputes don't faze you. A confident, level-headed guy using wit and misdirection to diffuse confrontations wins versus the emotionally unstable violent outburst guy who insists on verbal or physical escalation and hammurabi justice. You do have a choice in the matter, especially since this seems like a lifestyle choice (given your posture in this thread).

I was ready to leave, until she hit me with a ****ing purse. That is what elevated it beyond a 'petty dispute.' I was angry at the lie, we argued a bit (like any family) but I was going to leave. She hit me with a purse. People are trying to downplay it 'oh poor sickly mother with Lupus, how could she possibly have done wrong', but violence is violence. I did not return with violence, I merely restrained her from using her purse against me again. That was my restraint. After that, after I stopped her, I did leave. She followed me downstairs with bullshit about this being the last time and that and that and she called the police and I had to wait around.
Amir0x said:
I was ready to leave, until she hit me with a ****ing purse. That is what elevated it beyond a 'petty dispute.' I was angry at the lie, we argued a bit (like any family) but I was going to leave. She hit me with a purse. People are trying to downplay it 'oh poor sickly mother with Lupus, how could she possibly have done wrong', but violence is violence. I did not return with violence, I merely restrained her from using her purse against me again. That was my restraint. After that, after I stopped her, I did leave. She followed me downstairs with bullshit about this being the last time and that and that and she called the police and I had to wait around.

so you argued like any family. wanna know something else?

your mother hit you. just like any other family!

but the difference is that with most sons, when we are hit we either apologize, walk away, get pissed off, or any combination of those three. but most sons NEVER EVER use force against their mother.

violence is violence? not really chico


Amir0x said:
I was ready to leave, until she hit me with a ****ing purse. That is what elevated it beyond a 'petty dispute.' I was angry at the lie, we argued a bit (like any family) but I was going to leave. She hit me with a purse. People are trying to downplay it 'oh poor sickly mother with Lupus, how could she possibly have done wrong', but violence is violence. I did not return with violence, I merely restrained her from using her purse against me again. That was my restraint. After that, after I stopped her, I did leave. She followed me downstairs with bullshit about this being the last time and that and that and she called the police and I had to wait around.

Then you yelled at the cops.

Man, face it. Even if we think you were right at grappling with your mother, you

-insulted the police.
-knowingly broke the law by violating the restraining order.

That wasn't mature at all. It was actually stupid and shows how crazy is your world view.


I had an Al Sharpton friend...Once! Well not a friend really, but we talked a few times. Well one time. Well I yelled out my window "GET OFF MY LAWN!"
Amir0x said:
I was ready to leave, until she hit me with a ****ing purse. That is what elevated it beyond a 'petty dispute.' I was angry at the lie, we argued a bit (like any family) but I was going to leave. She hit me with a purse. People are trying to downplay it 'oh poor sickly mother with Lupus, how could she possibly have done wrong', but violence is violence. I did not return with violence, I merely restrained her from using her purse against me again. That was my restraint. After that, after I stopped her, I did leave. She followed me downstairs with bullshit about this being the last time and that and that and she called the police and I had to wait around.

aaaaaaaaaaaa stop repeating the exact same thing over and over again. it's not that we don't understand what happened, it's just that we don't agree with you.

please log off and read the thread again after a couple of days, right now you're not seeing things as they are and we're not getting anywhere


Shut-up with that shit. There was nothing wrong with him restraining his mom, assuming that's all he did.

Francois the Great said:
but the difference is that with most sons, when we are hit we either apologize, walk away, get pissed off, or any combination of those three. but most sons NEVER EVER use force against their mother.

..? You're serious?


There is also that matter of Ami acting all like "Yo, the police don't deserve respect, I gotta act like a rebel in the name of ethics and testosterone." Seems like there was another point in this sordid story where Ami let his anger get the better of him.


Lets see...

Yelled and manhandled mother
Yelled at cops
Yelled at sister and fiance

Yep, biggest f*cker on the planet confirmed. Too bad your mom only got the one swing in. You deserved a few more.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
You should never mouth off to the cops. The cops could be 100% wrong....they're still right. My uncle is a police chief. The one lesson I learned from him (if anything) is that you don't interrupt a cop when they're speaking and you treat them with respect, even when they don't.

I dunno, maybe it is a bit submissive and maybe it is overly yielding to authority, but hey, I'd rather not have to go through what you did.


Amir0x said:
Mike Works may be the socially inept retard who sits around allowing his boss to jizz on his face and then stands proud in the McDonalds bathroom afterwards knowing he is the one with true respect, but I on the other hand take appropriate action when someone attacks me violently.

We went over this many times before...why must you bring this up again?

My advice is just to stay away from your mother (and the consequent of that is to stay away from the police).

Everyone makes mistakes, but the important thing is to admit a mistake and to learn from it (ie. don't do it again).

Nevermind the spat with your mom, I think the biggest mistake you made is when dealing with the Police. If she was lying, the Police could have figured it out. If you remain calm and rational, they'll listen to you and take your side.

But what's done is done...just avoid running into a similar situation in the future.

Secondly, don't mind what some of these people think. Everyone has their own issues and make their own mistakes, and the difference between you and them is that they didn't make it public.
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