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Sony announces PS4 Pro, $399, November 10th


i have an 2tb in my ps4 now, when i get my pro, can i just switch them, put the 2tb in the pro and the 1gb in the vanilla ps4?

I will have the pro in the living room and the ps4 in the bedroom as a "whenthelivingroomisoccopiedconsole"


i have an 2tb in my ps4 now, when i get my pro, can i just switch them, put the 2tb in the pro and the 1gb in the vanilla ps4?

I will have the pro in the living room and the ps4 in the bedroom as a "whenthelivingroomisoccopiedconsole"

Sure? Use the backup utility and hdd caddy to get info on the 1 tb drive. Take out both drives. 2tb in the new one...restore. Put the 1tb in the other and sell


My PS4 first gen launch system keeps spitting out (ejecting) discs in the middle of playing the game and then makes a bunch of sounds like it's continually trying to eject a disc that isn't there and won't accept discs back in when it gets like this.

So I guess I'm getting one of these things...


This would be my position if the added power only went towards HDR and 4k rendering, but the better running games on my 1080p set has me ready to commit day one. Plus after I sell my PS4 it'll be a relatively affordable upgrade.

It's this bit that makes it a bit of a no-brainer for me.

Incidentally, after having looked at the dimensions of this thing, I was pleasantly surprised to see that it is only slightly wider than the OG model; the depth and height are practically the same. It always looks so massive when I look at the press shots.


My PS4 first gen launch system keeps spitting out (ejecting) discs in the middle of playing the game and then makes a bunch of sounds like it's continually trying to eject a disc that isn't there and won't accept discs back in when it gets like this.

So I guess I'm getting one of these things...

That happens to a ton of people, including me. Have no freaking idea why but it's annoying. That combined with what I presume is overheating is why I want to unload the thing for a Pro before it completely craps out. Otherwise I'm not sure I would bother.
My PS4 first gen launch system keeps spitting out (ejecting) discs in the middle of playing the game and then makes a bunch of sounds like it's continually trying to eject a disc that isn't there and won't accept discs back in when it gets like this.

So I guess I'm getting one of these things...
Google it, I remember someone saying it was a problem with one of the feet continuously activating the eject button. Don't throw out a good console if there's an easy fix.
My PS4 first gen launch system keeps spitting out (ejecting) discs in the middle of playing the game and then makes a bunch of sounds like it's continually trying to eject a disc that isn't there and won't accept discs back in when it gets like this.

So I guess I'm getting one of these things...

open up the console and put a bit of tape on the metal eject contact to prevent that from happening. you can eject via software so no functionality is lost.

this video shows you what to do and it worked for me. the "rubber feet" or "screw turn" fixes are just placebos and the problem will return.



Lmao wtf is the idea behind getting something preordered with no intention of buying that stuff?

We've seen it with PSVR already.

Is it just to fuck with people who are not as quick to preorder and force them to wait in a line on Day 1?

I pre-ordered it due it to hype and in hopes that we'd get more info and more older games being supported. But so far as I said there's nothing really that warrants it for me day one (no 4K tv either). Games are missing, so I'll wait on reports from Digital Foundry and the likes.

I can cancel my pre-order anytime, there's no down payment.
i have an 2tb in my ps4 now, when i get my pro, can i just switch them, put the 2tb in the pro and the 1gb in the vanilla ps4?

I will have the pro in the living room and the ps4 in the bedroom as a "whenthelivingroomisoccopiedconsole"

Switch them, as in hot swap it straight to the pro without wiping and formatting it first? No, I'm pretty sure that won't work.


When will we start getting more info about noise, heat, performance and so on?

I'm going to buy it because I sold my original PS4 but I'm curious anyway
Guys what is the latest consensus on buying a PS4 Pro for use with a 1080p TV? Big jump over OG PS4 or no?

I've been wondering the same. I'm probably going to jump in with the 4k+hdr crowd sometime next year instead of this year, so I'm going to definitely need that incentive to buy into the pro this November. I hope they release some more info sometime soon regarding 1080p support and how extensive it will be.

Guess Who

Hoping there's some good trade-in deals for these. Currently looks like GameStop will give me $150 for my OG 500GB PS4, but if they push that to $200 as a promo I might bite.
I've been wondering the same. I'm probably going to jump in with the 4k+hdr crowd sometime next year instead of this year, so I'm going to definitely need that incentive to buy into the pro this November. I hope they release some more info sometime soon regarding 1080p support and how extensive it will be.

I just find it so weird that there isn't an obvious answer to this question already. On a 1080p TV the PS4 Pro is presumably capable of pushing IQ not far off what you'd expect of a PS5, but so far all I've seen is "slightly higher fps" "maybe a few bells and whistles here and there" and supersampling.

Maybe those 3 things do actually amount of a near generational leap in IQ? Or maybe they will not feel worthy of the upgrade at all?

Just need to know before I can pre-order...


I just find it so weird that there isn't an obvious answer to this question already. On a 1080p TV the PS4 Pro is presumably capable of pushing IQ not far off what you'd expect of a PS5, but so far all I've seen is "slightly higher fps" "maybe a few bells and whistles here and there" and supersampling.

Maybe those 3 things do actually amount of a near generational leap in IQ? Or maybe they will not feel worthy of the upgrade at all?

Just need to know before I can pre-order...
I think the reality is that generations are becoming just incremental upgrades. In this case its a console being released halfway through a console lifecycle to provide some additional advancements to improve gameplay. Do you care about consistent 1080p 60fps and the opportunity to play in 4k someday. If not then you wont be any worse off holding off for the inevitable PS5.
I just find it so weird that there isn't an obvious answer to this question already. On a 1080p TV the PS4 Pro is presumably capable of pushing IQ not far off what you'd expect of a PS5, but so far all I've seen is "slightly higher fps" "maybe a few bells and whistles here and there" and supersampling.

Maybe those 3 things do actually amount of a near generational leap in IQ? Or maybe they will not feel worthy of the upgrade at all?

Just need to know before I can pre-order...

The PS4 Pro is only 2 (right?) times as powerful than the PS4, while generational leaps are usually in the order of 8 times as powerful, I believe. So it's not really all that close to what a generational leap should look like.

The real question is though, what are the baked in benefits if there are any (higher framerate, constant 1080p instead of the game sometimes dropping resolution, maybe automatic downsampling or something?). And what we really need to know is how many developers are actively working on a 1080p mode. If they don't come out with this kind of news, I'll probably have to wait a while before I buy into the actual console :/ I just wish they'd share something more concrete! I mean, you'd like to think that given that Crystal Dynamics of all studios is putting in the effort on such extensive 1080p modes, that the first party studios will as well, but we don't even know that much.


open up the console and put a bit of tape on the metal eject contact to prevent that from happening. you can eject via software so no functionality is lost.

this video shows you what to do and it worked for me. the "rubber feet" or "screw turn" fixes are just placebos and the problem will return.

This doesn't always work for all consoles. Attempted both fixes and it the issue continued. Ended up selling mine. Also really glad they went back to actual power & eject buttons.


Epic games paragon not only goes from 900p/60fps on PS4 to 1080p/60fps on PS4 Pro, but it has a huge laundry list of improvements:


"Supporting PS4 Pro for enhanced 1080p is as easy as enabling the support in the Sony publishing tools," according to Marcus Wassmer, Epic’s core rendering team lead.

"Unreal Engine 4.13 is already fully capable of taking advantage from that perspective. Doing this will give you an immediate large performance boost on a title running on PS4 Pro. What you choose to do with the extra performance is totally up to you."

For Paragon on PS4 Pro, Epic has added dynamic lighting along with enhanced geometry and scene complexity. The game also utilizes new volumetric effects such as light shafts and fog; motion blur; enhanced HLOD (hierarchical level of detail) and increased view distance; screen space reflections; contact shadows; procedural grass; and advanced light bloom.

"From a rendering perspective, it lets us more closely realize our vision for the game by reducing the number of compromises we have to make for performance."

Paragon will run at 1080p and 60fps on PS4 Pro, while it's offered at 900p on regular PlayStation 4

Keep in mind this is UE4 we are talking about. One of the most widely used 3rd party Middleware suites out there. The developer lists Thirteen new graphics features for Pro, all the while increasing resolution from 900p to 1080p and holding a 60fps framerate!

Think of it this way; in terms of graphics power, here are the 4 consoles

On a scale of 1 to 100 with 100 being best

Xbox One S= 13
PS4 =18.4
PS4 Pro =42
Xbox One Scorpio =60(estimated)

I am expecting some very noticeable (though not earth shattering) improvements on both Pro and Scorpio on 1080p TVs.

There are clearly two tiers of consoles here with Pro/Scorpio on one side and XB1/PS4 on the other.
Join the club.

I've found my people.

Don't worry guys, I'm bringing the nachos.

I took an extended warrantly with my day one PS4, and my friend (who's working in that store) told me that i should try to "break" my PS4 so i can use the warrantly to get a PS4 Pro... I'm tempted.


Anyone think there will be trade in deals for the old ps4 towards the Pro before release?
Its actually not looking like it right now the OG ps4 price has tanked at all of our stores there offering between $125 and $100 depending on which one you have the $25 difference for the 1TB system is complete and utter bullshit. I think were doing a 20% or more bonus for the system if its traded directly for a pro but that's still bullshit at $100....... probably shouldn't be venting on here but I'm pretty pissed with what's happening with some of the new policies in the pipeline. The whole early enlisters editions and the hike in season passes as well as the dumb ass preorder incentives are really starting to get to me...... If you all knew what was on the way. Early enlisters is going to become a thing so were talking $80 dollars minimum for games three days early if that and a hike in season passes $60 for certain games and if they don't do that there talking about multiple season passes at $40 a pop and up to 4 season passes. .......


I mean, it's just a PS4 and not a new, new, console launch (I'm hype tho).

I was expecting Sony to send units to selected game-sites and bloggers, for them to post previews, impressions and comparisons. The usual things these days, to keep PS4 Pro in view for the internet. At least they should do that starting next week or so.


Epic games paragon not only goes from 900p/60fps on PS4 to 1080p/60fps on PS4 Pro, but it has a huge laundry list of improvements:


Keep in mind this is UE4 we are talking about. One of the most widely used 3rd party Middleware suites out there. The developer lists Thirteen new graphics features for Pro, all the while increasing resolution from 900p to 1080p and holding a 60fps framerate!

Think of it this way; in terms of graphics power, here are the 4 consoles

On a scale of 1 to 100 with 100 being best

Xbox One S= 13
PS4 =18.4
PS4 Pro =42
Xbox One Scorpio =60(estimated)

I am expecting some very noticeable (though not earth shattering) improvements on both Pro and Scorpio on 1080p TVs.

There are clearly two tiers of consoles here with Pro/Scorpio on one side and XB1/PS4 on the other.

Idk, the cpu in these consoles play a big part.

If 100 = 6950x + Titan XP + 32gb.

I guess the scale would be

XB1s = 10
PS4 = 15
PS4 = 25
XBS = 35
Epic games paragon not only goes from 900p/60fps on PS4 to 1080p/60fps on PS4 Pro, but it has a huge laundry list of improvements:


Keep in mind this is UE4 we are talking about. One of the most widely used 3rd party Middleware suites out there. The developer lists Thirteen new graphics features for Pro, all the while increasing resolution from 900p to 1080p and holding a 60fps framerate!

Think of it this way; in terms of graphics power, here are the 4 consoles

On a scale of 1 to 100 with 100 being best

Xbox One S= 13
PS4 =18.4
PS4 Pro =42
Xbox One Scorpio =60(estimated)

I am expecting some very noticeable (though not earth shattering) improvements on both Pro and Scorpio on 1080p TVs.

There are clearly two tiers of consoles here with Pro/Scorpio on one side and XB1/PS4 on the other.

This makes enabling PS4 Pro specific upgrades sound absurdly easy.

All devs have to do is check a box for improved resolution? Fuck, if devs across the board just did that, or improved the framerate, or downsampled to 1080p, I'd be super happy.

Please update Bloodborne and Dark Souls III, MIyazaki!


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
This makes enabling PS4 Pro specific upgrades sound absurdly easy.

All devs have to do is check a box for improved resolution? Fuck, if devs across the board just did that, or improved the framerate, or downsampled to 1080p, I'd be super happy.

Please update Bloodborne and Dark Souls III, MIyazaki!

I guess it has to do with the engine in question too. Unreal is a scaleable engine designed to work on low-end to high end hardware due to it being cross platform and widely available for PC gaming usage.

In cases like that they probably would have an easier time 'checking boxes' to enable more bells and whistles.
Its actually not looking like it right now the OG ps4 price has tanked at all of our stores there offering between $125 and $100 depending on which one you have the $25 difference for the 1TB system is complete and utter bullshit. I think were doing a 20% or more bonus for the system if its traded directly for a pro but that's still bullshit at $100....... probably shouldn't be venting on here but I'm pretty pissed with what's happening with some of the new policies in the pipeline. The whole early enlisters editions and the hike in season passes as well as the dumb ass preorder incentives are really starting to get to me...... If you all knew what was on the way. Early enlisters is going to become a thing so were talking $80 dollars minimum for games three days early if that and a hike in season passes $60 for certain games and if they don't do that there talking about multiple season passes at $40 a pop and up to 4 season passes. .......

I will never pay for early access and rarely buy a season pass.


Was really hoping for some kind of GameStop or Best Buy console trade-up program for the PS4 Pro so I could unload my launch PS4 and Xbox One to take a big chunk out of the price. Guess I'll have to deal with the choppy waters of eBay and hope that scumbags don't ruin my listings with fake bids or canceling after the auction ends, or worse, chargebacks.
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