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Sony E3 Conference 2015

What do you want from Sony's E3?

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This backwards compatibility seems like the same half baked shit they did on 360 for the original xbox. People will forget about this in a weeks time.


The level of saltiness in this thread is laughable. I am done with this. Sony did a great job and they had a CLEARLY better conference than MS. Now let's see what Nintendo has to offer.
Backwards compatibility is a big deal and we would be better off if Sony had it also.

I dont think is possible on ps4. Ps3 architecture is too complicated.
but i hope microsofts move forces sony to rethink its psnow pricing.

Ps4 could detect original ps3 discs and they function as a pass for a free psnow version of the game.


I'm not sure what difference is makes if a game isnt coming until 2016 or 2017 in terms of how good a conference is. Games get announced early at E3 all the time, it's nothing new. Just the fact that these games got announced at all is huge. Everyone had written off TLG as dead, FF7 remake and Shenmue III are enthusiast dream titles for 10+ years. These were legit megatons.

They are megatons, all of them. But they're also years away.

Enthusiasts will love that they are coming out. Cynics will say Sony used them to distract attention from a poor fall lineup.


Xbox conference really wasn't that bad. I'll give Sony a 9 for the conference Xbox a 7.

It was good conference but it needed newer ips imo. Relying on the same shooters a game that's a timed exclusive and a almost bi-yearly released racing game was bleh. Halo 5 looks nice. The core game looked cool but it was cgi. 30 retro games is fantastic and. The great implementation of backwards compatibility.

Still Sony was better and with all the exclusive games revealed it seemed like the 3rd party deals was the icing on the cake.

I don't think Bethesda's conference was good. Yay fallout, but that DOOM game lookedike crap to me honestly. The only thing that interested me about it was the map creator other than that it was definition of generic. 6/10 for Bathesda

Even me being a Nintendo fan I dont think they'll deliver. Max im seeing is a 7/10 for there conference. Unless quite a few megatons dropped.


It kinda is at this point.

My innitial reaction was "holy shit" (it really was, look it up) but after thinking about it it really is two years or at the very least one year too late.

Yep, the first year of a new console is when BC really matters. For me at least, there are lots of new games coming monthly that I'm interested in and I have a backlog. I'm not realistically going to throw in a 360 or PS3 game at this point and waste my limited play time on something I've already played. That first year drought time is when it's a big deal. IMO.
"Last Guardian's BACK FROM THE DEAD, FF7 Remake CONFIRMED, NEW SHENMUE, New Uncharted, New VR shit, no sports, Santa Claus is real, he's in our booth, and he's giving out fucking handjobs.

Sony bitches! We out!" *drops mic*

Sony's E3 2015 conference in a nutshell.


Neo Member
I dont think is possible on ps4. Ps3 architecture is too complicated.
but i hope microsofts move forces sony to rethink its psnow pricing.

Ps4 could detect original ps3 discs and they function as a pass for a free psnow version of the game.

Yeah exactly would love that. Or even the PS+ game catalogue I've built up could be integrated into PS now. The idea of MS making this happen is good and I think it will have a knock on effect with the PS4/Ps Now.


thanks for the laugh
I think Sony took the right route with the E3 Conference. This is everything we've always wanted from an E3 conference - a hype promise of what is to come, not necessarily what is coming THIS YEAR. They showed future exclusives, polished deals for one of the biggest years for 3rd party franchises, and satisfied gaf dreams of legend.

i want a tangible and demonstrable vision of what's to come. something like the half life 2 reveal which sketched out a mechanical blueprint that would move the industry forward, rather than a fanboy baiting throwback, which arrived some uninspiring gameplay at best and a kickstarter announcement at worst.

the mere announcement of half life 3 would do very little for me, if it just came with a CG trailer it would seem like they're actively taking the piss. its announcement coupled with a similarly revelatory demo as they showed for half life 2 is what would be required for me to start gushing like has been in vogue since approximately 3am last night.

you say it's the promise of what's to come, but it looks suspiciously like sony are grasping back to the past, with very little to show for it at present.
Watched the conference. That was something else. What a spectacle.

Also, the Uncharted demonstration has me leaning towards getting a PS4 earlier than expected.


lol how can you say Microsoft had a better conf when the only highlights were Backwards compatibility and the new controller ? come on, Microsoft has nothing besides Halo, Gears and Forza, those games are cool but Microsoft need to do more.

What rare has become at this point is a joke, just close the studio.


This conference was just amazing for the hopes and dreams. Last Guardian, FF7 remake, Shenmue fucking 3 which of course will get funded now. Guerrillas new IP also looked amazing and full gameplay.

Are we sure it was not a simulation in Media Molecules dream game :p

Is Shenmue 3 and FF7 confirmed console exclusives?
FF7 was just first on PS4. Shenmue appears to be console exclusive on PS4.


They are megatons, all of them. But they're also years away.

Enthusiasts will love that they are coming out. Cynics will say Sony used them to distract attention from a poor fall lineup.

I don't think that's being cynical, I think it's realistic. Sony really doesn't have shit to sell us this fall, and they had to show *something*, even if TLG looks like shit, Shenmue doesn't exist, and FF7 is a remake of an ancient JRPG. All three games are at least 18 months out, and that's being very generous.

That said, the third party stuff like Fallout 4 and Battlefront is legit; since Sony is the marketshare leader, they can probably coast by this fall. The luxury of being #1, yo.

The "salt" comments are ridiculous, BTW. Some of us here have been playing videogames since the birth of the medium, and there's a maturity that comes along with that (i.e., not all of us break out the lotion and start going to town every time the hype train fires up). Particularly when it comes to Sony announcements; they are not a pub known for short lead times between game announcements and actual releases.


Conference was pretty incredible. There was a nice lack of snooze moments, and some huge megatons. Still, kind of disappointing that the fall lineup is barebones, but there are enough amazing multiplats to get us by
The level of saltiness in this thread is laughable. I am done with this. Sony did a great job and they had a CLEARLY better conference than MS. Now let's see what Nintendo has to offer.

You need to understand how opinion work. While I have always prefer Sony's line up over Microsoft's(not a fan of FPS), there are people who do not care about Shenmue or TLG as much as you do and like Microsoft's line up better.
People saying Sony's games are way out....ms showed games they gave been showing since 2013..... the new ip was nothing but cgi and a pirate mmo we have no idea when it will be out...
Great show (at least the first half), somewhat disappointingly short on Morpheus stuff though.

Horizon looks absolutely amazing, Dreams looked insane and wonderful, No Man's Sky is the real deal and The Last Guardian seems like it's pretty much exactly what I want. Good stuff. Can't wait to play it all.

I'm no doubt in the minority, especially considering I'm on gaf, but the only reason I enjoyed the FF7 and Shenmue bombs was the meltdowns in real time from fans (and I'm happy for you), and that it will finally stop the constant nagging for them to happen.
i want a tangible and demonstrable vision of what's to come. something like the half life 2 reveal which sketched out a mechanical blueprint that would move the industry forward, rather than a fanboy baiting throwback, which arrived some uninspiring gameplay at best and a kickstarter announcement at worst.

the mere announcement of half life 3 would do very little for me, if it just came with a CG trailer it would seem like they're actively taking the piss. its announcement coupled with a similarly revelatory demo as they showed for half life 2 is what would be required for me to start gushing like has been in vogue since approximately 3am last night.

you say it's the promise of what's to come, but it looks suspiciously like sony are grasping back to the past, with very little to show for it at present.

This is true for any normal game I'd like to look forward to. Need more than just announcement and CG trailer to get hyped.

However, what you're dealing with here are games that might as well be described as mythical. The mere knowledge that they exist / will be made is obviously enough to make people lose their shit. This is natural. This stuff is magical by default.


I don't think that's being cynical, I think it's realistic. Sony really doesn't have shit to sell us this fall, and they had to show *something*, even if TLG looks like shit, Shenmue doesn't exist, and FF7 is a remake of an ancient JRPG. All three games are at least 18 months out, and that's being very generous.

That said, the third party stuff like Fallout 4 and Battlefront is legit; since Sony is the marketshare leader, they can probably coast by this fall. The luxury of being #1, yo.

The "salt" comments are ridiculous, BTW. Some of us here have been playing videogames since the birth of the medium, and there's a maturity that comes along with that (i.e., not all of us break out the lotion and start going to town every time the hype train fires up). Particularly when it comes to Sony announcements; they are not a pub known for short lead times between game announcements and actual releases.

GTFO with that bullshit.


I was worried I wouldn't get to see this because of my awful internet situation, but gladly at 2am in the morning I was able to load a 144p stream.

Purely as a spectacle it's probably one of the best conferences I've seen, and it did maticulously hard work (through general announcement hype) covering the cracks of their upcoming release schedule for this year. I wonder what investors will make of that.


This conference wasn't just full of Megatons, One of these for me had a greater impact even, it was actually stronger than a megaton. It was a Teraton. T_T


GTFO with that bullshit.

Thanks for this well reasoned rebuttal to my opinion. Are you going to fish through my post history next to determine my console "loyalty", or did you do this already and are you disappointed I have and regularly play both an Xbox One and PS4?
I wasn't impressed with the PS show to be honest the only thing that looked remotely interesting was horizon. TLG, Shenmue and FFVII dont interest me in the slightest. I have both Xbone and PS4 and was hoping to go PS4 only but not on this showing.

Pretty convinced TLG will end up being a disaster.
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