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Sony E3 press conference; June 10th 6PM PT/9PM ET

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5 Days to go. We're almost there! Thought I'd come up with a list of 10 topics (one per day) we can all post about until E3 gets here.

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Your favorite moment involving Playstation. Doesn't have to be related to a specific game. For example, my best memory:

Pick 1 moment/memory.

hmm tough one but I think it must be playing God of War 1 for the first time. I was mainly a PC gamer back then but damn man....that game just blew my mind. Fighting those Hydra heads were crazy fun. Loved it
This one is easy for me. While there are a lot of PS memories during the PSOne and PS2 days to choose from, I'm going to go with the PS3 memory.

I was just 17 and about a month away from the MGS4 ps3 bundle's release date. I've always been a giant MGS fan and I had never had a ps3 before, so I was working a part time job waiting tables and saving up for the MGS4 Bundle. Well, one day, I spilled hot coffee all over my right foot which caused third degree burns and an awful hospital trip. After that, I was confined to crutches and unable to walk. I didn't care. I forced my managers to let me do small jobs around the restaurant/theater in order to save up enough to get the bundle at launch. I would sit in a chair and pour drinks for the other waiters and sell tickets. I was in so much pain, but when the day finally came, I took a week off from the job and played my brand new ps3 every single day. It was the first time I had ever bought anything that big for myself.

that...is fucking awesome :D


5 Days to go. We're almost there! Thought I'd come up with a list of 10 topics (one per day) we can all post about until E3 gets here.

#10 is here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=60329837&postcount=6982
#9 is here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=60528001&postcount=7732
#8 is here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=60694437&postcount=8465
#7 is here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=60887865&postcount=9407
#6 is here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=61103593&postcount=10360

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Your favorite moment involving Playstation. Doesn't have to be related to a specific game. For example, my best memory:

I was eight years old and had never had a console or gaming system at all in my life. Always saw them at friends' houses and stuff. Then one day on my birthday my parents bring home this big box labeled 'PlayStation'. I was so much in disbelief that I honestly thought they bought me a large chocolate bar in the shape of PlayStation 1. And I was hyped as shit for that! I tear through the package and lo and behold, a real life PS1. I died :p

Pick 1 moment/memory.

Favorite memory? I have a so many from all three consoles. If I had to pick one that stands out, it would have to be when my girlfriend and I broke up via telephone senior year while I was finishing MGS3. I ended up having to call her back because I couldn't listen to her and watch that god-tier ending.

It's a memory that makes some of my friends laugh to this day.


5 Days to go. We're almost there! Thought I'd come up with a list of 10 topics (one per day) we can all post about until E3 gets here.

#10 is here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=60329837&postcount=6982
#9 is here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=60528001&postcount=7732
#8 is here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=60694437&postcount=8465
#7 is here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=60887865&postcount=9407
#6 is here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=61103593&postcount=10360

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Your favorite moment involving Playstation. Doesn't have to be related to a specific game. For example, my best memory:

I was eight years old and had never had a console or gaming system at all in my life. Always saw them at friends' houses and stuff. Then one day on my birthday my parents bring home this big box labeled 'PlayStation'. I was so much in disbelief that I honestly thought they bought me a large chocolate bar in the shape of PlayStation 1. And I was hyped as shit for that! I tear through the package and lo and behold, a real life PS1. I died :p

Pick 1 moment/memory.

My favorite moment would have to be stopping by Babbages after school to pick up my reserved copy of FFVII day 1. Coming home and putting it in and not putting the controller down till way into the evening (don't remember the exact time)... I was very very tired at school the next day, but man was it worth it.


My favorite memory is my first playststion console.

It was my birthday, (well the birthday party) and mailman knocks in door and leaves a package.

Well inside was a psone!!!
Apparently my mom had won a runner up prize in Pepsi's home sweepstakes, and it was a playststion!!
Next day I went and got Spyro 2 and a memory card with a toys r us gift card


favorite PS memory...click my tag. love me some playstation since day 1

EDIT K thats not my faovirte....probably the day I got a PS2...story also in tag
Yes, that's what the person who recommended it to me said. Planning to at least start it before a little trip with my family.

it's one LONG ASS GAME BRO. But yes your friend steered you the right direction. It's not even opinion. It's factually the best one.


it's one LONG ASS GAME BRO. But yes your friend steered you the right direction. It's not even opinion. It's factually the best one.

I'm used to it :) Most of my backlog consists of RPGs at the moment and I'm unsure if I'll ever make it through them all. Good to hear though.


Ahhhh, you jus reminded me, playing Tekken 3 and late Tekken 6 with my brother and dad. My dad love spamming and it's so funny when he plays as bob and keeps doing that stomach bash move. Playing through the Tekken 3 adventure mode and actually beating it was one my greatest accomplishments ever. I found it to be extremely difficult and frustrating. Do you remember that?

Hooooo yeah, that was freaking hard. I did it as Jin IIRC.


5 Days to go. We're almost there! Thought I'd come up with a list of 10 topics (one per day) we can all post about until E3 gets here.

#10 is here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=60329837&postcount=6982
#9 is here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=60528001&postcount=7732
#8 is here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=60694437&postcount=8465
#7 is here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=60887865&postcount=9407
#6 is here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=61103593&postcount=10360

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Your favorite moment involving Playstation. Doesn't have to be related to a specific game. For example, my best memory:

I was eight years old and had never had a console or gaming system at all in my life. Always saw them at friends' houses and stuff. Then one day on my birthday my parents bring home this big box labeled 'PlayStation'. I was so much in disbelief that I honestly thought they bought me a large chocolate bar in the shape of PlayStation 1. And I was hyped as shit for that! I tear through the package and lo and behold, a real life PS1. I died :p

Pick 1 moment/memory.

Hmm, tough question. I think it would be from the PSX or PS2 era. For the former, when my brother and me were at my friend's. He was playing final fantasy VIII, and we were helping him with advices, noting things etc. One was playing, still three enjoyed the game. Or on psx it could be Team Buddies, or Hogs Of War. For PS2, easy. The moment when I first fired up that baby and watched the Jak&Daxter trailer on the bundled demo disk.
5 Days to go. We're almost there! Thought I'd come up with a list of 10 topics (one per day) we can all post about until E3 gets here.

#10 is here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=60329837&postcount=6982
#9 is here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=60528001&postcount=7732
#8 is here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=60694437&postcount=8465
#7 is here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=60887865&postcount=9407
#6 is here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=61103593&postcount=10360

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Your favorite moment involving Playstation. Doesn't have to be related to a specific game. For example, my best memory:

I was eight years old and had never had a console or gaming system at all in my life. Always saw them at friends' houses and stuff. Then one day on my birthday my parents bring home this big box labeled 'PlayStation'. I was so much in disbelief that I honestly thought they bought me a large chocolate bar in the shape of PlayStation 1. And I was hyped as shit for that! I tear through the package and lo and behold, a real life PS1. I died :p

Pick 1 moment/memory.

Playing Crash Bandicoot
Favorite Playstation moment: Buying Tekken 3 and unlocking all characters. Since our city was prone to power outage, it was a waiting game until all gets wiped out.

No memory card. Pure gaming. Skipped school for a few days to enjoy the hell outta that game.


Hey, I was wondering last night about the conference, and played with the thought of my perfect, goosebumping, jaw-dropping ps4 game announcement. Does anyone else have the same kind of "dream announcement". Imagine a trailer of it, how would it go, what would be the reaction of the press? Describe that scene here.

(I know it's just wishful thinking, but it's a good way to raise the hype. :)


#5: I was always a Sega kid and loved my Saturn with reverence, fueled in no small way by the excellent UK Sega Saturn Magazine (which was edited by Digital Foundry's Rich Leadbetter, for those that don't already know - he had a thing for Virtua Fighter 2 back in the day).

I had played various PSX games and enjoyed them however, but it was FF7 which really broke me. As with many, it was my first RPG and I was mesmorised by the scale. Playing through Midgar was fun and I thought the characters were pretty cool. Music was awesome too. But the real breakthrough came with (as many others have stated over the years) when you got to the end of Midgar and boom, here's the world for you to explore. I just didn't see it coming. The scale was something I had never personally seen before in games, particularly coming from a Sega/arcadey background. It blew my mind. Then of course there was the Aeries/ith moment which came like a hammer blow to my early teen and much less cynical self.

The whole game from start to finish was my first truly special PS experience, particularly the Midgar/world transition and I hold it up there with the best moments on any console.



Favourite Playstation memory?

To discover the Sony (well, they still were Psygnosis) awesomeness with Wipeout : this unique artstyle, this music style and gameplay concept. Then it was repeated with Parappa and others.

This guys always supported innovative and creative stuff from the start. Something that is really appreciated from someone who plays since 25+ years ago.


#5 - My favourite memory is finally beating my brother on ISS Pro'98. It took me three months but I finally scraped a 2-1 win against him. He is such a bad loser that the victory was even sweeter.


trying to catch up in the MS E3 thread and it is kind of funny on how much the most stalwart xbox fans have adopted the Wii U defense tactic.
This one is easy for me. While there are a lot of PS memories during the PSOne and PS2 days to choose from, I'm going to go with the PS3 memory.

I was just 17 and about a month away from the MGS4 ps3 bundle's release date. I've always been a giant MGS fan and I had never had a ps3 before, so I was working a part time job waiting tables and saving up for the MGS4 Bundle. Well, one day, I spilled hot coffee all over my right foot which caused third degree burns and an awful hospital trip. After that, I was confined to crutches and unable to walk. I didn't care. I forced my managers to let me do small jobs around the restaurant/theater in order to save up enough to get the bundle at launch. I would sit in a chair and pour drinks for the other waiters and sell tickets. I was in so much pain, but when the day finally came, I took a week off from the job and played my brand new ps3 every single day. It was the first time I had ever bought anything that big for myself.

wow that's a pretty awesome story! I really liked it : )


trying to catch up in the MS E3 thread and it is kind of funny on how much the most stalwart xbox fans have adopted the Wii U defense tactic.

It's kinda sad imo. The hype of xbox fans before the event was a glorious thing. Now it's just...

I hope on the MS conference they'll get what they really deserve. Games.
trying to catch up in the MS E3 thread and it is kind of funny on how much the most stalwart xbox fans have adopted the Wii U defense tactic.

tis true, I lot of them have already made the full transition

unbelievable considering it wasn't that long ago the Nextbox was rumored to be more powerful. Seeing hopes and dreams crushed like that have been quite the sight. I mean I knew MS wasn't going to blow Sony away like they wanted but, not like this, not like this at all


Oh yes Kara. Too bad it's tech demo. I still hope they'll make a game from this.

though I really do not care for their games..... (overrated, good animation and gfx does not beat bad writing and acting...)

There may be one countdown gif Easter egg already posted OR in the remaining days ahead... But it's really really obscure that it's not worth talking about until a few years time. And it's not as simple as the game footage used being the gif ;P

Anyway, I don't want to tease and get banned so let's get back to E3 2013


but probably not....


The weekend MGS2 came out in the UK, me and my best friend caught the bus to town, and tried to buy it from three different shops, and none of them would sell it to us because we were too young, then we went to a shop where I happened to know one of the women who worked there, and she sold us a copy. On the way back to his house we bumped into a few other friends, and we all went to his, then me and him played thru the game, switching over any time either of us died. I was so tired when the game started freaking out. It was an amazing experience, and remains my finest PlayStation memory.


My favorite memory was the day I bought Soul Edge. I found it used at a local video rental store in Cornwall, ON. I used to stop by that store on my way home from school when I had money. This was all before I went online to look up videogame reviews so I bought it not knowing what to expect. What I got was my favorite fighter of the PSX era. Spent the next Saturday just playing the single player mode which was very substantial for a fighting game.

Loved those opening and ending themes too.


Playing GT 2/3 24h races with one of my friends (every pitstop we switched).... getting up to get something a few minutes before the end and tripping over the power cord. Bwhahaha. the rage was quite memorable. And it seemed every kid in the city was a soul calibour II semipro.. what matches we had. Never had so much fun again with a fighter.

edit : ohgod yes, Destruction Derby was insane. but my rowdy friend was definitely better at this carnage than me hehe


So I guess it's safe to assume that will be seeing a Final Fantasy title at Sony's conference? So If that title would happens to be Versus, Do you guys think it'll be a 2013 release or a 2014 release?

I know SE also got Lighting Returns, FF XIV:A Realm Reborn, & FFX/X-2 HD set for later this year too, but I hope SE has something for early PS4 adopters and that after 7 years, Versus is ready to be release on either PS3 or PS4 this year.
But If it's a 2014 PS4 release tho, man, I think can wait on picking up a PS4 and just continue gaming on my PS3 for 2013.
So I guess it's safe to assume that will be seeing a Final Fantasy title at Sony's conference? So If that title would happens to be Versus, Do you guys think it'll be a 2013 release or a 2014 release?

I know SE also got Lighting Returns, FF XIV:A Realm Reborn, & FFX/X-2 HD set for later this year too, but I hope SE has something for early PS4 adopters and that after 7 years, Versus is ready to be release on either PS3 or PS4 this year.
But If it's a 2014 PS4 release tho, man, I think can wait on picking up a PS4 and just continue gaming on my PS3 for 2013.

March 2014. It will kill during the post holiday lull.


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I've answered each question so far. This one, though, impossible. I own a PS1, PS2, PS3, PSP and a Vita. I can't single out just one memory!


5 Days to go. We're almost there! Thought I'd come up with a list of 10 topics (one per day) we can all post about until E3 gets here.

#10 is here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=60329837&postcount=6982
#9 is here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=60528001&postcount=7732
#8 is here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=60694437&postcount=8465
#7 is here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=60887865&postcount=9407
#6 is here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=61103593&postcount=10360

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Your favorite moment involving Playstation. Doesn't have to be related to a specific game. For example, my best memory:

I was eight years old and had never had a console or gaming system at all in my life. Always saw them at friends' houses and stuff. Then one day on my birthday my parents bring home this big box labeled 'PlayStation'. I was so much in disbelief that I honestly thought they bought me a large chocolate bar in the shape of PlayStation 1. And I was hyped as shit for that! I tear through the package and lo and behold, a real life PS1. I died :p

Pick 1 moment/memory.

One that sticks out was the PS2 launch. I was 18 at the time, I remember when it was first announced I started putting away NZ$20 a week to save up for launch. Every now and then I'd pop into Gamestation in Christchurch to put the money I'd saved down. I seen Outcast running on PC one time and remember seeing the mouths of the characters were moving when talking, that shit was blowing my mind so I asked one of the owners there if the PS2 would be powerful enough to do that, to my excitement he said yes, lol.

Come midnight launch, I finished work and played some N64 until about 9pm. It was such a clear night I decided to walk from my house to the store (45min walk), I think I got there at about 10:30pm. I was the first one there so I decided to sit about 100 meters away and wait there until more people arrived, I didn't want to be first lol. I waited for about 10 people to arrive before I joined the line. I remember there were shortages but I was told I was guaranteed one a few days earlier, I walk into the store and see a wall of PS2's stacked behind the counter, I'd saved NZ$1200, enough for the console and 2 games...yeah...$1200 got me a PS2 and 2 games. Anyway I ended up grabbing Tekken Tag Tournament and SSX, got home and played that shit all night. Pretty awesome couple of launch titles to introduce me to a new gen.
Favourite PS memory must be me getting PS2+Kingdom Hearts as a birthday present. Dem graphics destroying my old ass PC and PS1.

And of course KH happened to become perhaps my favourite PS2 game. Also it was the first DVD player we had so that was supercool. Dat FOTR extended edition.


I was going to say Kingdom Hearts as well. Back then, my parents had this strict rule of only allowing me to borrow or rent games (they thought it was more cost effective). I had to literally beg for Kingdom Hearts after playing it at a friend's place and I was so enamoured by how well all the Disney worlds gelled together.

While it is certainly one of my favourite franchises, now I kind of have a love-hate relationship with it. Since Nomura got carried away with it and put it out on so many platforms, I still haven't to this day played 358/2 Days or DDD.



Best Playstation memory was playing Tomb Raider 2 with a friend non-stop for 12 hours.It was my first Playstation game,the game that actually brought me back to games after i have stopped playing for 5-6 years.It was also my first 3D game which at that time was something really incredible.Too bad they don't make games like that anymore,the last TR game was a joke. :(

One of my favourite themes in the game:
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