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Sony : Vice President for Japan hints at possible PS4 announcement in May/June


Unconfirmed Member
Wow yo really don't like KZ. Killzone was the biggest release as a studio for GG. Them saying its the biggest thing since then points to a new IP. Makes perfect sense.

Yeah that's what I said earlier (about the new IP.

oh STFU seriously, it's their biggest franchise, the franchise that help them establish them as a top developer, you don't have to sell as much as Halo to be proud of your work

Yeah but you need to have a good game to be proud of your work.

Killzone was their first game. A game that had enormous hype and coverage, and one that set up a huge popular franchise that dictated their focus for the next 9 years.

Very few studios release games as high profile as Killzone, let alone as their first game. So GG as just saying that their year will be as big for them as Killzone was back in 2003. So they must be working on a major new IP, that will be massively hyped and have a ton of PR.

The quality of Killzone has nothing to do with their comment.

I disagree, but I see your point.
I wonder if Wii U will get Dreamcast-ed by the upcoming Xbox and PS announcements. I doubt Nintendo would just drop the Wii U but I wouldn't be surprised if it is the next Vita and will limp along for a few years until it's quietly killed off.
I wonder if Wii U will get Dreamcast-ed by the upcoming Xbox and PS announcements. I doubt Nintendo would just drop the Wii U but I wouldn't be surprised if it is the next Vita and will limp along for a few years until it's quietly killed off.
I want the Wii U dead.
I'm sorry Nintendo, but nuke that thing if you can.

pls don't hurt me Nintendo gaf


Killzone was their first game. A game that had enormous hype and coverage, and one that set up a huge popular franchise that dictated their focus for the next 9 years.

Very few studios release games as high profile as Killzone, let alone as their first game. So GG as just saying that their year will be as big for them as Killzone was back in 2003. So they must be working on a major new IP, that will be massively hyped and have a ton of PR.

The quality of Killzone has nothing to do with their comment.

ShellShock: Nam '67 was their first game ;-).
Both consoles will have a poor launch lineup in terms of exclusives. Every console has. It's always the same.

The biggest games of the launch lineup will be COD and Battlefield, there's no magic bullet from either Sony or MS to counter those. So the focus will be on the features these consoles bring to the game, how better looking do Fifa and COD and Battlefield are on them. Mainly it will be about the hype they can build for it.

2014 will be different though. Exclusives will start being important next year.

Killzone isn't bigger than Forza

Killzone is bigger for the US market, and has the potential to be a LOT bigger than the franchise was. Either way, I'm hoping for a new IP.

I think Sony is going to have excellent launch software. Microsoft, not so much.


I'm a little more interested in GG new RPG IP, I thought I heard rumors last year of a final fantasy killzone type of mix.


If I had to guess when they will announce PS4. It would be 24th May. 2 and a half weeks after Last of Us releases, and 2 and a half weeks before E3 starts.
I wonder if they'll call it the Playstation 4 or switch it up with a different moniker this time around. 'Playstation' is about as iconic a name as you can get for a console; it'd feel like sacrilege for Sony to call it anything else.


I wonder if they'll call it the Playstation 4 or switch it up with a different moniker this time around. 'Playstation' is about as iconic a name as you can get for a console; it'd feel like sacrilege for Sony to call it anything else.

Dont worry, they wont go the Wii - WiiU path.

PS4 is inevitable.


Also, Sony and MS should try and do damage in Brazil. It's becoming this huge economy, and has almost 200 million people.

It's a no brainer.

Also not going to happen with next gen consoles at launch prices. PS3 and 360, sure.

Logic would suggest that you'd try and launch a Sony machine in Europe and US before Christmas - Q4 is massively larger for sales than other periods. If you need to delay, you delay in Japan where MS have nothing.

But would Sony allow that?
Yeah that's what I said earlier (about the new IP.

Yeah but you need to have a good game to be proud of your work.

I disagree, but I see your point.

Get outta here junior as a rule you must have played a game to have a valid argument. I played KZ1 online for two years and can say in its defense that its overall an underrated experience plagued with poor AI, and performance issues. SP game design, story, and gun play are far from mediocre, however, and the multiplayer is fantastic.
I wonder if they'll call it the Playstation 4 or switch it up with a different moniker this time around. 'Playstation' is about as iconic a name as you can get for a console; it'd feel like sacrilege for Sony to call it anything else.
Orbis Vitae - circle of life
Ps Vita
Ps Orbit


I am serious though, I havent a clue why he brought wii u up.

It had something to do with the topic though, he said since he just bought a console, he's just going to wait a bit on the 720 and PS4. He's still going to buy them Nothing to get defensive over.


Get ready guys.

Why? They are reported to have a number of studios working on new exclusive games? Seems both will ha e great launch software.

Microsoft is releasing Halo 4 and the next Gears game months after eachother.

Microsoft may have a Forza/Fable game, but they don't seem to have the studios to support a big launch.

All of their recent studios have been recently formed, so not enough time to release a big launch product.

Rare will probably have something, but I doubt it's anything the core gamer will get excited about.


I bet the May announcement would show:

-Console name (PS4)
-Main hardware specs
-4K for gaming and movies, minimum 1080p for games
-Local streaming powered by Gaikai for 'lag free' remote play for all the games that run both Vita and PS4, more focus on cross controller
-Gaikai tech for their new TV streaming service (like Music Unlimited but with TV channels) at a reduced price for PS+ members
-DS4 is also Move2
-Eyetoy 3 also has depth and finger tracking, more resolution than Kinect 2
-A couple of flashy games like GT6 Prologue and Uncharted 4


-Detailed hardware specs
-Price and release date
-Cinematics and gameplay of U4, GT6P, Killzone 4, Wipeout, new IP from SSM, new IP from Ready at Dawn, new IP from Sucker Punch, new IP from Evolution, new IP from SCEJ
-Teaser of a new IP from SCE Paris (previously known as Quantic Dream)
-1 big PS3 out of Last Guardian (likely to be this one), FF Versus XIII or Agent is moved to PS4
-Media Molecule's LBP Home integrated into the OS, it avatars would be your console avatar
-Online streaming powered by Gaikai to play your PS4/PS3/PS2/PSOne/PSP/PSV PSN games and demos in PS4, Vita and maybe other devices as part of PS+
-PS4 also included in the PS+ fee for existing users
-The more expensive SKU includes 2 years of PS+
-PS+ gets more expensive


Gaikai is not a solution to PS3 BC. Not sure where this idea even comes from. Unless people are really expecting Sony to start building a global network of datacentres stuffed with thousands of PS3s.

What ends up in the datacenter wouldn't be the PS3 as we know it, but a thin blade in a rack. Sure, it's improbable, but they did buy Gaikai so I'm sure they'd like to get some of their money back and it's also a plausible scenario to address the BC problem without adding any unnecessary legacy silicon to the PS4. They may even tie it exclusively for PS+ users only to incentivise their subscriber base.
If they can, they should launch with GT6 in Europe in CYQ4. Or at least show that it's coming (and not in a ridiculous timeframe like GT5).


People can pay $1000 for iPads and iPhones (refreshing every year), but are worried about a $599 console that'll last 5-10 years?

Anyway! My body is ready!
I don't think we'll see $599 again.That was because of the addition of bluray.I'm guessing $400- $500 models.

If they are pricing the PS4 at $400-$500 the hardware better be bleeding edge and much, much better than X3. If we get an eye-toy2 for "extra value" I'm gonna be disappointed because I won't buy a single game for it.

Edit: I know they want a piece of that Kinect Just Dance market. Sony, just package the goddamn eye-toy2 with the game for people that can't live without it. $99 is a deal. These are the same people spending hundreds on Rock Band instruments. Please do not package it with the system.
breaking the $500 barrier will never happen again for a SKU

the PS3 was costly because of the brand new blu-ray tech and the brand new cell tech. they were insane for trying to push 2 brand new tech items on the masses through the ps3. they're not making that mistake again, so i'm guessing $399 launch with a $499 ceiling if a deluxe sku is present

rdrr gnr

They need to be smart and package in headsets. And really push for people to buy quality headsets. PSN is a communicative wasteland.


I still hold on to the hope that they will show PS4 in E3 and go "And one last thing, The Last Guardian is a launch title!"
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