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Star Citizen Backer Successfully Gets $2550 Refund


Yep, plus going to court with the guy will cost them more than just giving him that minuscule amount of money back.

They have an attorney on their payrolls on retainer. It would technically cost them nothing to go to court since he's getting paid anyways. Of course they wont though because creating any sort of precedence is just opening the floodgates on the entire thing.


There is no exoectatiom of transfer of goods ot services. I didnt pay for a ship that existed. I donated money for them to try and make the ship in the first place, with the caveat that, should they be successful, they will give me a ship for free later on.

Clearly there is an expectation because it was written into the TOS.

If there is no expectation of goods and services, then why would you tie the donations to goods and services? Why would I buy a $45 starter pack when I can just donate $45 and toss it into a big pot instead?

Because I want my damned ship, that's why. I'm... Buying... it.


It's a huge game, huge games take time. It's not like they took this guy's money and ran there are updates all the time and the work on the game is as steady as any ambitious game is.

Maybe they should have named it The Last Citizen so they could have bought a decades worth of fans frothing at the mouth. Seems to be a huge double standard with this game where people just want it to fail.

They had 270 employees in 2014. Conservatively they are burning $30 million a year on salaries/benefits alone. That is assuming they haven't increased the size of the team since then.

How much have they spent and how much longer are they going to be able to employ all those people?


What's the state of development? If they have more stuff done or almost done why wouldn't it be in the alpha?

Here's some informative material:
If people want to really know the progress of the game right now, watch the latest AtV 100 4 parter episodes. They're doing Studio specific episodes that show off everything they've been working on and their work environments. Very informative and next Thursday will be Frankfurt, where they will hopefully be showing off the Procedural Tech.

Part 1: LA Studio

Part 2: Foundry 42: Manchester

Part 3: Austin Studio

June Monthly Report

TL;DRs are available here.

They had 270 employees in 2014. Conservatively they are burning $30 million a year on salaries/benefits alone. That is assuming they haven't increased the size of the team since then.

How much have they spent and how much longer are they going to be able to employ all those people?


Foundry 42 financials also if anyone wants to know how much their largest studio spends.


'you didn't get scammed because you willingly donated and shouldn't expect anything'

That's some serious koolaid you're drinking. They sold it as preorders and used pressure tactics to get money out of people early on with the lifetime insurance and limited availability ships.

I'm sure there's people who put money in because they just want to see space sims come back, that was my rationale at the time at least. But there's no way you honestly believe they weren't whale hunting.

What is giving you the impression that the 'project is such a mess that SQ42 is also a far off pipe dream'?


you serious here? How many times has it been pushed back now? And I'm specifically referring to when I originally bought into the game, around when they put up their own storefront for crowdfunding. If someone had told me I'd still be waiting for Squadron 42 at the end of 2016 - let's be real here it's going to get delayed again - I probably wouldn't have even believed them because it's so absurd. And I'm in the apparent small minority that never cared about the MMO, which I EXPECTED to either never happen or be incredibly disappointing.

If they can't even deliver on the comparatively small proof of concept singleplayer they promised then yeah I'd say that's the definition of 'mess'.


Clearly there is an expectation because it was written into the TOS.

The tos that says you are not entitled to a refund save for a case by case examination?

If there is no expectation of goods and services, then why would you tie the donations to goods and services? Why would I buy a $45 starter pack when I can just donate $45 and toss it into a big pot instead?

They arent tied to goods and services. You can donate $45 without choosing a reward, or you can donate $5 9 times and get no reward.

Because I want my damned ship, that's why. I'm... Buying... it.

Then you should wait till the ship is for sale, then
To anyone in the know, in your estimation what percentage - if any - of SC's development issues are related to CryEngine limitations/quirks/idiosyncrasies?


I would never say the game is a scam but I don't think there will ever be a day that the game is "finished" to an extent that would satisfy the average retail customer. The mentality behind it seems to be more concerned with development for the sake of development than with reaching any solid, final goal. Which there is nothing wrong with that, per se, it's just that it appeals to a certain kind of person who is quite different from the average gamer.

I don't think he was out of bounds getting a refund because what the development of Star Citizen has turned into is quite different today than it was when it was first conceived, so he's really not wrong.


'you didn't get scammed because you willingly donated and shouldn't expect anything'

You didnt get scammed because they are still using your money to make the game. This is evident by the weekly newsletter they put out showing exactly where they are using your money.


That's from the kickstarter, though, which ended in 2012. They only raised like 2 million on there, and the other 115 million is from purchases on their site. They're still crowdfunding development, but let's not pretend that kickstarter is relevant to them anymore.

Am I reading this right? They received $117 million?


To anyone in the know, how much of SC's development issues are related to CryEngine limitations/quirks/idiosyncrasies?

Big parts of the engine had to be rewritten. Of course, the same would apply to virtually every modern engine due to the nature of the game and the technology required. Modern engines just weren't designed with space sims in mind, what with the massive open spaces separating extermely detailed objects.

On the plus side, they have the creators of CryEngine working in the Frankfurt office so you couldn't ask for a more qualified team.


To anyone in the know, in your estimation what percentage - if any - of SC's development issues are related to CryEngine limitations/quirks/idiosyncrasies?

I would say the biggest issue as far as I know is the netcode. Everything else doesn't seem to be much of a problem beyond normal alpha bugs, but the netcode is apparently causing headaches.

Based on recent status updates though, we should be seeing the new netcode implemented in the next couple patches (as soon as next month or a few months from now).



Foundry 42 financials also if anyone wants to know how much their largest studio spends.

You'll have to take it up with some guy named "Chris Roberts". Not sure if he knows what he's talking about.

GamesBeat: How many people do you have working on this now?

Roberts: I think at last count it was 268, between contractors and in-house.


You don't pay benefits to contractors but they make way more per hour so the total cost isn't tremendously different


The tos that says you are not entitled to a refund save for a case by case examination?

They arent tied to goods and services. You can donate $45 without choosing a reward, or you can donate $5 9 times and get no reward.

Then you should wait till the ship is for sale, then

The TOS said that if the game wasn't out by June 1st, 2016 that people could get a full refund, and then they tried to deny the guy his refund. He's within the rights that CIG gave him.

This is stretching pretty far. It's quite clear what the intent is, even if people can donate $5 9 times, people aren't doing that. They see a ship they like, they buy said ship, and they expect to get that ship in a finished game. Arguing that people are only donating is disingenuous.

CIG is always having sales, and they aren't some needy charity that needs the cash to survive. They're a for-profit company that is selling items to people in exchange for creating a game to use them in.


Oh hey check it out, its one of those people i described

I'm sorry I thought they had kept adding features since the original KS campaign like the FPS and MMO systems. I assumed it was just a new version of Wing Commander in the original pitch. I will admit though that I haven't watched it closely because it's not my genre.


To anyone in the know, in your estimation what percentage - if any - of SC's development issues are related to CryEngine limitations/quirks/idiosyncrasies?

There is no other engine that would be better than CryEngine given their current resources. And it was the best choice in the past.
There is no engine on the market that wouldnt need to be fundamentally reworked to handle this game.
They had 270 employees in 2014. Conservatively they are burning $30 million a year on salaries/benefits alone. That is assuming they haven't increased the size of the team since then.



It isn't wrong, they made heavy use of outsourcing back then, that image doesn't describe their true size. They had:
  • Void Alpha doing landing zones
  • Behaviour Interactive working on boarding with a team of 60.
  • 3lateral and Cubic Motion on facial animation and capture
  • Moon Collider on Kythera AI
  • Illfonic on Star Marine
  • Streamline Studios did the Vanduul fleet in the SQ42 leak
  • Confetti Special FX did explosion and nebula tech
  • CGBot did art
  • Liquid Development did art
  • Massive Black did art
  • Atomahawk Design did art


What the fuck is up with the hate and vitriol of the gaming community towards ambitious games? I notice this with No Man's Sky and even more so with Star Citizen.

We should be glad people are trying to create something special even at the risk of failing.

I know people got burnt bad on Molineux promises and shady kickstarters in the past but come on man nobody is forcing you to get invested (emotionally or financially).

How a lot of the comments sound like they almost WANT the game to fail now is just super fucking disappointing.


It's a huge game, huge games take time. It's not like they took this guy's money and ran there are updates all the time and the work on the game is as steady as any ambitious game is.

Maybe they should have named it The Last Citizen so they could have bought a decades worth of fans frothing at the mouth. Seems to be a huge double standard with this game where people just want it to fail.

Being skeptical of a project =/= wanting a project to fail. Given the ambition of what they've promised and the scale of the budget they've been given to work with, there's nothing wrong with asking questions about how they are delivering on those projects.


Being skeptical of a project =/= wanting a project to fail. Given the ambition of what they've promised and the scale of the budget they've been given to work with, there's nothing wrong with asking questions about how they are delivering on those projects.
Thats why they are making like 3h of youtube video content and lots of diaries on the site every week.
They are really straightforward with backers, thats why the campaign is so successful.


If the developer was stupid to put a refund clause in it original T&C then fair play to the individual.I certainly would never spent more than RRP for a Early Access/Kickstarter game, as I known it's a risk I want to help fund and develop a game I want to play.

I generally dislike refunding a game just because I did'nt like it. It's like me buying a different can of soda to try out, then not liking the taste. I don't ask for for a refund.


Being skeptical of a project =/= wanting a project to fail. Given the ambition of what they've promised and the scale of the budget they've been given to work with, there's nothing wrong with asking questions about how they are delivering on those projects.

There isn't, but most of those "just asking questions" people seem limited to posting snarky forum posts rather than read the wealth of information and updates available.

Also people seem to be under impression that you can put out an AAA game from not even having a studio to completion in 2 years.


From the admittedly few things i've seen about this project sincerely i'm not upset if some people wants their money back, it seems a mismanaged money drain with no real result on sight.
Thats why they are making like 3h of youtube video content and lots of diaries on the site every week.
They are really straightforward with backers, thats why the campaign is so successful.

Really? What's the current estimated release date? When's the next patch coming out?


If the developer was stupid to put a refund clause in it original T&C then fair play to the individual.I certainly would never spent more than RRP for a Early Access/Kickstarter game, as I known it's a risk I want to help fund and develop a game I want to play.

I generally dislike refunding a game just because I did'nt like it. It's like me buying a different can of soda to try out, then not liking the taste. I don't ask for for a refund.

In this customers case it would be closer to buying a suit you liked on display and then getting a refund because the tailor was taking too long to make it and had slightly changed the style in the middle of making it.


What the fuck is up with the hate and vitriol of the gaming community towards ambitious games? I notice this with No Man's Sky and even more so with Star Citizen.

We should be glad people are trying to create something special even at the risk of failing.

I know people got burnt bad on Molineux promises and shady kickstarters in the past but come on man nobody is forcing you to get invested (emotionally or financially).

How a lot of the comments sounds like they almost WANT the game to fail now is just super fucking disappointing.

Star Citizen and No Man's Sky aren't comparable at all. NMS was made, meaning completed, by a small team and sounds like it will deliver on its promises. People hating on that game seem to be more of the "it looks pointless and boring" variety.

SC has a budget probably 20x that of NMS, has been in development for years, by a team 15x larger, and is still nowhere near complete. It's perfectly valid to question their management and ask where the hell all that money is going and if a real game is ever going to be released. The complaints about this game are that the scope got out of control, the management has been inadequate, and that it's never going to be finished.

Should people, especially backers, just sit back and be like "it's cool, we gave you $110 million. take your time. if nothing comes of it, oh well"?


I backed Shadowrun returns for $250 and got a refund. It was due to them being kind of shady about the DRM though.

They were straight up about giving me a no hassle refund and later fixed whatever the contract issue was so I'd consider backing them again on future stuff.


I possibly don't know what I'm talking about here but, the game was funded in 2012. The game was in development for 4 years by a studio that started with under 100 employees. Ubisoft takes like 2-3 years to create an AC game and that's using 2x-3x more manpower than these guys even have. I'm pretty sure it'll take these guys more than 4 years to create something if this magnitude.


I possibly don't know what I'm talking about here but, the game was funded in 2012. The game was in development for 4 years by a studio that started with under 100 employees. Ubisoft takes like 2-3 years to create an AC game and that's using 2x-3x more manpower than these guys even have. I'm pretty sure it'll take these guys more than 4 years to create something if this magnitude.

It's primarily, speaking from my own perspective, because they promised a timeline that they've utterly failed to meet. Excuses are excuses and they're still shitty. I don't care about their transparency, really. They set an expectation and fucked it up; If this happened outside of crowd-funding the studio would likely be shuttered (or getting fucked by their publisher) due to all the missed milestones.

I've just chalked up my paltry $60 to being lost, though.


It's quite clear what the intent is, even if people can donate $5 9 times, people aren't doing that. They see a ship they like, they buy said ship, and they expect to get that ship in a finished game. Arguing that people are only donating is disingenuous.

This is an important distinction. If it were possible to legally protect yourself as a business from refunds by saying you're "crowdfunding" or whatever, every single store would be claiming what they sell is exactly that. The law isn't an idiot you can "magic words" your way around generally, and no matter what some TOS or whatever says, "you give me $X, I give you Y item at some unspecified future point in time" is legally considered a pre-order, and many countries have laws specifically stating that you are entitled to a full refund on a pre-order which hasn't been delivered yet (and usually a certain amount of days after, like 14), no exceptions or questions asked.

In situations where the entity required to issue refunds won't (or can't) issue refunds, legal sanctions become possible. If it's "we can't issue refunds because we have no money" that usually ends in the company going bankrupt and/or being forced to liquidate its assets and possibly other legally-imposed ramifications depending on the specific circumstances.


I could live with the posting of this before to somebody asking about the state of the alpha, but it's entirely misleading when in this thread. That's not the state of development. That's the state of the publicly playable alpha. What end users have access to is not the entire state of the game.

I hear this alot, but now that things are starting to get real, it becomes increasingly implausible that CIG is simply holding back a ton of content because of "spoilers" or managing expectations or what have you.

Imagine you're a company with declining sales, declining interest, a recent spat of negative press, and former investors actively contacting the AG and Better Business Bureau to procure refunds. Fans are upset because you recently backed out of E3 after saying you would attend the year previous. Also imagine that you made your initial pitch to investors as an openly developed game. Yet despite all this, you decide not to show all the amazing breakthroughs and game mechanics you've completed behind closed doors...because spoilers!!!

It's far more likely that the reason they don't show anything is because they simply don't have anything to show. And the reasons for that will make some very entertaining reads in the postmortem's written about CIG.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
a lot of things are finished.

Except a lot of them are delayed/pushed-back and/or buggy and not released.

None of Star Citizen looks good. They keep delaying releases because none of it looks good. Why do you think backers are starting to get pissed? It's been four years everything coming out of the company has been a total shit show. But please defend them harder, I'm sure they appreciate you and thousands of other suckers backers defending their scam dream.


Except a lot of them are delayed/pushed-back and/or buggy and not released.

None of Star Citizen looks good. They keep delaying releases because none of it looks good. Why do you think backers are starting to get pissed? It's been four years everything coming out of the company has been a total shit show. But please defend them harder, I'm sure they appreciate you and thousands of other suckers backers defending their scam dream.

Rofl, hyperbole at it´s finest.
I hear this alot, but now that things are starting to get real, it becomes increasingly implausible that CIG is simply holding back a ton of content because of "spoilers" or managing expectations or what have you.
We know for a fact that is indeed the case though. The leak that happened last year showed they had tons of things which they are not showing the public.

Furthermore I sent you a PM.
so like are you demanding daily updates instead of weekly?

They can't manage patches monthly, what good is more cringey videos and empty words when it doesn't translate into progress?

We know for a fact that is indeed the case though. The leak that happened last year showed they had tons of things which they are not showing the public.

Only for Squadron42, not for the actual game called "Star Citizen" that the thread is about.


It just hit me that it has been four years since the kickstarter and that this game is nowhere near release.

That's really crazy.


They can't manage patches monthly, what good is more cringey videos and empty words when it doesn't translate into progress?

Monthly patches for an in-development game would slow development even more.

Did you really ask what good updates are for? They're good at showing you what is currently being worked on. Maybe try reading those words instead.
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