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Star Wars 1313 Announced (epic, awe-inspiring, action-packed, visceral thrill ride)


While I'm going to wait to see gameplay before jumping to conclusions, that PR is quite hilarious. I wouldn't be surprised to find out that they recycled it from The Force Unleashed.
This could be awesome. I just hope they push what a star wars game is considered to be by changing up things like avoiding Skywalker family issues, Jedis, and hopefully very little or not at all of the John Williams score. I think something like Batman Arkham City's score would be nice.


Maybe I'll be surprised and it'll be more Batman than Uncharted, but I'm disappointed in how "action adventure" went from meaning something like Zelda or Metroid to referring to games like Uncharted, Prince of Persia, and God of War. Basically a general "action" to me.


A Star Was game without light sabers or the force ?

I don't think this can be appealing to SW fans it isn't to me anyway.

Maybe if it wasn't a SW game.

Dark Forces? Shadows of the Empire? Pod Racer? Empire at War? Rogue Squadron?

There have been many great Star Wars games without lightsabers or the force.


Also..wtf does playable cinematic gameplay even mean



Republic Commando was an extremley scripted game as well, so I'll wait until I see some gameplay.

That bounty hunter just being a carbon copy of Nathan Drake would sure be a disappointment though.
This actually looks like it could turn out to be something special for Star Wars fans. I wonder..is this at all related to the Star Wars TV show that was allegedly about bounty hunters?

Also, no mention of platforms...what are the odds of this running on Unreal Engine 4?
This actually looks like it could turn out to be something special for Star Wars fans. I wonder..is this at all related to the Star Wars TV show that was allegedly about bounty hunters?

Also, no mention of platforms...what are the odds of this running on Unreal Engine 4?

That's actually an interesting thought since the show was supposed to involve bounty hunters and have a more adult take on the franchise by being set in the criminal underworld and dealing with drugs and prostitution - which seems to be the setting for this game.


seriously, with talents from ILM and lucasfilm, i don't know how they are making shit games.
The worst thing is that they weren't always like this, Star Wars is STILL the single most successful IP for producing good video games, but those are games from KotOR and before mainly (well, maybe Republic Commando if that came later). It's almost as if they made that, realized they couldn't get any better, and just decided to phone it in.

Actually, around the start of the century is when they completely gave up on graphic adventures too, and non-LucasFilms efforts in general. It's really a shame, if they could've grown from that instead with Star Wars helping to supplement they could've probably been one of the greatest companies.
That's actually an interesting thought since the show was supposed to involve bounty hunters and have a more adult take on the franchise by being set in the criminal underworld and dealing with drugs and prostitution - which seems to be the setting for this game.

I just wonder if this is the story that was planned for the show, or if they still plan to do a show and this is possibly a lead in to it. Still, I would be incredibly surprised if they aren't related, they share way too much in common.


Dark Forces? Shadows of the Empire? Pod Racer? Empire at War? Rogue Squadron?

There have been many great Star Wars games without lightsabers or the force.

Hell the best Star Wars game ever didn't have lightsabers or the force in it/them. X-wing and then Tie Fighter.
Lucasarts is the western equivalent of all those Japanese publishers that got left behind this generation. They've spent all this money on developing technology thats barely been used. While mishandling the most successful property of all time. The fact that Battlefront 3 still doesn't exist in a world dominated by online shooters blows my mind.

Also if your gonna have numbers in your star wars title at least call it 1138.


Lucasarts is the western equivalent of all those Japanese publishers that got left behind this generation.
Worse yet, they likely had the easiest out of them all: a serious lightsaber focused Wii game. Maybe it would've need to wait on Motion Plus though, but I'm pretty sure at worst they could've made something that'd sell to the Wii audience easily while appealing to core gamers, but instead they focused on Force Unleashed then Star Wars Kinect. Really frustrates me they jumped on that ASAP but just threw some limp Force Unleashed port to Wii.


I'd prefer it be someone different myself. Seems like Star Wars franchises tend to recycle elements from the movies too often when there's a huge universe to pull from.
And remember: Knights of the Old Republic is one of the best Star Wars games and was very, VERY distanced from the stuff in the movies. It's more interesting to do stuff like this rather than fanwank crap.
I cant stand the over use of buzzwords. It was quite annoying when keighley was promoting the next gametrailers episode for premiere for this game.

"tune on spike this thursday for the premiere of Lucas arts Epic new game."

I am not really expecting anything Epic.
I still can't figure out why they haven't created a sw jedi/sith gta-esq game on Corosaunt (sp?)?
Think about having full force powers, the ability to build your own lightsaber and play around in a massive destructable city. It's the very definition of a no brainer. If I, as just some random non-exec, can come up with this idea in a matter of moments, I really do wonder wtf goes on at Lucas Arts.
they did the same thing with Force Unleashed, hyped how great the engine was, the lighting, the animations, and the game was average at best. I expect more of that here.
Would have liked a lot more if it were FPS. A homage to Republic Commando or Dark Forces would have been great. Cover TPS games are popping up everywhere.

Still it looks awesome, I've always wanted to play as a Bounty Hunter instead of a Jedi. I liked jedi better when they were a mystical, small element of the story instead of the centerpiece.


I really hope Bubba Fett is in this, he's my favorite star wars character.

I'll take a protaganist with some personality, please.

Not hopeful, but playing an Imperial Agent in SWTOR taught me not everything in star wars has to have lightsabers. It would be nice to get a spy game in the star wars universe.


Love this idea but i don't want the linearity.

Make me a dark and gritty star wars open world game and i would be all, all over that.

Still will play this game, but an open world version of this just makes me tingle
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