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Starbound now available for preorder [Up: Stretch Goals]


A really short one today folks,

Today we’ve been swamped with dealing with webserver stuff, so we didn’t get as much done as we usually do.

That said, we’ve now got a whole bunch of nifty functions to use in the intro comics, zooming, fading, that sort of thing.

As part of the flying NPCs update, Kyren has begun adding some nifty functionality to player physics that will allow us to do some really neat powerups.

We’ve got tons of mechs being produced by our artists. There will be at least 1 mech and 1 hoverbike per race.

We’re working on the in game options menu, which we haven’t bothered with for a long time (the defaults are good!) but we figured we should finally get it done.

A lot of costumes and clothes are going in, some of which terrify me..

We changed up the travel sounds, now theres more of a thunder boom as you enter hyperspace

Sorry for the lack of screenshots! Anything I screenshot for today would be spoilery.

Only mechs and hoverbikes? Meh. Still freaking awesome. Hopefully more vehicles get added over time.
Only mechs and hoverbikes? Meh. Still freaking awesome. Hopefully more vehicles get added over time.

One distinct mech and hoverbike per race. This is, I understand, in addition to generic (non-race) vehicles and/or race-specific vehicles without counterparts in the other races.

That's the wording at least, whether or not there are actually such other vehicles is another matter, of course.


One distinct mech and hoverbike per race. This is, I understand, in addition to generic (non-race) vehicles and/or race-specific vehicles without counterparts in the other races.

That's the wording at least, whether or not there are actually such other vehicles is another matter, of course.
There's at least the submarine and the boat we've seen in other screenshots.


How recent was it? IIRC, there was concept art of a flying vehicle and I don't think that'll be in the game.
Four months:

Not sure about the submarine, might have been in a daily update.


kyren said:
Might be another sort of boring update today, sorry!

Today has been mostly about technical improvements and getting ready for things.

Omni is working on several things right now, he should be finishing up the Options menu and getting all the back end stuff tidied up with that. He’s also still doing some work to get ship transitions working properly, which turned out to be a pretty big technical challenge. The details are a little hairy, but essentially we have special Worlds just for things like ships, and transitioning a live world between one ship and another ship without causing all sorts of chaos is a bit tricky! Getting all that straightened out turned out to involve both Omni and myself, but it seems like it’s all straightened out now and ready to finish up.

Bartwe has been hard at work fixing bugs and making improvements to the code that runs our intro comics and splash screen. He’s also made emotes configurable and moddable in data and he and the artists have been hard at work making more emotes and fixing timing and things like that.

Both Omni and Bartwe are doing lots of GUI improvements and fixes that are required for later GUI work. GUI work is generally way harder than you would think it should be and kind of boring and thankless, so everyone really appreciates all the work they’ve put in to making the GUI well.. work!

I’ve been working on a couple of things also, like doing the big technical improvement that allows Omni to dynamically change ship structures, scripting flying NPCs, and of course The Big Physics Change. The Big Physics Change was necessary to get flying NPCs working properly, and like Tiy said, will allow us to be a lot smarter and more capable about giving the Player upgrades, handling vehicles, and things like that. Now, finally everything in the game has been moved from the old “approach” based physics to new physics with actual mass, force, friction and all that good stuff. Planets with different gravity levels are also back in now, and this time they work without bugs! Also, by by turning the player’s mass way up, the air friction way down, and the bounce amount to 0.9 you can make bouncy castle mode :D

The artists have been doing their thing, writing more recipes, drawing more costumes, adding emotes, and generally doing artsy things that I’m utterly incapable of doing.

So no exciting updates today, but it’s all important stuff! More to come tomorrow!

Bouncy Castle Mode confirmed.


I seriously feel like Starbound and Terraria aren't playing nice like some had thought. Redigit is patently ripping features from Starbound (they now suddenly have structural paint and armor dyes about a month after both were revealed in SB) and the release date for it keeps getting pushed back. I'm beginning to suspect he's going to keep delaying the next patch to drop it right when the Starbound Beta begins to fuck with them.

I dunno, maybe it's all in my head, but it feels like Redigit only started pushing this big Terraria update when he saw the kind of money Starbound was pulling in. Maybe I'm just imagining drama or absorbing it from their psychotic official forums.

Does anyone else feel like both games are just waiting for the other to make the first move?


they would have to do a lot to compete with starbound

Oh, I agree completely. Terraria's next patch is the "Killing time until Starbound" patch and nothing more. For one, Terraria is still sort of a mish-mash of styles, mostly brick and wood with odd bits of magic and technology stuck on. Starbound has 6 racial styles, from tribal to futuristic and everywhere in between, so for somebody obsessed with building (like myself) the choice is easy.

He's changing the music in Terarria (not for the better), and it looks like a ton of the art assets are changing too, even iconic stuff like the tree (which is part of their damn logo, even) for no reason I can see, other than that Tiy did them. We've seen previews where some of the brick textures are changed too (and not for the better either).

I dunno. Just from looking at twitter and such, it really feels like Redigit wants to shit on Starbound's parade if given the chance. I think his split with Blue was another example of this; apparently he trashed Blue to hell and back just for doing his job too well. I've seen a lot of comments from him that are kind of petty, not specifically at Starbound but just in general.



Oh, I agree completely. Terraria's next patch is the "Killing time until Starbound" patch and nothing more. For one, Terraria is still sort of a mish-mash of styles, mostly brick and wood with odd bits of magic and technology stuck on. Starbound has 6 racial styles, from tribal to futuristic and everywhere in between, so for somebody obsessed with building (like myself) the choice is easy.

He's changing the music in Terarria (not for the better), and it looks like a ton of the art assets are changing too, even iconic stuff like the tree (which is part of their damn logo, even) for no reason I can see, other than that Tiy did them. We've seen previews where some of the brick textures are changed too (and not for the better either).

I dunno. Just from looking at twitter and such, it really feels like Redigit wants to shit on Starbound's parade if given the chance. I think his split with Blue was another example of this; apparently he trashed Blue to hell and back just for doing his job too well. I've seen a lot of comments from him that are kind of petty, not specifically at Starbound but just in general.


They can try all they like. It won't work.


Unconfirmed Member
Does anyone else feel like both games are just waiting for the other to make the first move?

I've said it before, but once Starbound comes out, I'm probably not ever going to touch Terraria again (and pretty sure a few of you are the same way).

But as for either side playing a waiting game, one way to look at it is this:

Terraria: Red already has our money, and we have our game. The best he can do right now is to try and attract more people to buy his game. The only benefit of keeping the current owners interested with patches/updates is to get word of mouth out. I don't know how much more of an audience they can get, since the game has been out for over a year, has been through several Steam sales, and finally has been released on consoles.

Starbound: Tiy has our money, we just don't have the game yet. I mean, sure, worse case scenario, he could be an ass and just keep the money and not give us a game, but the more likely scenario is that at least for those who actually pre-ordered (and a lot of people pre-ordered), he and his team have gotta be under the gun now. I'm pretty sure that the reason why they released the roadmap, and now have switched to giving us daily updates, is to reassure us that, yes, its coming, and yes, they're trying their hardest to get the game out as fast as possible, WITHOUT sacrificing quality.

In terms of waiting for the first move, the Starbound team kind of sorta has to. Otherwise, we're gonna riot. (But if you're reading this, Chucklefish, don't rush TOO much, if you can get the game out without any bugs, you will be praised by the gods, or at least, GAF)


Yeah, if 1.2 hits before Starbound, I'll play it once then probably forget about it.

I don't think Red's updating Terraria because of Starbound. He said he stopped furthering development because of his kid(?) or something. And besides, there will be new weapons, wings, etc. The dyes are just a new feature.


Oh, I agree completely. Terraria's next patch is the "Killing time until Starbound" patch and nothing more. For one, Terraria is still sort of a mish-mash of styles, mostly brick and wood with odd bits of magic and technology stuck on. Starbound has 6 racial styles, from tribal to futuristic and everywhere in between, so for somebody obsessed with building (like myself) the choice is easy.

He's changing the music in Terarria (not for the better), and it looks like a ton of the art assets are changing too, even iconic stuff like the tree (which is part of their damn logo, even) for no reason I can see, other than that Tiy did them. We've seen previews where some of the brick textures are changed too (and not for the better either).

I dunno. Just from looking at twitter and such, it really feels like Redigit wants to shit on Starbound's parade if given the chance. I think his split with Blue was another example of this; apparently he trashed Blue to hell and back just for doing his job too well. I've seen a lot of comments from him that are kind of petty, not specifically at Starbound but just in general.


I came to this realization too and its soured me to the game. One reason why I picked up edge of space to play.


Starbound: Tiy has our money, we just don't have the game yet. I mean, sure, worse case scenario, he could be an ass and just keep the money and not give us a game, but the more likely scenario is that at least for those who actually pre-ordered (and a lot of people pre-ordered), he and his team have gotta be under the gun now. I'm pretty sure that the reason why they released the roadmap, and now have switched to giving us daily updates, is to reassure us that, yes, its coming, and yes, they're trying their hardest to get the game out as fast as possible, WITHOUT sacrificing quality.

Hmmm, I think you have it backwards on one thing here: yes, Chucklefish has the money now, but it's (partly) thanks to the roadmap.
The roadmap was released the April 3, 2013.
The pre-orders were available the April 13, 2013, a little more than a week after the roadmap.
If anything, the roadmap's goal was to make people interested in the game, or at least remind them that, yes, the game was still in development. Said roadmap was very well-received, and they jumped on the occasion to put in place pre-orders (though, honestly, considering the short time span, I think it was a calculated move - one that worked perfectly, if not better than what they anticipated).

That being said, the team really is nice to give us daily updates (they no longer have stretch goals in place after all, though it helps to keep money pouring in). The team itself is very cool, and bartwe kinda became a rockstar among the community, with his frequent streams and very nice personnality (though he's not showing any gameplay, except on rare occasions, but people come in order to get glimpses of the game, and sometimes they do).

As for Terraria... I didn't think of all of this under that angle. Kinda disturbing actually.


Unconfirmed Member
Hmmm, I think you have it backwards on one thing here: yes, Chucklefish has the money now, but it's (partly) thanks to the roadmap.
The roadmap was released the April 3, 2013.
The pre-orders were available the April 13, 2013, a little more than a week after the roadmap.
If anything, the roadmap's goal was to make people interested in the game, or at least remind them that, yes, the game was still in development. Said roadmap was very well-received, and they jumped on the occasion to put in place pre-orders (though, honestly, considering the short time span, I think it was a calculated move - one that worked perfectly, if not better than what they anticipated).

Was implying more of the updates and the money connected, but the roadmap being there also to show that updates are coming...

...wait... that doesn't make much sense either...

The key point I was TRYING to make is that Chucklefish/Tiy technically have lots of people who've paid for a game, but said people don't have the game. They can generate a lot more badwill than the Terraria team by just taking a ungodly amount of time with their game release of Starbound.

The Starbound team is essentially in a bad positoin, compared to the Terraria team, where all they have to do is add additonal stuff to an already released game. I mean, really, if the Terraria team doesn't update, whats the worse that can happen? People stop playing? Where on the other hand, if the Starbound team doesn't release their game, well, probably not a pretty sight.

That isn't to say that Chucklefish needs to hurry the fuck up. Personally, I don't mind if they take their time, as long as they give us updates.


Omni said:
Greeting citizens,

It is very late, and the server maintenance has been delayed. Also it seems that the daily update falls to me today.

I generally keep to my coding cave, so I’m going to infer what everyone was doing from the git updates (24 commits today), because I’m kinda just winging this right now.

For what I did today, I added another widget type to our gui toolkit. It’s a slider bar (whee). That’s pretty boring. It’s also something that probably should have already been in the toolkit. But because I wrote most of it, I have no one but myself to complain to. :X

I also standardized the expected name of the json map in the assets. It used to be that each layout configuration was expected to have a random different name from nearly every other configuration, so I took some time to standardize each of the names. It’s not a big change, but it’s one that will have modders thanking us later about. (Or at very least, not being confused, annoyed, and cursing us and our firstborn.)

Armagon, Bartwe, and Tiy made several commits today concerning cinematics. Work is continuing on that, mostly getting the first one in is the biggest challenge, because it comes with developing the system. After we get the first one in the 2nd, 3rd, etc. go much faster. There’s still more work to make cinematics a “thing” for in game, though.

A Helper Elf pushed a change that includes several minor changes to many items that I was completely unaware existed within the game. Like, one off costume sort of things, pretty cool! Horsemask? Horsemask.

It looks like Kyren is continuing her work on enemies, she made a small commit to tweak some behavior of the smaller bipedal enemies. I assume there is more that she simply hasn’t committed yet. As I’m actually currently at her home, I could probably snoooooop her computer and find out, but I’ll be good. Because that’s not cool, yo.

3 days without a screenshot? There’s no way I’d let that happen, so here’s something random.

Liking that you can examine things without picking them up. Not sure if they showed that before.


Do we know how breaking blocks works in this game?

Apparently with the same tool you use for building and placing blocks.

Some weapons are able to destroy blocks as well.

For dungeons and alike it seems you have to find the 'core' of the dungeon and destroy it before you can strip it to pieces.


Apparently with the same tool you use for building and placing blocks.

Some weapons are able to destroy blocks as well.

For dungeons and alike it seems you have to find the 'core' of the dungeon and destroy it before you can strip it to pieces.

I mean like... Will there be foreground and background pieces like terraria?


This game has come such a long way, I remember reading about it what feels like years ago. They're definitely getting some of my precious money, but I hope looks aren't deceiving. After Spore, I think we're all wary of randomly generated planets.


This game has come such a long way, I remember reading about it what feels like years ago. They're definitely getting some of my precious money, but I hope looks aren't deceiving. After Spore, I think we're all wary of randomly generated planets.

Yeah, the random planets don't really do it for me. I feel like I could never find a home planet like earth.


May 27th Update:

Tiy said:
Hi guys

A whole lot of our day was taken up with getting the website steady on a new host today.

Let us know if it’s faster/slower or if you have any other problems with it.

Kyren finished her big physics change and will have some fun things to show on that front soon.

I spent an absurd amount of time (12 hours?) tweaking intro cinematics.

We didn’t want to simply load a video, that’s always very obvious and ugly.

So we have an in game system that allows us to create comic style cinematics, getting all the cinematic timings right (by tenths of a second) however requires quite some patience.

Omni is putting the finishing touches on the options menu.

Legris is working hard on providing utterly beautiful art for the intros.

On an entirely different note, by popular demand (and because it’s funny). We’ve decided to have a cosplay competition.

It’ll be up on the forums soon, you can post your best (or worst) attempts at Starbound cosplay.

And we’ll pick 10 for a free copy of the game + getting your name in the game as an NPC.

If you want to win, either make sure your costume is really awesome or really embarrassing.


The game sounds like it's cruising right along in terms of development.

I say we have a beta by holiday season.

Some things they mention (Options menu) sound like final touches they're putting in so the Beta looks good. Others (Physics changes) sound like larger goals that should have been done by now. Some sound like features you'd put in before launch (intro comics).

It's very confusing, some things suggest a Beta soon, some things sound like stuff that should have been done a while ago.


They have a "roadmap" of their development:


It's still slightly vague, and I'm not sure when it was updated last, but it gives a good idea of how far they are. The end of 2013 for a release doesn't sound implausible at all.
I don't think it's been updated at all since it was put up in early April. But that's okay. The daily updates are nice. I think they've said the roadmap will be updated early June, and it'll be a monthly thing.


Anybody planning on taking part in the cosplay competition?

I might. A free copy of this awesome game, plus getting to be IN IT, sounds awesome.


May 28th Update:
Hey amigos!

Looks like I’m in charge of tonight’s update.

Kyren’s made changes/tweaks to flying NPCs, to make them a little smarter and more intuitive. Not like, Siri intuitive. I wouldn’t ask one for weather reports, or strike up conversation with one. But still! Moving right along…

Legris is still working on super pretty intro cinematics! Omnipotent Entity is finishing up work on the options menu!

As for me, I’ve been working on…oh god, I’m really setting myself up for jokes here…food! Working on implementing food recipes. Each race will start with its own set of recipes, but you’ll be able to learn every other race’s recipes as well. You’ll craft food at a kitchen counter out of crops, meat and other materials. Some of it will require cooking to reap the full benefits, though. I mean, you CAN eat a raw alien burger, but I can’t promise you won’t regret it later.
And yes, you can totally bake a cake.

Foods and other consumables, on top of having health, hunger and possibly status effects, will be able to be placed on tables and other platforms for decoration. Nifty!

Oh, and here’s a brand new mech from thefluvirus.


May 29th Update:
Hi guys,

Today we worked on a few more UI bits and bobs.

First we made a culinary UI, which can be accessed from a food prep table and various kitchen counters style items.

It will be full of a massive amounts of food recipes. Food is divided into various categories like Entree, sides, snacks, drinks, desserts.


Each category of food will have it’s own use. You’ll also be able to place food in the world, should you want to lay a table.

It’s basic functionality, but we finally got around to making the number of slots in a chest configurable.


We’re putting the final touches on the options menu. Finishing up the final respawn animations and finishing up the avian intro.

Molly is throwing in a ton of food items to go with the cooking system.

And kyren has the ongoing task of increasing NPC intelligence.


StarboundGAF cocktail party is inevitable.

I believe it was Robothaus who made a hidden Bar on the TerrariaGAF server, you had to swim through a bunch of flooded glass chambers to get to it, but it was pretty swanky. So yeah, I would expect the same here.


May 30th Update:
Let’s see what’s going on today in Chucklefish Land…

On the creative / artist side, there was some more work done on cooking and cooking recipes, and a lot of cooking recipes were added, along with some more crafting objects to do different sorts of cooking. There was also some code work done to crafting to enable more types of crafting / cooking windows to be opened. Also I believe more hats were drawn.

On the coding side, like I said before there was work done to support more kinds of crafting, bartwe is working on fleshing out more functionality in the container UI code, and omni did some more work on the sound system and also tying some of that functionality to the options screen.

Also, I finally have the monster spawner naturally spawn flying creatures and fish :D

So, bit of a short update today, sorry about that. We’re still hard at work, though! There will be more tomorrow, and hopefully nice juicy screenshots.

We'll need to pick someplace to put a restaurant... maybe... at the end of the universe.

What? Of course that's a totally original idea. Didn't rip it off from anywhere.

Don't Panic! Nobody said you were ripping it off. Thumbs up on the neat locale.


We'll need to pick someplace to put a restaurant... maybe... at the end of the universe.

I will honestly be surprised if it isn't already in as an easteregg. The whole coordinates==seed system seems very convenient in that you could easily reserve a few for "hard-coded" planets.
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