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STEAM | Discussion Thread - Everyone's favorite PC Platform

What about Grim Dawn? Are the stages creepy, tense and interesting like Diablo 1?

The maps for the most part are not procedurally generated (or whatever the accurate term is). They're static but enemies can be randomized on top of them. This allows them to better 'tell a story' with the land, but it has the downside of becoming somewhat bland when you replay it for hundreds of hours. Still though, it's my favorite hack-n-slash ARPG on the market that's currently being updated. Also the reason it's discounted is because the expansion just dropped today. Looks to be about US$25 for the whole bundle right now.


So, Grim Dawn is heavily discounted on Steam.

Gaf, help me decide whether I should buy it or not. I love the first Diablo and an old Diablo-clone called Dark Stone because I feel the dungeons themselves were interesting and tense.

I've played the demo version of Diablo III and found it boring. Played a bit of Torchlight and found it boring. Played a bit of Path of Exile and... boring. The reason: the level design looked bland to me.

What about Grim Dawn? Are the stages creepy, tense and interesting like Diablo 1?

It's a good game. Check my amateur review out (http://steamcommunity.com/id/jadax2000/recommended/219990)

I played it before RoS came out for D3, so it was exactly what I had hoped D3 would be. BUT, I rarely felt creeped out or tense. It's definitely fun though.

Edit: To add to what people are saying, it's basically one big map that you unlock as you go the main story-line (for the most part). Dungeons as well I remember are limited to 3-4 styles (excluding main storyline ones)? So you sort of know where the end boss is and and most cases can just skip content (since towards the end there are a few areas which give items you need, but the rest is trash).


So, Grim Dawn is heavily discounted on Steam.

Gaf, help me decide whether I should buy it or not. I love the first Diablo and an old Diablo-clone called Dark Stone because I feel the dungeons themselves were interesting and tense.

I've played the demo version of Diablo III and found it boring. Played a bit of Torchlight and found it boring. Played a bit of Path of Exile and... boring. The reason: the level design looked bland to me.

What about Grim Dawn? Are the stages creepy, tense and interesting like Diablo 1?

I like it a lot! 412 hours a lot! The story is really cool (well I think so)

I have friends who were super obsessed with PoE (Like they have 2000 hours+) and asked me to play, I did one run through of the game and got bored. It just wasn't for me with Path of Exile (Granted this was before they added the Fall of Oriath? Revamp stuff haven't tried that yet/again)

Then I got Grim Dawn and played through that and ended up liking it a LOT more. Easier to figure out the skills/classes (For me at least, without feeling like a complete moron). The story is a lot more Diablo like for sure. Lots of loot and hidden stuff/quests/sidequests

Plus the Expansion just came out today!


The maps for the most part are not procedurally generated (or whatever the accurate term is). They're static but enemies can be randomized on top of them. This allows them to better 'tell a story' with the land, but it has the downside of becoming somewhat bland when you replay it for hundreds of hours. Still though, it's my favorite hack-n-slash ARPG on the market that's currently being updated. Also the reason it's discounted is because the expansion just dropped today. Looks to be about US$25 for the whole bundle right now.
Pretty most levels are stitched together by blocking off different parts of the map and moving dungeon entrances and whatnot around.


tHE NEW humble book bundle is weird.
It's a combination of Pathfinder PnP RPG books, Pathfinder comics and various comics from the publisher of the Pathfinder comics?
I hate the SO games. Horrible art direction and some of the absolute worst writing I've ever seen.
Everything I tend to dislike in games, Japanese games in paricular, is in this franchise.
New expansion for Grim Dawn is only 7.8$ for me
Pretty most levels are stitched together by blocking off different parts of the map and moving dungeon entrances and whatnot around.

They'll block off certain paths with a bunch of debris or a fire here and there but it's still always the base map and you know where everything will be. Which I've heard people remark to both positively and negatively so I think it's worth bringing up when the maps are questioned.


They'll block off certain paths with a bunch of debris or a fire here and there but it's still always the base map and you know where everything will be. Which I've heard people remark to both positively and negatively so I think it's worth bringing up when the maps are questioned.
Base map yes, but stuff like items you need to find or dungeon entrances (say the Hive Queen's Lair) move around quite a bit.


Wait, Durante made Ys VIII twice as fast? Or is he talking about CS2?
Edit: Just googled it and it's Ys VIII! That makes me so much more excited for the PC version.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Grim Dawn DLC taking #1 global spot over Pubga. Crate must be thrilled.

Now it can get to work on that Titan Quest expansion Nordic almost certainly approached it about back in 2015.

Also, I should really get around to playing Grim Dawn. I backed it... what, about six-and-a-half years ago now.

Item	Description		Qty	Taxable	Unit Price	Item Total
1337 	Grim Dawn - Legendary 	1 	N 	US $48.00 	US $48.00
Date/Time:	18-Mar-2011 03:21:31 AM ET



The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Grim Dawn DLC taking #1 global spot over Pubga. Crate must be thrilled.

people like them pet classes...

no really, they do, like a third of the class mods are out are some sort of pet class. Granted, the game's default classes (or masteries if you will) are dogshit in this department.

btw JaseC, bow down to your KING for he speaks the truth



That's awesome.
I'm disappointed no one ever made a proper engine clone of DJ Hero; that game is awesome and very underappreciated.

I think I remember someone was trying to mod Frets On Fire with a DJ Hero mode back in the day. But sadly I don't think they've done a lot.


So Tabata had an interview related to the Windows Edition of FFXV and these lines stuck out to me:
“We always wanted to create multiple points of entry through the FFXV Universe concept, some of these before the release of XV [such as the CG film Kingsglaive and animated Brotherhood series] and some after,” he says. “All of these were designed to expand the audience beyond the traditional core audience and to move XV away from a typical game release and towards an entertainment event. This is why the PC and mobile platforms are important to us for growing the audience, reaching as many players as possible with the game, regardless of whether they own a console or not.”

So... is a game having a PC version not part of a "typical game release" to Square Enix? Very strange.


So, Grim Dawn is heavily discounted on Steam.

Gaf, help me decide whether I should buy it or not. I love the first Diablo and an old Diablo-clone called Dark Stone because I feel the dungeons themselves were interesting and tense.

I've played the demo version of Diablo III and found it boring. Played a bit of Torchlight and found it boring. Played a bit of Path of Exile and... boring. The reason: the level design looked bland to me.

What about Grim Dawn? Are the stages creepy, tense and interesting like Diablo 1?

It's super like Titan Quest, it's basically TQ 2, but more of a dark medieval setting than the old sort of Greek-Roman setting of TQ.

I personally didn't enjoy Grim Dawn that much. I found it mostly boring and the amount of hours you have to invest to see if a build is fun or not is basically 90% of the way through the campaign. There's no adventure mode or way to level up or respec easily (unless they've added it) and loot RNG is extreme (much like TQ) to the point where you may have to backtrack to grind a bit sometimes, just for better drops, not for XP. The "best" builds involve dumping most of your skill points into passives and stat boosts.

I think the potential for a lot of fun is there, I think they just made it way too grindy and gated to enjoy. I can try out multiple classes and a dozen builds in Diablo 3 in the time it takes to really test 1 in Grim Dawn. To me that's not worth it when the first few I tried were all boring.

I know there was one expansion after I stopped playing and another big one on the way but I haven't bothered to look if they've changed up the game enough to bring me back.

Edit: For comparison, I probably have 300-400 hours in Diablo 3 because I come back every season to complete the season out. I played almost to the end of TQ + Xpac until my save got corrupted and I didn't feel like going through the whole game again. I played Diablo 2 for a billion hours like everyone else and even enjoyed replaying Diablo 1 a couple years ago. Never could get into PoE, tried again with the 3.0 launch and just... not for me I guess. I would put Grim Dawn probably near the bottom of all of those, but above PoE. I really wanted to like it but it just makes it way too hard to have fun.
Worst case, you can refund it.

That's a good idea. I own the money on my Steam wallet, so it won't cost me anything if I request a refund later.

The maps for the most part are not procedurally generated (or whatever the accurate term is). They're static but enemies can be randomized on top of them.

Hmmmm... not sure how I feel about this. I kind of like procedurally generated stages, when it's done right.

Reading it right now...

"Loads of side-quests to distract you, increase the immersion of this desolate world."

I love side-quests. I actually prefer good side-quests to a good main quest.

Then I got Grim Dawn and played through that and ended up liking it a LOT more. Easier to figure out the skills/classes (For me at least, without feeling like a complete moron). The story is a lot more Diablo like for sure. Lots of loot and hidden stuff/quests/sidequests

Plus the Expansion just came out today!

"Easier to figure out" is a big one for me. I'm kind of dumb when it comes to skill trees and stuff, having too many options is a problem for me. And I see you also like the side-quests... I guess I'll give the game a try.

There's no adventure mode or way to level up or respec easily (unless they've added it) and loot RNG is extreme (much like TQ) to the point where you may have to backtrack to grind a bit sometimes, just for better drops, not for XP. The "best" builds involve dumping most of your skill points into passives and stat boosts.

I'm not too worried about the builds. I suck at these games, I never dive too deep into builds and all. I finished Diablo I and loved it, but I played as a wizard and I think I only used two or three spells :p


It's super like Titan Quest, it's basically TQ 2, but more of a dark medieval setting than the old sort of Greek-Roman setting of TQ.

I personally didn't enjoy Grim Dawn that much. I found it mostly boring and the amount of hours you have to invest to see if a build is fun or not is basically 90% of the way through the campaign. There's no adventure mode or way to level up or respec easily (unless they've added it) and loot RNG is extreme (much like TQ) to the point where you may have to backtrack to grind a bit sometimes, just for better drops, not for XP. The "best" builds involve dumping most of your skill points into passives and stat boosts.

I think the potential for a lot of fun is there, I think they just made it way too grindy and gated to enjoy. I can try out multiple classes and a dozen builds in Diablo 3 in the time it takes to really test 1 in Grim Dawn. To me that's not worth it when the first few I tried were all boring.

I know there was one expansion after I stopped playing and another big one on the way but I haven't bothered to look if they've changed up the game enough to bring me back.
Respec has been in since 1.0 at least.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Wait a minute, wasn't Steven Universe: Save The Light announced for PC or was that a mistake? Cause all I'm seeing now is it's for PS4/Xbox only.

The latter. A slip-up on Game Informer's part.


For Switch/PC owners: I've been making the rounds with this PSA, but we're very aware of the demand for the game on these platforms, and also very sorry we weren't able to make it happen for launch. It's a combination of publishing logistics and our team being on the smaller side, and being very loaded with getting the first versions we started development on into the best state they could be for launch.

We very much want the game on Switch/PC and will be doing all we can to make it happen as soon as we can. Please keep an eye out for when we can discuss more.


That's a good idea. I own the money on my Steam wallet, so it won't cost me anything if I request a refund later.

Hmmmm... not sure how I feel about this. I kind of like procedurally generated stages, when it's done right.

Reading it right now...

"Loads of side-quests to distract you, increase the immersion of this desolate world."

I love side-quests. I actually prefer good side-quests to a good main quest.

"Easier to figure out" is a big one for me. I'm kind of dumb when it comes to skill trees and stuff, having too many options is a problem for me. And I see you also like the side-quests... I guess I'll give the game a try.

I'm not too worried about the builds. I suck at these games, I never dive too deep into builds and all. I finished Diablo I and loved it, but I played as a wizard and I think I only used two or three spells :p

The other thing is you can basically beat the entire game with a "Horribly" built character so whatever sounds cool or you think will be cool would basically work to beat the game.

My first guy I wanted a warrior person with a 2handed melee weapon that smashed stuff and he beat the shit out of things really really well until I got onto ultimate difficulty (Beating the game for the 2nd time, Replaying it through for the third time)


I put over 1k hours in tita quest and 600 in anniversary version.

For me i found grim dawn no where near as fun and i really couldnt get into it


Just played Grim Dawn co-op for a couple of hours. Really enjoying it, definitely has Dark Alliance vibes. Controller support is dodgy though, had to go back to mouse and keyboard.
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