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STEAM | September 2017 - Summer Ys Ending

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Installing COD beta, already at 2000 "Mostly Negative" reviews!

I usually just sell the packs, but opted to unpack one recently (probably an anime game) and ended up getting a nice foil card.

I forgot which idler I use these days but it's all automated once it's properly set up.

Is there more idlers than just IdleMaster? I would really like an automated one that skips ever 5 seconds or however long you have to wait.


Fair enoigh then :x

Which brings me to my next question
The xbone line aims to run 360 games at better performance than the original console
Can the current advancements in the ps3 emulator lead to it running multiplat ps3 games bettet their 360s counterparts on the xbone?

RPCS3 will but it will take time. Its gonna be interesting to see what advancement MS makes with a the new X. In theory they should be able to emulate games at higher res/framerates than vanilla Xone. Who knows tho. The fact that MS has been able to successfully monetize emulation on consoles probably means they'll beat out any free 360 emulator to PC.
Installing COD beta, already at 2000 "Mostly Negative" reviews!

My COD beta experience:

-Started the beta
-Cutscenes started hitching and lagging a bit but started to smooth out
-Joined a match, forgot to turn off voice chat, heard a bunch of guys yell the N-word and Faggot
-Game was stuttering every 20 seconds, kept dying from campers and game crashed halfway through the match
-Went back to Dishonored 2, may or may not go back to try it again


Well, zkylon admitted he pirates. Don't know who else was brave enough to admit it here though :p
hey hey hey

i advocate for piracy since it's what got me into games in the first place, but if you can afford games and have access to them then by all means please buy games since that gives money to the ppl that worked their butts off making them

i don't really pirate shit anymore unless it's getting anime that doesn't run on the limited south american crunchyroll/netflix libraries (and would be stolen by customs anyways if i tried to pay the prohibitively expensive import taxes to import the dvds). i don't have the means to go to a store and buy a studio ghibli movie, all the stores sell pirated shit and if i try to import it i pay 2x and in my experience i have like a 30% chance of actually getting what i bought. i'm sorry ghibli and satoshi kon and trigger, i love all of you, but getting your shit here is nigh impossible. if it helps, i went to the cinema to watch spirited away three times and i watch A LOT of kill la kill now that it's on netflix

but for games it's much easier since i can just buy shit directly without having to be restricted by customs, taxes or bad anime publishers, so i don't really pirate games

on the topic at hand, i think denuvo is a dumb reason to pirate a game since i've never had any bad experiences with it, but whatever, who gives a shit. i take more offense on ppl that race to buy games on price errors and pretend that's their right. but in the same way as denuvo, i don't give a shit about that either

but pls don't lump me with the denuvo haters or whatever


I managed to forget how great 999 is.
Feels good to have pretty much full voice acting.
Kind of weird the ADV mode strips all flavor text. Oh well, luckily nothing's missing in the NVL mode.


Bioshock blobber!


I managed to forget how great 999 is.
Feels good to have pretty much full voice acting.
Kind of weird the ADV mode strips all flavor text. Oh well, luckily nothing's missing in the NVL mode.

It really should start in novel mode by default. Some of that flavor text can be essential to understanding the context of what's going on or being said.
I was thinking that I hadn't pirated anything since using Steam, but then I remembered I'd downloaded the No One Lives Forever games on account of it not being for sale since nobody knows who owns it.

I should play that soon.
Steamgaf, I have sinned.
So I realized I could play Blue Reflection through family sharing and ended up dedicating yesterday's precious gaming time to it instead of Divinity 2.
May the gods of gaming have mercy on my soul and put me back on the righteous path.
Steamgaf, I have sinned.
So I realized I could play Blue Reflection through family sharing and ended up dedicating yesterday's precious gaming time to it instead of Divinity 2.
May the gods of gaming have mercy on my soul and put me back on the righteous path.

Adapt to SteamGAF. Only play superior waifu games!


I think this was brought up before in this thread but I am missing a few games, I had 2053 now I have 2046 don't you usually get a message that says why they were removed from your account?
I think this was brought up before in this thread but I am missing a few games, I had 2053 now I have 2046 don't you usually get a message that says why they were removed from your account?

Some games have been getting removed from showing up on your profile even though you still have access to them in your library.


listen to the mad man
I think this was brought up before in this thread but I am missing a few games, I had 2053 now I have 2046 don't you usually get a message that says why they were removed from your account?

It is almost certainly the case that what you're referring to is not games that removed from your account. Instead, they got removed from the count on your account when they got removed from the store. They got removed because they were fraudulent junk games made to exploit cards or some other similar scam by the developer.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
So we are somehow supposed to remember the names, cause I have no clue what's missing?

They'll still be available and playable in your library. They just won't show up on your profile or in your game count.
I was thinking of holding off on Blue Reflection but positive reception of the PC version is making me reconsider. Sigh, I just wish there was an ETA already on the Ys VIII release.


I am assuming that humble would not put Get Even at 50% off and then put it in the monthly next week? Because I bought it.
Installing COD beta, already at 2000 "Mostly Negative" reviews!

Huh, what's wrong with th..

My COD beta experience:

-Started the beta
-Cutscenes started hitching and lagging a bit but started to smooth out
-Joined a match, forgot to turn off voice chat, heard a bunch of guys yell the N-word and Faggot
-Game was stuttering every 20 seconds, kept dying from campers and game crashed halfway through the match
-Went back to Dishonored 2, may or may not go back to try it again


Steamgaf, I have sinned.
So I realized I could play Blue Reflection through family sharing and ended up dedicating yesterday's precious gaming time to it instead of Divinity 2.
May the gods of gaming have mercy on my soul and put me back on the righteous path.

Steamgaf, I have sinned.
So I realized I could play Blue Reflection through family sharing and ended up dedicating yesterday's precious gaming time to it instead of Divinity 2.
May the gods of gaming have mercy on my soul and put me back on the righteous path.
My son we need to have a talk to get your life back on the straight and narrow


Steamgaf, I have sinned.
So I realized I could play Blue Reflection through family sharing and ended up dedicating yesterday's precious gaming time to it instead of Divinity 2.
May the gods of gaming have mercy on my soul and put me back on the righteous path.
Do not worry. Know that you made the right decision. Blue Reflection is a great game and at the very least its characters, graphics, and music make it worthwhile.
The games of the month are Blue Reflection and Danganronpa V3. Anything else should be on the backburner behind those two games.


played a bit of fornite battle royale, it's kinda cool. it helps a lot that it's free, none of my friends would buy battlegrounds since it's too expensive and it might not run on their computers, so this is a pretty acceptable aproximation that's super affordable heh

the building adds a bit of fun shenanigans that can happen in a game, since you can barricade and create sniping positions and such

it's really fun to play with friends, and it does really make me want to play the real thing with them but way too expensive


GMG has a $2.99 15 Game Indie Action Bundle https://www.greenmangaming.com/games/15-Game-Indie-action-Bundle:

The Asskickers - Stanislas Berton / AGO
Astervoid 2000 - Mad Capacity,LREVG
Gun Slugs - Orange Pixel
Gun Slugs 2 - Orange Pixel
Unbox - Merge Games
Space Grunts - Orange Pixel
Space Ribbon - Onteca
Bitmaster - Sometimes You
Commandos Collection Pack - Merge Games
Heroes of Loot - Orange Pixel
Heroes of Loot 2 - Orange Pixel
Super Hardcore - Maximus ez Games
Heroes & Legends - Phoenix Online
Big Buck Hunter Arcade - GameMill
Bard's Gold - Erdem Sen

Unbox is supposed to be good, right?
Unbox is supposed to be good, right?
I found it unenjoyable due to the wonky character physics and the resulting camera motion that results from it, as well as level design that seemed at odds with that character motion.

However, in a bundle, I’d tell folks to check it out and see if they like it. It’s not the worst 3D platforner ive ever played.


I was surprised by how much I enjoyed Unbox, but that could be due to me liking the bunny hopping aspect of the game. I also played with the steam controller, and being able to use mouse/gyro always adds to my enjoyment of a game. ymmv.
Since the Rocket League flag pack was removed because of license expiration, I was wondering what are the other licensed DLC for the game? Some of it is obvious, like the Fate of the Furious or Batman or Back to the Future stuff, but there's other stuff like the Chaos Run pack where I don't know if it's a licensed Mad Max DLC or if it's just supposed to be inspired by it.
Since the Rocket League flag pack was removed because of license expiration, I was wondering what are the other licensed DLC for the game? Some of it is obvious, like the Fate of the Furious or Batman or Back to the Future stuff, but there's other stuff like the Chaos Run pack where I don't know if it's a licensed Mad Max DLC or if it's just supposed to be inspired by it.

Don't forget the Hot Wheels cars. However, those are fairly recent.


Steamgaf, I have sinned.
So I realized I could play Blue Reflection through family sharing and ended up dedicating yesterday's precious gaming time to it instead of Divinity 2.
May the gods of gaming have mercy on my soul and put me back on the righteous path.

Further proof that SteamGAF has questionable taste in video games.


Not a mod, just a bot.
This is a scheduled automated repost on behalf of fuzzylogic, who is running this raffle.

ModBot said:
I am giving away 5 Steam keys. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line from the message below that corresponds to the game you want. (if you include more than one game, you will be blocked from entering). Confused? Watch this GIF tutorial or ask for help.
Want to make your own ModBot giveaway? Click here for a quick tutorial thread. Please give generously.

ModBot Basics:
- This giveaway has a manual blocklist. The giver has identified members who abuse giveaways and restricted them from participating.
- No need to thank me. Please don't post thank you messages in thread or in PM.
- Do not trade keys you win off-site to enrich yourself. Don't try to claim games you have no interest in collecting or playing. Don't claim games to give them to friends off-site.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two.

Rules for this Giveaway:
- This is a free for all! You can enter for multiple games on the list below. Send an individual PM for each game you'd like to win.
- If you won a game from ModBot in the last day, you are not eligible for this giveaway.
- This giveaway is a raffle. The winners will be selected by random draw 24 hours after the draw was created. Any games not claimed after that point will be given away first come first serve.

Battlerite Lite -- MB-383DE307D9F7215D - Taken by longlivegaming. 5 entrants total.
Battlerite Lite #2 -- MB-AC958F9D0AB0496C - Taken by TheGreenArrow. 5 entrants total.
Battlerite Lite #3 -- MB-7A4506FC1BCD54BF - Taken by Dominican Power. 5 entrants total.
Battlerite Lite #4 -- MB-5D232DA417B8013D - Taken by Abomination. 4 entrants total.
Gigantic Starter Pack -- MB-AAA56279AC9E257B - Taken by TetraxShards. 10 entrants total.



Further proof that SteamGAF has questionable taste in video games.

I don't care if my tastes are "questionable" if that means i can play and enjoy games like Blue Reflection :p

Speaking of which, here are my ipressions so far (cross-posted from Discord):

I'm pretty happy with Blue Reflection so far, the art and sound\music are just superb. The story may be nothing to write home about, but the game's atmosphere more than makes up for it. Some people compare it to Persona - while not entirely wrong, this game has its own unique style. Another thing worth mentioning is that this game basically doesn't have any grind at all - there isn't even such thing as experience points. Your characters have levels, but they gain them by completing some of the main and side objectives.
Oh, and i find the gameplay rather enjoyable too - this game isn't very hard even on highest difficulty so far (i'm not that far though :p). Overall, it's a very relaxing game, which is to be expected from Gust.
Here are a couple of tracks from the OST:

Having said all of this, the PC port has some gamebreaking bugs at the moment, which are being looked into. Because of those, i would advise against purchasing the game yet - i also stopped playing it myself for now.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.

ModBot said:
I am giving away 3 Steam keys. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line from the message below that corresponds to the game you want. (if you include more than one game, you will be blocked from entering). Confused? Watch this GIF tutorial or ask for help.
Want to make your own ModBot giveaway? Click here for a quick tutorial thread. Please give generously.

ModBot Basics:
- No need to thank me. Please don't post thank you messages in thread or in PM.
- Do not trade keys you win off-site to enrich yourself. Don't try to claim games you have no interest in collecting or playing. Don't claim games to give them to friends off-site.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two.

Into the Belly of the Beast -- MB-F29D7B9A470122E8 - Taken by rainking187
Lost Bros -- MB-208F5D06C8456535 - Taken by madjoki
VCB: Why City -- MB-A59CAB2BEF0B6321 - Taken by septicore


Cuphead is finally coming out today!

Also Golf Story is lots of fun and today I get my SNES Mini. This weekend will be good.


Watching people play the COD beta reminds me why I don't like that game. Nothing matter. You get shot and killed you respawn in like seconds. I think the best thing about PUBG is that death is the end of the game for you, no second chances so the game is exciting and tense.
Switch pals should add me, ricoguro (ricochetguro if you're a steam friend)

Edit: Oh wait it's still friend code nonsense.


My thing with Denuvo is the kind of ambivalence that I have with most DRM -- it's dumb, and increasingly pointless, but I get why companies feel the need to use it.
I think many gamers are far too quick to accept stupid and counter-productive corporate decisions. No one is forcing companies to act dumb, and when they do it is 100% their fault.
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