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Steven Seagal is being sued for all kinds of crazy shit

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Dont hate on RiskyChris, he is just daring to ask the tough questions, like that guy from Fox News
Cindres said:
Don't you guys just hate when you're watching a porno, and you're about to finish so you try to skip to the good part but you misjudge it and the girl's getting abused by the industry?
Hentai is the solution you are looking for.


Either I made up lies about the Boston Bomber or I fell for someone else's crap. Either way, I have absolutely no credibility and you should never pay any attention to anything I say, no matter what the context. Perm me if I claim to be an insider
Steven Seagal has bad taste in Asian women.

She looks like a second rate Tila Tequila.

And Tila Tequila looks like a second rate version of herself.

Man, Shawne Merriman almost clinched the Asian-American Lifetime Acheivement Award last year, allegedly.


This lady better be careful, as she may be marked for death. Steven Seagal, a dangerous man, is above the law. He's born to raise hell, he's a mercenary for justice, and he might flip the kill switch and bring this woman under siege. Hopefully she is hard to kill, and will use a machette to make the executive decision to fire down below and inflict exit wounds.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Good work on baiting RiskyChris into shitting this thread up, guys. It's practically a meme at this point.

Limedust said:
This lady better be careful, as she may be marked for death. Steven Seagal, a dangerous man, is above the law. He's born to raise hell, he's a mercenary for justice, and he might flip the kill switch and bring this woman under siege. Hopefully she is hard to kill, and will use a machette to make the executive decision to fire down below and inflict exit wounds.
You coulda wrote a novel if you used all of the Direct to DVD titles.


is now taking requests
SpeedingUptoStop said:
Good work on baiting RiskyChris into shitting this thread up, guys. It's practically a meme at this point.

That's like blaming a young girl wearing a short skirt for getting raped. CHILD RAPE APOLOGIST!


Zaptruder said:
What's the difference between retard and imbecile, idiot, moron, etc?
Being an imbecile, idiot or moron doesn't get you a BIG HUG AND A PLATE OF COOKIES! :D
RiskyChris said:
Woah somebody famous has an easier time treating women like shit and keeping them?! I don't believe it - people in this thread.

Woah, what? "Keeping them"? Women aren't objects to "keep" or "throw away" you know...


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
ClosingADoor said:
Woah, what? "Keeping them"? Women aren't objects to "keep" or "throw away" you know...

he doesn't think very highly of females, said they're unable to stand up for themselves and other such nonsense.


Retarded people generally don't mind if you call them retarded.

Their impairment makes them not only unaware of most attacks, but also great all-around individuals.

They quite deservedly lack most of your problems in life, too.

Who wouldn't want to live life with such simple needs and not be aware of anything else?


Junior Member
Mudkips said:
And Risky Chris joins empty vessel on the ignore list.

Fucking moron.
People who announce changes to their ignore list are attention whores. If you're going to ignore someone, that's your business. No need to make royal decrees on here like something important has happened. :lol


Apparently he used Craigslist to find his "executive assistant". Looks like both of them knew exactly what they were getting into, not sure why all the drama.:lol


AVclub said:
People who announce changes to their ignore list are attention whores. If you're going to ignore someone, that's your business. No need to make royal decrees on here like something important has happened. :lol

And people who make announcements about how other people making announcements is dumb should put up countdown clocks before their announcements so we all know when to tune in.


And some of the quotes are just :lol :lol
He then proceeded to treat Nguyen as his "sex toy" despite her complaints, the lawsuit says, responding to her terror as he fondled and manhandled her by saying, "Relax, we won't do anything special tonight ... I'll save that for another night.'"
He probably picked up the Russian chics when filming Driven to Kill.

Hari Seldon

More detail:


Steven Seagal is accused of hiring young women as personal attendants whose real job was to serve his strange and sometimes violent sexual desires, according to a civil lawsuit filed Monday in Los Angeles by a 23-year-old former model who describes her experience in harrowing detail.

The plaintiff, Kayden Nguyen, said she met the action star in February through an ad on Craigslist seeking an executive assistant and, after three interviews, was told to pack for a trip to New Orleans, where the A&E show "Steven Seagal Lawman" was taping.

When she arrived, the lawsuit says, she discovered that Seagal had been keeping two young female Russian "attendants" who were essentially on-call for sex -- 24-seven.

On that first night, Nguyen was ushered to a secluded house where Seagal was staying with his wife and the two young women. He then proceeded to treat Nguyen as his "sex toy" despite her complaints, the lawsuit says, responding to her terror as he fondled and manhandled her by saying, "Relax, we won't do anything special tonight ... I'll save that for another night.'"

She complained the following morning to some of the other employees, assuming that they would deliver the message to Seagal. Hours later, the lawsuit says he assaulted her again, this time forcing her to consume "illegal pills" and inflicting sexual acts on her until she sobbed.

The following morning, when she confronted Seagal herself, he told her there had been a "misunderstanding"; but hours later, he assaulted her a third time, an attack that stopped only when she ran away.

The ordeal carried on for several days, and it wasn't until Feb. 28 -- the following Sunday -- that she was able to escape the situation.

The lawsuit says Nguyen told Seagal that she had to leave to meet with family members who would be suspicious if she didn't show up. Nonetheless, he told her not to leave the house and followed her with a gun equipped with a flashlight as she went out to a waiting cab, which sped away as she jumped in the front seat.

A message left by TheWrap with the action star's attorney, Stuart Rosenthal, was not immediately returned Monday. Messages left with A&E were also not immediately returned.

It was not clear why Kayden Nguyen chose to file a civil lawsuit instead of a criminal complaint. Messages left with her lawyers were not immediately returned Monday.

Nguyen's lawsuit claims that even after she got away, Seagal and his employees tried desperately to persuade her to return. When she escaped, she left behind "everything of value she owned," including car keys, her laptop, clothes, and "hundreds of dollars worth of makeup." She was told she would not get the items back until she signed an agreement stating she would not report the sexual attacks.

The lawsuit says Nguyen had accepted the job on Feb. 22, a Monday, and was sped in a limo to a waiting private jet. Her first indication that something was awry was when Seagal told her, as the plane was taking off, that his wife "wouldn't mind if we had a sexual relationship."

Nguyen's lawsuit said she could identify a "unique physiological reaction" that Seagal has to sexual arousal, which could be corroborated by the other "attendants." The suit did not specify what that reaction is.

The lawsuit alleges sexual harassment in violation of federal labor laws; illegal sex trafficking; retaliation; wrongful termination; and false representations about employment. Each of the six counts seeks in excess of $1 million in damages.



The pants/skirt thing seems weird, and so does the russian girls thing. I mean, doesn't he have the sex slaves specifically so he doesn't have to look for it elsewhere? None of this works together. I'm not saying it's not true, because Segal does seem a bit odd, but this just sounds like a bunch of bullshit thrown together to slander. She should have carved a backwards S in her face too and then rolled around in a bag of feces. PEACE.


Neo Member
Ok, instead of talking about RiskyChris and his inability to get past a victim mindset...
Did anyone else catch this shit?
Nguyen's lawsuit said she could identify a "unique physiological reaction" that Seagal has to sexual arousal, which could be corroborated by the other "attendants."
Does the dude have a third nipple that lactates or something? I'm honestly sort of grossed out. I mean what could a "unique" reaction be?
Link that someone else posted.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
This shit was going on while the show was filming? The fuck? How do you keep 3 sex slaves on the hush hush when you're filming a reality show?:lol


I just read about the 'reaction'. Does he turn into JCVD or something? Hair starts growing out his ears?

The only rational guess I can make is he starts sweating profusely.

EDIT: Quick, Photoshop magic Segal's head to Jekyll and a weird face of his to Hyde.

SpeedingUptoStop said:
This shit was going on while the show was filming? The fuck? How do you keep 3 sex slaves on the hush hush when you're filming a reality show?:lol
Chained, and nude inside your trailer.
jorma said:
That's like blaming a young girl wearing a short skirt for getting raped. CHILD RAPE APOLOGIST!

Dude the child rape apologist was smeared over the pavement by the mods.

ClosingADoor said:
Woah, what? "Keeping them"? Women aren't objects to "keep" or "throw away" you know...

Woah I used objectifying language to describe a situation where somebody is treated like an object.
Vox-Pop said:
paging Gloria Allred....

lol. Gloria is literally everywhere. I actually spoke with her once. She called wanting to speak with my uncle because his ex girlfriend was murdered by a serial killer 25 years ago. She was representing his ex's daughters in the case against the serial killer. She was boarding a plane at the time. Busy woman, even though I don't agree with a lot of her stances.

True story.
Eaten By A Grue said:
Just like when Segal was trapped in the connecting tube in Executive Decision and he had to decide whether saving his own life or those of his squad aboard the stealth fighter. He could have taken advantage of the situation and saved himself and it was also something he could not easily escape.

I totally did not expect Segal to die in that scene. It was the beginning of the fucking movie! How can they kill him off at the beginning?


RevenantKioku said:
Being an imbecile, idiot or moron doesn't get you a BIG HUG AND A PLATE OF COOKIES! :D

They're actually terms used to describe what was previously classified as mentally retarded in psychological terms.

I believe the latest DSM uses a different term now, making retard like idiot, imbecile, moron, an outmoded classification for those people.

It's fair game and has slipped into common parlance in the last 20 or so years! You might as well chide us for using contractions.
RiskyChris said:
I'm only impossible to argue with when my position is unassailable.

No, your position in the last two days has been one of idiocy. Any attempt to expose the idiocy in your views, and you just spout more idiocy. It's why mentally challenged people always win an argument. Because they're impossible to argue with since they simply don't understand the other person's argument.
SlipperySlope said:
No, your position in the last two days has been one of idiocy. Any attempt to expose the idiocy in your views, and you just spout more idiocy. It's why mentally challenged people always win an argument. Because they're impossible to argue with since they simply don't understand the other person's argument.

About the only idiotic thing I've done in the past two days is step on the wrong toes in the wrong thread, spawning endless debate about my character instead of the merits of my arguments.

I don't think my positions on child rape, abuse in porn, or vegetarianism (which was like 3 posts in a thread with 500 tip posts) are those "of idiocy."


Chris, I think there are arguments to be made as to why the woman went back the second day (that are more ambiguous than "she's a money-grubbing whore"), but I don't think you're making them.
SlipperySlope said:
Yes, because I think she is lying.

If you'd note I even commended an argument made in this thread that said more than "she was stupid for going back on day 2."

FoneBone said:
Chris, I think there are arguments to be made as to why the woman went back the second day (that are more ambiguous than "she's a money-grubbing whore"), but I don't think you're making them.

Agreedo, the relationship between men and women can be pretty complicated, and I don't want to claim that the only reason she went back was because he had money and fame. I'm just saying that there could be manipulative reasons, OR she was being underhanded and SS doesn't deserve this lawsuit.
RiskyChris said:
About the only idiotic thing I've done in the past two days is step on the wrong toes in the wrong thread, spawning endless debate about my character instead of the merits of my arguments.

I don't think my positions on child rape, abuse in porn, or vegetarianism (which was like 3 posts in a thread with 500 tip posts) are those "of idiocy."

I don't know of two of those posts. I'm talking about this thread, and the porn one, only. Your position in both was very flimsy. (although I have not read this entire thread yet).
SlipperySlope said:
I don't know of two of those posts. I'm talking about this thread, and the porn one, only. Your position in both was very flimsy. (although I have not read this entire thread yet).

My position of "porn abuse happens" is flimsy? I'm not trying to make arguments in this thread that are as strong as cases where we have actual facts, which you can see since I am very open to many possibilities here.
Fuzzery said:
If I offer you $10000 to cut yourself on the arm, am I taking advantage of you? Because it seems to me, I'm giving you an overwhelming incentive that is preventing you from getting away. This seems to be your line of argument here.

Well, yeah, if a rich person was paying a poor person large sums of money to mutilate themselves, it'd be deeply immoral. This is pretty obvious, isn't it? Or did you mean something more harmless by "cut [themselves]"? If so the analogy clearly isn't apt.

I have to say I'm a bit confused about all the hate directed at RiskyChris, and the need to call the victim stupid. We really can't even agree on having sympathy for victims of sexual assault? Yeesh.


Rich Uncle Skeleton said:
Well, yeah, if a rich person was paying a poor person large sums of money to mutilate themselves, it'd be deeply immoral. This is pretty obvious, isn't it? Or did you mean something more harmless by "cut [themselves]"? If so the analogy clearly isn't apt.

I have to say I'm a bit confused about all the hate directed at RiskyChris, and the need to call the victim stupid. We really can't even agree on having sympathy for victims of sexual assault? Yeesh.
Wow! When did personal responsibility get trumped by money? If I offer you $100 to cut off your junk, and you do it, how am I immoral? Isn't it just the person that debases themselves for the dollar the one that's immoral? I can set any price I want, it's down to someone else to be willing to sell me the product at that price. I just don't understand this.

If the allegations are true, she's an idiot. She's 23, and plenty old enough to know the consequences of exposing yourself to sexual advances. She got away with groping one day, and willingly went back? Fine. So she put a price on groping, and it was whatever her pay was. I guess once it went past that, she needed to either raise the price, or quit. But it sounds like some bullshit to me. Plus, no criminal case? She's after the money. PEACE.


Rich Uncle Skeleton said:
I have to say I'm a bit confused about all the hate directed at RiskyChris, and the need to call the victim stupid. We really can't even agree on having sympathy for victims of sexual assault? Yeesh.

She has everyone's sympathy. I doubt any of us would want Steven Seagal's hands down our pants. But to go through that and then still get up and get ready for day 2 is pretty questionable.

Pimpwerx said:
If I offer you $100 to cut off your junk, and you do it, how am I immoral?


Magnificent Eager Mighty Brilliantly Erect Registereduser
You get hit/assaulted/abused/sexually harassed by some guy once? I have all the sympathy in the world for you, and will stand up and defend you.
You have it happen twice by the same guy? You are a fucking idiot and I don't care what happens to you. I might be a dick for feeling that way, but if you don't learn your lesson the first time, I couldn't care less what happens to you afterwards.
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