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Steven Seagal is being sued for all kinds of crazy shit

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He thought he was Above the Law... I went Out for Justice

Pimpwerx said:
Wow! When did personal responsibility get trumped by money? If I offer you $100 to cut off your junk, and you do it, how am I immoral? Isn't it just the person that debases themselves for the dollar the one that's immoral? I can set any price I want, it's down to someone else to be willing to sell me the product at that price. I just don't understand this.

So I take it you're against any and all labor laws? What about if I hired people to fight to the death in a gladiator arena? They're free to choose not to take such a job. So what if I went and recruited gladiators in the poorest parts of the world and brought them to America to fight to the death for the some televised amusement? This is all OK? Surely you have some threshold for when consensual agreements can be abusive.

Pimpwerx said:
If the allegations are true, she's an idiot. She's 23, and plenty old enough to know the consequences of exposing yourself to sexual advances. She got away with groping one day, and willingly went back? Fine. So she put a price on groping, and it was whatever her pay was. I guess once it went past that, she needed to either raise the price, or quit. But it sounds like some bullshit to me. Plus, no criminal case? She's after the money. PEACE.

Well, groping is quite a bit different from whatever happened when "it went past that". Neither of us was there, so we can't jump to conclusions about how stupid her decision to return was, but I can understand how one might think "That was inappropriate but maybe it was a misunderstanding. I'll give it another day." Even if it was stupid, I don't understand the mindset of someone who considers that the big take-away from this story. Making a single stupid mistake doesn't make someone deserving of being assaulted.


Steven Seagal used to live near me. Would see him walking dogs, in delis, the mall whatever. There was a small park and a spot on the beach where I used to go hang out/drink as a kid that was right near his house. One night walking down the block we saw a bunch of lights and shit set up, we figured it was another scene from the Sopranos being filmed (they used houses on the block a few times to film) but as we got closer we heard some women moaning. The large gate that lead into his driveway/house was open, and it in was Steven, a film crew and two muscle cars. They were filming a porn. Two women getting fucked/blowing a dude in the back seat of one car, two lesbians on top of the roof of the other car doing some bondage play. We said fuck the beach and just posted up right on the street in front of the shoot, drank our 40's and watched Steven Seagal direct porn. It was a dead end private street so its not like there was any traffic or anything. We saw everything. They had two guys hold up a sheet so the "actresses" could change outfits, apply make up. I never understood that, everyone on the set and the 5 of us in the street were watching them get fucked, why bother with a little bit of privacy then.

After about I dunno an hour, some guy from the set came over to talk to us. He was like so you guys enjoy yourself over here, having a nice show. We were slammed so we were like fucking right this is great. He then asked if any of us would want to be in the next scene. I think we all let out a collective yes. Problem was only one of us was 18 at the time so we all peer pressured our friend who was of age to do it. After twenty minutes of going over the legal papers etc for him they tried to film the scene. He was suppose to walk up to the car with the guy and two chicks inside knock on the window and ask for directions and then get dragged into the car to get blown. He kept fucking up, stuttering his two porn lines, whole body shaking nervously. They eventually gave up kicked him off the set and back to the street with us and moved on.

We were busting his balls badly, saying he couldn't perform under pressure and he got real mad and so did Steven and the set people. We had already delayed them filming a scene, but we were being real drunk and loud busting our friends balls over the whole non-performance thing. So we were fucking up their shots and they flipped out on us, threatened to call the cops for trespassing on a private street and drinking in public.

All and all, a good night.


Rich Uncle Skeleton said:
Making a single stupid mistake doesn't make someone deserving of being assaulted.

these are the kind of logical leaps that riskychris takes on a consistent basis.

how the fuck are you extrapolating that anyone condoned or said she deserved to be sexually assaulted? you're right, making a stupid mistake doesn't make someone deserving of being assaulted, but, conversely, saying that someone made a stupid mistake that lead to being assaulted does not condone the assault.

if you're going to take these massive logical leaps, it's better if you act like riskychris--militant and condescending--and pretend that your position is unassailable; preferably leading to a point where you begin to call people sexual abuse apologists.


And Steven Seagal strikes back, through his lawyer:
Seagal's lawyer, Marty Singer, insists Nguyen is lying; he claims she only filed suit because she's still bitter about being fired for her alleged drug use.

A statement issued to TMZ.com reads: "The lawsuit filed by Kayden Nguyen against Steven Seagal is a ridiculous and absurd claim by a disgruntled ex-employee who was fired for using illegal narcotics. (The lawsuit) is a complete fabrication without a scintilla of truth."


I wish lawyers had never developed the impression that they were able or expected to use complicated or evocative language.


The woman accusing Steven Seagal of treating her like a "sex toy" once appeared on an episode of "The Tyra Banks Show" -- where she claimed to be a "lipstick lesbian" who can "trick" men.

Back in 2009, Kayden Nguyen appeared an episode titled "Gay Kingdom" -- in which she bragged, "I can use my sex appeal to get any girl that I want and trick any guy to getting what I want."

As TMZ first reported, Kayden filed a lawsuit against Seagal claiming she took a job as his executive assistant ... but was instead treated like a sex servant.

Ok, awkward!
I cannot believe we are over 200 posts in and no one posted the obvious but tired CSI Miami comic.

What in the fuck is up with that, GAF?


Milabrega said:
Steven Seagal used to live near me. Would see him walking dogs, in delis, the mall whatever. There was a small park and a spot on the beach where I used to go hang out/drink as a kid that was right near his house. One night walking down the block we saw a bunch of lights and shit set up, we figured it was another scene from the Sopranos being filmed (they used houses on the block a few times to film) but as we got closer we heard some women moaning. The large gate that lead into his driveway/house was open, and it in was Steven, a film crew and two muscle cars. They were filming a porn. Two women getting fucked/blowing a dude in the back seat of one car, two lesbians on top of the roof of the other car doing some bondage play. We said fuck the beach and just posted up right on the street in front of the shoot, drank our 40's and watched Steven Seagal direct porn. It was a dead end private street so its not like there was any traffic or anything. We saw everything. They had two guys hold up a sheet so the "actresses" could change outfits, apply make up. I never understood that, everyone on the set and the 5 of us in the street were watching them get fucked, why bother with a little bit of privacy then.

After about I dunno an hour, some guy from the set came over to talk to us. He was like so you guys enjoy yourself over here, having a nice show. We were slammed so we were like fucking right this is great. He then asked if any of us would want to be in the next scene. I think we all let out a collective yes. Problem was only one of us was 18 at the time so we all peer pressured our friend who was of age to do it. After twenty minutes of going over the legal papers etc for him they tried to film the scene. He was suppose to walk up to the car with the guy and two chicks inside knock on the window and ask for directions and then get dragged into the car to get blown. He kept fucking up, stuttering his two porn lines, whole body shaking nervously. They eventually gave up kicked him off the set and back to the street with us and moved on.

We were busting his balls badly, saying he couldn't perform under pressure and he got real mad and so did Steven and the set people. We had already delayed them filming a scene, but we were being real drunk and loud busting our friends balls over the whole non-performance thing. So we were fucking up their shots and they flipped out on us, threatened to call the cops for trespassing on a private street and drinking in public.

All and all, a good night.
Whhaaa...?! Can't tell if you are joking or not >.<


rhfb said:
So wait, she was wearing a skirt and pants at the same time? Or did she swap outfits after getting felt up her skirt? THIS IS IMPORTANT PEOPLE!!!
Don't british say pants for underwear?

ecnal said:
these are the kind of logical leaps that riskychris takes on a consistent basis.

how the fuck are you extrapolating that anyone condoned or said she deserved to be sexually assaulted? you're right, making a stupid mistake doesn't make someone deserving of being assaulted, but, conversely, saying that someone made a stupid mistake that lead to being assaulted does not condone the assault.

Fair enough. To me, dwelling on the supposed stupidity of the victim (as always happens with this sort of thing) seems insensitive, but as long as there's no blame-shifting, whatever. You will note though, if you read the thread, that one person accused her of being a money-grubbing liar because she returned the second day and another person said he doesn't care what happens to anyone who makes such a mistake.

JDSN said:
Ok, awkward!

OK, that definitely sounds a bit suspicious.
RiskyChris said:
My position of "porn abuse happens" is flimsy? I'm not trying to make arguments in this thread that are as strong as cases where we have actual facts, which you can see since I am very open to many possibilities here.

It was stated many times in that thread why your argument is flimsy. I'd give it another read if I were you.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Shit's getting serious:

Filiming of Steven Seagal Lawman Suspended
from Vulture by Josh Duboff

Production on Steven Seagal Lawman, A&E's reality series which follows Seagal as he wprks as a deputy reserve sheriff in Louisiana, has been shut down, in light of the sexual harassment and illegal sex trafficking charges faced by the actor. While this isn't really that surprising, what is surprising is that somehow 13 episodes of a reality show in which Steven Seagal pretends to be an actual cop have aired already without our having known about it. [AP]


can anyone post a link to the aforementioned porn thread? LOL @ NGYUYEN's old quote. Hope she gets exposed for the skank that she is.


ConfusingJazz said:
Mre: Careful, RiskyChris seems to be favoring The White Man's Burden when it comes to women. He patronizes women to a point that is bordering on sexist, if not sexist.
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