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Stories differ after Confederate flag wavers crash boy's birthday party

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And does racist = terrorist? Does a racist = ISIS?

When its in support of a violently racist institution like the confederate south? I'd say its getting there yeah
Pretty much
Didn't the guy who originally designed the confederate battle flag literally talk about the symbolism behind it being about the superiority of the white man?


It was created for the exact same thing it stands for now - racism.
Folks love pretending this doesn't exist.


Douchebag. Yes, me.
The parallels between flag apologists and GamerGate are crazy.

"It's not about racism, it's about pride!"

"Those people yelling the N word while waving the flag aren't REAL flag lovers!"

"Just because someone waves the flag doesn't make them a racist... you're an insensitive asshole for grouping them with those bad apples!"

"Let's hear both sides of the issue!"

Ethics in states' federalism indeed.


A few of them are a states rights kinda folk. A few of them were raised to see value in it by their daddy, granddaddy, etc. We have debates about it quite often and from my perspective, it seems they either are ignorant, almost like a Jehovah's Witness denying that their organization runs a business of brainwashing, or they just hold the 'it's a flag and i'm tired of the politically correctness so I'll continue flying it'. So while I have no problem categorizing them as ignorant fools, racist I wouldn't. Now don't get me wrong, living in GA and driving through Doulgasville quite often, there's definitely a problem of racism.

Is a states right kinda guy a racist? Wtf is that?

Also they sound like racists birthed and raised by racists in a perpetual cycle of stupidity and racism. A stupid racist circle of life.


A few of them are a states rights kinda folk. A few of them were raised to see value in it by their daddy, granddaddy, etc. We have debates about it quite often and from my perspective, it seems they either are ignorant, almost like a Jehovah's Witness denying that their organization runs a business of brainwashing, or they just hold the 'it's a flag and i'm tired of the politically correctness so I'll continue flying it'. So while I have no problem categorizing them as ignorant fools, racist I wouldn't. Now don't get me wrong, living in GA and driving through Doulgasville quite often, there's definitely a problem of racism.

So, basically, you agree that the flag is racist, and when you talk to them about it being racist, they say you're being "politically correct" or they play dumb.

Don't take this the wrong way, but your friends are racists.
They're not racist it's about states rights! A state's rights to own and sell black people as slaves!
They're not racist their ancestors flew the flag so it's a matter of pride in your family! And their ancestors flew the flag because their ancestors were raging white supremacists.

It makes all kinds of sense now, these honorable states rights crusaders honoring the legacy of their great ancestors! Not racist at all!
The Confederate flag has been used for more than 100 years to inflict terror and fear into black people, especially in the south. That's a fact. I'm not going to criticize anyone who argues that flaunting of the flag today is a form of terrorism.

I think we need to stop viewing terrorism/terrorist as foreign products and return them to their white origins, at least in this country. That flag was waved around while black people were lynched, raped, burned alive, gelded...the list goes on and on. It is a symbol of treason and racism that was once waved by an enemy force. And I reserve the right to view anyone who waves it as an enemy who I should be ready to defend myself against by any means necessary.
Bush, the leader of the caravan of trucks, told the AJC that his group is called “Protect the Flag” and is not a hateful one. They “drive around and sell flags,” he said, with all of the proceeds going to veterans or toward purchasing new American flags for those in need.


1) Do they need a caravan for that - to sell flags I mean?
2) To the bolded bits specifically - how much do flags cost... and how vital are they to people that a charity needs to be set up for them?
Didn't the guy who originally designed the confederate battle flag literally talk about the symbolism behind it being about the superiority of the white man?


It was created for the exact same thing it stands for now - racism.

So essentially people who wave this flag is either stupid for flying a flag and not believe the meaning behind, ignorant for not understanding the meaning the flag, racist, or a combination of the three?

I never knew the exact meaning behind the flag. Also, you can't convince me that person supporting this flag isn't at least ignorant or racist. They have to be at least one. But I can't fully blame them all if they reside in a state that has it in their state flag. It's indoctrination to think that there's nothing wrong with it because it is their life.

If they don't want to be accused of being a racist or terrorist, why not fly the American flag? Are you ashamed of it or something. We are Americans not confederates.


I never knew the exact meaning behind the flag. Also, you can't convince me that person supporting this flag isn't at least ignorant or racist. They have to be at least one.

Well, this renewed debate has revealed a third kind of person who supports the flag: an asshole

Because let's be real. If you are the kind of person that reacts to "hey, that makes me uncomfortable (for a very very very obvious historical context)" with "I'm going to shove it in your face even more," you are an asshole. Full stop.


Hyperbole much? Do you consider the WBC a terrorist group too?

Are you a fucking child? A group deserves violence against them because of a flag! Grow up.

One group beheads, executes, murders, rapes and mutilates, burns kids alive, the other group protests and is racist, must be the same.

Do you think the slave masters in the confederacy werent doing these things?


Well, this renewed debate has revealed a third kind of person who supports the flag: an asshole

Because let's be real. If you are the kind of person that reacts to "hey, that makes me uncomfortable (for a very very very obvious historical context)" with "I'm going to shove it in your face even more," you are an asshole. Full stop.

In all fairness, that explains a lot of behavior.

Granted, it's not encouraging, but at least it gives context.


So every single person who has this flag is racist? Ok. Well, it's nice to know that you all prefer to make generalizations about individuals rather than getting to know them individually and actually ask why they hold the flag. Good to know.

Can't tell if you're being wilfully obtuse or not. When people align themselves with a racist institution by flying it's symbol, yes you can definitely generalise. Just like how you can generalise that a person wearing a police uniform is a cop rather than a cosplayer.


The Swastika is actually a hindu symbol that symbolises good fortune and is well read more HERE

The confederate flag is a similar instance, a flag that may have been originally created for different reasons that has become associated with such a negative thing that it cannot shun that appearance

Swastika was stolen by Nazi. Confederate flag was created by the Confederates, who specifically stated what they stood for in their own words when they declared secessions.

Also, doesn't the Swastika always rotate counter-clockwise while the hindu/buddhist symbol rotate clockwise.


I dont know in which dark córner of the internet this new talking point of the trying to individualize people sporting the flag showed up but I dont see much sense behind it, the idea of a flag is a symbol that facilitates showing others your affiliation to your country/group/faith, its literally a willing label with its inherent set of values. You cant just rock a Nazi flag and get all snippy when jewish people walk to the other side of the street.


On dont know in which dark córner of the internet this new talking point of the trying to individualize sporting the flag showed up but I dont see much sense behind it, the idea of a flag is a symbol that facilitates showing others your affiliation to your country/group/faith, its literally a willing label with its inherent set of values. You cant just rock a Nazi flag and get all snippy when jewish people walk to the other side of the street.

What should they wear to symbolize their support for state's rights?


A few of them are a states rights kinda folk. A few of them were raised to see value in it by their daddy, granddaddy, etc. We have debates about it quite often and from my perspective, it seems they either are ignorant, almost like a Jehovah's Witness denying that their organization runs a business of brainwashing, or they just hold the 'it's a flag and i'm tired of the politically correctness so I'll continue flying it'. So while I have no problem categorizing them as ignorant fools, racist I wouldn't. Now don't get me wrong, living in GA and driving through Doulgasville quite often, there's definitely a problem of racism.

States rights to let people own human beings as slaves.
Being that I'm not a liberal, I don't really give a shit about the "rights" of oppressors. Rights are manmade constructs, they're not handed down from the heavens; they are secured by victory in a struggle.

Violence on the part of oppressed people is justified against oppressors. They are not equivalent actions. So no, I don't care if some morons flying confederate flags get rocks thrown at them. Nor do I care if the same happens to Nazis, KKK members, homophobes, transphobes, capitalists, red fascist "communists" or anyone else who is knowingly exploiting or oppressing people. Whether or not that's the right thing to do in a particular circumstance is a matter of strategy for the larger struggle but I'm not going to cry injustice because someone on the lower rung knocked someone on the higher rung down a peg or two.

Thats an idiotic stance, to think anyone deserves violence due to the fact that they oppress another group is so close minded its hilarious and childish. I dont even know how to reply to someone as dumb as you. Where does the line get drawn? You should be thankful of those manmade constructs for allowing you to hold such a dumb opinion.

But hey, fight the power!
Thats an idiotic stance, to think anyone deserves violence due to the fact that they oppress another group is so close minded its hilarious and childish. I dont even know how to reply to someone as dumb as you. Where does the line get drawn? You should be thankful of those manmade constructs for allowing you to hold such a dumb opinion.

But hey, fight the power!

Thats an idiotic stance, to think anyone deserves violence due to the fact that they oppress another group is so close minded its hilarious and childish. I dont even know how to reply to someone as dumb as you. Where does the line get drawn? You should be thankful of those manmade constructs for allowing you to hold such a dumb opinion.

But hey, fight the power!

Your opinion is even worse. Where do you draw the line on that? What about violence towards slave-owners? I feel like any slave that killed his "master" was justified in hindsight.
I grew up in the South, and I've lived here for over 30 years. Most people who fly The Confederate Flag know very well that it's at a minimum racially offensive, and most likely inflammatory. There are a handful of Bobby Bouchers that believe whatever drivel their parents, teachers, and older white people tell them about The Civil War and the "modern" meaning of The Confederate Flag, and the rest know know better, but use this as a smoke screen for their own racism.

I've yet to hear what other 'states' rights' The Confederacy was fighting over beyond slavery. There are plenty of historical records to support the notion that the southern states seceded over slavery, and none that I'm aware of that paint a different picture. The Jim Crow Era, and violence towards African Americans during the Civil Rights Era and today just go to show that while The South lost the war, they maintained their intent.

I do see some change for the positive. Fewer and fewer of the people I grew up with are sticking with the older thoughts on racism and the display of The Confederate Flag, but there are still plenty of other people that are still ignorant, willingly so or otherwise.
Pretty much

Folks love pretending this doesn't exist.
That man did not create the battle flag that people are upset about. I'm pretty sure he created the pure white flag that was only used for 2 or 3 years. Using what he said and applying it to a completely different flag is nonsense.

The Swastika is actually a hindu symbol that symbolises good fortune and is well read more HERE

The confederate flag is a similar instance, a flag that may have been originally created for different reasons that has become associated with such a negative thing that it cannot shun that appearance
This is also incorrect. They are similar but the hakenkreuz and the symbol Buddhists have used to mean good luck/well being point in different directions. They're not the same symbol.
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