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Street Fighter 5 for PS4 & PC teaser trailer


We'll see... Third Party exclusives are a thing of the past for Sony.

Obviously not.

Seriously owning all consoles and a gaming rig I could care less that this is exclusive but I am beyond fucking happy to finally be getting away from SFIV.

Now as far as the exclusivity is concerned this is a HUGE get for Sony, is it shitty? Yes. But let's not forget who started this shit this gen.

I am 99.99% sure no one expected Sony to sit back and let MS moneyhatt everything and just sit idle. You reap what you sow.


It's not about individuals, Jomjom. Take a 10,000 foot view of the two threads and you would see the tone and temperatures are quite different.

There are so many varying factors that you can't possibly do that. The people who were mad there could have been just more vocal than the people who are mad about this deal. Fanbases for TR and SF could just be different temperamentally. Userbase between PS4 and Xbone users is different (obviously people who don't own the disadvantaged console will not be as vocal or may not post at all), etc. etc.

If you want to say there's some kind of hypocrisy the only way to do it is to find the hypocrites and point them out.
I think this is the first time I've seen a Street Fighter exist on one console exclusively.
That's the real surprise announcement here.

Street Fighter II had a bunch of different exclusive version. I'm sure I'll get this wrong as I'm going from memory of 20 years go, but 2 was exclusive to SNES, Champion Edition got an exclusive Genesis port, and Turbo was again exclusive to SNES. I think it wasn't until Super that a version was released simultaneously on SNES and Genesis.
They've gone and done it... they've gone and woke the sleeping dragon now.

Sony should have left well enough alone and now they're going to get it. It's not enough that they're bleeding benjamins from practically every crevice of their existence. Now they go and throw immense moneyhats at a niche game like Street Fighter just to piss off the market. Why pay to keep a game out of the hands of as many gamers as possible? Why not put that money into first-party studios and games instead?

I know, I know... this is the way the business goes as they say. Well, they forced Microsoft's hands with their early sales lead and Microsoft only responded with an NPD whooping (source: musings thread) by way of incredible deals and value. Microsoft will undoubtedly follow this announcement up with some real megatons of their own.

Gears remake collection. A true Banjo sequel. Halo 5 beta in the hands of gamers. The next Bayonetta, Dead Space and Crysis as exclusives. Those are the kinds of blockbuster response announcements I expect, and then some. You hit Microsoft with a jab, you best be ready for a flurry of uppercuts coming at you in response.

Along with a next gen street fighter game, we get a next gen 'im an expert'. Today is a good day. And TGA's havent even started yet!
My issue is not that there's literally "no difference at all" between circumstances. It's just that I grow really, really fucking tired of the stupid console wars bullshit that arises in response to trying to establish how one isn't just different than the other, but so wildly different that it's completely ok to lose my shit when this thing happens, but when this other fairly similar but slightly different thing happens I can spin it as totally positive. I'm not saying that Tomb Raider and Street Fighter and five other game examples are exactly the same thing and it's pointless to distinguish factors at all. However, the motivation behind the deals is still entirely the same. A publisher needs/wants money, and a platform holder is trying to bolster their library with exclusives.

Bloody well said Steve. The mental gymnastics on display would be quite funny if they weren't so very sad.
It makes me sad thinking that if this was a Xbone exclusive, everyone would be rioting with the moneyhat and that. But it's for the PS4, so everything's OK.

This! Microsoft is always the bad company when they do something like this, but when Sony does this then everything is fine -.- In my opinion those things are bad for gamers and it doesen't matter if it's Sony or Microsoft!


If you really think there's none at all then...

...welcome to GAF, I see you're new here, I hope you enjoy it here!

Feel free to find some of that hypocrisy as evidence. While you at it, might as well look for those that praised the TR deal and are angered by this one.

I've been around long enough to know that claiming "hypocrisy" in a forum full of thousands of unique point of views is never a good idea.
Gives me nostalgia for the good old days of the PS2.

When one console is dominating the market, you suck it up and play ball, because exclusives are going to come to that platform. This is how it's always been.


This! Microsoft is always the bad company when they do something like this, but when Sony does this then everything is fine -.- In my opinion those things are bad for gamers and it doesen't matter if it's Sony or Microsoft!

Huh? Loads of people are saying this same thing in this thread, myself included. Stop reading selectively so that you can play the victim. Weak.
This! Microsoft is always the bad company when they do something like this, but when Sony does this then everything is fine -.- In my opinion those things are bad for gamers and it doesen't matter if it's Sony or Microsoft!

Unless we know the exact details about the deal, we don't know if this is actually bad for gamers. For all we know the game wouldn't have existed if it wasn't for Sony's involvement. We don't know.

Look at Demon's Souls. Thank god for first-party interventions!


Feel free to find some of that hypocrisy as evidence. While you at it, might as well look for those that praised the TR deal and are angered by this one.

I've been around long enough to know that claiming "hypocrisy" in a forum full of thousands of unique point of views is never a good idea.

There are a handful of actual cases of hypocrisy that people have pointed out but the drive-by blanket statements are needless and harder to prove, yes.


Quiet surprise that they will also release the game on PC.

If Sony funds the project it should be PS4 exclusive (or announce as time exclusive). Otherwise, why they don't release it on all platform ?


This is wrong - I had Street Fighter 2 championship edition on the Snes. In fact, it came bundled with the console

No you didn't, you had Street Fighter 2 Turbo Edition.
CE was announced as an exclusive for the Genesis since they got screwed out of SF2. Nintendo then threw a hissy fit and Capcom gave them the newer Turbo edition so they wouldn't suffer Nintendo's wrath.
Given Capcom's history this may evntually find it's way to XB1 but who knows since Dead Rising 3 still hasn't made it over to PS4.
Very good of you to mention this. Capcom's already done this earlier w/ DR3 for XBO/PC and no PS4 port in sight. Meanwhile any smart person knows there'll be an updated SF5 coming to XBO some time in the future.

Where was the vitriol for DR3? When it seems the exact same conditions are in play?

KI is much better looking than SFIV/V.
Eh, pretty subjective. KI has way too many particle effects on-screen, and I always thought its aesthetic as some kind of weird crossroads btwn MK and SF, like it never knew which way it wanted to go.

Both MK and SF have more cohesive aesthetic styles than KI, objectively speaking. But I can understand if someone prefers KI's style, it has its charms.


This! Microsoft is always the bad company when they do something like this, but when Sony does this then everything is fine -.- In my opinion those things are bad for gamers and it doesen't matter if it's Sony or Microsoft!

You are assuming the two are the same. We don't know that. Maybe this is a Bayo 2 situation where Capcom didn't have the finances to fund a new SF and Sony stepped in to help. Or maybe Capcom wants to release it on the X1 but MS said no because they won't allow cross-platform play.
Also a large part of the anger regarding the Tomb Raider situation was due to how both MS and Crystal Dynamics clouded and obfuscated the terms of exclusivity to the point where nobody understood it.

Let's wait and see how straightforward Capcom is about this.
I'm not a fan of third party console exclusives—I still remember the agony of having a Genesis and waiting a long, long time for Capcom and Konami to release games such as Street Fighter and TMNT.

That said, I'm thrilled SFV will exist and very thankful to own a PS4.


I asked before but didn't see any responses...

Sorry if this was already known / discussed, but did the trailer say anything about a simultaneous release on PS4 and PC?

If Sony did contribute, I wouldn't be surprised if the PC release comes sometime later after the PS4 release.

If the game isn't released on PC for several months after the PS4, would that make any difference to the XB1 owners who are planning on picking this up only on PC?
Nice try Sony. You think Microsoft cares? They have Minecraft. Prepared to get stomped at E3.

LOL< you think PS4 has anything to really worry about from MS this gen? How are they going to Stomp sony next e3, why not all the other e3's, what's so special about this one?
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