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Suicide Squad director: "Wish I had a time machine"; would make Joker villian

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On a business trip now, and watched the first half of this movie on the plane. Will watch the second half on my way back to form my final opinion.

My opinion now though, it's a pretty bad movie. Overuse of licensed music, because why the fuck not, it's not like the original score is any good either.

The Joker is Jared Leto impersonating Heath Ledger's Joker for a Halloween party, messing up both the outfit and the actual act.

There's a guy that's supposed to be good at climbing, but he doesn't climb shit.

What is this Enchantress shit, why should I care?

Who is anyone? Why should I care?

Only good things are, Will Smith does his best with what he's given, and Margot Robbie is really hot as Harley Quinn.

Anyway, making the Joker the new villain would not have fixed this.

...actually not sure if I want to see the rest now.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
Have the Suicide Squad go after the Joker because he is causing too much trouble. They use Harley as bait, and the tension is on when the shoe will drop and Joker and Harley turn it around on them. Cause moral dilemma for Harley as she befriended them along the way. Add action scenes.

Check, please.

This would have been perfect, so long as it was also a better Joker and not what Leto created.

I don't think I could believe Leto's Joker was enough of a threat or major league villain to be the arch enemy of Affleck's Batman.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
It’s just, guys I can’t, Leto’s performance infuriated me.

Wow, that is some A+ level writing you got there, Gizmodo.

How does something this poorly written get published? I thought it was from a tumblr blog...


I hated this fucking movie. I can't remember hating a movie so much while watching it. Wonder Woman and Justice League aren't looking so hot either.

The DCEU is a lost cause at this point. Still gonna make money though. Yay for them.
He says that this week and thats what he would fix if he had a time machine?

Boycotting DC Films. They used to be for the intelligent comic book viewer, but I don't see how an intelligent movie fan can stand by those ideals.


In the context of what Ayer has just posted I think this article is being a bit unfair.

I get it fuck Leto's Joker, fuck Suicide Squad and especially fuck the current state of the DCEU. All of it really needs to be dumped into a fucking fire. But I'm glad that Ayer has begun acknowledging some of the problems this film has. A more grounded story would have been a lot better and I'm glad that he has admitted he needs to do better next time.

I just wish Zack Snyder would admit the same thing.


Maybe him recognizing some of the problems with his movie will mean better things for that Harley movie he signed up for.


Did Ayer just call the old comics shit? What a catastrophe


Here is what he said in his own words.



Yeah, but the problem with having Joker as the villain would be why send the squad when you know Batman's going to take care of that anyway.

The Joker takes over Arkham, captures Batman. You could even do the same big reveal of the VIP they're saving and actually have it be someone interesting.


The federal government is sick of Batman catching Joker and Joker escaping. They want him dead.
My wife and I just watched this the other day, and man it was not at all what we were expecting. What a strange, convoluted, and aimless movie.


In the context of what Ayer has just posted I think this article is being a bit unfair.

I get it fuck Leto's Joker, fuck Suicide Squad and especially fuck the current state of the DCEU. All of it really needs to be dumped into a fucking fire. But I'm glad that Ayer has begun acknowledging some of the problems this film has. A more grounded story would have been a lot better and I'm glad that he has admitted he needs to do better next time.

I just wish Zack Snyder would admit the same thing.



Because we need more Joker.

Don't be lazy and just use Joker because it equals easy money.

Why shouldn't I be surprised from this hack though.

He wrote Training Day, co-wrote Fast and the Furious.
He wrote and directed End of Watch and Fury.

That's not a bad resume, particularly for someone that just turned 50.


I said this from the very beginning.

You either make The Joker the main antagonist of the film or you take him out entirely. He just doesn't work as a mild supporting character.


Assault on Arkham was the formula. The Suicide Squad caught in the middle of a Batman and Joker conflict would have been the shit.

The Joker is Jared Leto impersonating Heath Ledger's Joker for a Halloween party, messing up both the outfit and the actual act.



I mean... if Leto was going to go an entirely different direction with Joker and not HONKA HONKA, then sure, it probably could have worked.


The worst thing about Suicide Squad might be having to see Jared Leto's Joker next to Cesar Romero, Jack Nicholson and Heath Ledger's intepretations in artwork and comparisons. It's embarassing.
Leto Joker as main villain would have probably made SS even worse than it already is. he's barely tolerable just in the little flashbacks they give him.


that Joker was like nails on a chalkboard every time he appeared, completely took you out of the frying pan of a movie you were watching and scalded your face with a fire

no idea how Joker could be the main villain since all he'd try to do is make the Suicide Squad work for him, and all Suicide Squad would try and do is get rid of Mr Exposition and their collar bombs


In the context of what Ayer has just posted I think this article is being a bit unfair.

I get it fuck Leto's Joker, fuck Suicide Squad and especially fuck the current state of the DCEU. All of it really needs to be dumped into a fucking fire. But I'm glad that Ayer has begun acknowledging some of the problems this film has. A more grounded story would have been a lot better and I'm glad that he has admitted he needs to do better next time.

I just wish Zack Snyder would admit the same thing.



Now what's the next step in your master plan?
In a dream world I think a Suicide Squad movie would have worked better after something like Justice League. Have it come out a year after and then make it like an alternate side story to the events in Justice League so your audience has a base to establish this whole side world of the villains being villains against other villains can spread its legs a bit but the audience has a general idea of what's going on. Make it an elaborate heist/action ensemble action movie that parallels the events of the Justice League flick with SS in the background breaking some villain out of a secret Super Max facility or into some heavily fortified place to steal some valuable item that ties into whatever overarching story is being set up between the movies. Or really something where the SS are doing some more interesting things in the background even if its just SS breaking into Arkham to break out the Joker or some other villain.
I don't think Harley gets enough blame, personally. I mean, I get the angle and character... but it was overdone and felt a bit too self-aware.
What was wrong with Leto's proformence in the movie?

I watched it once and compare to the other characters he actually played the character role.

Will Smith played Will Smith

Fire guy was useless

Quinn was ok

Captain Australia was second best

Token Japanese character who was suppose to be a badass but wasn't

White military guy

That joke that was the main villain

Everyone else


And the only guy that thought he was in a Attack on Titan movie who got his head blown off

Edit: what pissed me off was how these assholes who kept saying we're the bad guys and we're evil but acted like fucking super heroes. Like they were part of a big misunderstood family.


Leto Joker has the same problem as BvS Luthor. While both actors played the roles well as they were intended and hired to do, each character is just so poorly conceived and written. Their roles in each respective film are a hindrance to keeping the story focused (Luthor having his paws on everything in BvS despite being an unlikable brat rather than a formidable genius businessman), less so in SS since Joker's role was reduced. However, what remained was still extremely dull. It's two hours of horrible expository dialogue and Deadshot saying, "I'm just doing this for my daughter then I'm out," every five minutes (because Ayer was trying to increase that character's role but didn't have anything for him to do). The whole movie is an unfocused, sloppy mess.

Still, maybe a climax with a belly dancing Joker might have been neat...
Normally, I can't stand Jared Leto but I loved the feel of his Joker. The Joker in Suicide Squad is a chaotic force of nature, would have loved to see a film that worked with that idea.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
The constant reinforcement that a damaged meth head in clown makeup was supposed to be SEXY was only slightly less embarrassing than Croc slithering into the flooded subway.
The constant reinforcement that a damaged meth head in clown makeup was supposed to be SEXY was only slightly less embarrassing than Croc slithering into the flooded subway.
That croc screen is legit the worat in the whole movie.

It looks like a student film.
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