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Suicide Squad director: "Wish I had a time machine"; would make Joker villian

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I feel people are being a little hyperbolic about Leto's Joker. It wasn't a great Joker performance, but it wasn't the worst performance ever put to film either.

Fuck whoever came up with the idea to tattoo DAMAGED to his fucking head, though.

It really did feel like he was chasing after Ledger's iconic performance though. The drawn out speech mannerism in particular stood out to me.
Watch The Dark Knight...

You literally just described Heath Ledger's Joker.

Leto Joke feels like a try hard teenager who watched The Dark Knight and tried to replicate the feel with none of the understanding of why it worked.

Obviously, there are parallels - they are the same character. Leto brought a different feel. The Joker in the Dark Knight is heavier, more shaped by trauma and tradegy whereas in Suicide Squad, the Joker seems more born fully realized, without history.

The Joker has a couple of lines that I liked: "I am not someone who is loved. I'm an idea! State of mind. I execute my will according to my plan" and "Desire becomes surrender. Surrender becomes power."

I thought they were interesting lines, that were just thrown away in the movie.

In the Dark Knight, the Joker is creating chaos to prove a point. In Suicide Squad, he is literally chaos incarnate.

Of course, none of this makes the movie any good but I thought the Joker was interesting.

Why is a chaotic force of nature hanging out in a nightclub?
Techno music and women, obviously


Yeah I would've liked it better if they hadn't sent the squad off on some grand supernatural adventure and went for a more grounded premise instead.
I feel people are being a little hyperbolic about Leto's Joker. It wasn't a great Joker performance, but it wasn't the worst performance ever put to film either.

Fuck whoever came up with the idea to tattoo DAMAGED to his fucking head, though.

Agreed. I don't think his actual acting is bad at all. It's just that he's not given any interesting material to set him apart. Ultimately it's a failure of the script (and the costume department).
Yeah I would've liked it better if they hadn't sent the squad off on some grand supernatural adventure and went for a more grounded premise instead.

The Squad needs something more in line with their abilities and the movie should've capitalized on the disavowable nature of the team.


As a comic reader, if he claims to have taken stuff from comics, he must've been on crack when he read them. He has an unhealthy obsession with gang culture and shouldn't go anywhere near a DC film again.


I really liked the acting the joker . He nailed it with his laugh and crazy moves.

He doesn't have to be very dark like the one in Batman movie.


I really liked the acting the joker . He nailed it with his laugh and crazy moves.

He doesn't have to be very dark like the one in Batman movie.
Nobody said he had to be dark. He was cringey. The acting was cringey. The writing was cringey. When he growled towards the beginning I wanted to die.


Watch Assault on Arkham, guys.

Exactly. The superior Suicide Squad movie.

As a comic reader, if he claims to have taken stuff from comics, he must've been on crack when he read them. He has an unhealthy obsession with gang culture and shouldn't go anywhere near a DC film again.

Found this comment on imdb interesting:

David Ayer is a cholo by heart lol, Well he did reside in LA for quite a while with his cousin. So you can tell why he always has that chicano influence in some of his movies like Harsh Times for example.

So yeah, you're right. Too bad he's directing Gotham City Sirens, because you know there's gonna be more of those stereotypes again.
mark my words this motherfucker will be cast as the next joker

One of my main gripes with the movie was how ridiculously I needed to suspend my disbelief for Harley's fighting prowess. Psychiatrist turned insane becomes a badass when given a baseball bat? That wasn't explained well or at all. Couldn't stand her character.

The comics don't explain it either. And I agree it's dumb.


Just make him the main villain in the second movie. What difference does it make? The first made a lot of money so there will be more of them. They could even do an Assault on Arkham angle that many wanted. Maybe have Batfleck lock Joker up by the end of the solo film and carry the story on.


tagged by Blackace
Man, the villains have little to do with why the movie was bad. They're a bit generic and the action scenes are also pretty bad, but the characters in the squad, their interplay, and them just not being interesting enough to tow whatever overarching story they were trying to tell were the biggest problem.

They made an ensemble film where you weren't given a good reason to care about anyone, save for maybe Deadshot. Also the only good bits of dialogue were a few one-liners from Deadshot and Harley.
That whole angle felt like it was played up just to differentiate it from the more comic book-ish Marvel costume designs. Huge misstep, obvious from the second we saw what this take on the characters looked like.

It felt like we fell back in time about 15 years. Hot Topic itself is well past the brand of edginess they went with there.

They don't explain the Joker, either. Dunno why they should explain his assistant if they're not gonna explain how this lanky, normal dude who was probably a failed stand-up comedian (depending on how you read The Killing Joke) manages to be Batman's greatest adversary.

The joker isn't being handpicked by the US government to lead a black ops squad to take down super powered beings.

And regardless, the jokers genius isn't physical. Batman kicks his ass most of the time. Harley is being hired to try and stop superman level beings with her baseball bat.

And finally, the jokers origin is still ambiguous enough so that he could have some training. Harley's isn't.
I loved the Joker in the Dark Knight because the movies felt like a crime movie at times, the stakes felt believable.

Never saw suicide squad though but it looks silly af
I think the joker really worked in the scenes when he was alone. Like when he threatened that prison guard and shit. I think he was fine in moments like that

Its when he was paired with harley is when we had some garbage scenes. I don't mind if he comes back in batman but leave harley Quinn behind. She has another movie coming out anyways

Ledger joker is a far better look for me but I like the new swag joker aside from that forehead tattoo. I think the rest of the tattoos and gaudy chains and grill and stuff are an interesting look. I hope they stick with it instead of being scared away by the geeks.
They should have just made a live-action remake of Batman: Assault on Arkham. They literally could have copy-pasted the storyline.

This....I mean granted, i would have been bummed already knowing the twist but still that would have been perfect.

But at the same time....I really....really really did not like Jared Leto as the Joker.
I don't think I liked Harley Quinn either, she had her moments where I was like "yes that's harley quinn" but then were other moments were I was like "ugh you're trying way too hard right now"

Oh well, hopefully Justice League is Time Machine ready before release.


The Squad needs something more in line with their abilities and the movie should've capitalized on the disavowable nature of the team.

Yeah, the only person whose abilities this seemed geared towards was Katana's because HER BLADE TRAPS THE SOULS OF ITS VICTIMS!


You either have to make Joker the big bad, or you cut out Joker and Harley entirely. As it is, there is no reason for her to be on the team and no reason for Joker to be in the movie, and their nonsense makes the movie worse.

- J - D -

Lose/lose scenario. Suicide Squad was a mess, but I also really dislike Leto Joker and appreciate how little time he got in the movie.


You either have to make Joker the big bad, or you cut out Joker and Harley entirely. As it is, there is no reason for her to be on the team and no reason for Joker to be in the movie, and their nonsense makes the movie worse.
Well besides the fact that harley is in the current team and the only reason Harley is in the current team is due to her popularity.


leto's joker performance wasn't even close to being the worst thing about this film. i agree with discotheque: he was bad in some scenes and decent in others. much like his costume, leto's performance is overdone to poor effect at times. that club scene was - and i know that people don't like this word's usage on the internet but i can't think of anything else that adequately conveys this better right now - cringey as all hell (especially when leto laughs behind his tattooed hand - ugh).
but out of everything this piece of shit film had to offer at least he was a little bit interesting.

i haven't seen the extended version yet (and to be honest, i'd rather not have to sit through this shite again), only the theatrical - so can anyone who's seen it tell me whether the harley and joker subplot is properly developed this time like a normal, functioning subplot integral to one of the main character's motivations, seeing as it was advertised to show some of the cut joker scenes?
We know you had nothing to do with the final film's state, Ayer. Stop trying to cover for Warner Bros.'s shit.

True, but by playing the game he's able to continue his career and is attached to another DC movie. Josh Trank spoke up and they dropped him from doing a Star Wars spin-off, among other things.


This Valentine's Day, I want one of you to do something really romantic for your SO, and when they go "Awww" I want you to yell "HER HEART'S OUT! WE CAN END THIS!"


I still don't understand why they didn't just make an Assault on Arkham story.

WB has a long history of dismissing the comics and directly related media as not "good enough" for movies. Check out The Death of Superman Lives for a good look at just how much contempt WB has always had for comic book stuff. By all accounts the situation has not improved in the intervening 20 years, although Geoff Johns' new position might finally start to shift that.


I still don't understand why they didn't just make an Assault on Arkham story.

A blockbuster has to have a "blockbuster" story in their eyes, I guess. Enjoy another underdeveloped CG villain and blue sky beam instead of a proper Suicide Squad story.


The power level imbalance was a pretty stupid aspect of the film. One of many. The villain's powers should have been more on par with the Squad's.
But that wouldn't make sense, you see, because the Squad was created by Waller to battle hostile Inhumans, possibly as strong as Superman! Which they are totally qualified for!
One of the main problems with the movie is a bunch of street level characters, besides Diablo, fighting some all powerful witch.

So yes Joker as the villain would have made the concept work better.

Same, that was a Justice League level villain. While they occasionally do fight crazy shit in the comics, SS is definitely better at telling smaller covert stories or stuff thats going on while -insert hero or super group- is fighting. Having confirmed other heroes being around at the time like Flash made me question where they were the entire damn time.
Same, that was a Justice League level villain. While they occasionally do fight crazy shit in the comics, SS is definitely better at telling smaller covert stories or stuff thats going on while -insert hero or super group- is fighting. Having confirmed other heroes being around at the time like Flash made me question where they were the entire damn time.

Isn't the stated reason for the movie SS to fight high powered super heroes that get out of line? Fighting the joker in the first movie would seem to go against that mission. I mean, fighting one of their own people who went AWOL wasn't much better but at least it was kinda in line with their purpose.
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