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Tekken |OT3|


He touched the black heart of a mod
So if seems like they aren't gonna map the costumes to the symbol buttons as they first wanted.

That's good. Expanding costumes slots was one of the better choices TTT2 made for customization. Plus it lets you have the defaults when you want them.


Naw, they showed a new PS4 build with them included at some event.


To my knowledge, no.

He was debuted at some event that is showing off the console build.

Damn, why didn't they show this during THE finals? smh

Some Lee stuff:


fff+3,4 goes right into Hitman. Then scatter kick on the side or back into b+4. Sweet.


Classic Laser Edge. Maybe faster?(Maybe not shit?)


Rage Drive. Twitter info - better properties when done from Hitman?
I pronounced "unpredictable" as "stupid".

My english not good.


You got me.

I've been practicing Jaycee for the past few days for some reason. I think the Kuma stuff just made me feel kinda contrarian and i just can't see how they can think (wrestling collab + character reveal) = King costume + Kuma instead of Julia.

Anyway, happy to note my execution has improved in the past year or so. When i tried her earlier i couldn't do the shotgun spin combos, but now i can. Perhaps not yet -comfortably- but i can do them at least.

Think i'm gonna try to learn the 101 on some more characters. Get my legacy knowledge at least up to a certain level before T7 arrives.



You got me.

I've been practicing Jaycee for the past few days for some reason. I think the Kuma stuff just made me feel kinda contrarian and i just can't see how they can think (wrestling collab + character reveal) = King costume + Kuma instead of Julia.

Anyway, happy to note my execution has improved in the past year or so. When i tried her earlier i couldn't do the shotgun spin combos, but now i can. Perhaps not yet -comfortably- but i can do them at least.

Think i'm gonna try to learn the 101 on some more characters. Get my legacy knowledge at least up to a certain level before T7 arrives.

Cool, Jaycee is awesome. Very fun character to use. Only problem is that even little online lag can mess her up, those shotgun combos gotta be precise, you lose few frames and just whiff.

And good call on learning legacy stuff. I've been saying before that no characters should be ignored because no one knows who might end up in T7. All that anti-mishima training don't mean shit if you get triple perfected by Winnie the Kuma.
You gotta be decent against all characters.

I haven't played in ages. I must be rusty as hell. Today I couldn't play, had my nephew here but tomorrow I "plan" going right back in.


Damn, why didn't they show this during THE finals? smh

Some Lee stuff:


fff+3,4 goes right into Hitman. Then scatter kick on the side or back into b+4. Sweet.


Classic Laser Edge. Maybe faster?(Maybe not shit?)


Rage Drive. Twitter info - better properties when done from Hitman?

Man, Lee looks so damn sexy.

I wish I could play him.


Just in time...

Remember Drake? Dude who made insane Silver Demon combo videos for Lee?

He made a new one!

Remade of older combos and a mix of new unreleased ones. Still on T6! This guy is still fucking crazy with Lee.


JDCR saying that the console version looks MUCH better than Arcade.


How so? Arcade version is running on more powerful hardware and what we've seen so far from the console verison is just plain terrible.
I hope he's right though.

Haven't been playing any Tekken in a while. Been mostly occupied with Final Fantasy XV which I really liked for some reason (currently writing down some impressions) and waiting for The Last Guardian to arrive.
I might give Tekken a break until Tekken 7 comes out.


How so? Arcade version is running on more powerful hardware and what we've seen so far from the console verison is just plain terrible.
I hope he's right though.

Haven't been playing any Tekken in a while. Been mostly occupied with Final Fantasy XV which I really liked for some reason (currently writing down some impressions) and waiting for The Last Guardian to arrive.
I might give Tekken a break until Tekken 7 comes out.

We don't know if the Arcade version is running on more powerful hardware or not. All we know is that it's a mid-range PC. I also think people are exaggerating the graphical 'downgrade' of the PS4 version, which I've played. Aside from the long load times, and some other graphical hitches it still looks great.


Good games, Grayfox!

Very much still learning with Jaycee <.<;

Good games man.

You hit me with that funny ff+3 kick 100 times, ghehe. It's rage is deceptive!

Michelle is bit closer to traditional Julia. So I picked her.

If you whack elbow ff+1 on downed opponent you'll often rejuggle him when he tries to recover. That wouldn't work too much in T7 because of characters glued to the ground on every recovery apart of spring kick, ff+1 would most likely hit and juggle spring kick if timed right.(early frames)

ff+1 often works after b+3,4 into fc df+4,3 just hit that elbow fast!
In juggles generally whack elbows to keep the combo going, it's what ff+1 is for. We had some lag so after uf+4,3 I hit 1 to control combo, then 2 elbows and shotgun spin bound, kinda worked. When you don't have lag, go for tougher stuff. Jaycee also has easy bounds like f+2,2,2 and b+2,1+2. It's useful if there's lag because every damage is better then no damage.



I noticed the shotgun spin combos are easier in TR. Not sure why, maybe a buffer issue or the hitboxes are a bit more generous.

Yeah I found that many moves in TR are easier to pull off. I wonder if in T7 it's gonna be similar. I can guess they are since the whole thing is about online experience.
Yeah I found that many moves in TR are easier to pull off. I wonder if in T7 it's gonna be similar. I can guess they are since the whole thing is about online experience.

Seems like it, yes. Lili's f,f+3 and Alisa's d4,1+2 are two of those moves that are kind of tricky to time in some combos in TTT2 but easy peasy in TR. Both of those are also very easy in T7.


Do you guys think they will eventually switch/change some character's Rage Drives? I mean disproportion on some of these is insane. Steve's RD is probably the worst in the game with the worst input at that. Nobody uses it and when they tried when it was still fresh I only saw it land twice!

Not only him. I very rarerly see Nina's, Claudio's or Shaheen's. even Lars doesn't use it much at all.

Now compare it to power of something like Kaz's super TGF, Jin's EX Electric combo or Paul's Blue Deathfist and everyone can see that shit's not exactly fair across the board. It's not that these three are somehow weakass characters too.

I'm going against myself because I love these characters and don't want them to get hit by nerf stick. But at the same time it's hard not to admit this shit aint right.


The new console build looks MILES better than the build used in that Bob v Claudio we saw a while ago.

The IQ of the console version doesn't quite match the arcade version yet though (from what I can tell anyway) but there's still time for Bamco to hopefully even it out.


Wow the Switch seems to be kinda weakass in terms of power. Will it get a port of T7?

Well, they put Tekken into GBA and 3ds so anything goes I guess. But it runs on UE4 so...


Wow the Switch seems to be kinda weakass in terms of power. Will it get a port of T7?

Well, they put Tekken into GBA and 3ds so anything goes I guess. But it runs on UE4 so...

I mean, people are mainly complaining about the performance of the Switch in portable mode, which doesnt really make sense to me. Why would a console that will supposedly only cost $250 and is made by Nintendo of all companies, have a device that performs above the WiiU when running in portable mode?


I mean, people are mainly complaining about the performance of the Switch in portable mode, which doesnt really make sense to me. Why would a console that will supposedly only cost $250 and is made by Nintendo of all companies, have a device that performs above the WiiU when running in portable mode?

I don't know but people probably want the same performance in any mode. If portable is way weaker then stand alone what would that mean for the games? Very low resolution? Low framerate? Etc.

Likely it's not what people want.

I'm very courious how developers come around to this. Will games have 2 different configurations? Low spec - high spec? Or just: runs like shit - runs good. ect. It's going to be interesting.


I don't know but people probably want the same performance in any mode. If portable is way weaker then stand alone what would that mean for the games? Very low resolution? Low framerate? Etc.

Likely it's not what people want.

I'm very courious how developers come around to this. Will games have 2 different configurations? Low spec - high spec? Or just: runs like shit - runs good. ect. It's going to be interesting.

I mean, realistically speaking its just not possible to have X1/PS4 graphics on a portable device and maintain a $250 price point. Especially when that hardware manufacturer is Nintendo. Only thing they could do is underpower the entire thing so that there is no difference between docked/undocked mode.

I doubt the console will have heavy 3rd party support because of the docked/undocked differences. It'll be like the Wii/WiiU again.


Well, the games will show and sell this thing.

.....or not. Dreamcast had awesome games and Sega still managed to slit their own throats with it.

But if this thing has some fantastic Contra, original Tekken title(Tekken RPG?) or some badass Double Dragon game, I'm in. Deep. Mario and Zelda are fun anytime, just not a selling point for me.


I don't know but people probably want the same performance in any mode. If portable is way weaker then stand alone what would that mean for the games? Very low resolution? Low framerate? Etc.

Likely it's not what people want.

I'm very courious how developers come around to this. Will games have 2 different configurations? Low spec - high spec? Or just: runs like shit - runs good. ect. It's going to be interesting.

Actually you can run the GPU at the same clock speed in docked and portable mode. It's up to the developer. Battery life will suffer of course.
The configuration can be compared to development for PS4/PS4 Pro.
The Switch screen is 720p and the GPU is way more powerful that the Wii U's. I don't think the games will look all that bad.

Tekken Revolution is finally ending service completely on March 21, 2017.

I hope T7 will be out then.

T7 won't release any day earlier.

I wrote down some impressions in the FF XV OT, but nobody reads those apparently, so I'll just share them here as well :p


Tried to keep it as spoiler-free as possible.
There are some spoiler-tags here and there though.

Nice write up. Don't think it was spoilery. Got a good feel about the game, I think.

It's just way too late for me to get hyped up. That's the effect of waiting way too long for a game.

I'll slowly go through FF6, then maybe someday hype for XV will come back.

Versus XIII felt like it had a better atmosphere in concept trailer at least :p
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