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TGS 2015 Predictions & Discussion thread

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NinoKuni 2
Gravity Rush 2
SFV Reveals
Persona 5
TLG update

I feel a bit out of place being in the states sometimes but really connecting more with Japanese titles, anime, and Asian cultures in general. TGS is E3 for me baby, Japan stand up!


NinoKuni 2
Gravity Rush 2
SFV Reveals
Persona 5
TLG update

I feel a bit out of place being in the states sometimes but really connecting more with Japanese titles, anime, and Asian cultures in general. TGS is E3 for me baby, Japan stand up!

Rime is made from europeans, so I guess it will be shown at PGW


Can't belive there's still not a single press conference date...

If I had to guess, this coming week will definitely be when the conference will be announced (possibly on the 24th or the 25th), and it will take place in the week of September 7th (possibly on the 10th or 11th).
just makes me wonder. Why is Sony giving out the date for PGW and PSX months before, while TGS is 2-3 weeks away

Well, it's not entirely uncommon for Japanese conference dates to be announced much closer to their event than western dates. For example, last years gamescom was announced July 17th while the conference itself took place on August 12th. Last years TGS conference was announced on August 19th while the conference to place on September 1st. Another recent example would be the Dragon Quest conference, it was announced on July 23rd and took place on the 28th.
Well, it's not entirely uncommon for Japanese conference dates to be announced much closer to their event than western dates. For example, last years gamescom was announced July 17th while the conference itself took place on August 12th. Last years TGS conference was announced on August 19th while the conference to place on September 1st. Another recent example would be the Dragon Quest conference, it was announced on July 23rd and took place on the 28th.

hmm now that you say it, makes sense...Well i hope we get an date next week
Wow TGS is approaching fast. Other than a 2 month old tweet, Sony has barely acknowledged it.

silent Sony is best Sony

been this way for a very long time

Sony was so silent prior to E3 people were beginning to wonder if they had anything to show. Then they go out and have the best E3 ever. Same before Gamescom 2014 when they blew the roof off that place with tons of brand new titles.

Can't wait for TGS. Should be a fantastic showing. REALLY hope we get a ton of new DQXI info and videos and screens.
silent Sony is best Sony

been this way for a very long time

Sony was so silent prior to E3 people were beginning to wonder if they had anything to show. Then they go out and have the best E3 ever. Same before Gamescom 2014 when they blew the roof off that place with tons of brand new titles.

Can't wait for TGS. Should be a fantastic showing. REALLY hope we get a ton of new DQXI info and videos and screens.
Quoting to reiterate. Never forget.
TGS is where Sony Japan will rise

Gravity Rush 2
The Last Guardian
and another Mark Cerny Project??

Verendus said the big one was pretty far out right? I'm sure there's more than one, but Hmmm..I dunno, Japan studio is probably working on TLG/Gravity Rush non stop and maybe partnering with Level 5 on a JRPG. I think the big budget one is probably a 2017 title, this TGS might be kinda early.
Verendus said the big one was pretty far out right? I'm sure there's more than one, but Hmmm..I dunno, Japan studio is probably working on TLG/Gravity Rush non stop and maybe partnering with Level 5 on a JRPG. I think the big budget one is probably a 2017 title, this TGS might be kinda early.

yeah its just im a bit confused about that project and verendus hints right now.
He said he is expecting that AAA JRPG from Sony japan at an E3 Show since it is so big....then he also said JRPG1 and JRPG2 will get announced this year
maybe im mixing up something and those two are from Third Party Studios or maybe plans have changed

That Sony Japan project ?

Yeah exactly :) really wanna know, what it is
Hey guys. Just got my account activated. I'm hoping to see some more information about the new Nier game. The first one was such a great game with amazing music so I'm extremely excited for that.


I'm crossing my fingers for a Kingdom Hearts collection for the PS4/X1.

Aside from that, I want Persona 5 and DQXI news. And the obvious XV/KH3 stuff.


When is Sonys conference? Last year they had it a few weeks before TGS didn't they? Can't find any info on this year

Some Nobody

Junior Member
Verendus said the big one was pretty far out right? I'm sure there's more than one, but Hmmm..I dunno, Japan studio is probably working on TLG/Gravity Rush non stop and maybe partnering with Level 5 on a JRPG. I think the big budget one is probably a 2017 title, this TGS might be kinda early.

As I recall, Verendus said there would be 5 J-RPGs from Sony, but that was over the course of a generation.

Hints worth bringing up again:

I can't wait to match my post to the 108 Stars of Destiny? It's fate Psycho.

1. New Suikoden game in the works now. This one is very far off though as it's a recent thing as far as I know. I'd think 2016 is the earliest we start hearing stuff about it.

3. New Virtua Fighter game to come. (Don't get excited about this, he said it was a next year at the earliest thing).

4. Good news for some PC MGS fans, there are plans from the top to bring the HD collection to PC. Not that anyone isn't expecting that, I'm sure.

5. On the back of that, FFXII HD on current gen is basically confirmed at this point. As is one of the older Dragon Quest titles in HD (I've genuinely forgot which number though since it's been a while). In addition to that, there is a spin-off Final Fantasy title planned for consoles. Not big budget. Not FFX or FF7 in case people take it there. Not a traditional RPG either.

6. For you, thou shall bring a Xenosaga HD collection. I'm also looking forward to this as I've never played them. Took a whole lotta tryin' just to get up that hill. Now we're up in the big leagues, gettin' our turn at bat. As long as we live, it's you and me, baby.

7. You will start to hear about digital revivals of some old IPs in the next one to two years. Playstation and otherwise.

8. Another unnamed IP which is coming to Playstation exclusively from Sega should hopefully be announced next year. It's had teething issues which seems to be making it take longer than I thought, as have most other projects on current gen to be fair from the looks of it, but I'm happy to mention it again because it looks like we might finally get an announcement next year. I'm hoping at least. This one's not a fighting game.

10. Japanese new IP which is set in...Japan. Third person action adventure title with monsters and machines. Might have RPG elements, not too sure on that unfortunately. Futurisitic setting. Playstation exclusive.

Now for more something which is what you would say is a tease but actually makes perfect sense:

We should have news on all of the above over the coming 2 years I'd think. There's one or two "twists" here and there where one may not like what happens, but it's all true. I honestly think this is going to be an amazing generation.

And from the E3 2015 Predictions Thread:

Verendus said:
This is my wishlist from a while back. I've deleted games off it that I've talked about being in development in the past, and titles that people already know are in development (MM's new IP, GG's new IP, Gran Turismo etc.).

Here's the truth about this wishlist, when I posted it, about half of these games were probably going to show up at E3. Hence why I said in the post that I'll like E3 if even half of them show up. Now here's the thing, forget that. The when doesn't matter now. And that post is now meaningless with that kind of statement since I know what's happening generally, and the number doesn't fit due to some changes.

Instead, here's what I can tell you. All of the list is true, except for two games, which I can't vouch for. One of those games is actually coming to Nintendo, but that's second hand information, and I don't really know about it. The other hasn't even entered pre-production, and SCE is in talks about possibly getting something done with it. We'll have to see about that. But even without those two (and I won't say which two those are since if I do, I confirm something I don't want to), there's still a lot here.

I'll start you off. JRPG1 and JRPG2, which I've talked about several times, don't need any elaboration. You'll know both soon enough. JRPG3 is in pre-production at the moment, and is something that should appeal to fans. This will be announced in 2016, at the earliest, I would assume. They've only just started picking things up this year. JRPG4 is much further away. This will be a more significant title, but you're not hearing about this anytime soon. This is towards the end of the generation. JRPG5 is similar to a title that you already know about. Also, a late generation title.

That's your Sony exclusive JRPGs which SCEJ/A is going to be involved in some shape or form over the next five years. Nice, isn't it? I don't think you have to worry about any of them being cancelled. But don't expect to hear of the latter three anytime soon, but I'm sure it'll look more believable once JRPG1/JRPG2 are announced since those are up first, and hey, we're not that far now.

To ruin some SE stuff.

FF7 spin-off. Real. Not AAA, but it'll be good. No one is going to complain. Current gen. Square Enix crossover is PS4 exclusive. I don't mean Musou. New Parasite Eve is pretty straightforward. A new PE game.

Monster Hunter PS4, I think I was caught by Chobel in January when I posted it, and edited it. But it's been leaked from the looks of it anyway. That's your upcoming MH PS4 game. However, it's not the only one. SCEJ/A has been discussing with Capcom about bringing more Monster Hunter to PS4 for a while, and for the most part, the only thing I can say is things are looking pretty good on that front. Please be excited. Although, check your expectations a little if you're expecting some massive effort. We're just fitting in what exists, rather than trying to create something new.

All sounds like bullshit, doesn't it? That's good. If it sounds too believable, it'd be no fun.

So, there SHOULD be two J-RPGs making an appearance soon if he wasn't just yanking our chains.
My team and I are exhibiting in the Indie area this year, which means I get to go to TGS!! So De Mambo will 100% be there. Add it to the op! (I'm kidding although it would be awesome...)

I'm super hyped...

Does anyone know if Let it Die will be there? I need to meet Suda51 in person..


Man the lack of hype/news for TGS is really bothering me.

What do you mean? There's been plenty of news and hype lately. The SCEJA Press Conference was announced a few days ago, and Capcom and Square Enix's TGS lineup was announced last week. People can't just go at 110% discussing the same stuff forever. People were talking about how concerned they were for the supposed "lack of hype" for E3 2015 earlier this year too, and look at how that turned out.
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