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The Apple iPad | The Official Thread

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advertising firm Chitika earlier this week rolled out a running tally calculating the number of iPads accessing the Internet via the device's Safari browser based on unique hits to its network of advertisements. According to current tallies, over 500,000 iPads have now been sold.

Also can someone explain to me the significance of this, if there is any:


Done21 reports on the curious discovery of a new Web-based framework used in the iPad that allows web pages to behave in ways much more akin to native applications than previously observed. The framework, dubbed 'AdLib' by the report's author after the name of the file containing the code, was first noticed in action when navigating to Apple's iPad User Guide using the iPad's mobile version of Safari. It allows the user guide, which is simply a web page, to be offered in a split-pane view with scrollbars and with a native app-like feel.


Not sure if anyone's posted this, but Jim Lee (Co-Publisher of DC Comics, co-founder of Image Comics, world-famous artist) did this with Sketchbook Pro on the iPad in 80 minutes. Pretty cool, if you ask me:



Shogmaster said:
With the size and quality of the screen, and the solid aluminum back casing, no, it's not something you can sell for less than $400. But that's with Apple's "extras".

I'd hoped that it'd be somewhat obvious that me wanting iPad for $200 was a shtick on my part and not being serious... Having said that, the core hardware functionalities of the iPad can be done right now for less than $300 by someone else while making profit (not 50% margin like Apple, but still a working profit).

Oh, I remember it being tongue in cheek but i was a little annoyed that I was trolled that time. I read your whole damn post (it was rather lengthy) and then you threw that 200 dollar joke in there at the end and I threw my fist in the air and yelled "Shog, damn you!!!" /shake fist :lol

And, sure, the hardware can be duplicated. it's the software that's the big deal with this. i think the only two impressive hardware features of the ipad are the IPS screen and the bigass battery in the trunk. Everything else that has gotten people excited about it is software.

I am anxious to see how quickly the Android tablets ramp up the UI experience to be as polished as the ipad. I think Tobor is right that the Win Phone 7 UI is going to be the biggest competitor to the iPad in providing a really consumer friendly and eye-grabbing UI
Thanks for the tip on getting Articles. It's now my first iPad app (that I cannot use :p).

I can see myself spending quite a bit before I even pick up the damn thing!
Fuck man. The how it does what it does is sooooooo good on this thing. Classic Apple quality. I just wish the what is does was more netbookish and useful : (

Fuck man. I want to love it and buy it, but i cant even trick myself into thinking its justified. Its a weird feeling to want something, but not want it. Anyone know what i mean?



Gamer @ Heart said:
Fuck man. The how it does what it does is sooooooo good on this thing. Classic Apple quality. I just wish the what is does was more netbookish and useful : (

Fuck man. I want to love it and buy it, but i cant even trick myself into thinking its justified. Its a weird feeling to want something, but not want it. Anyone know what i mean?


girl-age thread in disguise


StrikerObi said:
A choice had to be made. Respect the pixels or respect the art. I chose to keep everything in view rather than keeping the pixels perfect but losing some (important areas) of the art.
It's pixel art. The pixels ARE the art.

I'm not going to tell you how to enjoy someone else's art, but as a pixel artist myself, my greatest pet peeve is anything which gets in the way of appreciating the position of every single pixel on the screen. If I were to make that image my background, I'd blow it up x2 and just make multiple backgrounds that were switched out occasionally.

By the way, who is the artist? Looks like Army of Trolls' handiwork. (EDIT: Yep, looks like it).



Been using this thing since saturday and haven't had the need to even turn on my laptop. Perfect for couch computing and getting tasks done anywhere in my house. It really is a good addition for anyone who lugs their laptop around their house or only has one computer in the house. Now my wife can use this instead of my laptop when I'm working. :D
Viewt said:
Not sure if anyone's posted this, but Jim Lee (Co-Publisher of DC Comics, co-founder of Image Comics, world-famous artist) did this with Sketchbook Pro on the iPad in 80 minutes. Pretty cool, if you ask me:


Stunning. =D


Junior Member
PSGames said:
Can Pages owners PLEASE go to the app store and complain about no menu in landscape mode? It's inexcusable to have to constantly rotate the device just to insert a bullet point, insert a tab or alter any text. Such a huge oversight.

Bump for new page.

Thanks for all that have complained. Hopefully if we make enough stink we can get them to change this!
LCfiner said:
Oh, I remember it being tongue in cheek but i was a little annoyed that I was trolled that time. I read your whole damn post (it was rather lengthy) and then you threw that 200 dollar joke in there at the end and I threw my fist in the air and yelled "Shog, damn you!!!" /shake fist :lol

I was SOOOOooo sincere in that post! *tear*

And, sure, the hardware can be duplicated. it's the software that's the big deal with this. i think the only two impressive hardware features of the ipad are the IPS screen and the bigass battery in the trunk. Everything else that has gotten people excited about it is software.

I agree with you up to a point on this. The biggest accomplishment of iPad for me personally, is that it showed me without question that the time has come where you can actually accomplish very impressive and usable software with ARM processors. It's definitely the first product to show the potential of none X86 environment that is more than a mere toy. And all they did was to clock up a Cortex A8 to 1GHz. With legacy free software, you can get what was considered a baseline desktop performance only a few years back. Ironically, after experiencing iPad in action, I can believe those Courier videos much more now.

Where you and I have to part is the thinking that iPad's performance magic on Apple's software is something that can't be easily replicated by others. I think it's much easier than you think. Even the likes of HTC is able to do some impressive front end UI stuff with far less impressive hardware than Cortex A8, and that riding on top of someone else's OS that is really long in the tooth and with years of legacy crap weighing it down. E.g.: my Touch Pro 2 has some nice UI stuff going on thanks you HTC's TouchFLO.

With someone taking some actual time and decent effort, you will see similarly slick OS on these competing devices sooner than later. Sure, they won't have the equivalent of the App Store, but they can always tap Android's marketplace. It doesn't have to be 1:1 equal experience since they will be selling their devices for far less. They just have to get close.

I am anxious to see how quickly the Android tablets ramp up the UI experience to be as polished as the ipad. I think Tobor is right that the Win Phone 7 UI is going to be the biggest competitor to the iPad in providing a really consumer friendly and eye-grabbing UI

Fancy UI is nice, and they will get there sooner than later, but I think a far lower price point will do bigger wonders for sales for these kinds of consumption toys IMO.


Gamer @ Heart said:
Fuck man. The how it does what it does is sooooooo good on this thing. Classic Apple quality. I just wish the what is does was more netbookish and useful : (
What does it do sooooo good? Finger tracking??


Shogmaster said:
I was SOOOOooo sincere in that post! *tear*

I agree with you up to a point on this. The biggest accomplishment of iPad for me personally, is that it showed me without question that the time has come where you can actually accomplish very impressive and usable software with ARM processors. It's definitely the first product to show the potential of none X86 environment that is more than a mere toy. And all they did was to clock up a Cortex A8 to 1GHz. With legacy free software, you can get what was considered a baseline desktop performance only a few years back. Ironically, after experiencing iPad in action, I can believe those Courier videos much more now.

Where you and I have to part is the thinking that iPad's performance magic on Apple's software is something that can't be easily replicated by others. I think it's much easier than you think. Even the likes of HTC is able to do some impressive front end UI stuff with far less impressive hardware than Cortex A8, and that riding on top of someone else's OS that is really long in the tooth and with years of legacy crap weighing it down. E.g.: my Touch Pro 2 has some nice UI stuff going on thanks you HTC's TouchFLO.

With someone taking some actual time and decent effort, you will see similarly slick OS on these competing devices sooner than later. Sure, they won't have the equivalent of the App Store, but they can always tap Android's marketplace. It doesn't have to be 1:1 equal experience since they will be selling their devices for far less. They just have to get close.

Fancy UI is nice, and they will get there sooner than later, but I think a far lower price point will do bigger wonders for sales for these kinds of consumption toys IMO.

Nice post. as for the bolded, to be clear, I don't think Apple has done anything magical with the performance (speed) that can't be replicated. the hardware is nothing exotic. I think that the UI is something that will be harder for other devs to replicate.

so, it's not performance, but user experience that I think the Android phones will lag behind. Maybe a year. maybe, if they're really really taking it seriously, in 6 months. maybe longer than a year if they feel they can win on price and push something out quickly

But, yeah, I wont discount the possibility that 300 dollar tablets that aren't pieces of shit could do very well in the next couple years. I admit that I am doubtful (that they won't be pieces of shit), but that stems from the recent history with the iPhone and other smartphones. It took some time before the fundamental iPhone experience could be imitated reliably by Android and Win phone 7 isn't shipping till this fall (i do like the Win Phone 7 a lot from what Ive seen, tho)


Gruber just posted his bigass post on the ipad.


some healthy criticism of the screen res and how it makes text kinda jaggy compared to the iPhone, the USB tethering process and the iWork document revisioning problem which sounds HORRIBLE. (I haven't bought those apps yet - I may just use google docs for everything)


Shogmaster said:
Where you and I have to part is the thinking that iPad's performance magic on Apple's software is something that can't be easily replicated by others. I think it's much easier than you think.

Really ???

Has any other company produced a touchscreen OS as responsive as the iPhone/iPod's ? (I seriously don't know, I am genuinely asking). Last I read about the Nexus One was that there is many a tap that goes unregistered. Perhaps not due to the touchscreen itself, but to software lag, as there is no tactile feedback to register a tap.

I suspect it will be some time before people like HP catch up to the iPad. Even their computer simulation of what the Slate's coverflow style browser would look like was janky!
LCfiner said:
Nice post. as for the bolded, to be clear, I don't think Apple has done anything magical with the performance (speed) that can't be replicated. the hardware is nothing exotic. I think that the UI is something that will be harder for other devs to replicate.

so, it's not performance, but user experience that I think the Android phones will lag behind. Maybe a year. maybe, if they're really really taking it seriously, in 6 months. maybe longer than a year if they feel they can win on price and push something out quickly

But, yeah, I wont discount the possibility that 300 dollar tablets that aren't pieces of shit could do very well in the next couple years. I admit that I am doubtful (that they won't be pieces of shit), but that stems from the recent history with the iPhone and other smartphones. It took some time before the fundamental iPhone experience could be imitated reliably by Android and Win phone 7 isn't shipping till this fall (i do like the Win Phone 7 a lot from what Ive seen, tho)

I think MS and other big heavies (Google themselves maybe? Palm?) will get there before the 3rd parties, but they will charge close to iPad prices. In the case of Courier, it can easily be justified, with different abilities and different mission statement. Soon after that will be the 3rd party "who is this?" guys that will do the half the price but good enough experience knock offs and make these things much more easy sell to than just Apple fans. I will definitely get one of those since it's nice to have a "throw away" device when I don't need or want to have my Tablet PC or Courier handy. Maybe on the toilet. ;)


LCfiner said:
Gruber just posted his bigass post on the ipad.


some healthy criticism of the screen res and how it makes text kinda jaggy compared to the iPhone, the USB tethering process and the iWork document revisioning problem which sounds HORRIBLE. (I haven't bought those apps yet - I may just use google docs for everything)
Awesome, instapapered for work. ;)


Shogmaster said:

I think MS and other big heavies (Google themselves maybe? Palm?) will get there before the 3rd parties, but they will charge close to iPad prices. In the case of Courier, it can easily be justified, with different abilities and different mission statement. Soon after that will be the 3rd party "who is this?" guys that will do the half the price but good enough experience knock offs and make these things much more easy sell to than just Apple fans. I will definitely get one of those since it's nice to have a "throw away" device when I don't need or want to have my Tablet PC or Courier handy. Maybe on the toilet. ;)
You're right except for two points. Apple isn't limited to Apple fans with the iPad, and the knockoffs won't be good enough in some key areas, like media integration, app support, and overall user friendliness.
Tobor said:
You're right except for two points. Apple isn't limited to Apple fans with the iPad, and the knockoffs won't be good enough in some key areas, like media integration, app support, and overall user friendliness.

And it is not like Apple will sit around and be stagnant while the others play catch up. There will be interfaces that come out that do more and are snazzier, then Apple will counter with something out of left field, and the cycle begins again.


Not an asshole.
quick writeup on iMockups for iPad on the blog

While the app is clearly intended to use for web and mobile app design, who’s to say it couldn’t easily be expanded to be useful for a broader range of creative purposes? It would be a dream to use for game UI design, level design, and so on and so forth.

I invested in the app because I believe in it’s potential, but I know off the top of my head four or five individuals who would view iMockups as a killer app for the iPad once it realizes that potential
Tobor said:
You're right except for two points. Apple isn't limited to Apple fans with the iPad, and the knockoffs won't be good enough in some key areas, like media integration, app support, and overall user friendliness.

PhoncipleBone said:
And it is not like Apple will sit around and be stagnant while the others play catch up. There will be interfaces that come out that do more and are snazzier, then Apple will counter with something out of left field, and the cycle begins again.

Like I said, they don't have to give you 1:1 experience. They just have to get close. Remember that they will be undercutting the cost of iPads by decent margin.

Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
It's taken two decades for Linux to still not catch up to Windows.

And it only took IBM PC a year to overtake Apple. Am I doing it right?


Making an Ipad case. I'm going to make my own case after seeing this idea. I mean I did learn everything I need to know in kindergarten after all.

So how about some ideas? I'm going to be looking at some desktop picture frames to use to make a case. Perhaps some sheet metal with a fabric/vinyl lining, and a built in stand-just need a Dremel tool and a rivet tool. Perhaps a plastic embroidery frame:


LK and Shog are using different criteria here.

IBM PC overtook Apple marketshare quickly but linux UI quality hasn't surpassed Windows or Mac OS quality yet.


Shogmaster said:
Like I said, they don't have to give you 1:1 experience. They just have to get close. Remember that they will be undercutting the cost of iPads by decent margin.

And it only took IBM PC a year to overtake Apple. Am I doing it right?

Right, but you said it yourself, these are consumption devices, and Apple has consumption nailed. "Getting close" didn't cut it in MP3 players, and I don't think it will cut it here either.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Btw, Shog, by all rights you should still be banned for being your antagonistic self @ Vennt when he was just doing his moderation thing, but in the spirit of anti-Apple sentiment I had to bring you back. I know it's pointless to say, but, you know, try to be civil with mods...it's the only thing that gets you banned over and over again.
Technosteve said:
when google floods the market with cheap netbook, tablets running Chrome. The padawan leaner will become the jedi master
entirely possible. but it's all about timing. a Fall release is ideal. wait too much longer and you risk losing the mindshare. even if your product is superior (Droid/Nexus One).
Tobor said:
Right, but you said it yourself, these are consumption devices, and Apple has consumption nailed. "Getting close" didn't cut it in MP3 players, and I don't think it will cut it here either.
indeed, they'll need to come with something unique and powerful...with its own killer apps that you can't get on the competitions' hardware.

why does this remind me of the console wars? iPad is akin to a gaming console in philosophical approach, as will the Android-based systems will. Differentiating factors will be necessary for all the same reasons.

how interesting, the mobile computing market has suddenly become.


Dreams-Visions said:
indeed, they'll need to come with something unique and powerful...with its own killer apps that you can't get on the competitions' hardware.

why does this remind me of the console wars? iPad is akin to a gaming console in philosophical approach, as will the Android-based systems will. Differentiating factors will be necessary for all the same reasons.

how interesting, the mobile computing market has suddenly become.

I think it's fair to say that the mobile market is the only market that's really interesting. it's the wild west and there's real fierce competition and new designs and UI experimentation and i think it's really exciting.
Sentry said:
Decided to iPad-ify a ton of my desktop wallpapers, might as well share them (click for the full album);
Sorry for the huge post.. If you'd like a landscape version of any specific wallpaper let me know.

Is there any way you can make a .zip with all of those? They're stunning.

edit: is there a way so that they can be 1024x1024 and work in both orientations?
EviLore said:
Btw, Shog, by all rights you should still be banned for being your antagonistic self @ Vennt when he was just doing his moderation thing, but in the spirit of anti-Apple sentiment I had to bring you back. I know it's pointless to say, but, you know, try to be civil with mods...it's the only thing that gets you banned over and over again.
I am always civil with mods as long as they don't get abusive or get hell bent just picking on me for being me. That's where Vennt pissed me off, you know? I just came off of a BS 3 month ban from him, and then he warned me again for just being good at taking the anti Apple stance. Some may try to dismiss that as "trolling", but everything I said had a good point backing up the posts (or otherwise, I wouldn't even bother posting).

Anyways, don't worry about me. I am not "trolling" Apple threads just for shits and giggles, nor picking fights with mods (even with Vennt, I was just standing up for myself, not trying to pick fights). I am actually interested in this stuff! :)

LCfiner said:
LK and Shog are using different criteria here.

IBM PC overtook Apple marketshare quickly but linux UI quality hasn't surpassed Windows or Mac OS quality yet.

I never said that the 3rd party knock off will best iPad's UI quality. I just said they have to get "close".
I have come to appreciate Shog in this thread. Not only does he make it more lively and entertaining, he also can put forth good points without being an asshole.


NeoGaf-Gold™ Member
This whole apple fanboy argument is funny to me - I bought an Ipad and love it, and I am in no way, shape or form an apple fanboy or even a fan of most of their products. I find them to be needlessly expensive, and I dislike the closed system approach. In fact, I have never owned any sort of apple product beyond an iphone and an ipad. HOWEVER, I think it is very short sighted to dismiss the iPad as some sort of apple fanboy device.
LovingSteam said:
I have come to appreciate Shog in this thread. Not only does he make it more lively and entertaining, he also can put forth good points without being an asshole.
See? I'm contributing! ^_^
Thanks dude. What was your Paypal ID again? :'D
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