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The Division Downgrade?

PC version can look like this.

PC Version of The Division could look like the 2013 reveal too. That means nothing.

They aren't going to release 2 versions with wildly different assets\geometry. So whatever we see on those screenshots is probably going to be dumbed down to the lowest common denominator.
Yeah...I noticed. Seems just as big as WD to me. Compare what they showed last year at the Xbone conference to this year. This is a big difference. To be honest, while I think the detail is quite impressive, I dont think the game overall is particularly pleasing. Distant detail looks pretty low quality and I found it pretty noticible.


It has been a hot minute since a downgrade thread. I don't think after Watch Dogs anyone believed The Division looked legit.
There's literally no excuse, absolutely none. No bullshit 'game development changes' nothing — Bathesda showed how it's done, they've proved it can be done. Ubisoft did it on purpose to deceive the audience, they should get shit for it and will for as long as they continue doing it. Fuck that publisher.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I'm surprised everyone is so flippant about it. I totally understand games in development are games in development and I'm fine with that, but I don't even really feel the first "footage" of this game is even near representative of what they just showed. I don't think they need to have special disclosure or something similar, I just feel that this is really quite a miss and I don't think you can go LOL UBISHIT and laugh it off. Obviously things change and I do not mind at all. But yikes that is quite a change.

Then again, I think many people knew on day 1 that what they showed was not and could not be representative.


It does look worse, but it might just be because its more grey and bleak looking. The snow is a lot heavier in the 2015 footage.


Is it possible that Massive were actually demoing the console version? The footage from 2013 is likely running on a very high-end PC being played with a analog controller. This is common practice for the industry anyways.


Self professed bad raider
There's literally no excuse, absolutely none. No bullshit 'game development changes' nothing — Bathesda showed how it's done, they've proved it can be done. Ubisoft did it on purpose to deceive the audience, they should get shit for it and will for as long as they continue doing it. Fuck that publisher.

They don't need an excuse. When you show a game five years before release, it's implied that it may change during development.

I'm not 100% sure they're quaking in their boots about "getting shit for it" from the 0.001% of gamers who've ever heard the term downgrade.

Evo X

Hey guys! Found some exclusive behind the scenes shots of the retail version of Ghost Recon: Wildlands.



People should stop talking about it. It's not a big deal. If y'all are so worried about it then get a super expensive high-end PC and you're "downgrade" experiences will be minor.

Or be like normal, sane people and just play games that are good as they are released.

This constant coverage culture is getting tiresome.

E3 2013 is when I first saw this and at the time I was so naive I preordered a PS4 cause I thought that is what next gen would look like. Of course now I know better and won't get fooled again but it just goes to show that people who are not into following every aspect of the gaming industry see this stuff and believe that that is the product they will be getting.


Nothing new for Ubisoft. They lie, people buy.

It's why I didn't include Ghost Recon in the 'E3 2015 graphics' thread. Because it's another lie.


Self professed bad raider
I'm surprised everyone is so flippant about it. I totally understand games in development are games in development and I'm fine with that, but I don't even really feel the first "footage" of this game is even near representative of what they just showed. I don't think they need to have special disclosure or something similar, I just feel that this is really quite a miss and I don't think you can go LOL UBISHIT and laugh it off. Obviously things change and I do not mind at all. But yikes that is quite a change.

Then again, I think many people knew on day 1 that what they showed was not and could not be representative.

Pretty much. Unless you're preordering games three years out (and please please stop if you are) I'm not sure what tangible effect this has on anything.


It's sad. Not only will it be downgraded for consoles, but pc's won't get the 2013 version either.

Unless someone hacks the game like watchdogs and ubi leaves all the 2013 assets in there somewhere lol.

Not unexpected tbh.
Is it possible that Massive were actually demoing the console version? The footage from 2013 is likely running on a very high-end PC being played with a analog controller. This is common practice for the industry anyways.

Yeah.... so? These days I have no expectations that the PC version is going to be pushing wildly different lighting and geometry. Just look at how much time Rockstar needed to polish up GTA5 to be worthy of PC. Meanwhile just about every other game to come out on PC and consoles has looked pretty damn similar.

I mean obviously the 2013 demo was running on a high-end PC, but most likely they've had to optimize the shit out of the game since then for consoles, and the PC version is going to have those same optimizations.
I'm surprised everyone is so flippant about it. I totally understand games in development are games in development and I'm fine with that, but I don't even really feel the first "footage" of this game is even near representative of what they just showed. I don't think they need to have special disclosure or something similar, I just feel that this is really quite a miss and I don't think you can go LOL UBISHIT and laugh it off. Obviously things change and I do not mind at all. But yikes that is quite a change.

Then again, I think many people knew on day 1 that what they showed was not and could not be representative.

I feel like it's a pretty big fucking downgrade, to the point I am blown away by anyone in this thread using the word "if" or thinking it's a simple time of day or area change. But, I'm not really pissed since the game is so far off and they're showing more realistic footage now. As long as they don't keep using that old bullshit footage to sell the game, I'm alright with the situation, I guess.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Youtube compression does'nt do any good to the game either, this walkthrough looks a lot better that every video out there.

This, not to mention that this is the first time that we're seeing console footage, all of the other demos so far have been on pc. But of course everyone is going to use compressed youtube footage and stream quality as an indication of a downgrade. Like always. And the entire e3 demo took place inside a dark zone, which by the looks of it, isn't anywhere near as sunny as what we've seen before.
Who cares about The Division, Ghost Recon is the new hotness.

I can't wait for next E3 when Ubisoft reveals Watch Dogs 2, which will blow the downgraded Ghost Recon out of the water.

Of course none of that will compare to E3 2017 when The Division 2: Long Division obliterates WD2.
I don't understand how people can be OK with this. It's false advertisement.

I bitched and moaned about the Witcher 3 downgrade for months. And yet here I am blown away by what we were finally given.

That said.... I was always going to get The Witcher 3 because I love the series and it's my kind of game. I may have purchased The Division if the visuals really looked amazing just because I'm somewhat of a graphics whore
*pets Titan-X*
. But now... I have no interest :p

But if Ghost Recon gets hit with a downgrade stick of similar size... I'll be pretty disappointed. Because that actually looks like a game I'd play.

This, not to mention that this is the first time that we're seeing console footage, all of the other demos so far have been on pc. But of course everyone is going to use compressed youtube footage and stream quality as an indication of a downgrade. Like always. And the entire e3 demo took place inside a dark zone, which by the looks of it, isn't anywhere near as sunny as what we've seen before.

You know.... I can look at a highly compressed youtube video of the 2013 demo and still determine that it looks incredible. So I'm pretty sure I can trust my eyes when I look at a highly compressed youtube video of the 2015 demo and think that it looks.... not so hot.
This, not to mention that this is the first time that we're seeing console footage, all of the other demos so far have been on pc. But of course everyone is going to use compressed youtube footage and stream quality as an indication of a downgrade. Like always.

Well, i think the game has been downgraded, how badly? well, we need more footage with this kind of quality to judge i guess.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
PC version can look like this.

It won't, though, because it's not just texture downgrades.

I don't understand how people can be OK with this. It's false advertisement.

The game is still quite a way out and they're already showing the more realistic graphical quality. You can't call it false advertising yet.
I don't understand how people can be OK with this. It's false advertisement.

How? Did you really assume that a version of the game years before its release was the final model? It's false advertisement when they say, "This is the final game. We can't wait to ship it out to you." Watch Dogs was false advertisement. Dark Souls 2 was false advertisement. The Division is in no way false advertisement because YOU HAVEN'T BOUGHT THE DAMN THING YET. And if you pre-ordered it based on footage years before a release date was set, then you have no one to blame but yourself.


Self professed bad raider
I don't understand how people can be OK with this. It's false advertisement.

See here's where you lose me. I don't consider showing something years and years before release to an audience of enthusiasts to be advertising, at least not the kind that needs to be legally protected.

If they showed a commercial (TV, website, or whatever) using the old footage at any point from here to release, I'd be furious and boycott the game.


I think 2014 footage was high setting PC footage, this year was some blurry sub 1080p level stuff. 2013 was total target render nonsense. I'm of the opinion companies should still get called out on it after the first reveal unless it specifically says it's running on real hardware. The "oh not again" types of shit posts can fuck right off.


This, not to mention that this is the first time that we're seeing console footage, all of the other demos so far have been on pc. But of course everyone is going to use compressed youtube footage and stream quality as an indication of a downgrade. Like always. And the entire e3 demo took place inside a dark zone, which by the looks of it, isn't anywhere near as sunny as what we've seen before.

While I do not think that the downgrade is really mind numbingly awful at this point:

Just off the cuff, I vaguely recall the original reveal footage as being shown under the guise of PS4 footage. Please correct me if I am mistaken. That initial footage is also being compared under the lens of the youtube compression.
lol Ubisoft. Haven't they learned?

What were they supposed to do, cancel the game instead of moving forward because they couldn't reach their target/concept they pitched?

If they change this practice of showing in-engine, carefully orchestrated 'demos', it'll have to start say with a game they are showing off this year or so in order to demonstrate what they learn. If they ever do that is. Didn't see their (or anyone other than Bethesda's) conference to say whether or not any of their reveals demonstrate a more restrained hand.
I'm surprised everyone is so flippant about it. I totally understand games in development are games in development and I'm fine with that, but I don't even really feel the first "footage" of this game is even near representative of what they just showed. I don't think they need to have special disclosure or something similar, I just feel that this is really quite a miss and I don't think you can go LOL UBISHIT and laugh it off. Obviously things change and I do not mind at all. But yikes that is quite a change.

Then again, I think many people knew on day 1 that what they showed was not and could not be representative.

Yeah, I remember thinking exactly this when I watched the reveal, so it doesn't come off as much of a surprise to me. This is probably what's happening, but it's absolutely worth discussing, especially given how stark the differences are.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Well, i think the game has been downgraded, how badly? well, we need more footage with this kind of quality to judge i guess.
Well like with Unity I don't count "console footage doesn't look as good as pc footage" as a downgrade. Especially since we don't know what the current pc build looks like. We do however need more footage. We've all seen how much TOD can affect visuals as well.

While I do not think that the downgrade is really mind numbingly awful at this point:

Just off the cuff, I vaguely recall the original reveal footage as being shown under the guise of PS4 footage. Please correct me if I am mistaken. That initial footage is also being compared under the lens of the youtube compression.
Well, that most certainly isn't true, Microsoft always had the marketing deal. Also, found some downgraded footage of the e3 2013 demo btw. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OlDAuOyj9FM<----This tells you all you need to know about how reliable youtube footage is for comparisons.


I'm shocked.

What sucks is that any reveal I see now I think it's bullshit and expect the actual game to look a lot worse.
It's fucking pathetic that so many people are fine with letting this practice slide.

Ubisoft had a fucking department set up to doctor pre-release images into bullshots.

How is this okay with any of you? How? Why are you just accepting this practice?

It's fucking ridiculous and insulting.
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